#ch: ilberd feare
galvus · 3 years
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prompt: adroit • words: 586 • era: a realm reborn patch content • [ masterpost ] clever or skillful in using the hands or mind. “I don't trust you.”
Her quietly spoken words were punctuated by F'lhaminn clinking a freshly washed glass against another behind the bar. Rather than looking up from her lap to see whether or not her appraisal had met its mark, Bianca tugged at the cuticle of her thumb, tearing free a wretched little piece of skin that left behind a pearl of blood.
“More than that,” she continued, a brush of her opposite thumb smearing red over her skin, “I know you have something to do with all of this.” “Seems unlikely, right?” The gravel in his voice pulled her head up sharply, as if he'd taken a handful of her hair and tugged. Ilberd stared at her from where he sat across the round wooden table, his posture straight as a pin and the cobalt of his crisp uniform tidier than her own road-tattered robes. His eyes were sweetened by a flicker of candlelight. “I'm loyal to the Crystal Braves. More so than I've had any chance to be in a while.” He folded his gloved hands on the tabletop. The well-worn black leather made no sound. “I appreciate the opportunity I've been given.”
She wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe him as she'd believed so many before him, only to feel the pressure of a blade before long. She was tired of betrayal, but she understood the shape of it, the scent that followed in its wake, the way its shadows moved along the walls. She knew how fury could rise in men's throats like bile, burning and corroding everything in its path. She knew how loss could curl at someone's goodness, like the edges of a slip of parchment held above a flame. She knew, and she saw. Bianca saw the shadow of it clinging to the soles of Ilberd's boots. “You have every reason to be angry,” she said, the pad of her thumb still worrying at the blood on her hand. “So many of you do. That is how this begins, isn't it? On the right foot, but...” “And you've every reason to be a paranoid little thing, don't you?” Her parted lips pursed before thinning into a quieted frown. Even though there was no harsh smack of criticism in his voice, she felt the cold sweep of it in her veins. The tables turned, swirling and spinning in her direction, and the candle that lit Ilberd's eyes seemed to flare, turning darkened gold to something molten and bright. “Don't worry,” he chuckled. “I won't hold this against you. I'll just show you, with time, that you can trust me.” Ilberd smiled and stood with a quiet squeak of his chair, reaching for his emptied glass without so much as taking another glance in her direction. He thought he'd won, she realized. Anyone watching their brief exchange would have come to the same conclusion. “I hope so,” was all Bianca could manage before he turned away, and she tucked the bloodied skin of her thumb into her mouth, watching the shadow that trailed behind him as he found F'lhaminn at the bar. Their exchange was even more brief, but the miqo'te woman was left smiling and utterly charmed. Perhaps she was paranoid. Perhaps she was seeing signs that weren't there. Perhaps she was preparing for a blade that would stay sheathed, and she would emerge on the other side, looking a fool. Never before had she so badly wanted to be a fool. “Gods, for everyone's sake, I hope so.”
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jenovahh · 3 years
The Honey Pot - Ch. 28 - Sting Operation
The universe must hate you.
To make you see the monstrous form of Varis bear down upon his equally monstrous son, eyes wide as they turn to you in shock. To make you feel the vibrations of the monster's roars as his facility burns and falls around him. To have you hear the sound of Elidibus whisking you away from your love, of dark magic engulfing you, rendering you unable to leap from his arms to let you be buried with him.
Even as you feel Elidibus’ form real and whole and warm against you, you have never felt so cold.
Wondering if there was anything you could have done differently.
Wondering where it all went wrong…
Your heart beats malms a minute in your chest. There was no calming it down it seemed, drumming away furiously to its own beat as you watched Hien’s mercenaries shuffle around Cid’s compound as if they’ve been here before. Armed to the teeth, they were obviously top of the line, trained in the Doman art of the ninja, not one bit of skin exposed saved for openings in their helms to see through.
In truth, you couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. Watching everyone suit up definitely gave you feelings of nostalgia, of being in the academy each morning, baby faced and ready to take on the world. Even though there were a handful of them given that this was to be a small and hopefully quiet operation, you were no less impressed by the obvious skill that rolled off them in waves.
You couldn’t help but wonder at why you weren’t getting suited up with them, granted you had never needed any special armor. Maybe they thought you didn’t really need to, given that you proved nearly invincible against the average man.
Dressed from head to toe in black, you've forgone your usual pantsuit for something a bit more ergonomic. Black leggings engineered by Ironworks, the material has metal fibers woven within, making it hard to rip or tear. Your long sleeved shirt is made of a similar material, rounding out your entirely practical look. Deciding to pack light, your toolbelt only has a small handgun sitting in its holster.
Weaving through the busy space, you step into the connecting room where Cid sits before a wall of screens, several birds eye shots of the Aetherochemical Research Facility lined up as his hands type furiously at the keyboard. Merlwyb stands at his back with her arm resting upon the back of his chair, looking at the monitors with great interest. “We’re positive that Varis is holed up in there, right now?” She asks, fist clenching and unclenching in a show of nerves.
“For the last time, Merlwyb, yes.” Cid sounds as if he barely restrained himself from groaning, still typing at keys. “I have confirmed that he has not left the facility since exactly 21:08 this evening and shows no signs of leaving any time soon. Though I must warn you, Ilberd arrived at about 21:30. I assume they are meeting for whatever reason as the election nears.” he grumbles, dropping his focus for a moment. Swiveling in his chair, he faces the two of you, clearly worried, but ready for the fight to come.
“I will be supporting you with as much intel as possible.” Looking to Merlwyb, he continues, “As we already discussed, I’ve already got it set up to record anything your body suit sees to store back here at the base for us to compile for evidence later. This goes for all of Yugiri’s men as well.” Looking to you, he cannot hide his concern. “Honey…”
“Cid, don’t even think of trying to dissuade me.” You warn, trying your hardest to not give into his distressed expression.
“I know, it’s just,” he growls in frustration, “Are you sure you want to do this? You’re pregnant for Nymeia’s sake--”
“I will avoid combat, as promised. I’m only there to start the shut down sequence, and get out. It should be an easy job now that you’ve figured out where the base is right?” You urge, trying to change the subject.
He sees right through you, but takes your bait anyway. “Yes. With Zenos pinpointing the exact location, it took some overnight crunching, but I was able to work past Varis’ walls and get a rough map of the place using my own seismic sensors. It’s downloaded onto your phone.” Running a hand through his hair, you watch as he stands to his feet and yanks you into a fierce hug, his biceps flexing with the force of how he crushes himself to you.
“Please come back.” he whispers, just for you. In it you can hear the fear of losing another loved one.
You hold him just as tight.
“You know I will.”
Giving one last squeeze, he briskly wipes at tears in the corners of his eyes before sitting back down in his chair. “Best to get started. We don’t want him to get away from us.”
Nodding, you and Merlwyb leave Cid to begin overseeing the logistics of the operation, heading back into the room where all of the ninja are seemingly ready to go. A small auri woman leads them, Yugiri you remember, giving a slight bow to Merlwyb as the two of you come to a stop before her. “We are ready to leave when you are, Chief Merlwyb.”
