#corpsegender icons
dollboygender · 2 years
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Various icons I made for myself for pride month lol Mika Kagehira Dollboy icons, Mika Kagehira and Anthony Chainey Corpsegender, Dollfoxgender Kaden, Mascdead Anthony Chainey, and Primort Matt Engarde <3
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bigayluigi · 9 months
hello! My name's Luigi! I don't really have an age, but I am an adult. the body is a minor though. I use he/they pronouns. I'm queer and bigay, if you don't like that, please just leave, do not come to me with discourse stuff, you'll just be ignored/deleted and probably blocked.
I am a Luigi fictive and am kind of matching my theme with my brother Mario (@catgendermario), just like him, I'm a weird mix of games Luigi and movie Luigi.
I am roleless for now, but who knows? maybe I'll get a role or not, I do not really care to be honest. but I do care about my bro I'd hug him forever if we didn't have to do stuff to keep on living but I would if I could :))
tagging system + other members' blogs are under the cut! (my tags are not gonna be as creative as those of my bro)
oh also gif of me and my bro under cut ^_^
#start game : talk tag #coins : reblog tag #answered : ask tag #player 1 ; {username} : asks from non-anons #unknown screams : anon tag #luigart : my art tag #luigicore : posts that fit my vibe #for mario : posts i think my bro would like #too bad : vent tag #1 up : nice stuff/positivity! #thats mine now : stuff i might use/have used/ am using for icons and such #tiny plumber : posts made while regressed #thats your queue : queue tag #blushing violently : f/o tag WILL BE UPDATED WHEN/IF NEW TAGS GET ADDED
@catgendermario : mario's blog (the greatdst bro of all time, go follwo him) @[tba] : peach's blog (she is such an amazing caretaker when were regressed wow) @corpsegender : fluffy's (host) main blog @frogenthusiazt : anne's (host)
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catgendermario · 9 months
hi, the name's Mario!! I'm 22-25 (the body's a minor, so I might not 'act my age') and I use he/they/mush/she pronouns. I'm genderfluid and abro I am ever fluctuating!! also, I love xenogenders! I don't identify with a lot but, here's my gender hoard(link to be added) anyways
if u didn't catch my drift yet I'm a Mario fictive, both games and movie meshed into whatever I am.
oh I'm also catgender but I think that was obvious from my URL lolz
I'm also a protector and a caretaker oh and my bro Luigi is so fucking amazing I'd give my life for him
my interests vary a lot but my constant ones are Mario, xenogenders,
tagging system + other member's blogs + gif of me under the cut
#meowing : my talk tag #kneading : reblog tag #ears perked : ask tag #player 2 ; [username] : asks from non-anons #hissing from the void : anon tag #mariart : my art #mariocore : posts that fit my vibe #for luigi : posts i think my bro would enjoy #game over : my vent tag #pawsitivity : nice stuffs ! #credits to the artist : stuff i might use/have used/am using for icons and such #kitty mario : made while regressed #yours queuetly : queue tag #head bonking : f/o tag THIS WILL BE UPDATED WHEN/IF NEW TAGS ARE ADDED
@[tba] : luigi's blog (bestest bro ever) @[tba] : peach's blog (amazingest princess) @corpsegender : fluffy (host) main blog @frogenthusiazt : anne (also host) blog
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adoggirl · 1 year
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Anne, Fluffy, Feral, Buddy, Collarie, Lotus, Puppy, Orchid, Amber, Choco, Honey or Strawbie. She/They/Pup/Growl/Snarl/Plush/Bug/Paw/Nap/Bite/Kibble/Pet/🪲/🐾/🐶.
Neurodivergent (Autistic and Adhd).
Therian, part of a system.
Am i fronting?
I am a lot of xenogenders, but my main ones are non-binary demigirl gxrl pupgender genderfluff genderfluffy puphoard dogvesi autosapphic angled aroace arospike objectum.
I love dogs, poetry, weirdcore, kidcore, comfycore, clowncore, bright academia, music, rain, lo-fi, and asmr.
Reply icons by @1o55pm
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@corpsegender — my main.
@doodlingpuppy — my art.
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Online status :🐕 — online 🐾 — busy … 💤 — offline
Send me an🍗 I'll tell you something random/what's on my mind.
Send me an 🍖 and I'll give you a song by shuffling our (the whole system) liked songs on spotify.
Send me an 🦴 and I'll give you a term from my hoard.
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snowymogai · 3 years
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Qiqi identifies with zombiesoft and/or corpsegender!
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