#coco for short and if family members ask its short for coconut
bakatenshii · 3 years
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
With Business Turned Upside Down, CEOs Face Monumental Leadership Challenge
A San Francisco apparel maker’s CEO has spent hours taking business calls in a Toyota Tacoma outside his home. A Seattle technology company chief spends the first five minutes of her remote staff meetings asking employees to describe their states of mind. A New York coconut-water maker’s CEO led his first-ever virtual happy hour with staff on Thursday.
Another wave of workers will make the transition this week after California, New York and some other states have ordered statewide restrictions.
The result is perhaps the most radical and swift change in U.S. business in living memory. That’s posing a monumental management challenge of leading employees—those lucky enough to have kept their jobs—to sustain operations from home while also keeping them calm and safe.
“This is not business as usual,” said
NRG Energy Inc.
CEO Mauricio Gutierrez, who is managing the power company from his New Jersey home.
Many CEOs, cut off from their staff for the first time, are ramping up their communication with employees to address the confusion, anxiety and isolation setting in among the rank-and-file. They are sending daily companywide updates, hosting virtual town halls and sharing personal photos and stories from home.
Bosses like
Cisco Systems
Inc.’s Chuck Robbins aim to offer reassurance and replicate some of the human connection of the office water cooler. The networking-gear giant’s CEO now leads a weekly all-company videoconference from his home office near San Francisco with Cisco’s chief people officer. Medical professionals are invited to answer coronavirus-related questions.
In Thursday’s session, employees asked how to handle racing “what if?” thoughts. Some wondered whether it was safe to go for a walk or swim.
Cisco employee Joie Healy, 46, said a challenge of working at home is that it can be tempting to work continuously. “I could sit in front of my computer the whole time,” she said. Ms. Healy works in front of a window and can see joggers and others passing outside—a reminder to take breaks, something she says the company has encouraged. “The world is not going to come to an end if we take a couple of hours for ourselves.”
CEOs including Arne Sorenson of
Marriott International Inc.
are turning to public messages or videos to discuss the damage to their companies. “I have never had a more difficult moment than this one,” Mr. Sorenson said in a video in which he choked up as he announced layoffs.
“Our team was a bit concerned about using a video message today because of my new bald look,” said Mr. Sorenson in the video; he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year. The drop in hotel bookings caused by the virus has been worse than 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis combined, he said. Mr. Sorenson said he would forfeit his salary and other executives would take a 50% pay cut as Marriott closes hotels and furloughs what it expects to be tens of thousands.
Keurig Dr Pepper Inc.,
demand has surged as consumers stock up on its bottled water, soda, juice and single-serve coffee. That has increased the workload for its 25,000 employees, most of whom work in manufacturing and distribution, and has created a balancing act for their housebound leader.
CEO Bob Gamgort hasn’t visited the company’s Massachusetts or Texas headquarters in a week. He is leading the troops from home in suburban New Jersey, where he drove after his two adult sons decamped there from New York City. He is now trying to rally his workforce and minimize their risks.
“We need to keep up our supply” to meet the increased demand “by keeping our employees safe,” Mr. Gamgort said. “We also need to make sure that they’re feeling comfortable, that they’re taken care of, they feel like we have their back, so that they’re comfortable coming in to work.”
In an email last Monday, he and his senior leadership told staff that a distribution-center employee had tested positive for the coronavirus. Co-workers who had come in contact with the employee were in self-quarantine with full pay. The company is sanitizing its plants more frequently and has limited the number of workers who interact with one another by closing break rooms and mandating that shifts don’t overlap.
American Giant CEO Bayard Winthrop works in his vehicle with his dog, Dash.
Photo: Winthrop family
Severe effects
Some research suggests short-term effects of remote work can be severe. Brad Bell, a professor who runs the Cornell University’s Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, recently conducted research to figure out the effects, tracking 50 remote workers for two years. Three months after moving into a remote work arrangement, employees reported higher levels of work-family conflict than before.
The implication, Prof. Bell said: “If companies adopt work from home as a short-term, emergency action, it is likely that employees will not have the necessary time to adjust and will experience a number of challenges.”
Bayard Winthrop, CEO of American Giant Inc., a San Francisco seller of made-in-America apparel, now leads a daily all-company call so people can hear one another’s voices and he can check in on how they are faring. He begins by updating people on the business, but many employees discuss personal situations and anxieties.
“It was more personal than it was work, frankly, people saying: ‘I’m nervous about this; I’m nervous about that,’ ” said Mr. Winthrop, 50. “That human part of it is super, super important.”
A father of three young children, he has begun sneaking out to his Tacoma pickup truck for some calls: “In my previous call, my 3-year-old was yelling at me that she didn’t have water for her watercolors.”
Share Your Thoughts
What work-at-home management innovations have you discovered? Join the conversation below.
At Textio Inc., a Seattle technology company that sent staff home about three weeks ago, CEO Kieran Snyder now often spends the first five minutes of meetings asking employees to describe their states of mind in one or two words. In a meeting Wednesday, Ms. Snyder, who has three children home from school, tried to create a more open discussion by volunteering she was nervous.
“I’m running a company, but I’m also running an elementary school,” she joked in an interview. “It’s very likely this call will get interrupted to teach long division.”
Earlier this week, Ms. Snyder called a senior engineering-team member at 11 p.m. to see how she was doing. She knew the employee had three children under age 7 and a working spouse. They talked about managing a family with a demanding job. “I’m trying to check in on people,” she said.
