#chatlog: pleasant hill museum
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After leaving the Inn, a group of heroes led by Sam Wilson headed to the Town Museum. It was there that the items & weapons that had been confiscated by the town were inventoried along with a fragment of the Reality Stone. Things couldn’t be too easy of course, and the group ran into U.S. Agent and Elektra. There was no time to waste. The mission was simple: get your gear and get out. Town Hall was waiting.
These events come AFTER the INN and BEFORE the HOSPITAL and TOWN HALL.
MATT MURDOCK: Matt entered the museum first, the rest of the group filing in after him. There wasn’t exactly a welcoming party at the door as one might have expected, so things took on an eerie quiet for the time being, as if Zemo’s cohorts were spiders, waiting for them to stumble into their web. Matt blinked and Elektra’s alternate face flashed behind his eyelids. He swallowed harshly, unsure of how the encounter was about to go down, but eager to get things going either way. “What’s the plan here, Sam — ?”
SAM WILSON: “We get in, we get out stuff and we get out. Seems easy, but, I’m gettin’ the feeling that nothing is here. My guess is they’re going to need all the help they can get at the Town Hall.”
ELEKTRA NATCHIOS: The town was a facade that had shattered. Chaos was eating its way out of the cracks and running rampant on the streets. The inmates of Pleasant Hill had come back in full force. The former sheriff had tried to intervene before she had felt the shiver run down her spine as well. Still clad in her officer uniform, Zemo’s request to play guard at the Museum had been indulged only because she wanted to see who was going to show up. One shoulder resting against the wall of the vault, the assassin watched the supposed heroes trickle in. Better her to see them than Walker or Bullseye. “Theft is still illegal in Pleasant Hill.” A wolves smile appeared on her face. “More or less.”
MATT MURDOCK: “Elektra,” Matt gasped, the name falling past his lips without his consent. She had been missing this entire time, and his search had been fruitless, but here she was, playing sheriff in this fucked up Westview/Stepford hybrid. Unaware if she too had been woken up from the memory of her false past, Matt refused to speak up, so as to not cause any more trouble than they already had to deal with.
STEVE ROGERS: Steve wasn’t familiar with either individual dressed in red, but if Sam was willing to work with them, they had to be assets. At Elektra’s comment, though, Steve’s eyes lingered on her briefly. “Let’s just be sure.” Steve said. If it turned out there was nothing there, then at least they could cross it off the list. “I’m gonna spread out, start looking.” and with that he broke off to find whatever it was a piece of a reality stone looked like.
GWEN STACY: Feeling incredibly naked, Gwen followed closely behind Steve. “Where do you think they hide alien life forms?”
STEVE ROGERS: Steve glanced at Gwen from his peripheral before his eyes returned to scanning the area as they walked. “Don’t know...—but in my experience, after your first alien or two y’kinda just know one when you see ‘em.” cosmic forces included. “They don’t really blend in.” a beat “Unless they’re skrulls.”
ELEKTRA NATCHIOS: “Matthew.” The name was said quietly, fondly. Holding both hands out in front of her, the device that Zemo’s lackey Fixer had created to counteract the Reality Stone hummed. Returned to the red and black uniform she had entered the town in, Elektra approached. “They’re going to get attacked, you know. Zemo told John Walker to make himself at home, be territorial.”
GWEN STACY: “It’s a symbiote,” Gwen elaborated even though he hadn’t asked. She was pretty sure she’d never actually sustained a conversation with him before, but Miles and Cindy weren’t there.  Symbiotes responded to sound. That was known. It seemed too risky to attempt a whistle though, so Gwen just looked around for a jar or something of the kind.
MATT MURDOCK: Matt froze as Elektra's appearance shifted back to the one he was much more familiar with. A mixture of relief and worry left a sour feeling in his stomach. This was all coming to a close, and soon. And by their luck, things would likely get messy. "I think they can hold their own against Walker. It's Zemo I'm concerned about. We can't let him go through with whatever he's planning, Elektra. It could be disastrous."
ELEKTRA NATCHIOS: She shook her head, dark hair swinging. “Zemo is a megalomaniac, Matthew. You’ve faced those before, no? I have no desire to be on the losing side of this. The stakes are too high. There’s a vault in the middle of the museum behind a portrait of a star. That’s where the  Stone fragment is. It’s what Zemo wants but he can’t have.” Dark lips tugged downwards. “I missed you.” Real? Fake? A bit of both.
STEVE ROGERS: “What’s a symbiote-?” Steve started to ask but before he could finish, something came hurling out of nowhere. The first one whizzed by him, hurling straight for Sam. Steve’s head whipped back around to search for the source, activating the vibranium gauntlets strapped to his wrists that T’Challa had given him. Instead he had just enough time to throw his arm up and block the second object flung in their direction. It bounced off his shield gauntlet and ricochet right back to its owner: “Walker.” Steve said.
JOHN WALKER: So he’d been stripped of the Cap title and shoved in a prison — turned inside out with the face of someone else just to have the Avengers show up and try to cause more problems than already existed. They didn’t know when to stop making things worse, so he wasn’t surprised to see Sam—maybe a little surprised to see Rogers, though. Whoever the hell else was with them. “Traitor.” Walker said, regarding the former Captain. “What are you doing here, Sam? Go home. You don’t belong here. None of you do.”
MATT MURDOCK: Matt took a few steps backwards, his own expression having yet to betray his true feelings. He had to get this information to Sam - or Steve - or whoever else would be there to listen. The search for missing weaponry and armor had stretched out to neighboring rooms, but Matt could just make out the beginnings of a confrontation between Walker and many others. Was Elektra allowing him to leave? It was shocking, but possible. "I have to help them - I've gotta go, Elektra --" I missed you. Matt gave no response, but his expression said otherwise.
