loveandthere · 8 years
User Friend-(ly)
The day you walk up to me and decide you want to be friends again, I won’t be waiting. You think you have all the control, that you have a friend that just wait around for you to stop being so selfish. You think everyone always comes back, that everyone loves you.
Well, I’ve had too much of this. The day you try to talk to me like a normal person, I’m going to walk away. I won’t be so dramatic probably. I’ll probably say something nice, but not too nice, and go on with my business. It’ll be just enough not to hurt you completely, but enough for you to get hurt anyway because I know that will inevitably happen.
Despite everything you might think, you did choose your shitty boyfriend over me. I never tried to make you choose, I always just wanted you to be my best of friend, but you saw it as me taking advantage of you. I just thought a month of not talking to each other was a little too long. And you made it out like I’m controlling. I wasn’t mad–I was sad that I hadn’t talked you in that long.
And now, you expect me to wait and sit hopefully while you spend time with shitty boyfriend and finally settle to restart a friendship. This isn’t all about you, you know. Can you just think, for a moment, that I’m someone worth caring about and that you betrayed my trust by leaving me and telling everyone that I used you? Seriously, for what? When we both know that it was you who used me. You used my name to your parents just for them to allow you for sleep overs that never even ended being at my home.
That’s right. This isn’t just you going about your life and gaining the courage to restart something. No, every second that passes confirms that you just used me and abandoned me because I am no longer for use. I let you in the most. I told you everything. I told you you were my best friend, how glad I was you were in my life. And you left me. If you really cared about me you would have realized that by now. 
So when you finally do think YOU are ready, not ME, but YOU are ready to talk to me and start again, I’m sorry but it won’t happen. Fooled me once.
Finally, you’re out of my life. You don’t deserve me at any angle. You’re not worth of my time. Chara-buh-bye! 
I resent you. You betrayed my trust. You betrayed me.
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