#character study:oswald
littlehollyleaf · 6 years
Two times Ed was made to confront the darker parts of himself
So I’ve felt for AGES like there was something of a parallel between the scene with Eddie and Ozzie in Arkham in Reunion and the final scene between Eddie and Izzy in Blood Rush. Like, not in the sense they match exactly as scenarios, but in the sense that they have some curious similarities that highlight both notable comparisons and differences to Eddie’s relationship with both Ozzie and Izzy and Ozzie and Izzy’s attitudes and behaviours towards Ed and… no matter how much I try to forget about or dismiss this, my mind just keeps circling back to it and it’s driving me crazy!
So here I am picking the scenes apart (IN EXCRUCIATING DETAIL) in the hope I can finally stop associating them with each other.
(disclaimer: truth is this comes with a TON of insecurities on my part, because when it comes to the Eddie and Izzy scene I’m ashamed to admit that Izzy’s behaviour didn’t ping as abusive to me until people started pointing it out and I guess I’ve been kinda paranoid ever since that I might overlook abusive behaviour again… so I suppose that made me hypersensitive to Ozzie’s behaviour with Ed in Arkham, and then seeing some things as similar to Izzy’s behaviour made me extra anxious to not dismiss the idea that Ozzie’s behaviour could also be understood as abuse/assault, plus there has been a few metas suggesting just that to compound my anxiety… then there’s the fact I was worried my nygmobblepot bias might blind me to Problematic stuff… plus there’s the way I’ve also always felt that Izzy was unfairly vilified beyond her legit creepy behaviour, so it started to upset me to think that possible similar behaviour by Ozzie was maybe being painted as good, both in itself and for Ed, while Izzy’s behaviour and motives were so universally denounced and people were kinda implied as being dirtywrong if they still enjoyed the scene with her and Ed (which I do fyi, because I think it’s fascinating)… basically, I’ve quietly been a bit of a hysterical mess over this for some time, my apologies to @witchunters in particular for pretty much falling apart on them over chat while they tried their best to fix me, so… let’s hope this helps finally sort me out...)
(if you can’t be arsed with this lengthy nonsense I’ll understand xx)
Izzy and Ozzie both appear to Ed in ways that make Ed afraid they will 'unleash' a violent side of him that will cause him to hurt someone he (thinks he) loves ie. Isabella herself and Lee.
With Izzy this is via her dressing as Kristen, because Ed has convinced himself there is something about Kristen's face/appearance that unlocks violence in him – “What if there is something about Miss Kringle’s – Kristen’s – ISABELLA’S face – what if there’s something about her face that unlocks this side of me?” (Eddie in Blood Rush).
With Ozzie this is via him calling Ed ‘Riddler,’ because Ed has convinced himself Ozzie has some kind of power over him and that by acknowledging/validating his ‘Riddler self’ Ozzie can unlock not just violence in Ed but a whole different person – “I am held captive all day, my brilliance locked away. This prison must be broken. The key – my name which must be spoken” (Eddie’s ‘Riddler self’ riddle to Ozzie).
ASIDE: Another minor comparison – seems like in both instances these different beliefs are prompted by the darker/repressed/unconscious parts of Ed ie. Hallucination!Kristen is the one who suggests Izzy’s similarities to Kristen will unleash violent impulses in Ed that will lead him to kill her and Hallucination!Riddler is the one who concludes that Ozzie is the one who has the power to ‘free’ Ed’s ‘Riddler self.’ This could suggest that the darker/repressed/unconscious parts of Ed are the parts of him with greater self awareness. If we consider them as manifestations of the parts of him Ed is frightened/unwilling to face and thus is trying to keep himself in denial about that could make sense – they are the ugly truths, or what Ed believes are ‘ugly’ at least, about him given form ie. that he wanted to be and enjoyed being violent with Kristen, and therefore wants to be violent with Izzy and that he loves cares about Ozzie Ozzie’s opinion of him and desperately yearns for his validation.
A key difference between the two confrontations is that Izzy arranges hers of her own volition, while Ozzie arranges it in answer to a direct appeal from Ed/part of Ed himself.
When it comes to Ozzie and Izzy’s motivations, both seem to think/believe they are helping Ed face his fear and/or the truth about himself, as well as both having selfish motivations for wanting him to embrace his darker/violent side too.
