#cpc Bernadette
almond-tofu-chan · 8 months
Wasn’t able to fully participate in CPC Week, but here’s a bunch of doodles!
Jamie in a dress kilt + other doodles
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Baby monochrome siblings- I like to imagine they have at least some happy memories together
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And finally some miscellaneous doodles of my fave background characters, shout-out to my Rarest Pair
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cpcposting · 1 year
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Wrote about the best girl in CPC, Princess Bernadette (and her friend lol) :) Whaaa they deserve content too!
Read the chapter on archive, quotev, wattpad
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randomgentlefolk · 3 months
Do you suppose Prince Blaine found the Cursed Princess Club?
Do you mean like the place or the people(club)?
Because if it's the place then, he's already there lol XD he fell to Nell's tent, so he should be at Cpc's backyard. But! I don't think he knows what place that is. Perhaps he did pass by some of the club members though! Like Renee, Abbi, Nell, Jolie, Bernadette, Sally, Deianeira and others!
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cornus27florida · 8 months
Day 2 Cursed Blessing
I contributing by source of not a fic nor art/edit, merely drabbles. I like to pointing out how canon character's curses actually their blessing in curse, also intake that pastel siblings blessing could be their curse!
Special mention to @cpcposting because I borrowed their quote fic as following
"The worst kind of curse is the one you foolishly believe is a blessing." -IHF, 2023
+ "Sometime curse could be blessing in fortunate time" -me
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Cursed Blessing! I like the take of both which same name as this webtoon https://www.webtoons.com/id/romantic-fantasy/cursed-blessing/list?title_no=2298 I think this intake could be both the blessings, like what fairies give to Aurora of Sleeping Beauty, is actually cursed or the reverse which is `the intake that curses of CPC members actually useful``
Maria: when she's still toddler, animals kinda nipping her too hard to the point she's get hurt so she learns to become calmer to avoid incident
Lorena: growing flowers used to be huge to the point those fell on her, she's growing stronger to withstand them
Jamie: he's the reason that baby Gwen feels 'glowy' and he could 'read' people thoughts good since baby=he could feel how Leelathae mood by her breastfeeding him - when the Pastel queen feels sad, he sparkles to cheering her up
Gwen: like Souma Yukihira from food wars, she already hold knife to cook since 3 years old - and the moment Leelathae passed away she began simple cooking like making fruit salads which Jamie eats thus began the twin duo eat-cook
+ HC that Plaid princes is blessee with the following words which actually become their 'curse' which are;
Frederick, endurance = falling a lot and being unlucky in streaks
Lance, strengh = lacking confidence in himself
Blaine, fame = fear of falling and failing in things
CPC members curses as blessings;
Abbi: always taken seriously because older appearance
Syrah: lie detector because lier herself!
Monika: could fly as a bird! Epic spy!!
Prez: crafting spider silk crafts, epic as were-spider if gaining her sanity when transforms
Aurelia: picking any locks, attack merely w/ spit
Renée: attacking with frog vomit
Whitney: heightened senses including sensing someone's feeling!
Saffron: the cursed hand know best ~ protecting him from sneak attack and the cupid shipper
Nell: able to foresee future is neat, could prepare
Jolie: unlimited, limitless, two pockets in head!!!
Thermidora: lonster pincer/claws so powerful!
Sally: highly sensitive skin, so better at sensing
Deaneira: want to pranking men? Simply talk!
Bernadette: roleplaying, or picking things high up
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respuestasgoogleads · 4 years
Respuestas Busqueda 2
11.- Bernadette está encargada del mercadeo de un nuevo producto en un segmento altamente competitivo. Ella planea lanzar una campaña de Búsqueda en Google como parte de su estrategia general. ¿Qué valor puede ser reconocido al lanzar una campaña de Búsqueda en Google?
Los usuarios recibirán anuncios cuando estén físicaente cerca de cualquiera de los locales de Bernadette.
Traerá un mejor rango de posicionamiento al sitio web de Bernadette
Los anuncios de la campaña de Bernadette aparecerán en medios de comunicación tradicionales de contenido relacionado.
Su negocio tendrá una presencia competitiva con negocios similares durante las búsquedas.
12.- Trevor es dueño de una fábrica que manufactura equipo de escalamiento y senderismo. Él es un pequeño comerciante en el mercado, pero está listo para aumentar su negocio.¿Qué tipo de campaña de Google Ads debiera utilizar Trevor para incrementar la exposición de su marca y alcanzar a audiencias interesadas en senderismo y escalamiento en la web?
13.- Un entusiasta del golf ve vídeos instructivos sobre golf regularmente, y recientemente ha buscado los mejores palos de golf en Google.com, y ha buscado canchas de golf en Google Maps.¿Qué tipo de audiencias de búsqueda buscaría este individuo?
