imbruedinfear-a · 4 years
       —— Don’t mess with my plants.
       Someone’s a bit overprotective of their fauna. A shit-eating grin spreads across Dracien’s face, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and he steps just one centimeter closer to the garden, keeping his gaze locked on the dragon all the while. “Oh~ You growing something special?” The elf teases with a soft laugh, moving an entire step closer this time, and he leans against a tree to cross his arms and cast a glance at the plants. “You’re a shit gardener.”
       Rolling his eyes, he pushes away from the tree only to turn and climb it, making his way up high enough to see the garden as much as possible. Humming as per usual when he wanted to keep the dragon’s attention on him, he makes his way out along a branch to perch at its end, far closer to the plants than he’d ever bothered before but still technically not a threat — in his eyes, at least.
       “Some of those are dying. I can save them if you let me~”
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scgeki-a · 4 years
corruptismori replied to your post ““I promise you, this isn’t what it looks like.”...”
Hiro looked down at the unconscious man by his feet and winced: "Self-defence, obviously," he offered, stepping over the body before pushing it lightly with his foot. Yup, definitely out cold. "Not my fault he tried to take me on. Do I look like an easy target to you?"
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“You should still probably call the police. I mean...If you don’t he could call then and come up with some story or something,” He really wished he wasn’t the one who had walked in on this situation, not really wanting to get more involved. So he didn’t actually answer their question.
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akumanoken · 4 years
@corruptismori replied to your post: <p>"Hey babe, do you have a moment?" Soryu smiled,...
Soryu blinked, having not expected the question for no reason. “I want to say I’m fine, but… I don’t know. I’m worried. I didn’t think this would happen and I couldn’t care less about my position as the head of the company, I just… don’t want to lose my dad…”
He nodded, letting go of the man’s face and taking his hand.  Losing his father.  Souji didn’t know much about the man’s father but he knew about the pain of losing parents.  Even if his was sudden... it was a pain he didn’t want to see in his boyfriend.  “You know if you need anything..... anything at all... I will drop any and everything.  You know that right??”  
There was... so little that he could do, but he was determined to do what little there was.
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illunaris-archived · 4 years
@corruptismori​ // X
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“No, but I got this poster here and there’s a date on it.” Faron held it up and pointed at the 02.01. in the corner of the poster with Hiro on it, half-naked of course. “I realised you’re the man on the poster.”
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bricxbrac · 5 years
corruptismori replied to your post: ������ (nija to abel)
Nija is staring quite shamelessly at Abel: “Would it make you feel better if I undressed too?”
He blinked, looking over his shoulder at the other. His cheeks burned a bit, noticing the way the demon stared. “...Not really. Why am I doing this...?” 
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greedbled-moved · 4 years
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☾ ---    It was hard to say how long it had truly been-- weeks maybe even months ? Even things among the mafia groups seemed quieter. He was keen on minding his own business, having a coffee from where it wall seemed to begin. Only this time a pounding in his head made him more irritable-- DANGEROUS even.    A quick turn around, coffee in hand now completely a mess on himself and the other person. Issei’s lip turned into a snarl as he was ready to ream whoever it was that bumped into him. Ice littered the floor while the attendants were scrambling to clean the spill. Issei’s anger had gotten the better of him as he’d made a grasp of their collared clothing. Almost immediately the anger simmered ( or rather boiled over ) making his voice crack in a whisper, ❛ Well isn’t this a surprise. ❜    // @corruptismori​  // Hiro
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hundredslept · 4 years
@corruptismori​ Layla noticed his stare, though she only offered an amused expression and a smile in return: "I'm alright. I'm just glad I didn't break a heel."
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Her reaction was a relief. Link wouldn’t have blamed her had she hit or insulted him - even if it was her who had fallen on him. Ladies had treated him harshly for far less than lusty gazes before. He bent his knee to check her shoes. “Your heels are fine,” he confirmed and came back up. “What about your head? I suppose you didn’t hurt yourself because your head landed in the soft grass, thankfully.”
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@corruptismori || happy birthday orcus
       ------ “Happy birthday!”
       Kyosuke beams brightly up at Orcus, who had just awakened and came downstairs, from his place on the couch, among the literal 100 presents surrounding it. As another present or simply to wake his fiance up a little further, the idol is only half-dressed: shirt missing to show off the muscle he’d built, sweatpants loosely hanging from his hips, and a red bow sitting in his blonde hair. He may or may not have purposely skipped work today but no matter -- he’s never gotten to celebrate Orcus’s birthday before ( thanks to a previously insane work schedule ) and he’s going to celebrate this time even if it kills him. “Here, babe.” Grinning, the blonde offers the Starbucks cup and soon wraps his arm around his fiance’s waist, gently pulling Orcus down into his lap and immediately placing a soft kiss to the raven’s cheek. “You’re getting old,” he teases and gives him a playful squeeze. “You have to open everything from littlest to biggest.” And to think: It’s not even Christmas yet.