Working from home in the Hamptons, CEO Michael Kirban of coconut-water maker Vita Coco on Thursday hosted the company’s first virtual happy hour—something of an instant coronavirus-age fixture, in which colleagues pour their own drinks and log on to chat. “It’s my job to keep it as light as possible,” he said. “These are really tough times. People are scared.”
Textio CEO Kieran Snyder managing at home.
Photo: Jensen Harris
Julie Morgenstern, a workplace consultant in New York who advises multiple CEOs, said she is hearing from clients who find themselves and their employees overwhelmed. “There’s no structure,” she said. “They don’t change their clothes, they barely brush their teeth, people are skipping meals.”
Workers accustomed to commuting may have anticipated gaining several hours daily but find themselves fighting the distractions of developing news and heightened emotions, as well as triaging untested home-technology setups and what she calls “Covid tasks.”
“No matter what your job is, every conversation or meeting you have with people, the first 10 minutes are lost to how you’re feeling. ‘Are you safe, is it OK?’ ” Ms. Morgenstern said. “There’s a lot of actual time lost to that.” She has recommended clients color-code blocks in their calendar they are devoting to coronavirus to get a clearer picture of how it is affecting productivity.
Fran Caradonna, CEO of the Saint Louis Brewery LLC, which makes Schlafly beer, said she has been sending companywide emails with the subject line “Be Well.” The first announced the cancellation of the brewery’s annual Stout & Oyster festival, which draws 10,000 to 15,000 people.
“There was a lot of grief around that one,” said Ms. Caradonna, who was spending some days at the office and some at home. She has had one-on-one conversations with employees who have approached her offering to take a pay cut or reduction in hours if a co-worker is in greater need. Ms. Caradonna, who has 250 employees, is planning fix-up projects so she can redeploy bartenders and food servers as painters and cleaners at the company’s brewpubs, which are now limited to takeout.
Communicating empathy
Jeff Dachis, CEO of One Drop, which makes a blood-sugar monitoring system for diabetics, said he is trying to communicate more empathy to his staff in companywide Slack messages. The startup has 42 employees and offices in New York and Austin, Texas. All are now working from home.
“People with kids have an extraordinary challenge,” he said by phone from his Brooklyn living room, where he has set up a folding table as his desk, “because they have to both school their kids and…then get work done, which there’s no letup in expectation for what we have to do.”
CEO Jeff Dachis of One Drop with his dog, Lulu, working at home in Brooklyn.
Photo: Ruby Dachis
Knowing many people are cooking more, Mr. Dachis, 53, created a #whatsfordinner channel on his company’s Slack workspace and posted a photo of a partially eaten plate of steamed halibut, sauteed kale and baked sweet potato.
Andy Pray, founder of public-relations firm Praytell, learned a new coping strategy from employees who found videoconferencing and messaging apps weren’t a replacement for spontaneous conversations at the office.
The 150-person firm is providing weekly all-agency business updates and has also set up companywide video chats where employees can talk about anything. Praytell account strategist Emily Gaus, 24, who began working from her Chicago home more than a week ago, said several employees live-streamed themselves cleaning out the Los Angeles office refrigerator to the rest of the company. Some colleagues, she said, have used it to demonstrate how to make creative cocktails
“I never knew we needed a cable-access equivalent until we had it,” said Mr. Pray, “but man has it helped lift spirits and give a needed diversion.”
CEO Sarah Kauss of S’well, a maker of stainless-steel water bottles, said her team is realizing how much they need office camaraderie. “We laugh a lot,” she said, “and that doesn’t all come through on video.”
The company, with fewer than 100 employees, has offices in New York and London. Working from her home in Jupiter, Fla., Ms. Kauss recently shared with staff a photo of her son Hudson, nearly 2 years old, wearing a S’well hat. She is considering social events like a virtual talent show in which colleagues could introduce children or pets or play the guitar.
Administrative assistant Sherry Schwenderlauf, 46, credited her company’s leadership for making it easy to work at home and said she is grateful to have a job that she can do remotely. After nearly 16 years in a Portland, Ore., accounting-firm office, she began working from home Thursday. “I never thought as an administrative assistant, I would ever have this happen,” she said. So far, the transition has been largely smooth. She communicates via Microsoft Teams and says the work during the busy tax season is getting done.
She plans to go back into her office Sunday to borrow her rolling desk chair to use at her kitchen table. She also wants to grab her mouse and wrist pad along with two succulents and office flowers she has kept alive for six years: “It’s the stuff I didn’t think about when I left.”
Ms. Schwenderlauf said she does miss some office camaraderie. During a lunch break this week, she stepped outside and called over to a neighbor. “I chatted with her,” she said, “at a safe distance, of course.”
—Kathryn Dill and Patrick Thomas contributed to this article.
Write to Chip Cutter at [email protected] and Jennifer Maloney at [email protected]
Copyright ©2019 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/with-business-turned-upside-down-ceos-face-monumental-leadership-challenge/
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New Post has been published on https://www.retireearlyandtravel.com/cartagena/
Cartagena Old Town - Explore the Magic and Charm Now
If you love sultry, cobblestone streets and colorful colonial buildings, as I do, you will love old town, Cartagena. Old town Cartagena is a well-preserved city lying within several, kilometers of centuries-old colonial stone walls. Old Town Cartagena is a UNESCO World Heritage site with balconies covered in bougainvillea and many Catholic churches. It was also the first Spanish colony on the American continent. For us, Cartagena is a place where you want to walk the streets, take your time, stop for a drink, and listen to the stories. Pausing to enjoy the many cafés and bars will help you bare the humidity. Obviously, I am not a fan of hot and humid, but I am a fan of old town Cartagena, and if done right you can enjoy its beauty and not notice the humidity.