Audiencias similares para Búsqueda.
Audiencias de en el mercado.
Datos demográficos detallados.
Audiencias afines.
14.- Rina advierte que su costo por clic promedio (CPC) es significativamente más alto que el del punto de referencia de la industria. Pero ella no observa mejoras en el posicionamiento de sus anuncios.¿Qué es lo que ella potencialmente debiera hacer para obtener un posicionamiento más alto?
Reducir el número de grupos de anuncios.
Aumentar el número de grupos de anuncios.
Igualar la puja a la de la referencia de la industria.
Mejorar el nivel de calidad de los anuncios.
15.-  ¿Qué dos tipos de extensiones también pueden ser utilizadas como extensiones automatizadas? (Elija dos).Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas.
Extensiones de llamada.
Extensiones de promoción
Extensiones de vínculos a sitios
Extensiones de ubicación.
Extensiones de texto destacado
16.- Carlton maneja una compañía de excursiones de aventura en América del Sur. Él desea incrementar el número de personas que reservan sus tours. ¿Qué actividad llevará potenciales clientes a la compañía de Carlton a través de los anuncios de Búsqueda de Google?
Mirar vídeos online sobre América del Sur.
Revisando los requerimientos para pasaportes para América del Sur.
Buscando destinos de vacaciones online.
Buscando sitios de actividades de aventura.
17.-  Samira recientemente abrió un negocio de plantas en maceta y necesita promoverlo. Ella eligió Google Ads porque ofrece a los anunciantes diferentes tipos de campañas que determinan donde aparecerán los anuncios y el formato que tendrán cuando sean mostrados.¿Qué tipo de campaña la ayudará a alcanzar a la audiencia más valiosa?
Campañas de Shopping, que promueven sus productos al proveer a los consumidores  información detallada de lo que ella vende antes que estos hagan clic en los anuncios.
Campañas de redes sociales, que exhiben sus productos a los usuarios al tiempo que navegan por sus plataformas favoritas de redes sociales.
Campañas de aplicaciones, las que pueden incrementar el compromiso, instalación de aplicaciones, e inclusive acciones en las aplicaciones como comprar sus productos
Campañas de TV, las que promueven sus productos directamente a los consumidores mientras están mirando sus programas favoritos en canales o por cable.
18.- Francine está publicando el nuevo software de edición de vídeos de su compañía y productos relacionados. Ella sabe que una buena práctica es crear entre 3-5 anuncios en cada uno de sus Grupos de Anuncios.¿Por qué Google realiza esta recomendación?
Más anuncios en un grupo de anuncios significa tasas de rebote más bajas en las landings.
Más anuncios en un grupo de anuncios incrementan las chances de mostrar más de un anuncio por subasta.
Más anuncios en un grupo de anuncios significa más opciones de éxito por subasta.
Más anuncios en un grupo de anuncios significa que recibirán un nivel de calidad más alto.
19.- Trina está utilizando pujas automatizadas como parte de su estrategia de pujas en Búsqueda en Google Ads.¿Por qué debiera ella preferir la puja automatizada?
El machine learning seleccionará las palabras clave utilizadas para mostrar sus anuncios a los usuarios.
El machine learning seleccionará una programación de anuncios sin su intervención
La segmentación de ubicación geográfica no es decidida por el machine learning
El machine learning ayuda a establecer la puja apropiada para todas y cada una de las subastas.
20.- Asam está aprendiendo la Red de Búsqueda de Google Ads. Él desea saber por qué un agente de marketing pudiera utilizar extensiones de texto destacado.¿Para qué actividad son beneficiosas las extensiones de texto destacado más?
Proveer a los potenciales clientes la posibilidad de llamar á un comercio directamente desde el anuncio.
Dar a los potenciales clientes la posibilidad de contactar al comercio a través de un mensaje de texto.
Permitir a los usuarios que naveguen por páginas específicas directamente desde un anuncio.
Resaltar información vital y puntos de venta únicos de un negocio.
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
A 'return to normal' for Nova Scotia after federal vote
Nova Scotians are digesting the results of a federal election that didn't change much for the country.
"The government did not deserve a majority and the other parties had some shortcomings," says voter John Dalziel.
For resident Dawn Belliveau, the result didn't seem worth the effort.
"It seemed that it was very rushed," she says, "it seemed that is was unnecessary."
Necessary or not, the results at the polls mean the Liberals lost two seats in the province – including one held by a prominent member of federal cabinet.
The riding of Cumberland-Colchester County returned to its traditional Tory roots, with Liberal incumbent Lenore Zann defeated by family doctor Stephen Ellis.
Healthcare had been a key issue in the provincial election, and Dr. Ellis said at his campaign event election night that he heard those concerns during his campaign.