Izzy tells Oswald that she is “not going to let [Ed] go” (Blood Rush) despite Ed’s choice to break up, because she believes “[she] loves him and he loves [her]” and so they belong together, that he doesn’t really want to break up with her, he is just (wrongly, according to her) afraid he will hurt her if he doesn’t. Then during their confrontation she tells him she is “forcing [him] to face [his] fear” so he can see the truth that he “won’t hurt [her].” Which is a mix of selfish motivations/desires, because she wants Ed to stay with her, and also, arguably, genuine belief that what she is doing is helping to give Ed what he truly wants deep down ie. to stay with her because he loves her.
Ozzie, on discovering Ed’s unconsciously left note, mutters “you’re still in there” (A Beautiful Darkness), followed up by “and you’re gonna help me find a way out of here.” Then during their confrontation he talks about seeing “him” and “the other you” in Ed (Reunion) and that he plans to ‘free’ that side/version of Ed because he has “earned” it and because “[Ozzie needs] him.” Which, again, involves some selfish motivations/desires, because Ozzie wants ‘Riddler’ to help him escape Arkham and, although he doesn’t technically say it (since the letter was technically just a code), there’s a lot of implication that he wants Ed back as a friend (and maybe more??). But there’s also, arguably, genuine belief that Ed’s unconscious acts (the origami riddle, responding to Oswald’s coded message) imply that what Oswald is doing is what Ed truly wants deep down ie. to be ‘Riddler’ again.
Both Izzy and Ozzie trick/push Ed into visiting them when he has literally claimed he doesn't want to / can’t do it / won’t do it – “I can’t do it – I can’t break up with her – I need you to do it for me” (Eddie to Oz in Blood Rush); [reading Ozzie’s letter] “I want to apologise… can we be friends again… what?! What is he – ? I’m never gonna forgive him!” (Eddie in Reunion)
While Izzy's trick catches Ed completely unawares, as he thinks Izzy has invited him over just to talk, Ozzie’s trick only fools a part of Ed, since Ed’s ‘Riddler self’ knew Ozzie would be waiting to confront him/them at Arkham and wanted to be there specifically for the confrontation. In fact, with Ozzie, Ed’s ‘Riddler self’ was not only in on the trick but orchestrated it by sending a message to Ozzie first, so Ed effectively tricks himself into visiting Ozzie.
In both instances, when Ed recognises the confrontation for what it is ie. an attempt to make him face the part of him he is scared of, he resists.
With Izzy he literally tries to run away, while with Ozzie he argues for a bit (“You’re wrong! I am Ed - Edward Nygma, that is it!”), then tries to finish signing the papers that will have him committed to the asylum, but doesn't try to physically escape...
With Ozzie, the way to the door is literally blocked by Ozzie himself, which could be a reason for the difference? But if so why doesn’t Ed try to push past him? Arguably his fear keeps him frozen. Or alternatively, his failure to run like he did from Izzy could suggest he didn’t really want to escape.
OR, considering his conscious reason for coming to Arkham was to protect Lee from himself, was he afraid to run from Ozzie and the asylum for that reason? ie. he feared if he escaped Ozzie his ‘Riddler self’ might still gain control of him and go on to attack Lee.
Ergo, could Ed's act of trying to finish signing commitment papers be comparable to him literally running from Izzy? Both are, perhaps, in their own way, an attempt to escape the confrontation - via leaving Izzy's proximity and via completing something that would allow Arkham staff to lock him up out of Ozzie's reach (or if not out of his reach, at least locked up so that if Ozzie succeeded in unlocking his ‘Riddler self’ he would be safely contained anyway).
Seeing Ed's attempt to avoid/thwart the confrontation, Izzy and Ozzie both rush over and physically stop him.
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Izzy is persistent and aggressive in her physical assault of Ed, pushing him back into the room and even slapping him when he continues to protest.
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While Ozzie releases Ed after his initial lunge and seems to make a point of trying not to touch him again (though he does kinda brace his hands against Ed’s chest for a moment a bit later in response to Ed grabbing him), instead countering Ed's protests verbally (although he does remain very much within Ed's personal space with Ed pulling away from him in apparent discomfort).
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Both confrontations have a key climax Izzy and Ozzie are building to ie. Izzy putting Ed's hand on her neck, Ozzie calling Ed 'Riddler.' As this climax approaches Ed makes one last verbal protest against it.
With Izzy this protest is a breathless repetition of “no no no no no,” while Izzy forcibly places his hand round her neck and Ed holds himself still and I think tense?
