#circa 2200 BC
memories-of-ancients · 3 months
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Gold and lapis lazuli cylinder seal, Akkadian, circa 2200-2100 BC
from The British Museum
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zeveth · 1 year
ok zev's canon timeline* and her past 7 lives / ~1600 years or so go a little like this:
circa 1375: (yes... the earth year of our lord) zeveth is already around 600 years old. she "snaps" (goes mad scientist and sabotages the dominion) for the first time and her line is officially terminated by the founders. she survives by virally hijacking another vorta clone line. she is allowed to continue but her memory is hard reset and she cannot recover it beyond this point (she does have other history though hehe).
~1375-1880: she builds a ruthless reputation and secures her position at the top of the vorta scientist caste order. she frequently works closely with the foundress and imagines she is considered a favorite. (maybe she's eventually betrayed by another vorta... kudos to whoever managed to do it, maybe it was hovouth) she spends almost all of her time finessing what will later become the white formula for jem'hadar, beginning with the hur'q.
~1880-2023: she "snaps" for the second time. her memory is again wiped but less harshly - it is possible for her to recover some of these memories (during her time on ds9). she is retained bc she has made herself essential to certain processes within the dominion.
~2023-2200: completely blind in this lifetime. kinda just minds her business. she accidentally blows herself up during an experiment. :')
~2200-2373: senses the impending downfall of the dominion and feels the alliance w the cardassians is a fatal mistake. she gets into a fight with damar when he and weyoun visit her lab one time and she provokes damar into accidentally killing her (she gets a good stab in first). in this lifetime, she could be considered 'defective' as she begins to question and defy certain orders, even from the founders -- though she only does so out of a sense of duty to the dominion especially toward the end of the war, and due to her intention to help save it. she is more serious in nature this lifetime, but as a side effect of her 'defectiveness' she also begins to explore a kind of relationship usually completely foreign to vorta. (humans like to call this 'she has a girlfrienddddd' named viwilath)
2373-2375: jem'hadar are rebelling. vorta are defecting. the founders are diseased. this time, instead of weyoun, zeveth takes the blame and her line is officially terminated. having had a sense of the increasing precariousness of her position (her responsibilities failing against the federation, the fact that she knows TOO MUCH and could be a liability, plus her 'defective' streak) prompts her to prepare a secret clone hidden away in a disused storage unit. she argues she can't help save the dominion if she is dead as a doorknob.
2375: the zeveth who ends up on ds9. she's probably only a few months to a year old at most, and shes adapting at an insane rate :') she is in fact not 'defective' by vorta standards, an aspect she does not realize but will later help her find ways to help other vorta live outside of the influence of the founders. technically she should have a long vorta tail and her teeth are (probably) not filed down.
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doctorwhogirlie · 6 months
Doctor Who: The Dalek's Master Plan
Season Three ✨ 1965 - 1966 ✨
Doctor: 1st
Story Length: 12 Episodes
Companions: Steven, Katarina and Sara
Main Setting: Kembel, 4000 AD, Desperus, 4000 AD, Central City, 4000 AD, Mira, 4000 AD, Liverpool, 25 December 1965, Hollywood, circa 1921, London, 21st century, Tigus, Egypt c. 2200 BC, Unnamed ice planet
Main Enemy: Daleks, Mavic Chen
Creatures: Daleks, Time Lord
My Personal Rating: /10
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Another story with missing episodes, all but episodes 2, 5, and 10 are missing. And no animation, so unfortunately I was unable to watch this. Which means I won't be able to see Katarina on screen at all.
Here is the wiki page:
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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the-lost-kemetic · 2 years
The Conception of the Soul
Ancient Egyptian have eight different parts of the soul.
The Khet, representing the physical body.
The Sah, representing the spiritual body.
The Ren, representing the name or identity.
The Ba, representing the personality.
The Ka, representing the "double".
The Ib, representing the heart.
The Sheut, representing the shadow.
The Sekhem, representing the power.
These eight parts are what make up your soul.
The Khet represents the physical body, which had to exist for the rest of the soul to have intelligence and the chance to be judged by the guardians of the underworld. This is the reason why bodies in Ancient Egypt were preserved the way they were. In the Old Kingdom period (circa. 2700-2200 BC) only the pharaoh were given the ability to be mummified, although all dead were given the honor during the Middle Kingdom period (circa. 2040-1782 BC).
Before you were allowed to be judged by the Netjer, your Khet needed to be "awakened". This manifested itself in the various funerary rites designed to reanimate the corpses in the afterlife. These rites were described in various texts, such as the Pyramid Texts, the Book of the Dead, and the Coffin Texts.