"People are tired of not having a family physician and we know that primary care backs up our emergency rooms and backs up our ambulance service as well," he says.
But political science professor Tom Bickerton doesn't think the Conservative's platform on healthcare was the deciding factor.
Bickerton says the Conservative win in Cumberland-Colchester was likely more about appealing to the area's well-established Tory base.
"This time out, they had a leader who's more centrist," says Bickerton, "it made those traditionally progressive voters more comfortable voting CPC."
The other riding that went blue is South Shore-St.Margaret's, which had been held by Bernadette Jordan.
Bickerton believes her handling as federal fisheries minister of the ongoing conflict over the Mi'kmaw treaty fishery likely contributed to her defeat by CPC candidate Rick Perkins. The chief of Sipekne'katik First Nation, Chief Mike Sack, has often been at odds with Jordan and the department over just how much control Ottawa and the DFO should have over indigenous fishing activities.
While Chief Sack says he doesn't like to see Jordan lose her job, he is looking forward to a new fisheries minister.
"Hoping that it's somebody from like central Canada," he says, "who has an unbiased opinion and can work with us."
In Halifax, the federal NDP had high hopes in its candidate, former provincial NDP MLA Lisa Roberts.
But in what was a tight race that ran into the early morning hours of Tuesday, Roberts had to concede to re-elected Liberal MP Andy Fillmore.
Fillmore says the work of the still-minority Liberal government will now continue.
"We're not through with this pandemic yet," Fillmore told CTV news from his election headquarters Monday night, "and we're not done getting big ticket items across the threshold like ten dollar a day daycare."
In the Cape Breton riding of Sydney-Victoria - the province's only indigenous MP retained his seat as well.
Jaime Battiste beat out Conservative Eddie Orrell by 1,124 votes.
While the PPC candidate brought in more than that, at 1,173 votes, Orrell doesn't think a split vote on the right was a factor.
"I don't know what happened," says Orrell by phone while taking down his election signs in New Waterford after he says he and his team knocked on more than 20,000 doors on the campaign trail.
"The PPC vote I don't think was an influence in this campaign, I didn't hear that on the doors. I didn't hear that was going to be a factor in my campaign."
With eight Liberals and three Conservatives heading to Ottawa on behalf of Nova Scotia, Bickerton says the province is "into a more 'normal' distribution of political power" – which he says is a good thing, when it comes to representing the views and values of voters.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3CASaDO
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dani-qrt · 6 years
El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster
(Reuters) – The El Niño weather pattern, associated with warmer and wetter weather than usual that may give rise to damaging conditions, could emerge by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, with neutral conditions expected to prevail through November this year, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.
The last El Niño, a warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific that typically occurs every few years, was linked to crop damage, fires and flash floods in 2016.
The possibility of a transition to El Niño weather-pattern is nearing 50 percent by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) said in its monthly forecast.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions are favored through September-November this year, it added. ENSO-neutral refers to those periods in which neither El Niño nor La Niña is present, according to CPC.
Last month, the weather forecaster said there was a more than 50 percent chance of ENSO-neutral conditions prevailing through the northern hemisphere summer in 2018.
During ENSO-neutral periods, the ocean temperatures, tropical rainfall patterns and atmospheric winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean are near the long-term average, according to the CPC website.
Reporting by Harshith Aranya and Vijaykumar Vedala in Bengaluru; Editing by Bernadette Baum
The post El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2G45JOl via Online News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster
(Reuters) – The El Niño weather pattern, associated with warmer and wetter weather than usual that may give rise to damaging conditions, could emerge by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, with neutral conditions expected to prevail through November this year, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.
The last El Niño, a warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific that typically occurs every few years, was linked to crop damage, fires and flash floods in 2016.
The possibility of a transition to El Niño weather-pattern is nearing 50 percent by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) said in its monthly forecast.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions are favored through September-November this year, it added. ENSO-neutral refers to those periods in which neither El Niño nor La Niña is present, according to CPC.
Last month, the weather forecaster said there was a more than 50 percent chance of ENSO-neutral conditions prevailing through the northern hemisphere summer in 2018.
During ENSO-neutral periods, the ocean temperatures, tropical rainfall patterns and atmospheric winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean are near the long-term average, according to the CPC website.
Reporting by Harshith Aranya and Vijaykumar Vedala in Bengaluru; Editing by Bernadette Baum
The post El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2G45JOl via News of World
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party-hard-or-die · 6 years
El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster
(Reuters) – The El Niño weather pattern, associated with warmer and wetter weather than usual that may give rise to damaging conditions, could emerge by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, with neutral conditions expected to prevail through November this year, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.
The last El Niño, a warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific that typically occurs every few years, was linked to crop damage, fires and flash floods in 2016.