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With Ozzie this protest has additional phrasing around Ed’s use of ‘no’ that makes the words arguably more ambiguous – “no, please - please don't... no... PLEASE” - accompanied by Ed, without any prompting from Ozzie, fisting both hands into Ozzie's shirt and seemingly holding Ozzie to him (or at least not pushing Ozzie away). Because of this each 'please,' especially the last, can arguably be read as Ed begging Ozzie to continue as opposed to stop.
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With the climax of the confrontation reached ie. Ed with his hand at Izzy's throat and Ed hearing Ozzie call him 'Riddler,' Ed reacts by embracing both Izzy and Ozzie in a wild but intimate fashion, seemingly overwhelmed by some inner emotion (swelling music in both instances arguably suggests this is a triumphant, or at least defining, moment).
With Izzy this moment is a kiss. 
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With Ozzie it's Ed grabbing Ozzie's face.
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Ed goes on to embrace the darker/violent side he was originally afraid of without causing the hurt he claimed to fear ie. via the implication of him engaging in kinky (violent?) sex with Izzy without hurting/killing her, via him helping Ozzie escape Arkham and take on Sofia without hurting/killing Lee.
With Izzy this confrontation of his darker/violent side seems to be presented as curing him of his inner conflict and thus helping make him more balanced maybe?? ie. in the way he returns to Ozzie later all smiles and relaxed (in contrast to the tense anxiety we saw in him before the confrontation) and claiming that “everything is wonderful” and Izzy showed him he was “worried over nothing” (Blood Rush). 
While with Ozzie, the confrontation of his darker/violent side seems to be presented as flipping his inner conflict and leaving him imbalanced still, so that instead of fearing/resisting his darker/violent side, Ed is now resisting his loving/softer side?? ie. in the way he tells Lee that “Ed is gone” (Mandatory Brunch Meeting) and he refuses to say he loves her  (whether you want to argue that he truly does love her or not, the fact he refuses to say it can be taken as evidence he is actively trying to avoid associating himself with the concept of love I think?)
So… IS Ozzie’s behaviour abusive like Izzy’s? 
I’m still nervous to argue definitively one way or the other, damn it. 
Ambiguous though Eddie’s in the moment protest against Ozzie calling him Riddler is, it is still ostensibly a protest that Ozzie knowingly ignores, meaning Ozzie, like Izzy, does technically force something on Ed seemingly without his consent, and that still niggles at me (does the fact it was just saying a word make it less of a thing? maybe… but idk, couldn’t you also say Izzy was ‘just putting Ed’s hand to her neck’? both things are in themselves innocuous, but held enough emotional/psychological significance to Ed to make them emotionally painful/frightening to contemplate, so…? Idk!).
Buuuut – Ed’s massive psychological split involved in the scenario with Ozzie DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE I think. Because it does mean that while Ed is outwardly protesting, Ozzie has had what is arguably clear confirmation that actually Ed DOES WANT him to say the name (confirmation that Izzy, on the contrary, did not have). So… is he really acting against Ed’s consent??
Certainly it’s understandable that Ozzie may not have thought so. I think it makes sense that Ozzie would understand the origami plea as being the stronger indicator of Ed’s true desire and thus default to that over any immediate opposition (although that’s not to say I think he wouldn’t overrule any opposition anyways – I’m not saying I think he’s incapable of manipulating Ed into an emotional/psychological state that is preferable to him… that is pretty much what I understand him as doing via killing Izzy after all… just that he wasn’t necessarily trying to that here).
When it comes to the issue of whether Ed himself actually did want/consent to the confrontation with Ozzie though… that’s a little murkier. And I am slightly weary that arguing that ‘Ed wanted it really’ or ‘Ed was asking for it’ risks sounding a bit like victim blaming.
BUT – as witchunters recently reminded me, Ed does have a tendency, via denial of stuff about himself that he doesn’t care to face, of presenting himself as a victim when he isn’t. Such as his insistence that Kristen’s death was a tragic accident that befell him, as opposed to the result of his deliberate (albeit probably not intentionally fatal?) physical abuse of her. So, there is an issue here, perhaps, over whether Ed was really a victim during the confrontation with Ozzie, or if he was just playing up to the idea, because he didn’t want to actively accept his ‘Riddler self’ as a part of him? Like, maybe he wanted to have Ozzie seemingly force his ‘Riddler self’ into existence, because then he could embrace that part of himself while simultaneously not feeling responsible for having done so?