“Lord Hien is in hiding?” Merlwyb asks, reaching for her pistol, Annihilator, and putting it in her holster.
“Indeed he is. Already we have noticed that what spies Varis uses to keep monitor our lord have begun to realize they cannot find him. No doubt they will let Varis know he has disappeared.” Yugiri continues as she brings her own mask over her face. Nodding, Merlwyb gives one last look around the room, taking a steadying breath.
“Then we move.”
The night only gets darker, and to your luck it is also cloudy. It’s a little uncomfortable due to how muggy it feels outside, summer in full swing and not helping with the humidity at all.
The cars you had taken had been left a great distance away from the facility, the rest of the trip spent trekking on foot, doing your best to not draw any unnecessary attention to yourselves. With Cid’s technology, you remained as cloaked as the facility itself once did.
The ninja didn’t make a single sound as they moved through the forest. Not a single twig breaking, or accidentally having a branch snagged on their clothes. You felt like an amateur in their presence, especially when you finally reached the outside of the compound.
Yugiri uses a series of symbols to dispatch her men, all of them seeming to fade into mist as they disappeared into the shadows. You had heard of Doman legends of the art of the ninja, thinking them only myth and fairy tales, but had no idea it was an art that was still passed down. Granted, after being a literal descendant of ancient beings, you supposed there was nothing that was impossible.
The sounds of the ninjas taking out the guards is silent as they come, not even hearing the guards’ bodies collapse to the ground. Just faintly do you make out the ninja carrying them deeper into the forest surrounding the facility, Yugiri able to communicate orders with nothing more than her hands. You couldn’t deny that you felt in awe at seeing them work, even as Yugiri seemed to materialize beside you.
“The guards around the outer perimeter have been disposed of.” She informs you and Merlwyb, who nods sharply before turning her gaze to the front gate where the remaining security check stands.
“So far, so good.” Merlwyb breathes, losing some of her tension. “Are your men prepared?” She asks, reaching for the gun in her holster.
“More than ready, Chief Bloefhiswyn.” Yugiri responds, vanishing into shadow.
“And you, rookie. Are you ready?” she asks, giving you one last look, almost as if she is hoping you’ll be ready to back out.
“I was born ready, Chief.” you nod, anticipation coursing through your veins. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
With that the ninja quickly take out the security at the main gate, doing away with the guards and taking them to be hidden with the others. As you run toward the entrance, you hear Cid’s voice crackle in your ear piece that he’s got control of the cameras, and to any security inside, nothing looks out of place.
The gate rolls open along the rocky gravel, allowing you and Merlwyb to make a run for it as you are joined by Yugiri and her ninja. Reaching inside your shirt, you begin to pull out the card Zenos had given you, praying that Varis was a little too caught up in his campaign mess to remember to deactivate it. You had no clue if Zenos had tried to speak to his father at all since he had rescued you, or how Varis took his son’s betrayal for that matter. Whispering a silent prayer, you nearly slam the card against the security device against the door, your heart beat stilling in the split second it takes for the device to scan.
A small chirp sounds along with the clicking of the lock. It works.
Breathing an audible sigh of relief, you wrench the door open, once again thankful that Varis really believed a little too much in his own hype. Varis most likely bet on his son not having the gall to try and take him down, and perhaps thought you would want to keep yourself off the front lines.
But there was no way you would not take that asshole down yourself.
The ninja quickly silence the guards at the booth, undoing the lock that opens the door that leads into the facility. You all shuffle inside, whipping out your phone to take a look at your maps. “Cid, we’re inside.”
“Good, good. I’ve got eyes on you all still. They still haven’t noticed you all yet.” comes his voice through your earpiece. “If you can get to the control room, I can get a more detailed map to get a look at every room in the facility. I only have scans from underground sensors I used, but getting access to the mainframe will allow me more detail.” Even through the earpiece you can hear him typing away at the keyboard. “I’ll take control of each camera as you pass by as not to arouse suspicion. From my scans, my guess is the control room for these vats might be nearly two floors down from the main entrance.”
“Thanks, Cid. We’ll keep you posted.” Looking to the rest of the team, you make sure they heard the same thing as you and begin your journey to find the control room. On the surface, the facility does seem to only be two floors deep, and from your one trip here that was all you got to see. As you snuck along the perimeter you could sure enough see cameras blink on and off as you dove past them, Cid keeping you out of sight just long enough to try and make your way to the control room. There were thankfully few guards or even employees around, most likely having gone home for the day leaving only the overnight crew.
Reaching a pair of double doors against the far wall, you press your keycard up to the security device, happy as it still seems to work and allows you all inside. Yugiri quickly silences the two employees working within, two quick chops to the neck knocking them unconscious. Heading over to the array of buttons you pull out a small disc-like object from your pocket, slamming it onto the control board, watching as small, robotic legs sprout from its sides, embedding itself into the board. The Ironworks logo flashes on its top, and you can hear Cid’s laugh in your ear. “Excellent work, Honey. I’m in.”
The relief in the room is palpable, even as Yugiri is shoving the two guards into a broom closet. “Give me a few minutes to find you guys the fastest route to where you need to go.”
“Thanks Cid, just keep us posted,”
Yugiri’s eyes widen as she turns toward the door. “Someone comes this way!”
Just then the doors fly open, the sound of guns cocking freezing you in place. “One traitor helping another...why should I be surprised?”
Turning around, the small high is broken as you turn to the door, finding Livia and Rhitahtyn blocking the way. Dressed in their usual suits, they look upon you scornfully as they point their guns directly at you. “I knew I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.” Livia hisses, her flaming red hair neatly pulled into a bun.
Scoffing, you can’t help but laugh. “Kill me? Wasn’t it Zenos who told you that you didn’t have hopes of beating me, even on your best day?”
Livia’s face twists angrily as she hisses. “I wouldn’t have had to do it honorably. I could’ve easily stabbed you in your sleep.”
Your own face shifts into an angry snarl while you try not to make any sudden moves as you turn to face her fully. “Not surprised a Garlean bitch couldn’t beat me in a fair fight.” You spit back, flexing your knuckles. You were hoping things didn’t have to get dirty. You promised you’d avoid conflict if at all possible. “Listen. I don’t know what you came here hoping to do. I’m guessing you saw us sneak our way in here when we weren’t looking. I know you two have got your heads pretty far up Varis’ ass, but surely even you can see that murdering innocent civilians to help his campaign trail is going too far.”
Both of their faces pinch in confusion, causing you to look back at them in shock. Stupefied, you can’t help but ask them, “...he didn’t tell you?”
“What on earth are you talking about you little liar?” Livia hisses, cocking her gun. “Lord Varis would not murder civilians! It was a failed assassination attempt on Lord Hien by another gang! He couldn’t uphold security at his own rally and got the chief of police killed for it!”