The possibility of a transition to El Niño weather-pattern is nearing 50 percent by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) said in its monthly forecast.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions are favored through September-November this year, it added. ENSO-neutral refers to those periods in which neither El Niño nor La Niña is present, according to CPC.
Last month, the weather forecaster said there was a more than 50 percent chance of ENSO-neutral conditions prevailing through the northern hemisphere summer in 2018.
During ENSO-neutral periods, the ocean temperatures, tropical rainfall patterns and atmospheric winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean are near the long-term average, according to the CPC website.
Reporting by Harshith Aranya and Vijaykumar Vedala in Bengaluru; Editing by Bernadette Baum
The post El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2G45JOl via Breaking News
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dragnews · 6 years
El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster
(Reuters) – The El Niño weather pattern, associated with warmer and wetter weather than usual that may give rise to damaging conditions, could emerge by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, with neutral conditions expected to prevail through November this year, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.
The last El Niño, a warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific that typically occurs every few years, was linked to crop damage, fires and flash floods in 2016.
The possibility of a transition to El Niño weather-pattern is nearing 50 percent by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) said in its monthly forecast.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions are favored through September-November this year, it added. ENSO-neutral refers to those periods in which neither El Niño nor La Niña is present, according to CPC.
Last month, the weather forecaster said there was a more than 50 percent chance of ENSO-neutral conditions prevailing through the northern hemisphere summer in 2018.
During ENSO-neutral periods, the ocean temperatures, tropical rainfall patterns and atmospheric winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean are near the long-term average, according to the CPC website.
Reporting by Harshith Aranya and Vijaykumar Vedala in Bengaluru; Editing by Bernadette Baum
The post El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2G45JOl via Today News
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newestbalance · 6 years
El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster
(Reuters) – The El Niño weather pattern, associated with warmer and wetter weather than usual that may give rise to damaging conditions, could emerge by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, with neutral conditions expected to prevail through November this year, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.
The last El Niño, a warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific that typically occurs every few years, was linked to crop damage, fires and flash floods in 2016.
The possibility of a transition to El Niño weather-pattern is nearing 50 percent by the 2018-19 Northern Hemisphere winter, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) said in its monthly forecast.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions are favored through September-November this year, it added. ENSO-neutral refers to those periods in which neither El Niño nor La Niña is present, according to CPC.
Last month, the weather forecaster said there was a more than 50 percent chance of ENSO-neutral conditions prevailing through the northern hemisphere summer in 2018.
During ENSO-neutral periods, the ocean temperatures, tropical rainfall patterns and atmospheric winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean are near the long-term average, according to the CPC website.
Reporting by Harshith Aranya and Vijaykumar Vedala in Bengaluru; Editing by Bernadette Baum
The post El Niño pattern could emerge by 2018-19 winter: U.S. forecaster appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2G45JOl via Everyday News
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thebibliophagist · 7 years
Popsugar’s Ultimate 2016 Reading Challenge
I came, I saw, I conquered.  I was really good about this reading challenge at the beginning of the year, kind of fell off the wagon in the middle, and panic-read the last ten or so prompts in November and December.  In any case, I finished, and here’s my final list.
a book based on a fairy tale: Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg
a national book award winner: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
a YA bestseller: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
a book you haven’t read since high school: Mates, Dates, and Inflatable Bras by Cathy Hopkins
a book set in your home state: Arrows by Melissa Gorzelanczyk (Wisconsin)
a book translated to English: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
a romance set in the future: Some Kind of Perfect by Krista & Becca Ritchie
a book set in Europe: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
a book that’s under 150 pages: Tyson Caine by Aleya Michelle
a New York Times bestseller: The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman
a book that’s becoming a movie this year: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
a book recommended by someone you just met: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
a self-improvement book: The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight
a book you can finish in a day: Dirty Little Lies by Clare James
a book written by a celebrity: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
a political memoir: Outsider in the White House by Bernie Sanders
a book at least 100 years older than you: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
a book that’s more than 600 pages: Winter by Marissa Meyer
a book from Oprah’s book club: Sula by Toni Morrison
a science-fiction novel: Armada by Ernest Cline
a book recommended by a family member: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume (recommended by my mom, my aunt, my grandmother, and several cousins)
a graphic novel: Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 1 by Bryan Lee O’Malley
a book that is published in 2016: Beyond the Stars by Stacy Wise
a book with a protagonist who has your occupation: CPC Training Materials by AAPC (This is possibly cheating, but I could not find a book about a medical coder, and this program involved reading over 7,000 pages that did not count toward my page count or total books read on Goodreads!)