One of the Most Well-Preserved Cities in South America
Founded in 1533 Cartagena shortly became a major port city for the Spanish empire. As you walk the streets of Cartagena, you can easily see the Spanish influence on the architecture of the city. Cartagena is probably one of the most well-preserved cities in South America.
La Presentacion Casa Museo Arte y Cultura
Walking around the streets of old town Cartagena, we found this small hidden gem, La Presentacion Casa Museo Arte y Cultura. This museum is free and located in a stunning old Colonial home in Old Cartagena. The gallery of this museum is just a few rooms on the first floor alongside a beautiful garden area. The first piece of modern art you will see is in the entryway. The main entry has a chandelier made of recycled bottles. Enjoy a cappuccino or latte in their café as you people watch.
Albabas or Door Knockers
As I said before, Keith and I love old city architecture. As we walked the streets with our guide, we could not help but notice that many doors had ornate door knockers. I saw several homes or businesses with the same knocker, I was sure. After questioning our guide, we found out that these door knockers are called Aldabas. Different Aldabas have special meanings and most date back centuries. They originated in medieval times when families were eager to display their social status. Each knocker represents the owner’s profession or social status. It was a daily reminder of one’s place in society in Cartagena.
We saw several different door knockers along the beautiful streets of Cartagena. Our guide said the lion head meant that your family was in the military. The aquatic creatures like the seahorse, turtle, fish or mermaids meant you were a type of sea merchant. The lizard meant you were part of the Spanish Royal family or could lay claim to a family connection. A hand meant you were a member of the clergy or a religious sect. Dog knockers represented slave merchants and owls represented teachers. It was fun trying to watch for as many of these door knockers we could find.
Beautiful Balconies
Something else we admired tremendously in the old walled city of Cartegena is the lovely balconies with their intricate railings. Beautiful pastel buildings and homes line narrow cobblestone streets adorned with these lovely balconies. You can only imagine what life was like in the days gone by in this sun-drenched city.
Many of these balconies are flower covered adding to the charm of the city. You can tell the age (period) of the balconies by looking at their support structures. The wood balcony supports, represent the Colonial period while the cement balcony supports represent the newer Republic period.
Cart Vendors
It is difficult for people living in the old city center to get to shops to purchase fresh food. So vendors take their goods to the people. The vendors have carts they push along the streets. One will sell produce, another fruit, others sell root vegetables and still another sell freshly made juices.
Movie Shoot
We did not entirely escape the crowds and glitz of the US. As we were walking down what should have been a small, quiet street we came along a crowd of people just standing and looking at this hotel. I asked an onlooker in my best Spanish what are you watching?  The reply…” they are shooting a Will Smith movie, and Will and his son are inside the hotel now. We are all waiting for him to walk out so we can get pictures.” There were guards and movie cameras outside the hotel. We waited about 20 minutes, but no one left the hotel, and we continued on our tour of the city.
Street Art
As is usual in many South American cities, Cartagena has terrific street art. Artist will paint pictures and murals to depict their political views, their dreams or to beautify the street.
Have a Cartagena Favorite Drink When its Time to Cool Off
As I said before, the streets of old Cartagena are hot and sultry, so Keith and I went to the roof of the Armeria Real Hotel for a drink and to catch the breeze. From the roof, we had great views of the high rise skyline of downtown Cartagena. They served us a Cartagena specialty drink called “Limonada de Coco.” It consists of cream of coconut, lime juice, sugar and crush ice. They blended it, and it was delicious.
The Shops at Las Bovedas
Last but not least we strolled the shops at Las Bovedas. Las Bovedas is a street lined with souvenir shops built in the old cells of the former Cartagena prison. Located in Cartagena but not in the old city, it is a place we recommend you not miss, especially if you like to shop. We found everything from clothes, souvenirs, and even food. There was also a guy who roasted his homegrown Columbian coffee which we had to bring a pound home to try.
We only spent a short time in old town, Cartagena. We wished we had longer. It is a city we would love to spend a week visiting. There are so many exciting shops, cool little cafés and interesting people to watch in this peaceful city.
Check out this 5-minute video of the Old Town
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glenmenlow · 7 years
#InsideIsEverything: 5 Questions With Zico Marketing VP Meghann Seidner
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that it’s 100% coconut water, with no added sugar or other ingredients, hand harvested from coconuts in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, the actress and entrepreneur who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, the premium coconut water brand found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release.
Nearly 75% of the 1,000 Americans surveyed by the brand in May said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s research also found that 52 percent of respondents, who were all 18 or older, described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent said they are “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
“Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers,” Alba commented on the research study.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick—and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are—in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, stated. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of—true to your core—that’s when your best self shines.”
It's still summer in my book. Which means it's still perfect for adventures! @zicococonut is perfect for cooling off…and so is this secret waterfall#InsideIsEverything #ad
A post shared by Julie Denby (@julesdenby) on Aug 27, 2017 at 8:01am PDT
To support that message, the “What’s Inside is Everything” campaign this summer saw influencer marketing and sponsored pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place in downtown New York.