Your guard lowers at the sheer absurdity of the situation. “Are you really going to believe such a fucking, blatant lie?” You nearly shriek, glancing at both of them in disbelief. “Varis slaughtered innocent civilians! Blew up part of a district just so he could smear Lord Hien’s name! There were women and children there!”
“My lord would do no such thing!” Rhitahtyn bellows, reaching for his own gun. “We have no reason to listen to the lies of a traitor, the one who turned even my lord’s own son against him.”
“I didn’t do anything to Zenos. As you can see, he’s not even here!” You genuinely couldn’t believe what you were hearing. At this point if Varis somehow revealed to you that he had secretly hypnotized half of his closest staff, you’d believe him. There was no way that two of his favorite bodyguards were this ignorant of his wrong doings.
Or was Varis worried that even he couldn’t manipulate their moral compass?
You think back to the look on Gaius’ face when he had burst in when Varis was about to force himself on you. From what you knew of Gaius, no one believed in Varis more than he. He genuinely believed that everything Varis was doing was for the better of Kugane.
But even you could see the disbelief on his face when he saw your tear stained face, body pinned beneath Varis. You knew he had heard your screams from down the hall. You could remember the hesitation, the doubt on his face as he saw the true side of his lord, even as he barked orders at him to take you away.
Varis had not gotten away with things as long as he had solely because he was smart.
He was a master manipulator.
And when you refused to be manipulated by his schemes, he forced his will upon you.
“He’s using you.” You laugh bitterly. “He’s using you two. Can’t you see that? Do you really think this is all so he can make Kugane better? Do you really think he’s got any special plans for you? That you’re not disposable to him just like the rest?”
Hesitation shines in their eyes for just a moment, the two of them looking to each other momentarily. Facing you once again, you watch as Livia slowly lowers her gun, letting you release a breath you hadn’t known you were holding.
You think she’s ready to listen until she reaches for her phone, yelling into its speaker. “Intruders! Intruders! Lock down the facility! Alert Lord Varis!”
The fluorescent lights turn a deathly red as alarms blare throughout the whole facility. You can hear doors slamming shut from outside of the control room, the shuffling of feet as surely more security guards are being summoned. Merlwyb curses under her breath behind you, and you fix Livia with a piercing glare. “You idiot.” you seethe, raising your fists to fight.
Just as Livia raises her gun ready to fire, two of Yugiri’s ninjas pounce on her and Rhitahtyn, the two of them barely able to fend them off as they burst through the doors back onto the factory floor. Panic ensues as the lights continue to flash, biting down harshly on your lip as you follow everyone back out the control room.
“Whole place is going on lock down, Honey--” Cid’s voice crackles in your ear, “We’re gonna have to pray that Zenos’ card still works even in lockdown. It’ll take me some time to begin decrypting the code to get access to the facility again.”
“We’ll find a way, Cid.” Merlwyb pipes up, loading her gun as she grabs you by the hand. More security guards burst through the doors, guns raised. Yugiri is on them in a heartbeat, knives drawn as she takes them out one by one while her own ninja deal with Livia and Rhitahtyn. The entire scene is chaotic as Merlwyb fires with the accuracy that landed gave her gun its name.
Disoriented, you barely get to get both feet on the ground long enough as Merlwyb forcibly drags you along. “Chief,”
“No confrontation out of you, remember?” She growls, pushing through an opening through the fighting to a door that leads to the lower levels of the facility. “You made a promise and I’m making sure you’re keeping it. You understand me?” Tugging on the card roughly even though it’s still looped on the chain around your neck, she gets you close enough to unlock the door and shove you through, making sure it slams shut behind you.
“But Yugiri,”
“Is a trained killer, if you haven’t noticed. She understands her role and we have ours to play.” She urges, tugging you along. “Cid, we’re in trouble.”
“I can see that.”
“Got any quick routes down to the bottom of this dump?!” You both duck as you hear gunshots whizz past your heads, breaking into a run as you run down the hall a little faster.
“I’m trying, I’m trying--” his voice sounds as panicked as you feel. “Make a left. You’ll need the keycard again, but there should be a spiral stairwell. It goes down nearly fifteen floors, but if you’ve got some decent balance, you may be able to gain some ground if you slide down the rails.”
Following his instructions, you make an immediate left, your keycard ready this time as you quickly press it to the device and Merlwyb uses her weight to push the door open, releasing your hand as she once again puts her gun away. “I’m not fond of heights but we need to gain some ground.” She grumbles, swinging one long leg over the rail. “How on earth did they see us? Shouldn’t they have been guarding Varis?”
“No...I’m so stupid.” you mumble, following suit as you swing one leg over the rail, lying on your front and clutching the rail with both hands. “Cid had said Ilberd had arrived at the facility, and Varis trusts Ilberd enough to protect him. They were probably in another part of the upper levels.”
“Pretty sloppy of us,” Merlwyb sighs, but says nothing else.You watch as she finally lets gravity take hold, controlling her descent as best as possible right as the door you had come through bursts open. Wasting no more time you loosen your grip and begin to slide down the rail, wincing as more bullets fly haphazardly past you. Reaching for your own gun, you fire a few rounds back at the guards to help deter them from following you down the stairwell.
“Honey, watch out!”
Before you can turn to Merlwyb, she’s already tossed a live grenade back up the stairwell, the Ironworks logo shining brightly as it clinks upon landing above you. Loosening your grip more, you hasten your descent just as it detonates, cutting off the pursuit of the guards if only for a little while.
Your hands burn from how fast you’re moving, but you’re putting distance between you and your assailants just as you hoped. While outwardly you seem as calm as can be, your heart is thumping in your chest as if it’s trying to free itself from its cage. As usual, thinking on your feet has never been your strong suit and with so much at stake, you can’t help but feel like the walls are closing in on you bit by bit.
“You should slow down, you’ll reach a safe floor soon.” Cid calls in your ear, so you start to slow your descent as the facility grows noticeably cooler now that you’re deeper underground. You have no idea how you’re going to get out of here when you’re several malms below sea level, but even if you’re buried alive, it’ll have been from doing the right thing.
Hands stinging, you and Merlwyb dismount from your makeshift elevator, stepping quietly to the door. She peeks through the single window carefully, checking the hallway to see if the coast is clear. “You’ve still got about two more floors to go down before you reach the main reactor. That’s what Zenos must’ve been talking about. It’s powering the whole facility off aether itself.” Cid speaks again, not sounding any less clearer despite how far underground you are. “If you can turn them off, look at them long enough for me to get some pictures, you guys can get out of there. It seems like the guards haven’t pegged your location yet. There’s a hidden elevator that will take you straight back to the top. Get in, and get out of there.”
Nodding to one another, Merlwyb quietly pushes the door open, gun drawn as she checks both sides of the hallway for any would-be guards. Seeing no one, she motions for you to follow and you stick close behind her, heels clacking against the metal floors as you run past several doors. The halls are cold and unfeeling, and you idly wonder if this was the same place where Zenos was experimented on. If this is where you were held before he came to rescue you.