That could be why he responded positively to Izzy’s manhandling and controlling behaviour as well – because part of him craves having someone else take control of him and push him towards unlocking/embracing his darker/violent side, so he doesn't have to be responsible for it?
Then we’ve got the different RESULTS of the two confrontations to consider. Because both end in Ed embracing Ozzie and Izzy seemingly happily and in relief – which could be taken as supporting the whole ‘he wanted it really’ idea not just with Ozzie, but with Izzy too maybe?
Especially since with Izzy the aftermath of the confrontation goes on to appear arguably even more positive for Ed, as he seems to be, again arguably, at peace with himself in the next scene, with his words implying he believes this to be because of Izzy’s actions. While in the aftermath of the confrontation with Ozzie, Ed/Riddler is shown/implied to still be in conflict with himself during his Riddle Factory conversations with Lee…
BUT – since with Izzy there was no indicator prior to the confrontation that Ed desired it, unlike all the ‘Riddler self’ stuff implies with Ozzie, perhaps the most that can really be understood about Ed’s opinion of Izzy’s behaviour is that he came to view what she forced on him as good for him retrospectively. As in, no it was not something he wanted or consented to, but in the end it seemed to make him feel better about himself so he ultimately became happy about it.
Since Ed/Riddler remains conflicted after the confrontation with Ozzie though – does that therefore imply there is part of him that remains unhappy about what Ozzie did?
Considering the different relationships Ed has with both parties that could make sense.
Because while he was scared to hurt her, all of Ed did very much seem to love Izzy (or believed that he did) and regarded that love as a positive thing.
So Ed was perhaps predisposed to see Izzy's behaviour in a positive light. As well as being happy to accept the idea of her taking control of him, with or without his consent, and that her doing so provided him with what he needed. Because maybe he felt, due to his confused ideas about what love is and means, that loving someone means that their words/actions necessarily do and even should have power over you, and that if they truly love you back you need them to use that power on you because it can only be a good thing?? Hence why he seemed so at peace afterwards? Because all of him accepted what had happened as a triumph of his and Izzy’s love for each other? So it wasn’t necessarily that Izzy’s behaviour/actions were good for him and what he wanted/needed, but that he convinced himself they were?
Whereas, even within the same episode as the confrontation, part of Ed was insisting he hated Ozzie, or at least would never forgive him. Plus he’d been shown to have developed a much more complicated attitude towards love as a concept, with his ‘Riddler self’s’ mocking references to it and attempt to kill Lee because he seemed to feel ‘Ed’s’ love for her was holding him/them back, suggesting part of Ed very much regards it as a negative thing now.
So, part of Ed was predisposed to see Ozzie’s behaviour in a negative light, maybe. And was not happy about the idea of Ozzie having power over him (enough that an innocuous word from him ended up having such emotional/psychological significance) and that Ozzie may be able to provide him with what he needs. Because that would suggest their feelings and connection to each other do in fact match his idea of what love is? And would therefore force him to accept/admit that he and Ozzie maybe do, in fact, share a mutual love? Hence why he’s been in conflict since the confrontation? Because his ‘Ed’ side (or ‘edcicle’ as I sometimes call him :p) seems adamant about refusing to believe that Ozzie’s love for him is genuine and very much refuses to believe he might love Ozzie, so that part of Ed is now locked away inside him somewhere trying to convince himself that what happened with Ozzie was not what he wanted/needed and nothing to do with a shared love between them. Meanwhile, his ‘Riddler side’ maybe does recognise that there is love (or at least sexual attraction?) between them and accepts that’s why Ozzie’s validation of him had such power (because I certainly do believe there’s a case to be made that the parts of himself Ed represses into this ‘Riddler side’ include attraction to men and Ozzie specifically) BUT that side of him has gone on to also simultaneously attempt to convince himself to reject that love/attraction, because he considers it a weakness??  Ergo – constant struggle and lack of peace!
(obviously I’m thinking romantic love here, since we’re comparing to Izzy, but the ‘love’ involved on Ed’s side here could theoretically work as platonic love as well).
So… in a nutshell I guess maybe –
Izzy forced something on Ed that he didn’t want, but Eddie didn’t feel abused because he ended up enjoying parts of it and so convinced himself it was a necessary bit of tough love?
Ozzie gave Ed what part of him wanted, but part of Eddie felt abused because he was busy convincing himself he didn’t want it, and both parts of him are trying to convince themselves love isn’t or shouldn’t be part of the equation?
(solution – Ed clearly needs to have kinky sex with Ozzie, thank you, the end)
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