#claude is the 'doesn't hate the church but does mistrust rhea' character people keep claiming edelgard is and thats that on that
burr-ell · 1 year
I've seen the claim that Claude is hostile towards religion and it's like. Where? Him not liking Rhea before the end of his route doesn't erase all of the times he straight up says religion is very important or how he never degrades religious people for their religion. Sometimes I wonder where this perception of Claude came from because he's honestly really chill with this stuff?
(I mean, he's like this outside of the shitshow that is Hopes anyway lmao)
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claude references gods of fate and fortune! he outright says one of the reasons byleth can lead fodlan is that she's the successor rhea appointed! the only time i can think of claude being flippant about religion is when he needles ignatz about having a lowkey crush on the goddess but his tone wasn't actively malicious or anything, just being kind of a dick, probably without meaning to. any other time he talks to the believers in fodlan's goddess, he isn't disrespectful; just talking about his perspective.
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(claude and leonie's support chain is super underrated imo)
anyway claude isn't some kind of edgy reddit atheist and i really wish that take would Just Not lol it's very tiresome
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