All the doors are bolted shut, but you have no time to peek inside anyway. Zenos’ words of the horrors of his father’s experiments haunt you, stilling your hand from thinking to unlock one of them for fear of what you might find inside.
“Look, another stairwell.” Merlwyb calls, pressing up against the wall as she checks the corners, once again motioning for you to follow her lead. “We’re almost there, Honey. We’re about to have the bust of the century.”
Racing down the stairs, energy seems to hit you square in the chest, the feel of something otherworldly setting your hairs on edge as the stairwell begins to open wide. Merlwyb seems otherwise unaffected, but you know you’re not crazy.
At the bottom lies a single closed door, bright light cutting through the otherwise dark and dank facility. The air goes from cool to warm in seconds, and the sound of many machines whirring and spinning reach your ears. Swallowing, you hold up the card to the door, relieved as it chirps once more, granting you entrance to the next room.
The energy in the air feels as if it smacks you in the chest, surrounding your very being. A giant reactor that looks as if it were out of a Sci-Fi movie shines brightly with glowing, blue aether, spinning and churning with enough force to be a heat source unto itself. Another walkway surrounds the perimeter, with stairs leading to the floor of the reactor. It all looks so very surreal, that you and Merlwyb can do nothing but stare in awe for a few moments.
“Are you seeing this, Cid?” Merlwyb finally asks, beginning to take steps around the walkway.
“Crystal fucking clear.” He chimes in, resent coating his voice. “My father’s research, powering this hellhole. What I would give to see it burn to the ground.”
You silently examine the swirling aether, something deep within you calling to the mass of energy you see before you. Something about the sight fills you with a deep sadness, of a loss you know you have yet to experience, but feel all the same. Almost against your will, you begin to make your way to the closest staircase, feet carrying you to the mass of energy. Your very soul feels drawn to it, disturbed by how you feel a turbulence within, matching the chaotic flow of aether within the reactor.
Free us…
Gasping, you clap a hand over your mouth as tears spring to your eyes.
“Honey! Get down!”
Turning around, you just barely miss a bullet meant for you, spotting a familiar face by the doorway you had come in. Your eyes narrow into slits as they land on Ilberd, smirking as if he’s got you right where he wants you. “Honey...strange seein’ ya here.” he laughs with a sleazy grin, cocking the gun to load another shot. “Thought to save Lord Varis the trouble of findin’ ya, eh? Awfully considerate of ya.”
“You wouldn’t mind telling me where the old bastard is, would you? I’ve got a bone to pick wit’ him.” You taunt back, turning to slowly face him.
“He’s occupied with other business at the moment,” Ilberd growls, aiming the gun directly for your heart. “Told me to come get you under control so he and you could have a nice chat later.”
Out of the corner of your eye you see Merlwyb move the slightest bit. “I’m afraid I can’t stay too long.” you huff, making sure to hold his attention. Flipping your hair, you cross your arms across your chest you can see him become visibly angrier at how you’re not intimidated by him at all, which is all the distraction you need.
Quick as a whip, Merlwyb fires a round at Ilberd, managing to hit him square in the shoulder. His gun misfires near your feet and you spring into action, quickly climbing back up to the main level of the walkway and catching up with Merlwyb.
“The elevator is just around the bend of the walkway on the wall. Hurry!” Cid yells, in your ear, your legs carrying you as fast as possible along the path. You duck as another shot barely misses you and Merlwyb, Ilberd growling far behind you as the two of you round the bend. Drawing your own gun you fire a few rounds back at him to try and slow him down. You can see the doors housing the elevator straight ahead, yanking the card from your neck ready to throw it at the security device ahead of time if it means the doors will open sooner.
“Get back here!” Ilberd roars behind you, firing another shot.
“Honey, hurry!” Merlwyb yells as you skid to a stop, slamming the card against the security device. The elevator slides open and Merlwyb rushes inside.
Free us…
Before you can enter, you find yourself looking back to that reactor of swirling energy, unable to resist the pull of the aether before you. Of whatever is in there crying out to you for salvation.
Turning to Merlwyb, you purse your lips and step from the elevator.
Reaching inside, you quickly hit the button that will send her to the top floor.
“Honey!” Giving her one good shove to throw her off balance, you keep her from dragging you back in with her, giving her a grim smile as the doors close.
“See you top side, Chief.” you wave, listening for the elevator to begin its ascent back toward the surface. You take your earpiece out before her or Cid can begin to scream in your ear. Dropping it to the floor, you crush it beneath your heel, turning to face Ilberd as he finally catches up with you, gun still raised.
“Goin’ the noble route, eh? Or have ya changed yer mind about seein’ Lord Varis?” Ilberd questions, gun still in hand.
“I’m staying behind to burn this place to the ground.” Gesturing to the reactor, you let your rage fill you. “As soon as I walked in here, I felt such sorrow. I felt so incredibly disturbed. I could hear people crying out to me,” you nearly choke up, but press forward. “I can feel them. The souls of all those experimented on...of the ancient that gave birth to Zenos. Their souls are not at peace, and neither will mine be if I don’t set this place on fire!”
“Hearin’ voices?” Ilberd balks, edging into a chuckle. “Goin’ mad, huh? I swear you descendants--” he’s not even given the chance to finish the sentence as you deck him in the face, sending him skidding across the walkway. You throw yourself atop him, wrenching his gun from his hand and tossing it elsewhere to where he won’t find it any time soon. “Get off me you bitch!”
“Not until you pay for killing Raubahn!” You snap, socking him in the jaw one more time before he manages to throw you off him, your back slamming into the rails of the walkway. Your own gun flies from your hand from the force of your fall, slipping out of sight. Grunting, you quickly get your feet to dodge his kick for your head, bringing your fists up to guard as he begins to fight.
Ilberd was clearly trained, giving you very few openings to land another hit. With the walkway being narrow, it left you little room to try and get a different angle on him, adding to your mounting frustration. While he was not as big as Zenos, he was still bulky, but made up for it by being insanely quick.
“I don’t have time to do this forever, little girl.” He seethes, throwing another punch toward your head but you block him easily enough. “Shoulda killed you when I had the chance. You still owe me quite a few men.”
Brows furrowed in confusion, you find yourself too curious to ignore his bait. “What are you talking about?”
“You tellin’ me you don’t remember years ago, how you murdered a ton of men in cold blood?” He asks incredulously. “We got wind of a lil’ ancient girl hiding out in some shitty apartment. Lord Varis gave me the clear to try and sniff her out.” Throwing a hard punch, you nearly miss the chance to block it, skidding back on your feet from the force. “Sent some of my best men to ensure they nabbed ya. Only to find that little blonde girl went and hid you somewhere my men couldn’t find.”
“One of ‘em was smart enough to try and not leave empty handed, and took the blonde girl as consolation for Lord Varis. But then you…” he growls, giving you a nasty kick to your stomach, sending you rolling to the floor. “You leapt out your hiding spot and murdered all my men, screaming like a banshee. Every police report said you killed every single one of those men without mercy.”