SAM WILSON: Sam held up a hand, wincing slightly as he caught the shield with one hand and his bicep strained from the effort to stop it. “Belong here? I think I do. Got some wings with my name on ‘em, and my friends were being held against their will. You know how  that feels, don’t you?”
ELEKTRA NATCHIOS: He was walking away. If he asked, she would have helped him. She didn’t know the Vault codes but it could be cracked. Elektra wanted to help, to be whole. She wasn’t a Pleasant Hill caricature anymore, but he turned and left without returning the sentiment. Matthew felt the same. Elektra had trained herself to respond to the dips of his voice and twitches of his face. Did he not trust her? Maybe. She watched his form recede before stepping back into the shadows.
JOHN WALKER: John caught the second shield when it returned to him, eyes trained on Sam. “Yeah, that’s right. I do. And what did any of you do about it besides show up late?” He asked.
SAM WILSON: “Better late than never?” Sam asked wryly. “Look, three Captain America’s. We can sort this out.”
KATE BISHOP: Unabashedly eavesdropping, Kate had listened in on Matt and Elektra and was hightailing it towards Steve and Sam. “Picture of the Star. Vault.” She spoke in a quiet rush to Sam, grabbing his arm. “The Stone.”
GWEN STACY: Gwen was going to break down the complicated facts behind sentient alien goo when shields were being thrown and she was ducking for cover. Choosing to take that moment to break off, it took a few minutes for Gwen to find a clay statue that looked like a spider. Wincing as she knocked it over, spiders spilled out from inside and quickly covered her body. There was a a moment of blackness as the symbiote reconnected with its host and Gwen left for Town Hall.
JOHN WALKER: “Look, whatever it is you think you came here for—turn around and leave. Nobody needs you here.” The world had cast him aside the second he made his first mistake amidst war. He had no reason to return to the shambled title he’d been left with after they dishonorably discharged him for avenging his best friend. “Honestly Sam, you’re walking in the light today but what about tomorrow? Eventually  you’re gonna do something they don’t like and they’ll toss you aside just like yesterdays trash. — happened to Steve.” He glanced at the former Captain. A man he’d once held so high on a pedestal. “I guess it’s true what they say — don’t meet your heroes.” He stared at Steve.
STEVE ROGERS: The muscle in steve’s jaw jumped as his teeth ground together, it wasn’t really the insult that irritated him as much as the arrogance. He had a hard time listening to men boast about things they had no idea about. “You think being a hero is a crowd at your feet and that’s your problem.” Steve said. “That’s why you were never a good Cap.”
RIRI WILLIAMS: Moving on her own, Riri had found her suit disguised as a suit of armor. The nanotech had felt cold as it responded to her wristlet and covered her skin. The light of her repulsor lit up the darkened museum until it found Sam, who was staring at an oversized painting of a falling star with Kate. “That it?” She asked, hand canon already firing up.
JOHN WALKER: Okay, that stung. The heat that burned through his cheeks then was a mixture of embarrassment and fury. “Oh, screw you—.” John replied and he flung his shield at him, using the seconds that it took Steve to deflect it to propel himself across the fifteen feet of space between them. A deafening clang rang out as they slammed into one another, vibranium meeting metal. Despite matching strength, the shock reverberated through John ten fold, practically chattering his teeth. He groaned, pushing against Rogers as he pushed back—then Steve kicked his right ankle out from under him and drove John backwards. It was a series of fists and blows between the two of them, and where Walker had youth, Rogers had experience.
KATE BISHOP: “Are you going to shoot an Infinity Stone??” Kate looked to Sam in surprised confirmation.
SAM WILSON: “It’s only a part of one.” Sam tossed out as if it made it any better.
RIRI WILLIAMS: “It’s a little more exact than that.” Riri grit her teeth. Her repulsor had a precision setting and it carefully carved out a section of the painting and vault. The lock required a code, but she let N.A.T.A.L.I.E. interface with it for a second before it clicked open. As her suit created a nano chamber, Riri carefully scooped the Stone in and secured it. “Feels kind of dumb to drag it to Zemo, so I’m going to the hospital.” Without waiting for confirmation, Riri flew out.
SAM WILSON: Finding his wings and a shield ( one that wasn’t his ), Sam nodded at Bishop. “We need to get to the Town Hall. Steve’ll follow.”
STEVE: Maybe a little part of him had wanted to hit him the first time he saw him on that TV, adorning a shield that wasn’t given to him in a uniform that no real place in this world anymore. Walker was arguably an equal match in terms of strength—he’d been trained just as well as any other soldier, but he was sloppy. He let his anger get the better of him rather than channeling it like fuel. It left him open and Steve took every shot he gave — a jab to the liver here, a blow to his kidney there. Without that healing factor, he’d be pissing blood for weeks and by the look on his face, he was starting to realize the rapid succession of Steve’s hits were a little more than it could keep up with. Steve had lived in this form for a long time—he’d spent himself to the point of total exhaustion more than he could count. he knew what it took to reach that breaking point.
ELEKTRA NATCHIOS: The museum slowly emptied. Rogers finished beating the living hell out of Walker and left him to be picked up by some S.H.I.E.L.D. guards. The inmates were buzzing that Bullseye was down and Taskmaster had abandoned post. When the former Captain America vacated the premise, Elektra danced over Walker to peer into the Vault. Empty. Good. She had liberated her sai’s from a display already, but the assassin still did a check of the museum before she exited to escape Pleasant Hill.
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