We spoke with Seidner (right) about Zico’s latest research and campaign and how its early mover advantage in helping create the coconut water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin.
Meghann, how is Zico expanding its brand and offerings in order to grow in the maturing coconut water category?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do, especially given the coconut water category has only about 13 percent household penetration. So there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything.
Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everyone in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. As our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra Pak (carton). This evolution was meant for ease and function as a great on-the-go offering, but of course (we) wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside, which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing and innovation?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge. Also, Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for.
In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the #InsideIsEverything New York pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there. Our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
Selfie queen @JessicaAlba reminding us to celebrate our inner (and outer) beauty. #InsideIsEverything
A post shared by ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) on Jan 31, 2017 at 8:29am PST
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it impact Zico that she’s promoting her own brand with The Honest Company?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well. This means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal of being the most-loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not-from-concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post #InsideIsEverything: 5 Questions With Zico Marketing VP Meghann Seidner appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/insideiseverything-5-questions-with-zico-marketing-vp-meghann-seidner/ via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 7 years
#InsideIsEverything: 5 Questions With Zico Marketing VP Meghann Seidner
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that it’s 100% coconut water, with no added sugar or other ingredients, hand harvested from coconuts in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, the actress and entrepreneur who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, the premium coconut water brand found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release.
Nearly 75% of the 1,000 Americans surveyed by the brand in May said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s research also found that 52 percent of respondents, who were all 18 or older, described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent said they are “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
“Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers,” Alba commented on the research study.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick—and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are—in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, stated. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of—true to your core—that’s when your best self shines.”
It's still summer in my book. Which means it's still perfect for adventures! @zicococonut is perfect for cooling off…and so is this secret waterfall#InsideIsEverything #ad
A post shared by Julie Denby (@julesdenby) on Aug 27, 2017 at 8:01am PDT
To support that message, the “What’s Inside is Everything” campaign this summer saw influencer marketing and sponsored pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place in downtown New York.
We spoke with Seidner (right) about Zico’s latest research and campaign and how its early mover advantage in helping create the coconut water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin.
Meghann, how is Zico expanding its brand and offerings in order to grow in the maturing coconut water category?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do, especially given the coconut water category has only about 13 percent household penetration. So there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything.
Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everyone in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. As our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra Pak (carton). This evolution was meant for ease and function as a great on-the-go offering, but of course (we) wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside, which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba http://pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing and innovation?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge. Also, Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for.
In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the #InsideIsEverything New York pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there. Our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
Selfie queen @JessicaAlba reminding us to celebrate our inner (and outer) beauty. #InsideIsEverything
A post shared by ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) on Jan 31, 2017 at 8:29am PST
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it impact Zico that she’s promoting her own brand with The Honest Company?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well. This means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal of being the most-loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not-from-concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post #InsideIsEverything: 5 Questions With Zico Marketing VP Meghann Seidner appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 7 years
#InsideIsEverything: 5 Questions With Zico Marketing VP Meghann Seidner
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that it’s 100% coconut water, with no added sugar or other ingredients, hand harvested from coconuts in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, the actress and entrepreneur who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, the premium coconut water brand found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release.
Nearly 75% of the 1,000 Americans surveyed by the brand in May said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s research also found that 52 percent of respondents, who were all 18 or older, described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent said they are “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
“Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers,” Alba commented on the research study.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick—and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are—in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, stated. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of—true to your core—that’s when your best self shines.”
It's still summer in my book. Which means it's still perfect for adventures! @zicococonut is perfect for cooling off…and so is this secret waterfall#InsideIsEverything #ad
A post shared by Julie Denby (@julesdenby) on Aug 27, 2017 at 8:01am PDT
To support that message, the “What’s Inside is Everything” campaign this summer saw influencer marketing and sponsored pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place in downtown New York.
We spoke with Seidner (right) about Zico’s latest research and campaign and how its early mover advantage in helping create the coconut water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin.
Meghann, how is Zico expanding its brand and offerings in order to grow in the maturing coconut water category?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do, especially given the coconut water category has only about 13 percent household penetration. So there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything.
Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everyone in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. As our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra Pak (carton). This evolution was meant for ease and function as a great on-the-go offering, but of course (we) wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside, which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing and innovation?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge. Also, Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for.
In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the #InsideIsEverything New York pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there. Our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
Selfie queen @JessicaAlba reminding us to celebrate our inner (and outer) beauty. #InsideIsEverything
A post shared by ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) on Jan 31, 2017 at 8:29am PST
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it impact Zico that she’s promoting her own brand with The Honest Company?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well. This means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal of being the most-loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not-from-concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post #InsideIsEverything: 5 Questions With Zico Marketing VP Meghann Seidner appeared first on brandchannel:.
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davisgordonc · 7 years
Succeeding At the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that Zico is only coconut water with nothing added.
Extending the positioning that it has done with “brand ambassador” Jessica Alba, who’s considered a goddess of authenticity in the marketing community, Zico found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” Zico said in a press release. This has resulted in nearly 3 in 4 Americans making “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent of Americans “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
The release quoted Alba: “Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers.” In addition to her accomplishments as an actress, of course, Alba has been notable as the entrepreneur behind Honest Co., which sells eco-friendly detergent and other CPG products to parents.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are, in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, said in the release. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of — true to your core, that’s when your best self shines.”
