lightninrods · 6 months
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-crowns made of flies over the heads of the lords of the world who are perpetually enabling inequality! They've got the world on their hands and our colective's fate inside their pockets...
-none will remember their names after they die and because of that they will cry with fear in the dark, it's their secret...
-with their great wealth they corrupt western democracies that would rather consent the end of the world than the end of capitalism, for nothing...
-already in ancient Greece the slaves of democracy used to say;
"power has many faces, all of them are ugly"
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lightninrods · 2 years
KUTI #65, AUTUMN, Contemporary Portuguese Comics
Hey! O número 65, edição de Outono, da revista KUTI já saiu!
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(A versão digital pode ser lida aqui)  Este volume é inteiramente dedicado à banda desenhada contemporânea portuguesa e nele participam:
André Ruivo, Ana Maçã, Daniel Lima, Ema Gaspar, Amanda Baeza, Hetamoé, R. Paião Oliveira, Sara Boiça, Pedro Burgos, Ana Biscaia, Alexandra Saldanha, Tiago Manuel, Rudolfo, Cátia Serrão e Rodolfo Mariano.
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 Tenho exemplares para distribuir gratuitamente no atelier e para acrescentar como oferta em qualquer compra na minha loja online, passem lá! Loja Atelier: Atelier ABRACADABRA, Av. Calouste Gulbenkian, 9 CC Mayflower, loja 53, 3000-092, Coimbra Obrigado e até breve! R.
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KUTI #65, Autumn, is already out! This issue is dedicated to the ever doomed (as in Moura's essay) contemporary portuguese comics and it features the following artists: André Ruivo, Ana Maçã, Daniel Lima, Ema Gaspar, Amanda Baeza, Hetamoé, R. Paião Oliveira, Sara Boiça, Pedro Burgos, Ana Biscaia, Alexandra Saldanha, Tiago Manuel, Rudolfo, Cátia Serrão e Rodolfo Mariano. Thanks, KUTI and Tommi, Pedro Moura, CCC and Marcos and cheers to all my fellow artist colleagues involved in this project. It's been a hell of a ride. For ghost town coimbra's locals, you can snatch a copy in my studio. It's free, man! For Helsinki's locals, I think the exhibition “Passiflora – Kärsimyskukka” Stoa Cultural Centre is still up! You can check out our stuff live and in full. Thanks for reading and, see ya...
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