If every funerary rite was successful and Wasir finds the deceased person worthy, the Sah is formed. This spiritual body is your own body, but able to interact with the various beings in the afterlife.
The Sah was sometimes considered to also be a vengeful spirit, seeking revenge against those who wronged them during life.
Considered the most important part in Ancient Egypt, your Ib (heart) is the key to the afterlife. Without it, you wouldn't be able to survive death in the underworld. Ancient Egyptians didn't distinguish between the mind and the heart when it came to emotion or thought: the heart was the throne of emotion, thought, will, and intention.
The Ib would be examined by Anpu and the 42 Assessors of Ma'at after crossing the Duat. To gain entrance to the Kingdom of Wasir (Aaru), you would address each of the Assessors by name and recite each of the 42 Divine Confessions, and that you did not break them. Then your heart would be weighed against the feather of Ma'at. If your heart balanced with the feather, you would be able to continue to Aaru. If it was heavier, it was then devoured by Ammit, and your soul would be either eternally restless, or permanently destroyed.
More on the Weighing of the Heart ceremony later.
Your Ka is what distinguishes between a living person and a dead person, also called your "essence". When Khnum creates the bodies of children and places them in the mother's womb, either Heqet or Meskhenet gifted the baby with their Ka upon their birth, making them alive. Ancient Egyptians believed that you were truly alive after your birth, when either goddess breathed your Ka into you.
Your Ka is sustained through food and drink. This is why many coffins often have food and drink offerings.
Your Ba is your personality, and it takes the form of a bird with a human head. Not only is the Ba your personality, it is everything that makes an individual unique (in this sense, inanimate objects could also have a Ba).
This is your shadow. Because your Sheut always follows you around, it is said to represent something important about you. Because of this, statues of people or the Netjer were referred to as their Sheut.
There isn't much known about the Sekhem. Scholars sometimes define it as the life-force of the soul that exists in the afterlife after all judgement has taken place. But the Book of the Dead describes the Sekhem as the "power", and also as a place where Heru and Wasir dwell in the underworld.
Your name was given to you at birth, and the Egyptians believed it would live for as long as it was spoken. This is why there was so much effort to preserve names in writing
The Ren is a person's identity, experiences, and an entire life's worth of memories. A part of the Book of the Dead was a means to make sure the name survived. Cartouches (more coming in Important Kemetic Objects) often surrounded names to protect them from harm. On the opposite side, the names of enemies were hacked from monuments and had their recordings destroyed.
Although not mentioned before, the Akh is a belief that varied throughout the years of the Egyptian Empire. It was associated with thought. Not as an action of the mind, but as intellect as a living entity. The Akh also played a role in the afterlife: following the death of the Khet, the Ba and Ka would reunite to form the Akh. The reanimation of the Akh was only possible if all the proper funeral rites were executed and followed by constant offerings.
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irisharchaeology · 4 years
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A simple Early Bronze Age axe (circa 2200-1900 BC). Now on display at the National Museum of Ireland, its exact find spot is unknown
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bassaam11 · 6 years
A fantastic one of a kind rare 4200 year old Antiquity from Ancient Sumeria. It is an non translucent calcareous alabaster egg shaped Cosmetic container. Very Rare. Museum quality. The image of the godess Ashtarte encised on the front. Ca. 2200BC. 2 1/8 inch high with a custom black wood base(included). It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and appraisal...Email for more info and price : [email protected]
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sayaraat · 6 years
via سوق العرب المبوبة المجانية - A fantastic one of a kind rare 4200 year old Antiquity from Ancient Sumeria. It is an non translucent calcareous alabaster egg shaped Cosmetic container. Very Rare. Museum quality. The image of the godess Ashtarte encised on the front. Ca. 2200BC. 2 1/8 inch high with a custom black wood base(included). It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and appraisal...Email for more info and price : [email protected]
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xirae · 6 years
Finally climbed to Platinum on Overwatch! It was such a ride - back in season 2 I place in gold, then I climb to the 2300s thinking I was a solid Lucio who was meant for Plat, but that climb was a lie and I literally fell all the way down to the 1500s.... ouch. Climb with friends back to gold circa season 4, and then I never really break 2200 (mostly bc I didn’t comp much 5 and 6) - until I did placements this season with a lower ranked person and got 2342, an all-time high. From there I get stuck as support every time and played Moira who is someone I’m kind of new at and climbed up to plat with around 2/3 win rate. I main Sombra since s6 so this was not how I expected my climb to happen
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