You dodge his foot as he tries to stomp on your head, rolling under the railing and dropping to the floor below, tucking into a roll so you don’t break your legs. “Am I supposed to feel sorry for men who came with the intent to kidnap me and hand me to their crazy ass boss?! “I was doing the world a favor by killing those men.” You roar as you watch him leap down to the same level as you, his sclera going black, irises going red.
The Resonant.
“You’re gonna regret sayin’ that.” He whispers.
Just like Zenos, he’s insanely fast, too fast for normal eyes to keep up with. However, he’s still slower, lacking Zenos’ incredible speed. For what he lacks in speed, he makes up for in sheer power, blocking one punch of his making you cry out in pain. Backing away from him you clutch your hand, praying that none of the bones within are broken. I’m in trouble, you think. So much for no confrontation.
“You better hope there’s something of you left for me to even give Lord Varis.” Ilberd threatens, cracking his knuckles with a smirk.
“Bullshit,” you scoff, shaking the pain from your hand. You can still feel everything. That’s a good sign at least. “Much as he hates my guts he wouldn’t suffer to lose such good research material...not when I have his lovely grandson growing inside me right now.” You can’t help but taunt. It’s a huge gamble, but you’re hoping he buys it.
“Still holdin’ on to the bastard, are ya?” Ilberd grins, cracking the joints in his neck. “An easy fix. One good punch and it’s good as dead. Then Varis can give Zenos a little brother--”
Snagging him by the hair, you bring his face to your knee, uncaring of the bloody mess of his nose breaking on your shin. Your tattoo glows brightly on the back of your neck as you slam Ilberd into the floor, hard enough to feel the vibrations in your feet. You move to crush his head beneath your foot but he rolls out the way, brushing blood from his face, eyes redder than before.
“I’d rather die than let that monster put his hands on me again.” You snarl, feeling the power of the Echo rush through your veins as you pursue Ilberd, putting yourself on even ground with him at last. You’re both blurs to anyone who would watch with normal eyes, chest heaving as you fight to live, fight for both of you to live.
Even with the Echo’s help, Ilberd is not going down easy. Whatever the Resonant has done to him has made him not just stronger and faster, but somehow extremely resilient. It feels like hitting stone, hurting your hands and wearing you down much faster than intended. Ilberd seems to notice your frustration, grinning as he manages to slam you into the ground. “Thought your lil’ ‘gift’ was gonna give you the upper hand, huh?” He cackles, kicking you roughly in the ribs.
You can feel something crack, whimpering in pain as you try to will the strength in your limbs to stand. “Bet you only fought Zenos’ Resonant, huh?” Ilberd continues, taking measured steps toward you. “Betcha didn’t think Lord Varis could improve on it, didya? That he could make someone stronger, faster, and tougher.” Crouching down, he snags you by the hair, ignoring your cry of pain as he drags you up to his face. “Why, I feel invincible.” He laughs, spitting in your face for good measure.
Dropping you again, he moves to kick your stomach, but you quickly flip to your side, arms protecting your abdomen. You cry out in agony, praying that he won’t follow through on that threat he made earlier. “Makes you wonder, huh? I sure as hell wasn’t a descendant from an ancient, yet through pure science Varis made me stronger than his own son.” he boasts, pausing his abuse of you to run a hand through his hair. “Doesn’t mean we can’t experiment on ya anyway. We learned so much from Zenos’ mother, no reason we can’t do the same to you.”
You don’t dare mask the absolute loathing you feel in this very moment, this complete disregard for life that this monster before you spews. “You’re sick.” you spit, groaning with the effort to even speak.
“Says who?” He laughs, giving you a nudge with his boot.
“Says me.” you cough out, eyes falling closed. Would this really be how it ended?
“You’re lucky Lord Varis needs ya alive, bitch.” Ilberd growls, shoving you roughly with his boot to roll you onto your stomach. “Let me take care of business, and we’ll get ya on back to the lab.”
Why do you not fight?!
You would not let it end here.
You did not come this far to let pain stop you. Not when so many people were depending on you.
You would fight.
Strength renewed, your tattoo pulses brightly as the pain becomes an afterthought, Echo induced adrenaline coursing through your body as you leap to your feet and deliver a spinning kick to Ilberd, throwing him off balance. Catching him by the collar before he can fall, you hit him with an uppercut, feeling his teeth clack together from the force of your blow, finishing him off a solid right hook.
With a growl he frees himself from your grip and socks you in the jaw, smirking as he does so, fading as he realizes you haven’t even recoiled in pain. Whatever pain receptors you have are blocked off as you give him a sadistic smirk, eyes crazed as you don’t even bother to peel his fist off your face. Using his shock against him, you grab him by the collar again and flip him over your shoulder, taking great satisfaction in the way his body slams into the ground.
You pursue him like a woman possessed, nimbly dodging his punches and fearlessly blocking his kicks, feeling no pain no matter how hard he kicks. Though Ilberd doesn’t give up, he’s clearly unnerved by your reaction to pain, or rather your lack of reaction. His eyes go wide with fear at your manic smile-- when had you started smiling?
“Cat got your tongue, Ilberd?” you giggle even as you throw him into the ground face first, stomping hard on his arm, grinning like a cat as he cries out in pain as you hear the bone break. “I gotta say, you get to have some really fun battles when you can’t feel pain...not that you’d know that.” You stamp down on his leg, hearing that break too, enjoying his cries of pain far more than you should.
“A friend of mine said I should go to therapy, you know. I should’ve listened. Because I’m getting far too much enjoyment out of this than is healthy.” You titter, stepping over his body, picking up an unbroken arm and wrenching it backward. “What do ya say I break a bone in your body for every year you robbed Raubahn of, huh?”
“S-Spare me…” Ilberd begs, even as you twist his arm painfully.
“Why should I?” You hiss, wrenching his arm from its socket. “You took everything from me.”
“On the contrary…”
You don’t turn in time to dodge a dart landing itself in your arm, blue liquid draining into your bloodstream before you can yank it out. Your eyes land on Varis who drops a small dart gun from his hand, a smirk plastered on his ugly face. “I believe I took everything from you.”
You try to fight against it but you collapse to the ground, the destabilizer making quick work of dumping you on the floor.
Once he’s sure you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, Varis begins his descent down the stairs to the main floor where you and Ilberd lay immobile. “I have to say, you had me worried for a moment, Honey. Your little ragtag group of misfits almost undid years worth of planning in one day.” He muses, complete with a slow clap. “Hiding the assistant chief of police, managing to convince Garlond to have some backbone, even swiping an access card off my son to let you roam the facility like the wild animal you are…” he sighs, coming to a stop at the base of the stairs. “Why, it's something right out of a commoner movie.”
“My lord,” Ilberd coughs, sounding relieved, “you’ve come.”
“Yes…” Varis drones, beginning his walk toward the two of you again. You watch as he reaches inside his suit jacket and pulls out of a syringe of sickly green fluid, something that makes Ilberd go rigid.