Zico also is rolling out a series of experiential events this summer that feature pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place Plaza in New York City.
brandchannel spoke with Seidner about Zico’s new campaign and how the brand is building on its early place in helping create the coconut-water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin:
How does Zico continue to refine its brand and offerings in a coconut water category that has matured?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do especially given the coconut water category has only about 13-percent household penetration. So, there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits, in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision, and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything. Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everywhere in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. And as our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra pack. This evolution was meant for ease and function, as a great on-the-go offering, but of course wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside; which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba http://pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing, extensions into new areas and so on?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge.
And Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for. In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the New York City pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there; our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it matter or help Zico that she’s got her own highly-regarded brand with Honest?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well—this means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal being the most loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not from concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Succeeding At the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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yellowtoenailscured · 7 years
PediFix FungaSoap Cleansing Wash Review
See PediFix FungaSoap Cleansing Wash Review in its original form on The Yellow Toenails Cured Website or check it out here if you prefer.
Fungus can sometimes be hard to remove, and it's highly contagious. You can catch it anywhere, especially in areas that are warm, damp/humid, and infected. With [easyazon_link identifier="B001GBBVG4" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]PediFix FungaSoap Cleansing Wash[/easyazon_link], though, you can cut down the chances of getting athlete's foot, jock itch, and toenail fungus. It can also help to clear up these conditions.
There is a difference between antibacterial soap and antifungal soap. The anti-bacterial agent keeps away the germs and other bacteria that may cause illness and/or skin ailments. With antifungal soap, you will be able to ward off toenail fungus and other fungal infections easily.
In this review, we will discuss the PediFix FungaSoap Cleansing Wash. We will outline the ingredients and provide instructions on how to use it. We will also share what consumers are saying about it, and let you know where you can get it at the best price.
If you don’t have the time to read the whole review, you can simply [easyazon_link identifier="B001GBBVG4" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]CLICK HERE[/easyazon_link] and be directed to the product page. You'll find consumer feedback and a helpful FAQ.
PediFix FungaSoap Cleansing Wash Review
By washing with this soap, you can potentially avoid a fungal infection and/or stop it from getting any worse. It can even start to kill some of the easier-to-reach fungus, but not when it's protected by the toenail. Since it is a liquid soap, you can apply it easily to the infected area(s). The reason for using this formula is that you'll be removing fungus before it has a chance to get into the nail bed (or other protected areas).
It is a wash, so it's most effective at killing fungus that is on the surface of the skin. It can be used as an overall body wash, but it's intended for us on the feet, legs, face, and torso. When used correctly, it can help to prevent skin dryness and irritation. It is a highly concentrated formula, so it needs to be washed of completely when you're done. This product should never be used as a shampoo. You'll need a specific product for that purpose.
[easyazon_link identifier="B001GBBVG4" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]CLICK HERE[/easyazon_link] to Read Frequently Asked Questions, & to Buy it at the Lowest Price!
Below you will find the ingredients list for this soap.  Notice that it is made of many essential oils.  These oils have natural healing properties that are anti-bacterial, antifungal, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial. Others will help to relieve the itching and/or odor that may be coming from the surrounding skin or underneath the toenails. Let's take a closer look.
What Are the Ingredients?
Saponified Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil
Saponified Olea Europaea (Olive) Oil
Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf
Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil
Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Oil
Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (Guar) Gum
Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil
Saponified Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract
Iron Oxide
Is It Easy to Use?
Unlike some other soaps, it's safe to use on most parts of the body, even the face. When used daily, it will not only keep the fungus away and keep your skin healthy. It's a concentrated formula, so you only need to use a small amount to wash you entire body.
If you currently have a toenail fungal infection, it can help it from spreading to other nails and people. Pay special attention to your feet, and between your toes. After you get out of the shower or bath, make sure that you dry off thoroughly.
[easyazon_link identifier="B001GBBVG4" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]CLICK HERE[/easyazon_link] to Read Genuine Customer Reviews, and to Buy it for the Lowest Price!
What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages?
When used regularly, it will wash away bacteria and fungus.
Helps to prevent future occurrences of athlete's foot. jock itch, and toenail fungus.
Deodorizes as it cleans, reducing any unpleasant odors.
Leaves the skin feeling clean and soft.
The ingredients will relieve itchiness and/or inflammation.
Quickly and easily creates a lather that cleans thoroughly.
The smell/scent is medicinal, and this doesn't appeal to everyone.
It has a thin and runny consistency.
Ways to Prevent Fungus from Spreading
Always wash your feet and body with this formula after engaging in exercise or sweating heavily, or after getting a professional pedicure.
Wash the areas that are infected by fungus last. This will minimize the risk of spreading the infection to other areas. You may also wish to consider using a separate wash cloth or sponge for certain parts of the face/body.
Keeping your toenails clipped short will allow the soap to get under the nail. If your toenails are overly thick, use the Harperton Klipit Nail Clipper Set to cut through them. Make it as easy as possible for the solution to work by preparing your nails for cleansing and treatment.
Even if you're currently fungus free, avoid sharing items with other members of the family. This is not limited to towels, floor mats, nail clippers, pedicure sets, and footwear. Use your own professional pedicure set to avoid infecting people in your household.
