#colin bridgerton support squad
pensbridge · 8 months
I wanna say this once and get this thought out there. I don't think Benedict has the qualities of book Colin. I get why people say that, I do! But the basis for which Benedict "takes" Colin's book personality is sparse at best. The arguments:
1) Colin is said to be the favorite brother in the books.
• Colin argues this in his very first scene of the show. He has an apparent need to be liked, and whether showverse Colin is the favorite or not is debatable (also noted by the fact we haven't gotten a ton of 1-on-1 family moments with him specifically)-which is something that ties into the next point
2) That scene of Benedict and Eloise in season 1, smoking
• "Eloise and Colin are said to have a close relationship in the books." Excuse me...Where?! Colin literally says they got close the recent year BECAUSE of Penelope [book quote somewhere that says-she was annoying and a nuisant little sister, but he was much closer with Daphne growing up]-That tracks in showverse, honestly; Daphne is around Anthony much of season 1, who acts as her protector as they disagree the whole way, we rarely see her with Benedict, and we have that 1 scene between Colin and Daphne; Colin probably is her actual favorite brother in the show...
• Colin and Eloise fight like crazy, but we haven't gotten to see it yet...BECAUSE it only makes sense for this season. A huge part of why the bicker in Romancing Mister Bridgerton specifically is because of Colin's belief she is LW, and is presumed to occur in season 3 because Eloise and Penelope had a falling out.
• Lastly, Colin smoking with Eloise would make no sense for that scene. I feel people forget that Colin and Penelope are an ENTIRE 10 years younger than their book counterparts; this is necessary because of the year(s) the books take place. That changes a lot! Colin at 22 would never smoke with El. Colin at 33...might! Colin is not the careless, joke-cracking, pot-stirrer we see in the book; because he hasn't been worn-down and jaded, being pressured endlessly by his mother to settle down when he hasn't even figured out his own purpose yet. But we do see some hints in this character in some moments, primarily s2 when he's "feeding the ducks." (I could talk about the effects of Marina and how this contributes to get him to this similar jaded point as in book 4..) Benedict is near..er to 33 and he has some of these characteristics, for sure! Eloise is able to have this moment with Ben for development, and to have that sibling relationship with him and still have moments upcoming with Colin that also have threads of similarities between the two relationships, while acting as it's own sepatate bond with it's own established differences. ...Colin is not a rake, because he is not at the point of RMB, which brings me to...
3) Any example of Benedict being a rake (book Colin would have done this)
• see point above
4) Also, Benedict's shared doubt (in his case for his art) to Colin's lack of purpose.
• Anthony, Benedict, and Colin all have qualities that they share as we've seen. They all have similar struggles between them, while having their own nuances that distinguish them from one another..Lack of purpose, discern for status, and male role in family and society are all things that plague them; they just have distinct specificities that make each journey unique. We have seen Anthony, we will see Colin, and Benedict will be shown continuing to struggle with his art and how he feels about himself...all 3 with common threads. We'll probably see Benedict propose to a wrong person, too at this point..jk.
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