a book that takes place during summer: Good Girl by Lauren Layne
a book and its prequel: Every Day and Six Earlier Days by David Levithan
a murder mystery: Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger (originally The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, but I ended up using that for #11)
a book written by a comedian: Yes Please by Amy Poehler
a dystopian novel: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
a book with a blue cover: Invincible Summer by Alice Adams
a book of poetry: His Shoes Were Far Too Tight by Edward Lear
the first book you see in a bookstore: Heartless by Marissa Meyer
a classic from the 20th century: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
a book from the library: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
an autobiography: Sex in the Museum by Sarah Forbes
a book about a road trip: Going Bovine by Libba Bray
a book about a (sub)culture you’re unfamiliar with: Blow by Heidi McLaughlin
a satirical book: Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple
a book that takes place on an island: You Make Me by Erin McCarthy
a book that’s guaranteed to bring you joy: Lured In by Laura Drewry
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
I'm curious about their name meaning now
Bernadette: Brave as a bear
Oohh 👀 Also I've been wondering about this for awhile but how does Bernadette hide her tail?? Since we've never seen her tail before.. Or is it purposely hidden so we would get the reveal in this chapter? I also wonder what princess she is :0
Deianeira: Man destroyer (I saw this one someone's post and on discord too so thank you!!)
THIS IS SO FITTING WHAT. Deianeira is so dang powerful! Like, her curse can literally destroy around uhhh 50.42% of the world population (I had to google that).
Sally: Princess
This is also a fitting one XD But damn, her curse. Feeling pebbles in your shoes everytime must be really shitty. I mean, okay damn who cursed her? What kinda grudge do you have on her to give her that curse???
Another thing, I hope someday Lambcat will give us info about how to pronounce their name. Leelathae was one thing, but I really don't know how to pronounce Deianeira.
"I'd like to cancel my membership to the military!!" LMAOOOOOO
Can't blame Suzie here. I personally would think "yo cool monster" until I see the spiders in the hair. Would bolt so fast outta there screaming "OH HECK NAH" XD
Man.. I honestly feel so bad for Maria (and every other pastel family too except the grandparents). But hey it's nice that Becket is there for her :D
IT'S THE OLD GUARD HE'S COMING BACKKKKK. AND IN A NICE OUTFIT TOO. Hear ye hear ye I'm guessing he's gonna have a good role in this whole situation. Still poor him though, guy just wanted to reunite with his friend and suddenly he's in this whole mess xd
BLAINE. Blaine please. Dude.
Anyway moving on from my Blaine crisis..
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Either the possum witch is going to be confirmed to be this or someone's gonna theorize about a new creature in the haunted forest.
Tattersal doesn't look affected by the curse.. Maybe it's because he looks like that 24/7? (Bloodshot eyes, foaming) People shows their anguish in different ways, but it's odd how he didn't say a thing about the curse affecting him. Or are we going to a dark route where he has experience many lost and pain since being a commander (he's a commander right?) until he cannot feel much anguish anymore.
THE FROGS HAHAAA. Man where are the swans? XD
Thank goodness no one was in the head... 0_0
Blaine. Blaine. I just.. Bro. Stop. Dude please c'mon give it up like what are you even gonna do? Kidnap the princesses? Lmao. What are u gonna do bro? What are u gonna do?
Man, I wonder how Lance is holding up in all these..
BUT LORENA'S PROJECT IS COMING UP SO HECK YEA!!! She's gonna have her badass moment hweheheheh. She better get an A+ on her project!
That's all for now. Yes, I know. This is so late and all. But turns out even after I've done the exams I'm still not free from school drama.. but oh well. At least I have a new cpc chapter to look up to!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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cornus27florida · 1 year
x"D IDK what's this anymore : Episode 147th The BBQ (Barbeque) part 1
-> no Patreon leak image for the change, I forgor where and I feel it will be nice to have Curtis in appron (actually not the first time, we seen once before when Nell warning him about Gwen going to the barn with were-spider Prez inside) - as the first image of the post. Also I want do simple for the change
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Curtis looked nice with an apron there, but Syrah - he definitely won’t wear that apron `kiss the cook` you prepared ahahahah. Also foods in Whitney’s slumber party really banging it, if only I didn’t need to watch my calories intake (and diseases histories in my family lineage) - I’ll inhaled those perfectly cooked meat steaks, burger patties, french friends, cheeses and more! Also bag of chips sounds nice as well for warm welcome and nice barbeque >w<
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Laverne really clings to Whitney ahahaha, very fluffy Llama kinda like a very warm and thick blanket that wrapped Whitney from his head to mid body with a very tight nuzzle there -> like many confused where Laverne's appendages where as it seems seeped inside to Whitney hahaha
Also nice to see NelLie again! and poor Renee, your best friend currently going to Pastel palace with likely headaches due to reading some diary in a rushing carriage without blinking there! -> Renee’s note kinda cute there:
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Bernadette and the OP background character congratulating Prez’ that she didn’t turns to be were-spider this month, but Prez looks unhealthy (few waves of intense cramping and splitting headaches every minute of every day) - I really hope that she won’t be turned to be were-spider anytime, because that cursed transformation makes her uncontrollable unlike Monika when turned to be crow. Later on Prez looks healthy enough when giving a demonstration though.. so I think she kinda OK, and even if worse will happen (feels like want to enters period, I think the answer is for her taking the delaying period pills again -> the side effects could be much worse, but the most important thing is Prez could keep her mind and avoids to do things that uncontrollable for her (like, I know some wished for Leland to be killed by Prez in cursed form or something, but that’s not the answer as making Prez a murderer (even though we know how evil Leland is) will affecting her really greatly in bad ways).