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sonderrow-moved · 4 years
@corruptismori​ liked for 💛 
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“Hm? Well, girls are easier to talk to. They’re always nice to me, and they love to give me attention. And like to touch me whenever they can. Guys are like... rude. Everything I say seem wrong. And they don’t like when I talk to girls. They contradict everything I say but don’t explain anything... yet I learned that they’re the best to kiss and at kissing. So, yeah, that’s why I don’t... really have any close guy pals...”
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asmcdeus · 4 years
"It's been a while since I had a demon in my territory," Wy'ninn offers a pleasant smile, his stance the image of relaxation. "Most aren't foolish enough to come here, but I suppose you didn't do it on purpose?" the fae king tilts his head to the side, the smile never leaving his lips. "Unless you sought me out with a purpose? But what could a demon possibly desire from the fae? I must admit, you have me curious. Won't you tell me your name?" [from Wy'ninn]
[  unprompted asks  /  always accepting  /  @corruptismori  ]
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       most  .  his visage remains blank and unwavering  ,  he knows better than to trust fae  .  they’re just as much tricksters as demons were and perhaps more dangerous  .  maybe they’ve changed but asmodeus can’t take chances with them  ,  not if he valued his own life  .  he eyes the other ,  unsettling  .  there’s something unsettling about the welcome  .       what did he want  ??  asmodeus isn’t quite sure just WHY he was in the fae court  .  lost  ??  that’d seem to elicit a riotous laugh from them  .       ‘  be careful  ’  was what his mind tells him  .  he should be tread cautiously and especially with names  .  “  would it not be more mannerful for the host to introduce themselves before asking a visitor to announce their own  ??  ”  the demon poses  ,  if he was to offer his name  ,  he wants to know the other’s as well  .
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amplectormors · 5 years
corruptismori があなたの投稿に返信しました “What... just happened? It's not often Orcus finds himself winded, but...”
"That's a deal! Chaos is what I'm good at!~" and oh, Orcus would cause so much chaos that it'd make the news –– and he did. Mors would seen it soon enough. Waltzing naked down the street was one thing, loudly exclaiming he was Mors's bastard son. Then there was the stealing and whoring around; Orcus really loved the attention.
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Oh thank goodness, his press team felt it important to address the issue, enough to cancel his meeting. He was content with that, and once the time for the meeting rolled around, he simply decided he’d do nothing about it. What was the point, after all? He simply waited for the meeting to start so there was nothing obliging him to actually go to it. After all, it would be strange for the King to show up late after cancelling. The social stipulations were easy to work around.
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scgeki-a · 4 years
“I promise you, this isn’t what it looks like.” [from Hiro]
Terrible First Meeting Starters
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“Uh huh…What is it supposed to look like then?”
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akumanoken · 4 years
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Souji jumped a bit when their eyes met, pink flooding his cheeks.  “A-Ah... silly I already got a few of those,” he winked.  He put his pencil down, turning his sketchbook around.  “Just a few quick sketches... I didn’t want to interrupt your work, and my fingers started to itch, so...”
He got up and walked over to Soryu, running his fingers through his hair as well.  “You look like you’re about to fall out...” His eyes were looking red, his face pale.  “You need anything?? I can go grab it for you.”
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akumanoken-archive · 5 years
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“Yes I should be on the list....”  
His dress definitely fit the part, and he flashed a smile to the man who held the lists of guests invited.  He would like to hope he was actually on the list, else Soryu would have hell to pay tomorrow.  He was really looking forward to this party, having not been at one that wasn’t just for business or being paraded as being a model for use.
“Y-yes, Okita Souji.... yes, it is a boy’s name... “  He sighed, manicured nails tapping on his clutch as he waited for this person to go through the list.  I swear to god, Soryu you will live to regret it if you weren’t serious about inviting me....
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inerdeth · 5 years
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    Wren steps inside -- having been called over for what he’s assuming is just a casual meeting between the two of them. They hadn’t known each other long but Asmo knew more about Wren than anyone else did. It had to do with them being on the same wavelength -- Wren was easily outed by those who also shared supernatural abilities. “Hey, I’m here--” He says, sitting his bag down and kicking off his shoes ( something he did just to make himself comfortable ). “Did you have something important to tell me or are we just meeting as friends?”
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bricxbrac · 4 years
corruptismori replied to your post: Nija was staring at Abel, pout on his face. He...
“Someone ordered me to be mean to you and I had to be obey! It was awful! I would only ever obey you,” even if they didn’t have a contract. “No! Don’t change!” Unless… “Actually, you can take your shirt off if you want ––”
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...Oh? He couldn’t help a chuckle at that, stroking the demon’s hair. How...cute. He was happy. “...Was it that bad?” He hummed softly before quirking a brow at the other. “...If I want...hmm...”
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