#conservatives use children as their political puppets for topics like abortion and trans laws already
helsex-moved ยท 4 months
The KOSA bill is so incredibly terrifying to me as a precedent on a personal level because on paper it's to 'protect the children' but the real intended and desired outcome is exactly what I went through all my life, what I'm still going through for the time being
It sounds silly and people can scoff all they want saying how maybe it's not such a bad thing, but in the hands of the type of parents who want this bill it will do nothing but harm. There is nothing more isolating and paralyzingly scary than the knowledge that even online can't be an escape or source of help or community anymore, because the people who already have full control of your autonomy can now watch every digital move you make, censor and block absolutely anything they want. It doesn't matter if you're not doing anything wrong because to the parents who want this anything you do can be wrong, especially exploring and discovering your own queer identity - among any other number of things.
And of course it doesn't stop there because if they can pass this kind of bill, how much further can they push this?
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