Fungus is commonly found in old footwear as it can get hot and sweaty when you wear them all day. Use a good UV shoe deodorizer to kill fungus in your shoes and boots, and try to change up your footwear so that it has a chance to dry out in the sun.
If you have toenail fungus, using a foot wash alone won't work. You need to use a toenail fungus product that works.
When you have poor circulation, fungus is a much bigger problem. You're more likely to get infected, and it's harder to clear up. Consider using a circulation booster machine to improve blood flow throughout your lower body and extremities.
Using [easyazon_link identifier="B001GBBVG4" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]PediFix FungaSoap Cleansing Wash[/easyazon_link] is an effective way of keeping most parts of your body free from the damaging effects of fungus. It's a particularly good way of preventing/clearing up athlete's foot and jock itch. When used each day it provides an affordable way of protecting your skin/nails, and other family members, from getting a fungal infection.
[easyazon_link identifier="B001GBBVG4" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]CLICK HERE[/easyazon_link] to Purchase a Bottle for Yourself Now from Amazon!
Our Verdict
[usrlist Ease:5 Effectiveness:4.5 Safety:4 Results:4.5 Value:4 avg="true"]
0 notes
glenmenlow · 7 years
Inside Is Everything: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that it’s 100% coconut water, with no added sugar or other ingredients, hand harvested from coconuts in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, the actress and entrepreneur who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, the premium coconut water brand found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release. Nearly 3 of 4 Americans surveyed said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent said they are “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
“Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers,” Alba commented on the research.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick—and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are—in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, stated. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of—true to your core—that’s when your best self shines.”
To support that message, the “What’s Inside is Everything” experiential marketing campaign this summer sponsored pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place in downtown New York.
We spoke with Seidner (right) about Zico’s latest research and campaign and how its early mover advantage in helping create the coconut water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin.
Meghann, how is Zico expanding its brand and offerings in order to grow in the maturing coconut water category?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do, especially given the coconut water category has only about 13 percent household penetration. So there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything.
Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everyone in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. As our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra Pak (carton). This evolution was meant for ease and function as a great on-the-go offering, but of course (we) wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside, which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing and innovation?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge. Also, Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for.
In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the #InsideIsEverything New York pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there. Our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
Selfie queen @JessicaAlba reminding us to celebrate our inner (and outer) beauty. #InsideIsEverything
A post shared by ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) on Jan 31, 2017 at 8:29am PST
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it impact Zico that she’s promoting her own brand with The Honest Company?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well. This means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal of being the most-loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not-from-concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Inside Is Everything: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 7 years
Inside Is Everything: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that it’s 100% coconut water, with no added sugar or other ingredients, hand harvested from coconuts in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, the actress and entrepreneur who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, the premium coconut water brand found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release. Nearly 3 of 4 Americans surveyed said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent said they are “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
“Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers,” Alba commented on the research.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick—and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are—in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, stated. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of—true to your core—that’s when your best self shines.”
To support that message, the “What’s Inside is Everything” experiential marketing campaign this summer sponsored pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place in downtown New York.
We spoke with Seidner (right) about Zico’s latest research and campaign and how its early mover advantage in helping create the coconut water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin.
Meghann, how is Zico expanding its brand and offerings in order to grow in the maturing coconut water category?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do, especially given the coconut water category has only about 13 percent household penetration. So there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything.
Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everyone in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. As our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra Pak (carton). This evolution was meant for ease and function as a great on-the-go offering, but of course (we) wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside, which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing and innovation?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge. Also, Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for.
In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the #InsideIsEverything New York pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there. Our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
Selfie queen @JessicaAlba reminding us to celebrate our inner (and outer) beauty. #InsideIsEverything
A post shared by ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) on Jan 31, 2017 at 8:29am PST
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it impact Zico that she’s promoting her own brand with The Honest Company?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well. This means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal of being the most-loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not-from-concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Inside Is Everything: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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markjsousa · 7 years
Succeeding at the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that Zico is pure coconut water with no added ingredients.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, Zico found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release. Nearly 3 of 4 Americans surveyed said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent of Americans “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
The release quoted Alba: “Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers.” In addition to her accomplishments as an actress, of course, Alba has been notable as the entrepreneur behind Honest Co., which sells eco-friendly detergent and other CPG products to parents.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are, in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, said in the release. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of — true to your core, that’s when your best self shines.”
Zico also is rolling out a series of experiential events this summer that feature pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place Plaza in New York City.
brandchannel spoke with Seidner about Zico’s new campaign and how the brand is building on its early place in helping create the coconut-water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin:
How does Zico continue to refine its brand and offerings in a coconut water category that has matured?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do especially given the coconut water category has only about 13-percent household penetration. So, there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits, in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision, and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything. Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everywhere in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. And as our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra pack. This evolution was meant for ease and function, as a great on-the-go offering, but of course wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside; which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba http://pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing, extensions into new areas and so on?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge.
And Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for. In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the New York City pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there; our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it matter or help Zico that she’s got her own highly-regarded brand with Honest?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well—this means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal being the most loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not from concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Succeeding at the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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markjsousa · 7 years
Inside Is Everything: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that it’s 100% coconut water, with no added sugar or other ingredients, hand harvested from coconuts in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, the actress and entrepreneur who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, the premium coconut water brand found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release. Nearly 3 of 4 Americans surveyed said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent said they are “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
“Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers,” Alba commented on the research.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick—and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are—in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, stated. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of—true to your core—that’s when your best self shines.”