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Now Frederick’s time! Poor the tiniest prince with the tiniest voice and his worst enemy: terrifying skill of communication - and I try to react his interactions with CPC members in parts ; with the trio (Abbi, Syrah, Monika), Saffron, and Prez.
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A) With the trio Abbi, Syrah, Monika: Frederick hesitated because he thinks he’ll ruin the good mood of them during the slumber party, but turns out they are also missing and wondering about Gwen’s too that hasn’t shown up since ‘the romantic, end-of-the-night rendezvous. Syrah’s comment ``We get it, you two lovebirds are probably making out every day and we’re not gonna pry`` makes me giddy in chuckles. But IG the misunderstanding with the trio due to Frederick’s reply in tomato face, ``I haven’t seen her at all! I’ve been locked in a dungeon by my dad ever since the gala!`` → made the trio think the reason that Frederick locked up is due to being grounded because something too intimate makes Frederick and Gwendolyn need to be separated.. <Hence the blushing face of the trio espc from Monika there> 
Oh boi, if only that’s the case but the locked up is literal punishment by Leland to Frederick’s “failures” and to make sure he won’t mess things up again - This my attempt to find excuse of the somewhat seeming OOC-ness of the trio to not thinking that Frederick being locked up seriously, they simply misunderstanding things espc after Frederick outburst with red face telling that he never seen Gwen since the gala due to being locked up by his dad
B) With Saffron -> thanks a lot for being supportive, bro!
Sorry I have nothing much to say because it's distracted to Saffron's heart-shaped 'tattoo' - RIP Saffron's first date ;-;
C) With Prez -> sadly Prez still not grabbing the situation, but one thing I love is we finally have more deeper interactions between her and Frederick (like, I am counting the days when Frederick realizes from Prez retelling that Gwen shackled her own self-worth's opinion to him and his love - similar to what Lilyth does to Jackie) - she even saying things that total opposite of what Frederick used to hear (small, weak boy).
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Well at least Frederick won't be throw up vomiting due to being 'flipped over by princesses' because he likely been days starved by Leland at the prison *smiling sadly in anguish*
=========================================== Theory's ramble portion - is about Frederick to his brothers
Frederick trying to explain that he ruined everything with Gwen (as he thinks he's the sole reason of all of her pains and sadness, when we know things actually more complex than that : blaming solely Frederick isn’t the answer) and there’s fights between Pastel princesses and Plaid princes - that he thinks because the awful thing that he did when first meeting Gwen (calling her ugly), but CPC already knew it - so it’s the reason why he got attacked when first meeting CPC
The trio still thinking Frederick misunderstanding things, but one thing is clear: he finally connected the dots of the reason Gwendolyn is the part of the CPC (ran down after crying heard that she’s called ugly - into the forest and stumbled upon CPC ‘really kind people that helped her in a lot of ways’ + Gwen confronted about it to him once already, but due to their poor communication skill - Gwen cutting the confrontation speeches while Freddie thinks she confronted him due to pulling off to cliff not the awful comment) and why CPC is so hostile towards him the first time they’re meet -> Agreed with comment that Freddie isn’t playing dumb during CPC intruder arc), he’s just truly dumb there (but to be fair on idiocy level, he’s smarter than Jackie because he realized what’s wrong about their love interest much quicker and also more aware of things around) TvT
 Poor Frederick sprawled in the ground part 1
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When Abbi reassure Freddie to chills out and forget everythings the night (even handed a bag of chips, that later on be comedic aspect as breathing bag for Freddie who got panic attack later on), Frederick stands up instantly and exclaimed there’s no time to chill - as Leland, Blaine, and Lance are on their way to Pastel palace to do something to the Pastel Princesses. He doesn’t know because purposely not getting in the plan, but I hope the conversations in the prison could helps Frederick to connecting dots which are; Leland want Frederick to stay back so his plan won’t be ruined anymore [but here we are with Frederick out there, the catalyst of Leland’s plan breakage], coming to the Pastel kingdom tonight is considered ‘an errand’ but there’s troop involved, everything that Plaid kingdom do is for power - the all-knowing power/the Omniscient Clam, the big event is tomorrow at Corduroy canyon and Frederick will be included.
