neverfalling · 4 months
It was almost like a reflex sometimes, a habit born of years spent using her magic to her advantage that now needed to be stifled lest she see something unfair or unpleasant. In this instance, she'd flicked ahead a few minutes in her head out of sheer boredom, only to see the one person she wasn't sure she could handle seeing tonight approach. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later she spotted him in the crowd and given her current position as the sole bartender covering while another took a break, she couldn't act on the childish impulse to hide just to avoid an interaction. "Did you know JB doesn't know what a quiche is?" she said as he neared, her lips twitching into a half smile. @blccdmoon
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Late Night with the Devil (2023) by Cameron and Colin Cairnes
Book title: Conversations with the Devil by June Ross-Mitchell
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friendlyengie · 1 year
icon change bc reception and covnversation under that post I made abt Engie is making me evil about him
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emilypemily · 2 years
🎵i was scared of dentists and the dark
I was scared of pretty girls and starting covnversations
Don’t you think I know exactly where I stand
This world is begging me to hold your haaaaaand🎵
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v-anrouge · 1 year
A normal covnversation between me and Vil
Me: Vil my blood is cold :(
Vil: would telling me one of your weird animal facts make it better?
I am very cornused
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100% of the covnversations I have with you, are in my head.
Portia Manhattan
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yareli270 · 4 years
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C6 - Artist covnversation - Charlie Roses
Artist: Charlie Roses
Exhibition: Dead Man’s Party
Media: Sculpture, Printmaking, Photography, Illustration
Gallery: LBSU School of Art
Website: N/AL
Instagram: @charlieroses
Charlie Roses is an artist currently in his last semester at CSULB. He is working toward his BFA as a sculpture major. Charlie been drawing since he was two and he has never stopped. He has explored many different styles of art, but when he got to college his art develop into Halloweenish. When he produces art it is mainly in the form of watercolor, ink, illustrations, or sculpture.
I found his gallery scary, when I saw this gallery. This gallery had a horror theme and since we so close to halloween, I thought he was trying to do something scary but it was more of his art work that he likes to do. He is more of a Halloween person. I really liked how there were many different aspects to the exhibit. There were drawings, paintings, sculptures, and many other forms of media. Even ghost and birds that where so dark. Some of it was small and some of it was big, and most of it was very detailed and very scary. Im pretty sure this was a major dark theme and lots of darker colors.
Charlie picked this theme because he was really into horror movies and their aesthetics. He said that most of his pieces were cinematography based, and he pulls a lot of inspiration from horror movies that he likes. Some of the movies he got inspiration from were Beetlejuice and The Creature From The Black Lagoon. He is also really inspired by retro photography from the 1920’s and retro poster designs from the 1960’s.
Overall, I thought that this gallery was very scary and interesting. I really liked how he made a dark theme when Halloween is around the corner. I enjoyed his work and honestly it gave me the chills. This dark theme was awesome and scary to watch his big theme with ghost his crows with red flower. I liked it.
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oiledtruck · 7 years
I was trying to start a conversation with my white guy friend about why Leslie Jones was so highly antagonized (racially) for being cast in the new Ghost Busters and he had the audacity to say "Well, I've seen her in SNL and of all the members, she's least able to carry the show." And I'm just like "what does that have to do with her being attacked???" And he goes "Well I see where it's coming from because she's not a great comedian compared to the rest of the ghost buster lineup, BUT there are racists who just attack her for being black too" Like bro, who tryna have a covnversation about whether or not you like Leslie? I don't give two FUCKS? I'd like to speak on the fact that people INVADED HER PRIVACY and fucking HARASSED her on Twitter and you wanna mention that in passing? Gtfo here Then I was like "the original ghost busters is trash, it's too trope-y and the humor is dumb" and this nigga had the AUDACITY to tell me "I'm not having this conversation with you" because he was all bent out of shape for me calling a film that is sexist as hell "shit". What the fuck? This the thing with white ppl, they think their opinions matter too fuckin much
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homovongaylord · 10 years
nagakonans replied to your post:nagakonans replied to your post:you know how I’m...
i luv u why would i make fun of ur romantic life i only make fun of people who are TOO gay with their partners (lizmetz)
I bet it was just the UNIVERSE mocking me somehow... damn you, cosmic powers of intriguing coincidences.
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