To support that message, the “What’s Inside is Everything” experiential marketing campaign this summer sponsored pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place in downtown New York.
We spoke with Seidner (right) about Zico’s latest research and campaign and how its early mover advantage in helping create the coconut water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin.
Meghann, how is Zico expanding its brand and offerings in order to grow in the maturing coconut water category?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do, especially given the coconut water category has only about 13 percent household penetration. So there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything.
Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everyone in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. As our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra Pak (carton). This evolution was meant for ease and function as a great on-the-go offering, but of course (we) wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside, which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba http://pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing and innovation?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge. Also, Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for.
In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the #InsideIsEverything New York pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there. Our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
Selfie queen @JessicaAlba reminding us to celebrate our inner (and outer) beauty. #InsideIsEverything
A post shared by ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) on Jan 31, 2017 at 8:29am PST
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it impact Zico that she’s promoting her own brand with The Honest Company?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well. This means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal of being the most-loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not-from-concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Inside Is Everything: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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glenmenlow · 7 years
Succeeding at the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that Zico is pure coconut water with no added ingredients.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, Zico found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release. Nearly 3 of 4 Americans surveyed said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent of Americans “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
The release quoted Alba: “Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers.” In addition to her accomplishments as an actress, of course, Alba has been notable as the entrepreneur behind Honest Co., which sells eco-friendly detergent and other CPG products to parents.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are, in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, said in the release. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of — true to your core, that’s when your best self shines.”
Zico also is rolling out a series of experiential events this summer that feature pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place Plaza in New York City.
brandchannel spoke with Seidner about Zico’s new campaign and how the brand is building on its early place in helping create the coconut-water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin:
How does Zico continue to refine its brand and offerings in a coconut water category that has matured?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do especially given the coconut water category has only about 13-percent household penetration. So, there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits, in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision, and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything. Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everywhere in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. And as our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra pack. This evolution was meant for ease and function, as a great on-the-go offering, but of course wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside; which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing, extensions into new areas and so on?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge.
And Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for. In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the New York City pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there; our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it matter or help Zico that she’s got her own highly-regarded brand with Honest?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well—this means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal being the most loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not from concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Succeeding at the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/succeeding-at-the-core-5-questions-with-meghann-seidner-of-zico-2/ via IFTTT
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joejstrickl · 7 years
Succeeding at the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that Zico is pure coconut water with no added ingredients.
Extending its relationship with brand ambassador Jessica Alba, who pursues authenticity with her eco-friendly The Honest Company brand, Zico found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” as stated in a press release. Nearly 3 of 4 Americans surveyed said they had made “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent of Americans “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
The release quoted Alba: “Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers.” In addition to her accomplishments as an actress, of course, Alba has been notable as the entrepreneur behind Honest Co., which sells eco-friendly detergent and other CPG products to parents.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are, in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, said in the release. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of — true to your core, that’s when your best self shines.”
Zico also is rolling out a series of experiential events this summer that feature pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place Plaza in New York City.
brandchannel spoke with Seidner about Zico’s new campaign and how the brand is building on its early place in helping create the coconut-water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin:
How does Zico continue to refine its brand and offerings in a coconut water category that has matured?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do especially given the coconut water category has only about 13-percent household penetration. So, there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits, in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision, and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything. Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everywhere in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. And as our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra pack. This evolution was meant for ease and function, as a great on-the-go offering, but of course wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside; which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing, extensions into new areas and so on?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge.
And Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for. In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the New York City pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there; our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it matter or help Zico that she’s got her own highly-regarded brand with Honest?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well—this means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal being the most loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not from concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Succeeding at the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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glenmenlow · 7 years
Succeeding At the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that Zico is only coconut water with nothing added.
Extending the positioning that it has done with “brand ambassador” Jessica Alba, who’s considered a goddess of authenticity in the marketing community, Zico found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” Zico said in a press release. This has resulted in nearly 3 in 4 Americans making “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent of Americans “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
The release quoted Alba: “Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers.” In addition to her accomplishments as an actress, of course, Alba has been notable as the entrepreneur behind Honest Co., which sells eco-friendly detergent and other CPG products to parents.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are, in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, said in the release. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of — true to your core, that’s when your best self shines.”
Zico also is rolling out a series of experiential events this summer that feature pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place Plaza in New York City.
brandchannel spoke with Seidner about Zico’s new campaign and how the brand is building on its early place in helping create the coconut-water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin:
How does Zico continue to refine its brand and offerings in a coconut water category that has matured?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do especially given the coconut water category has only about 13-percent household penetration. So, there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits, in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision, and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything. Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everywhere in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. And as our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra pack. This evolution was meant for ease and function, as a great on-the-go offering, but of course wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside; which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing, extensions into new areas and so on?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge.
And Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for. In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the New York City pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there; our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it matter or help Zico that she’s got her own highly-regarded brand with Honest?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well—this means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal being the most loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not from concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
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The post Succeeding At the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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markjsousa · 7 years
Succeeding At the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico
Zico has continued its authenticity push with a marketing campaign built on a survey of what Americans believe is “at the core” of their lives—reflecting the fact that Zico is only coconut water with nothing added.