“M-My lord,” he stammers, trying to will strength into his limbs. “P-Please,”
“You had served me well up until this point, Ilberd. And from what I observed, the Resonant has shown significant improvement,” Varis praises, though his expression remains disappointed. “...unfortunately, you also know how I feel about failure.” You watch as Varis kneels slightly and sticks Ilberd with the syringe, injecting him with the unknown fluid. “Believe me when I say it’s not personal, Ilberd.” Varis huffs.
“M-My lord,” Ilberd stutters, but his speech grows slurred. Your eyes widen as you realize just what it was he injected him with. “I can still--”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence as his body goes deathly still.
Varis continues to look down his nose at Ilberd’s now lifeless body before finally sliding his gaze to you. Surprisingly, he doesn’t look angry or hateful. In fact, he looks rather pleased. “How does it feel, Honey? To have gone through all this trouble only to land yourself in my hands, yet again.”
“Fuck you.” you spit, trying to find the strength to stand up.
Seeing your struggle, he gives a deep laugh, giving you a nudge with his foot. “I’ve learned my lesson this time, my dear. I made sure to make an extra special strain of destabilizer to keep on my person just in case you decided to pay any traitorous visits.”
Stepping around you, he nudges your body once again. “At least you are mostly intact...once your comrades all expelled from my research facility and put on trial to be killed in my new society, I believe I’ll be returning for you and we can pick up where we left off last time.” he grins darkly, kneeling down to brush hair from your face.
“Get away from me!” You scream, tears streaming down your face. He couldn’t win. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Everything had been going so well--
“It’s too late for that now, Honey.” Varis growls, yanking hard on your hair. “Far too late,”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as he cries out in pain, clutching his shoulder as he staggers back in pain. Blood leaks from the wound, his eyes searching out whoever landed the shot. “Who’s there?!”
“Your son.”
Zenos steps from the shadow, holding the gun Ilberd had been toting earlier. Unlike his father, he lets loose his rage, blue eyes staring his father down. Tossing the gun to the ground, he continues making his way toward you. He’s dressed as if his father had sent him on a hit, sword strapped to his side. “I’d have shot another for good measure, but unfortunately there was only one round left.”
Somehow that statement only makes Varis smirk, backing away as his son advances. “Oh? And you wasted your one round not making a killing shot?” he cackles. “Because you know your place, my son.”
At that, Zenos visibly hesitates.
You’ve never seen this kind of hesitation in Zenos before. Never heard this tone from Varis before. The tone of a parent disappointed with their child. The hesitation of a child who knows they’ve upset their parents.
“Really, my son, I give you the world as you wished it and this is how you repay me?” Varis grunts, barely able to keep himself upright. “You take the side of this savage? When I had given you life, given you a home...anything you asked for, I gave it. And you repay me like this? Do you want to let me down, my beautiful child? Do you want me to hate you?”
Zenos falters a bit more at that, no longer able to meet his father’s gaze, and suddenly it all becomes crystal clear.
“Don’t listen to him, Zenos.” you wheeze, begging silently for him to meet your eyes. “Look at me. Do not listen to him.”
“Silence, wench!” Varis hisses, gaining enough strength to press his foot to your neck.
“Your father is a master manipulator, Zenos,” you continue, staring hard into his blue eyes. “Anytime you told me you never cared for what he did, that you wanted nothing to do with him...you were lying. He had manipulated you into wanting his approval. His love.”
“I said be quiet!” Varis snarls, pressing his foot down harder. You can see the conflict in Zenos’ eyes, looking between you and his father.
“That’s why you let him experiment on you. Why you killed for him. He lied to you didn’t he? He told you that if you did those things for him, he’d love you, didn’t he?” You press on, voice rising with each question.
You whimper as Varis kneels to grab you by the hair, ugly face twisted in a scowl. “Be quiet! Do not listen to her, Zenos!”
“He never loved you!” You roar, ignoring how Varis’ hands wrap around your throat. “You were always just a tool to him! But I love you, Zenos! I’ve always loved you--” You can’t finish as Varis’ grip on your windpipe begins to constrict, unable to even bring your hands up to pry them off. “Zenos...I...love,”
The pressure on your neck is released as Zenos pries his father off you, your lungs dragging in air desperately as Zenos drags you away from Varis. Pulling the dart from your shoulder he tosses it elsewhere, shifting to hold you in his arms. An immediate sense of safety washes over you as he cradles you close, hesitating for one moment longer, but turning his back on his father.
“Zenos. Zenos!” Varis roars at the retreating back of his son. “I will not allow you to disgrace me this way! I am your father!”
“That may be so,” Zenos calls over his shoulder, still moving forward. “But I have someone who actually loves me, now.”
Varis yells in his rage, forcing himself to stand to his feet. “Z-Zenos,” you murmur, watching as Varis reaches into his suit. “Zenos, we need to run,” you try to urge, watching as his father pulls out a shiny, vial full of red liquid. Zenos turns just in time to see Varis jab the vial into his arm, everything going still for a moment until Varis’ eyes bleed black the two of you watching in horror as Varis stands to his feet with renewed strength. Red pupils laser in on the two of you as Varis laughs madly while his sclera grows black.
“I won’t allow you to leave--” he clutches his throat, all in the room confused into stillness at how warped his voice sounds, watching as he tries to clear his throat. Your eyes widen as his hand begins to bulge and become deformed, growing larger and larger until the phenomena begins to travel up the rest of his arm. “What’s happening--”
Whatever is happening seems to cause a chain reaction, Varis’ body bulging all over the place as he transforms into a hideous monster. His skin turns red as he continues to grow in size, black wings sprouting from his back as huge fangs grow from his teeth. His hand transforms into claws large enough to hold your entire body in their grip, his mouth now big enough to swallow you whole as he finishes his transformation.
“Zenos, we need to leave,” you advise quietly as possible, Zenos nodding as he begins to make a break for the exit.
“No!” Varis’ voice booms, shaking the entire room. Before Zenos can even run a few steps, the shadow of Varis’ arm looms over you, Zenos just barely able to stop his momentum before getting crushed by Varis’ fist. “I will not allow you to leave!” his atrocious voice booms, fist curling to try and strike again.
You shriek as Zenos’ eyes glow red as he activates the Resonant, using his enhanced speed to dodge another blow. With you in his arms it’s still hard to maneuver, Zenos clutching you tight as he tries to make it to the exit.
“I’ll kill you!” Varis roars, slamming a fist against the ground, the shockwave jolting the two of you hard enough that Zenos loses his grip on you and you fall from his arms. “I will not allow you to destroy my life’s work!”
It hurts when you land on the metal floor, praying you don’t have a concussion while you’re at it. Everything still feels intact, but gods if you don’t hurt something fierce. You couldn’t move if you wanted and Varis seems to know it, trying to make a dive for you but stopped by his son who’s finally drawn his sword. Zenos slices a deep gash in the monster, your ears ringing as it lets loose a squeal of pain. “You traitor! After I’ve given you everything!”