The engagements were fake (told by Leland actually, and we know Blaine and Lance doesn’t give definite answer to how they actually feeling for the Princesses) -an act `of affections for few princesses`, their relationships for Leland is just some scheme for Plaid kingdom’s power grab → actually we know it’s more petty obsession to wrecking Jack 
his brother told him themself, for the power grab by Leland
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That’s one thing that Frederick (and us readers as well) could misunderstand, does Blaine and Lance really couldn’t care less about an alliance between the Pastel and the Plaid kingdom - or about Frederick? As at the Gala, CPC teamed up with Blaine and Lance to stop the bullies to harassing him.. but there’s concern which could make it or break it the piece of trust that Frederick to his brothers, which as the followings that Syrah said;
`Frederick's a part of the Plaid kingdom, and we'll rip the limbs off of anyone who interferes with the Plaid kingdom`
Because that statement will strengthen Frederick’s trust _if_ Blaine and Lance considers him as their precious little brother Poor, but will breaking the trust in dust _if_ Frederick spat out to not being part of Plaid’s kingdom anymore <which I feel the latter is likely that will happen due to me tend to be pessimistic, and Blaine that likely spat out that while Lance keep silent again/could he finally stands up for his lil’ bro?
-> Learning that CPC+Blaine+Lance might kill the bullies, Frederick fell to panic attack again and wondering if the bullies even still alive (imho doesn’t matter, as long the bullies out of the sight and never appears again)
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Frederick sprawled in the ground part 2
===========================================I also want to talk about 2 biggest cockblocker in CPC history told in this episode: Saffron's cursed hand (fanon named: Thaddeus) & Curtis (for WhitnErnia ship) - haha poor them
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Welp well like what Whitney's feeling, I feel now enough. ADIOS
I am leaving but if anyone want to interact anything be it comment - reblog - or anything, I am still there ><
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cornus27florida · 1 year
GwenDerick/FredDolyn Hogwarts AU
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Their houses color (as Ravenclaw: blue & Hufflepuff: yellow) if mixed will become their color motif : green
Hence why I am coloring the background (probably not that clear in the photo IG?) with CPC X Hogwarts AU color theory : the wittiness of Blue's Ravenclaw from Frederick and the kindness of Yellow's Gwendolyn - make birth of Green if mixed together, their color motif in CPC - hence heart <3
Time spent to drawing and coloring? so long lmao I am indeed a rusty artist - and yeah art-blocker ~ thou I am enjoyed the sufferings of drawing Frederick's hair, coloring Gwen's soft green hair, and drawing their respectful insignia of their Hogwart Houses (a badger like a possum imho)
Frederick being a Ravenclaw (due to bookworm he is) & Gwendolyn being a Hufflepuff (the kindest soul fits here) is based from this HC CPC BLR post as the following :
--------------------------------------------------------------------- This part skippable, I just want to expand the lore of CPC in Hogwarts AU with the following of my headcannons - comes from me being a Potterhead and playing the game "Hogwarts Mystery" - hence the example: the mention of 'frog choir' as music extracullilcular for the example. So, some of the HCs are differentiates with Cookie's HC and I am lessening everyone's age so they're could all in Hogwarts = I am not following their canon ages told by LambCat and CPC ) :
All Pastel siblings (Maria/6th year and the diva of the frog choir's club with her muses are ; Celestina Warbeck and Bozart/Schozart), Lorena/5th year and the Quidditch's star playing the role of Chaser, Jamie and Gwen/4th year - Jamie's the best friend of house elves and since he enrolled the feast's quality greatly improved & Gwen's helped her twin with best subject is Potions-her kindness able to even softens Snape's rock-hard's heart) are Hufflepuff
Yet the Plaid brothers are in different houses, Frederick Ravenclaw (4th year, his best subject is History of Magic, the underdog of top student that not expected to excels at the class that literally a 'sleep-fest') - Lance Gryffindor (6th year, have miracles of could passed OWL to NEWT class and overall is described nicely by Aqua in here) - Blaine Slyterin (7th year, kinda bitter that he's not becoming the head boy even thou he's "know-it-all, could-do-all" perfect. Excels in all classes except Divination - by having Outstandings score)
Prez (Calpernia) is the head girl, while Whitney is the head boy - 7th year and final year at Hogwarts they are - they're have "mysterious strained" past but now working on it. They're as Cookie's HC, both from Ravenclaw. For Curtis-Ravenclaw, somehow I feel he actually lotta older than them, so I placed him as the assistant professor of DADA (as the one that holding the syllabus lectures, so the things that will taught kinda structured) - dw he'll never get the curse/jinx of 'No DADA teacher can lasts more than a year' because he's not teaches it. Asa could becomes the healer's assistant for madam Pomfrey - but I am not sure as student (so being 7th year) or already graduating. Miss Agatha feels to have similar vibes with Prof. McGonagall, while Molly is to madam Hooch with her agility - but I just don't know if they're in the time of Hogwarts studies (September - June) or not.