Extending the positioning that it has done with “brand ambassador” Jessica Alba, who’s considered a goddess of authenticity in the marketing community, Zico found that “Americans are not afraid to take action in their lives to stay true to themselves and listen to their hearts,” Zico said in a press release. This has resulted in nearly 3 in 4 Americans making “lifestyle changes” in the last year “to pursue personal goals or ambitions.”
Zico’s survey also found that 52 percent of respondents described “happiness” as their most recent emotional state. And that “when facing tough life decisions,” 62 percent of Americans “are more likely to listen to themselves” than to a friend or family member (39 percent), “showing the weight they place on their own opinions.”
The release quoted Alba: “Some of my greatest successes have come from following my own ‘inner voice’ and pursuing my dreams despite the naysayers.” In addition to her accomplishments as an actress, of course, Alba has been notable as the entrepreneur behind Honest Co., which sells eco-friendly detergent and other CPG products to parents.
“We believe in digging deep to understand what makes us tick and celebrating what uniquely makes us who we are, in following our own inner compass,” Meghann Seidner, Zico’s vice president of marketing, said in the release. “We’re excited to help folks discover that when you’re true to what you are made of — true to your core, that’s when your best self shines.”
Zico also is rolling out a series of experiential events this summer that feature pop-up brand activations in venues including Astor Place Plaza in New York City.
brandchannel spoke with Seidner about Zico’s new campaign and how the brand is building on its early place in helping create the coconut-water market, where the Coca-Cola-owned brand still trails market leader Vita Coco by a wide margin:
How does Zico continue to refine its brand and offerings in a coconut water category that has matured?
While the Zico brand has been around for 13 years, there’s still a good amount of maturing for the category to do especially given the coconut water category has only about 13-percent household penetration. So, there’s some heavy lifting to do for all of us in the category in order to introduce more folks to coconut water and spread the word on its naturally hydrating properties and benefits, in general.
Equally as important for Zico, however, is ensuring that we stay true to our roots, our founder’s vision, and our shared value systems, which we use as a compass to guide our path forward. What’s inside, naturally, is the most important focus for us as a brand, and has become core to how we approach everything. Long story short, we know that consumers drink Zico when they are looking to take care of themselves, as a way to show their body some love. We also know that our passionate consumer base, ranging from the yogi at heart to the multifaceted career climber and everywhere in between, cares about what they put into their bodies. And as our fans continue to demand more from their beverages, the best way we can refine our brand is to stay true to our core, our origin, our roots.
We’re the first brand to offer coconut water in a bottle in addition to a Tetra pack. This evolution was meant for ease and function, as a great on-the-go offering, but of course wanted it to be beautiful. The distinguishable bottle shape is ownable by only Zico, and our beautiful clear PET bottle allows folks to see what’s inside; which is important because, from a product and emotional standpoint, we believe that what’s inside is the start of everything good.
What if your inner & outer voice were the same? Thoughts from our new #InsideisEverything campaign with @JessicaAlba http://pic.twitter.com/5tLmnN23UL
— ZICO Coconut Water (@zicococonut) June 23, 2016
What is the future for the brand in terms of marketing, extensions into new areas and so on?
There are some really exciting things coming up in the innovation pipeline for the brand, overall, specifically in the chilled space. I am not at liberty to discuss these in detail quite yet, but they’re certainly leading edge.
And Zico is the Official Coconut Water of the Olympic Games, and we’re going to working with an incredible athlete whose inspirational story embodies the ethos of what we as a brand stand for. In a world that valorizes quick solutions and overnight success stories, the truth is that to achieve greatness at anything you have to put the work in, you’ve got to invest in what’s inside. We are very excited to work closely with this amazing athlete who has invested long and hard in her own development and understands the power of focusing on what’s inside as the start of something amazing. Stay tuned for more!
How did the New York City pop-up go?
Our goal was to create a fun 360-degree experience where we could help consumers discover what they’re made of “at the core” while of course sampling Zico and learning more of what we’re made of. Seeing people embrace our brand message has been incredible! Our New York City pop up was a one-day event, and the consumer engagement exceeded our expectations; we had over 5,000 consumer interactions.
But it’s not stopping there; our amazing field marketing team is out and about, helping bring this to life across America. Are New Yorkers made of the same ingredients that Los Angelenos are made of? We will see!
What is the value of your continued affiliation with Jessica Alba? Does it matter or help Zico that she’s got her own highly-regarded brand with Honest?
We are so proud of Jessica and all her accomplishments. With so many shared value systems, we couldn’t ask for a better partner. Our partnership with Jessica has always been incredibly collaborative. What’s so great about working with her, is that besides the fact that she’s been a Zico-drinker long before we started working with her, she’s passionate about the “What’s Inside is Everything” message and the notion to embrace who you naturally are. Her own personal entrepreneurial journey truly embodies our brand belief system as well.
How are you leveraging the simplicity of your products at the time that short ingredient lists have become increasingly important?
Nature is smarter than science and we’re committed to the What’s Inside is Everything message from a product standpoint as well—this means choosing the best high-quality ingredients. At Zico, we go to work every day with the goal being the most loved coconut water, and we’re proud that our original Zico Natural product has just one ingredient–100% not from concentrate coconut water with no sugar added.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A at [email protected].
Subscribe to our free daily e-newsletter for more.
The post Succeeding At the Core: 5 Questions With Meghann Seidner of Zico appeared first on brandchannel:.
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