“You’ve given me nothing!” Zenos snaps back, dodging a swipe of his father’s spiked tail. “You took everything from me! My bodyguards! My mother!” His golden hair flies behind him, whipping wildly with every movement as he lands on the monster’s back, preparing to run him through until he gets shaken off. You cry out as Varis manages to get ahold of Zenos long enough to slam him into the floor, but a quick swipe of his blade at one of the claws crushing him has Varis reeling back again, right into--
“Zenos, watch out!” You scream, but it’s too late to do anything. You can do nothing but watch as Varis’ horrid body slams into the reactor, causing it to become unstable due to his size. The alarms blare louder before as the glass breaks, the aether trapped within bursting out in all directions. You can feel it rush over your skin, sensitive to it as the energy is returned to the life stream. Even as the alarms grow louder and an automated voice warns of impending meltdown, you feel a sense of peace.
“NO!” Varis bellows, picking up shards of his former reactor in his hands. “My life’s work! My dreams!”
Using this window of distraction, Zenos quickly bounds over to you and scoops you up again, though not as easily as before, visibly exhausted. Making a break for the stairs, you shudder as Varis continues to roar in outrage, finally pulling himself out of his mourning long enough to realize you’re on the move. “I will not allow you to escape!” His voice thunders, warped and mangled and no longer his own.
With a single blow, he destroys the stairs, sending the two of you falling back to the ground. Zenos winces as he lands back on the floor, violet eyes still frantically searching for an exit.
“I will see the both of you dead!” Varis booms, swinging his arms wildly throughout the room, tearing at the ceiling and walls. “I will bury you alive and emerge victorious!”
Zenos gives you one last glance before he grits his teeth and puts you down again, drawing his sword as he faces his father. “I’ll get us out of here.” he whispers, even as the world falls down around you. Before you can get a word in edgewise he’s launched himself at Varis, making a clean slice of his blade across Varis’ arm.
You cry as you watch Zenos face off against his father, and for once, this is the first time you’ve seen him in a fight where he doesn’t smile.
It couldn’t end here.
Why do you not fight?!
“It won’t end here.”
Gasping, a familiar figure in a white robe trimmed in gold appears before you. Fluffy, lavender hair spills over their shoulders, red mask in place with only their lips visible. Turning, Elidibus faces you, quickly picking you up in his arms before turning back to the hellish scene before him. “Young Zenos!” he calls, red eyes flicking to him immediately. “We must leave!”
“Elidibus?” Varis snarls, moving to punch at you but Eldiibus dodges out of the way, brows visibly furrowed even beneath his mask. “You were an Ancient? All along?”
“What I am does not matter to you, vermin.” Elidibus bristles, fluffy hair standing on edge as he dodges another blow. The facility groans and shakes, threatening to fall apart at any second. “Young Zenos,” Elidibus begins again, dodging another of Varis’ punches, “we must hurry--”
“Get Honey out of here.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“Like hell I’m leaving without you!” you shriek as Elidibus dodges another swipe, Zenos quickly gaining his father’s attention by cutting off a chunk of his tail. Varis’ shrill scream rattles the facility, turning his attention back to trying to kill his son.
“Young Zenos,” Elidibus tries again, avoiding bits of falling debris. You had to leave, now.
“Get out of here, Elidibus,” Zenos calls, after giving Varis another stab with his blade. “I need to hold him off so you can escape.” He grunts, pulling his blade free from the beast. “So that my love can escape.”
No, no, no.
Pursing his lips, you feel Elidibus grip you tight as dark magic begins to encircle you. “Elidibus!” You screech, screaming like a mad woman. “Zenos, don’t do this! I love you, please--”
“I could not think of a better way to die, Honey, other than by your hand,” Zenos breathes, giving you one last smile, “but I suppose fighting to save you will suffice.” Through speaking he launches himself at Varis once more, a genuine smile upon his face.
“You idiot!” You yell, wishing you had any strength left. “I need you! Your child needs you!”
The last you see of him is Zenos’ red eyes turning to you in shock before Elidibus whisks you away. Dark magic enfolds you and pulls you from the facility, sending you back to the surface.
“Elidibus! Elidibus! You have to go back,” you beg as Elidibus arrives at the surface, face pinched in regret even if it's only his jaw you can see. “Put me down and save him. Go back in there,”
“Honey!” you hear Merlwyb call, as the facility burns from the outside. Yugiri and her soldiers begin to run over to see what the fuss is about as Merlwyb continues to yell at you. “Gods woman, you scared me,”
“Put me down Elidibus, go save him,”
Just as Elidibus seems to consider it, you see his violet eyes widen from beneath his mask. Shoving you into Merlwyb’s arms, he quickly turns and faces the research facility, arms upraised as blue magic spreads from his fingers, erecting a barrier. “Everyone get down!”
The facility explodes, a shockwave bursting from below all the way up to the surface, sending debris flying. You can feel the heat of fire nearly hot enough to burn on your skin, hear the sound of groaning metal as the structure collapses in on itself.
Everyone shields their eyes as a wellspring of aether bursts forth out of control, sweeping over everything in the vicinity. Uncovering your eyes, you watch as Elidibus marches forward and calms the flow, teeth gnashed together as he tries to redirect the aether back underground. The earth begins to ward as strange shards of aether begin to form, the ground quaking beneath your feet as cracks begin to form. “Not again,” he grunts, hair whipping wildly about his face as his power calms the spring. “These shards will not pay for our mistakes!” he roars, giving one last push to quiet the stream of aether, restoring peace to the area.
The barrier falls, having protected you from the bulk of the explosion, everyone looking around in a mix of awe and shock at what they had seen. Already you hear sirens in the distance. You’re distantly aware of Merlwyb questioning you, on how you could possibly do some thing so wreckless and so stupid.
But you don’t hear her.
“He’s gone.”
Merlwyb stops her tirade long enough to register just what it was you had said. “He? You mean Varis?”
“Yes,” Elidibus cuts in, moving to take you into his arms, “Varis is slain. But only because young Zenos sacrificed himself to allow us to escape.” he whispers, burying his face into your hair in an attempt to comfort you or perhaps needing comfort himself. “The aether that Varis had consumed had warped his body beyond recognition; his toll for messing with things he did not fully understand. Things that we did not fully understand…”
“He’s gone…” you whimper over and over, staining Elidibus’ robes with your tears. Zenos’ shocked expression is imprinted on your mind, and you keep opening and closing your eyes as if you’ll finally wake up from this nightmare. Each time you do, Elidibus is still there holding you tightly, and Merlwyb is rattling off orders through tears at seeing how broken and defeated you look.
Elidibus carries you in his arms as he changes his appearance back to normal as the emergency services show up, denying all questioning until you are properly seen to. He sticks to your side as a silent protector, regret shining in how tightly he clenches his jaw.
