pops-and-kids · 3 years
Below is a birthday short I wrote for @mushroomgrenade who runs @ask-wbp-b! I’m late to posting it (SORRY MUSHROOM CKWEMNKFSDHG) both the mun and muse share the same birthday, so it’s a combined gift! Enjoy! (HAPPY late BIRTHDAY MY DUDE)
B looked out at the water. The evening was calm, the waters lapping gently at the side of the ship below. The sky was ablaze with oranges and reds as the sun bid the world good-night on the horizon. The only sounds for miles were the laughter and cheers of her brothers from the deck. She would be having a cigarette right now, if Jiru hadn’t confiscated them earlier. A hand on her shoulder pulled her back out of her thoughts and back into the moment.
Thatch gave her a wide smile.
“I was wondering where our special gal went! We can’t have a party without the birthday girls approval!” He said.
B huffed at that. Yes, big parties were sort of the norm for the Whitebeards, but she still felt a bit weird that they would set a day aside for her instead of just adding her to the list of clumped birthdays at the end of the month. She wasn’t a commander, but they still treated her on her birthday like this.
“You didn’t need to go overboard this year.” She said.
Thatch pouted dramatically and leaned down to her level. He clasped his hands together and looked at her as if she had just told him the saddest thing he’d ever heard.
“But it’s your day!” He exclaimed. “We’re supposed to have cake! And games! And booze! And all your favorite foods! You can spend the night with someone--geh!!”
B slapped her palms on his cheeks, a tick mark appearing on her forehead.
“What was that last one?”
“Nothing! Nothing!”
B gave another small huff and squished his cheeks in her hands. Thatch made a wine of displeasure but made no move to back away. Sometimes she wondered why she loved this dumb little brother so much, but he was always quick to remind her with those bright eyes.
“Really, it didn’t need to be this elaborate.” She said.
Finally releasing him Thatch stood up straight, his trademark smile returning instantly. He laughed off her aggravation and continued to ramble about what they had set up for her. It was all too much, just for her. She loved her idiot of a brother, but she really wanted to bonk him on the head. Birthdays were important to her, but her own wasn’t as big of a deal as the others made it out to be. She was only their dimension jumping sister who could see into the future and glitch out, nothing special about that. Totally.
Realizing Thatch had stopped his chatter she looked up at him again. He looked extremely happy, like it was his big day instead of her own. Her brother leaned down and took her hands into his own and beamed down at her.
“I’m really happy we can do this for you. I know being in the spotlight isn’t something you like, but we all want you to feel appreciated! Come on!”
He held her hand and pulled her along as they walked to the kitchen. B offered no resistance and cracked a smile to her family as they passed, they were all happy smiles aimed at her. It was slightly uncomfortable, but easily ignored. Thatch pulled her into the mess hall and released her hand finally, rushing into the kitchen. He yelled someone to the cooks while B stood awkwardly at the counter, before he reappeared with a bowl. Anticipation rolled off him in waves as he gave it to her. The man was practically vibrating as he watched her.
“Try it! It’s the same as last time, with a few differences.”
B didn’t need to ask what it was. She knew exactly what was in the hot bowl in her hands: a meal from her home. No matter how many times Thatch made it for her or she herself tried to make it, it never came out just right. He never gave up though, and it charmed her. He really wanted to give her a taste of the home she missed, even if it had taken years of trying.
Taking a sip she let the flavors swirl around her mouth, warmth spreading across her body. It was delicious! Though she expected none the less from Thatch. It brought back memories of her old home, the good and the bad. But it was still missing….something. She had long accepted that some things from her world simply did not translate into the world of One Piece, but that didn’t mean she was going to dissuade her brother from trying.
Looking up she met his eyes and smiled.
“Still not close, Thatchy.” She said with a shake of her head.
Thatch’s smile gave way to disappointment. The poor man had really tried, taking all her notes into consideration for this batch, but it still wasn't quite there. B gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“It’s still amazing though. I really like this.”
Her brother perked up at that. It may not have been perfect, but few things ever were. They spent some time in the kitchen with B testing and giving greenlights to foods, Thatch practically vibrating at her approval. The two chatted until Haruta burst in, accusing Thatch of hogging the birthday girl and cuddling up to her side.
“Come on, B! We can’t start the party without you!” They said.
She didn’t get a word in edgewise before they grabbed her arm like a child and dragged her along.
“I’ll see you in a little!” Thatch called after her.
In the time they had talked the sun had completely gone, stars taking its place. The deck was packed with people. They had already broken out the alcohol, but considering no one was red in the face or laughing uncontrollably they weren’t going heavy on it. All of them were waiting on her to start them off. Haruta smiled excitedly as they pulled her in front of Pops’ chair. Rubbing her arm she tried to scold Haruta for yanking her along so hard, but the rumble of her fathers laugh drowned some of it out.
B looked up at him, silently asking for help since she would not know peace for hours tonight. Pops only smiled, love in his and peace in his relaxed form. She sighed internally. No amount of mental preparation was going to help being bombarded by loving idiots from all sides. Behind her Haruta took in a deep breath.
“Hey everybody! She’s here!” They yelled at the top of their lungs.
There was a beat of silence followed by an uproar of cheers. Smiling faces all around greeted B. The commanders, who were scattered around the deck among their family, came to the front of the crowd next to Pops, joy coming off them in waves. B put on an awkward smile, holding two thumbs up to everyone to hide how uncomfortable she was with all eyes on here. Thankfully, it only lasted a moment before the fourth division came out with the main course of food and started filling the tables up.
“It looks like the party can begin.” Pops said.
