#congrats to that blog you probably saved my life/influenced my sexuality and gender revelations and acceptance
badolmen · 1 year
Years ago I held some fucked up opinions, as you do when you’re 15 or so. In a pre-turn off reblogs post that gets thousands of notes telling me I’m a piece of shit and dozens of asks full of rape threats and suicide baiting kind of a way. I don’t really remember most of it because I deleted everything related to it immediately/as I encountered it. I probably have a few hundred blogs blocked that I would consider good and decent people because i was blocking everyone who interacted with that post in bad faith. And because I couldn’t tell who was sending gore and sexually explicit stuff to my inbox and who wasn’t.
I do remember this one blog though. They messaged me asking if I was okay - acknowledging that the blogs in the notes and in my inbox had taken it too far and that I was entitled to being upset by the harassment. They lied initially (claiming to agree with me, although a quick scope of their blog suggested they didn’t but I didn’t bring it up) but eventually admitted that they thought my opinion was harmful, but that it wasn’t just cause for the harm I was being dealt. I remember that their icon and blog theme was something purple-y black.
I deleted the convo as I was with most messages that rolled in at that time - I didn’t want to remember it, and I was in a pretty deep depression spiral well before it took off. But I wish I could thank them. It took one person from thousands to tell me ‘hey your hurt in this moment is real and unjustified. but you do need to critically examine this opinion you hold’ and wouldn’t you know? Years later I cringe at the opinion I held so dear and proclaimed so loudly.
If you’re out there satanist blog with purple and black blog theme thank you; you have no idea how much our short conversation helped me.
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