The parents which have history in the following houses: Leland Slyterin, Izzy Ravenclaw, Jack Gryffindor and Lilyth Hufflepuff) - and we have more characters in the AU!!
Monika - IMHO it will be interesting if she's in Gryffindor - as what she wants is to be braver (like Ben Copper in Hogwarts Mystery game, he's a coward but learnt to be braver)
Beckett and Bernadette will be in Hufflepuff
Orson in Ravenclaw Idk other Princels thou prob in Slyterin (interesting dynamic hating Blaine in same house ngl)
So in Summary, My HC's of Hogwart Houses as following :
$= they're already graduated from Hogwarts School
[number]= the year they're are, is not following canon and basically I make the ones at twenties in 7th year >/\<
Gryffindor : Lance [6], Saffron [7], Thermidora [7], Monika [5], Miss Agatha $, Jack $
Ravenclaw : Frederick [4], Prez [7], Whitney [7], Leopold [6], Orson [5], Curtis $, Isolde $.
Hufflepuff : Gwen, and Jamie, [4] Maria, [6] ,Lorena [5] Jolie, [6] Renee and Bernadette [5], Griffin [7], Beckett [6], Horace [5], Asa [7/$], Molly $, Lilyth $
Slytherin : Nell [6] - the top student of Divination, Syrah [7], Aurelia [5], Abbi [3], Suzanna [6], Leland $.
So many CPC characters fits in Hufflepuff IMHO, yay for them being so pure kind-hearted sweet people !! ^^
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cornus27florida · 5 months
questions 4, 5, 8, and 12 please. if you don't mind!
Thank you for asking there! Although as my most active and favorite fandom is "Cursed Princess Club" - forgive me to limiting on that webtoon fandom only there!!! IDM btw ^^
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4) I do like slash pairings but just for funnies, although I prefer heterosexual pairings but I do love canon homo ones like Jamie/Leopold and Jolie/Nell.. but if not canon - as in the feelings not mutual, I didn't ship it. So most (non canonical) homosexual pairings in the CPC imho not make sense to me. Especially in order to do so - bashing characters, usually male characters one in order to make wlw agenda happen. Or the opposite, blb that actually just bromance at best becomes romantic without resolving the actual problem of the mentioned character in the story [I feel it's lazy writing for: X might gets redemption if he gets what he wants which is by somehow together with Z who also a male - simply for spits]. No hate for LGBTQ+ community as a whole, but I am big fan of canon compliant so any pairing like that [I feel I didn't need to list it, as it's obvious the examples from just the taggings] I likely won't read it or if I do stumble means I will never re read. I feel we could simply, respect each other? I feel we could make great fanfics without bashings. My cup of tea is loving canon pairings (or the ones that might have mutual feelings) which I see very often heterosexual ones, so I won't reading fanfics about pairings that not make sense to me - most of them it's pure fanon territory like "what-if" character A never likes B as well hating initial characterization of B, suddenly character C comes in to 'doing anything to lets A better' - even if that's mean bashing character B as harsh as possible
5) CPC still not ending so as highly canon compliant person, I didn't know whose pairing that will be "platonic" at the end or is possible they'll be romantic that maybe not right now but in the future they're dating/gets together more/marry etc. I feel there's "ship" but more like dynamic of the whole group of Background Princesses (Abbi, Renée, Bernadette, Sally, Deaneira, Jolie, Thermidora, Nell) - as they are very in click working together as making "CPC monster"... Which I feel we will meet them again soon as certain event leads to - CPC HQ
8) My non native English struggle first to understand the question then I guess... A local webtoon which the niche as webtoon will be always minimal compared to animanga, as well as it's local in my language's country to make it rarely known internationally (although translation exists for it)
12) Become so obsessed to being so active as daily doing editing for fandom wiki as well as running up before series ended, I used to be obsessed with my no. 8 series while reaching the top of achievement thus declared as admin... Now I do the very same for "Cursed Princess Club"
I am indeed doing absolute payless and likely thankless jobs - just for other people of fandom 'helped' some way with wiki
P.S. as conclusion: if you are enjoying CPC, I really hope to at least take part in venturing the CPC fandom wikia...
Literally built by shattered mind, stress, tears and sweats
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