And it began with all the energy you could expect; Music blaring from the front of the deck, caring all the way across the ship, barrels of beer draining in minutes, games and dancing. The first to approach her was Vista. Her brother laughed and twisted his mustache, leaning down comically far to get somewhat close to her height.
“I believe this is the first time I’ve seen you all day! Not hiding away, are we?” He teased.
B gently bonked him on the head, returning the smile.
“No, I just knew I wouldn’t be able to take a single step without being ambushed by someone.” She said.
The two laughed and Vista gave her a pat on the shoulder, heading off to get drinks. Next was Namur, who quietly placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled.
“Happy birthday, B.”
“Thanks, fishy.” She said.
She reached up and ruffled the raven locks on the top of his head. He didn’t move to dissuade her. Namur wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, nuzzling their cheeks together before letting go and taking his leave. Blenheim and Blamenco were next. Blenheim kneeled down and scooped B up, letting her sit on his arm like a perch.
“Happy birthday! We missed you at lunch!” Blamenco said.
“You were a ghost all day!” Blenheim chuckled.
B felt a twinge of guilt, now having a few commanders call her out. But they knew her habits, she didn’t like things to be all about her, despite the end result being the same.
“Hey you’re seeing me now. I could still go back to my room and leave you all?” She said, raising her eyebrow mischievously.
“No!” Both the men cried in unison.
She laughed and patted both of them on the head. They made brief chatter, some inside jokes and glee about the day. Blamenco joked about his pouches being sore from carrying all the gifts, promptly earning him a soft bonk for pushing his devil fruit too hard. It was a bit before she was set down and they two went off to join Vista at the drinks table, their smiles filling B with warmth.
Curiel would have burst onto the scene next--but there being no fireworks put him in a grand mood. B giggled softly and patted his back. She appreciated him holding back from the light show for her day. Fireworks always made her stressed, no matter how often they used them. Curiel setting aside explosives seemed like a miracle to the crew, but he did it for her and that’s what made it a big deal.
“If I didn’t love you so much I would have snuck up on you with a party popper by now.” He said.
“Pfft I’d knock your teeth in if you did that.”
“Yeah but it’d be funny. For a bit.”
Fossa came over, once Curiel had finished hogging B’s cuddles. The man chuckled and scooped her up not unlike Blenheim had earlier.
“Even the weather fancies you,” He said, “Third year without a single cloud in the sky on your birthday. Starting to get suspicious.”
They laughed. For a conversation starter so mundane Fossa and B had quite a bit to talk about. Simple things they both could ramble about to one another as if it were the easiest things in the world. They talked for so long Rakuyo had to make his presence known, going unnoticed behind them for an embarrassingly long time.
“Uhm, I think it’s my turn with the B?” He said, anxiously.
Fossa looked back at him, choking back a laugh.
“Kid that sentence has way too many connotations.”
“Oh fuck off!”
B wheezed at the red tint that dashed across Rakuyos face. Fossa never missed a beat, did he. The taller commanders chuckled and set her down, giving her a pat on the head and a soft ‘happy birthday’ before heading off. Rakyuo looked miserable and thoroughly embarrassed, B couldn’t help laughing some more.
“God, you’re so easy to mess with, Raky.”
“I should have stayed in bed. Fuck your birthday, I’m out.”
She smiled and opened her arms invitingly, tilting her head with soft eyes. Rakuyo sighed and slumped into her, putting all his weight on his smaller sister. B gasped and leaned back, straining at how sudden and heavy that was.
“Raky I swear to fuck-” She croaked out from under him.
Rakuyo finally let up, standing up properly and hugging her back. He laughed a little at the redness of her face.
“Sorry I almost crushed you.”
They had fun with their back and forth banter. They poked fun at each other, telling jokes and watching some chaos unfold across the deck as a barrel was knocked over. A bunch of their poor brothers slipped and fell, taking some others down with them as they tried to stop their fall.
After some time Rakuyo took his leave, letting B finally get her drink. She had been talking for so long she felt incredibly grateful to the cooks for making sure she wasn’t left with scraps by now. A nice plate was set aside, just for her, with all the best things and a large mug of good alcohol. She sat down next to Pops, who was chuckling and tapping his foot to the tempo of the current song. They sat quietly, few words shared in comfortable silence. There was no need for a long chat after all.
The last to approach her was Ace. The boy looked very shy as he came over, a small box in her hand. B raised her eyebrow at him.
“Hey, the gifts go on the gift table.” She said.
The look of Ace's face immediately made her backtrack.
“But, uh, I’m not doing anything if you wanna give it to me now!”
Patting the open spot next to her she gave him a smile.
“C’mere, buddy. Let me see!”
Ace plopped down at her side and handed the small box to her. He looked at her with wide eyes, brimming with anticipation. Tearing the thin paper B was greeted with a single brown box, two letters ‘RF’ stamped on. Opening it she was taken aback. Inside was a white rabbit's foot, speckled with small patches of black fur on the back. It was quite small, the top covered in silver with an intricate design of dashing and swirls like leaves.
“I uh,” Ace started, “It means good luck, and even though you already have a lot of luck a little more wouldn’t hurt?”
B looked at him. The kid was looking at her like he was the dumbest son of a bitch across the seas, anxiously waiting for her response. She smirked, taking the charm out and holding it.
“It’s nice, Ace! Looks like it’ll fit on the action of my gun.”
“Yeah! I got it just for that! Or you could hang it somewhere in your room!”
Pops glanced over at his two children. The sight of the two most guarded people he’d ever accepted, talking at if they’d been friends for years, filled him with pride. With his signature laugh he stood up, taking his cup of sake with him. The crew paused and looked to their captain and father. Pops gave them a smile and lifted his drink up.
“To B’s birthday, and her many years to come!”
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