Cid arrives in a rush, practically falling over himself to get to you, having heard the worst, ready to give Elidibus a piece of his mind until Merlwyb cuts in and explains all that had occurred in the final moments of the Aetherochemical Research Facility. News vans arrive in record time, Cid and Merlwyb quickly garnering their attention as Elidibus carries you to the closest ambulance.
Kugane is safe.
Varis zos Galvus is no more.
But what does it matter?
Zenos is gone.
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galvus · 4 years
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An ending to mark a new beginning... My pain! My longing! You shall have it all!
110 notes · View notes
jenovahh · 3 years
The Honey Pot - Ch. 24 - The Beginning of the End
Collapsing on the bed, you silently wish that your body will cease to function and you will smother yourself into unconsciousness. It wasn’t a healthy way to cope with your current predicament, which was to say, you weren’t really coping at all.
At least, not in a way that’s healthy.
Ardbert’s words echo in your mind, to seek help, but your own voice echoes over his own. That you could not possibly seek any help for your self-imposed depression that working under Varis has brought you.
You’re miserable, truly, having to deal with his pompous attitude and constant flirting every single day. Having to push back the gnawing dread of trying to formulate a plan that will allow you to take him down, for good. You had said it yourself before, that you were a fighter, that such scheming and planning were not your forte. Nearly five months had passed since you had begun working for Varis, making it spring again. The election would be this summer. You were running out of time.
You had no way of gathering any photo evidence of Varis’ crimes. Even the times you had tried to casually act as if you were bored on your phone and snap a picture, you found that it would mysteriously be unable to take photos. Granted it was a company issued phone, making the camera and microphone inaccessible whenever you so much as entered Varis’ presence. A voice in your mind whispered to enlist the help of Cid, that surely he had a device that could go undetected by Varis’ technology. However your own lack of knowledge about such espionage stilled your hand, not knowing what kind of countermeasures Varis could have in place.
You didn’t doubt Cid’s ability, he was after all able to make a device that hid your conversations from your boss, but after learning the burden Cid had weighing him down since his younger days, it made you even more hesitant to beseech him for any more help than he’s already given. It was up to you now; you had been put in this mission by yourself, and you would see it through on your own. Estinien had already gotten killed for getting involved with you, and you could not bear to see anyone else die.
You missed the companionship of your friends, of Ardbert, not even able to give him a passing smile whenever you strolled past each other in the mornings as you took your respective employers to work, and you prayed that Ardbert knew in his heart of hearts that you hadn’t meant to abandon him too.
Varis’ grip on you had only tightened, and you see now that Zenos didn’t mean you wouldn’t last under his rule. Varis was not any crueler than Zenos necessarily; he was more demanding. More restrictive. More possessive.
From dusk to dawn did you belong to Varis, hardly able to move on your own without having to tell Varis about it. Your leash only tightened with more secrets revealed to you, to where it felt like you couldn’t even go relieve yourself without having to ask permission like you were in grade school. Even at home you always felt watched, making you even start to wonder if your room had been bugged, or if some sort of hidden cameras had been placed. Your paranoia led you to start only getting dressed in your bathroom, praying that he wasn’t enough of a creep to hide a camera in there.
In the mornings you would shower, though you would leave it running for a while as you jotted down what notes you could before tucking the notebook underneath a loose tile in the floor. You would hop in the shower then, preparing for another harsh day, dressing quickly as to not seem too suspicious. Standing in your usual pantsuit, you take a deep breath as you gaze at your haggard reflection. Any trace of happiness is absent, replaced only with a mindless drive to see this through to the end.
Grabbing your things, you head out your room to meet up with Varis, accustomed to how much time it takes for you to eat your breakfast so that you don’t have to spend any extra time in the morning with him. You spurned his offers to eat breakfast with him, lying that you enjoyed the extra time to sleep in now that you didn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn to train with his son.
“What’s the plan for today?” You ask nonchalantly, asking only out of habit than actually caring what he does. Even the campaign trail had grown monotonous, finding yourself stuck in more budget spending meetings than you ever cared to attend in your lifetime.
“A meeting here and there, and depending on how long things take, I will have you attend an important dinner with me.” Varis sighs, already typing away at his phone.
A dinner is not foreign to you, but that your attendance is up in the air is. “Will you be sending me home?”
Varis stops his fiddling to glance at your seriously for a moment. “It depends on how I feel. This guest is particularly important and while I have grown to trust you more Honey...there are still things I must keep within a tight network. I trust you understand.”
Keeping your face neutral, you bow politely, though your mind is running malms a minute. “Of course, my lord.”
Standing straight once again, you find he is smiling appreciatively. “Excellent. The nature of this meeting is important, which is why I require a bodyguard of your caliber to be present. I’ll say that it will most likely give me a certain...edge, with the election.” Smirking, he begins to head out to the car. “In fact, I am willing to say that it will practically secure my victory.”
Not liking the sound of that, you do your best to not frown outwardly, following him outside. “It must be truly magnificent if that is the case.” You comment, opening the door for him as he slides inside.
“I suppose you could say that.” And he says nothing more. Hopping in the car after him, you remain silent as well, watching the city pass by in a blur as you try to think about what he could possibly do that would ensure his victory. Varis had his charismatic persona, but for what you knew about Lord Hien, he would be a tough opponent. Lord Hien was up for reelection, but he was just as charismatic, if not more so than Varis. He was well liked by the people and genuinely had their best interests at heart. He had his shortcomings, but was overall a good leader.
Which meant that if Varis wanted any true shot of winning, he had to fight dirty.
It was just a matter of figuring out how dirty.
You spend so much time in your thoughts the whole day that night comes soon enough, spring’s warm breeze caressing you even though your suit. The warm weather helps your mood somewhat, relaxing you as the car rolls through the city, going to whatever gods forsaken restaurant Varis is taking you to. You made sure to eat a bit of dinner before departing, not wanting to be tempted by the overly rich food.
Arriving, you step out, seeing the restaurant is just as fancy as you had thought, not that Varis would accept anything less. Varis steps out and you scan the area, finding no immediate threats. The chauffeur pulls off and you lead Varis inside, the maître d' greeting Varis extravagantly, showering him with praises of what an honor it was to have him choose to dine at their establishment. Repressing your urge to roll your eyes, you follow the host toward a private room, keeping an eye on tables as you pass by, noting the faces of a few familiar businessmen.
The private room is actually at the back of the restaurant, complete with a small balcony leading outside. Ornate glass doors were swung wide open allowing fresh air to blow in, styled in Ishgardian architecture, now that you had finally realized it was an Ishgardian restaurant. Varis takes his seat at a rectangular table, too small to host a party of people but too big to eat solo. You notice that there’s only one other chair, making you wonder just who it could be that would turn the tide in Varis’s favor.
The question burned on your tongue like tea you drank too quickly, desperate to know, but you willed your patience to hold out a little longer. No doubt that Varis could sense your curiosity, try as you might to hide it, but he was content to let you stew a little longer as you waited for your guest to arrive.
Only five more minutes pass before there is a knock on the door, one of the waiters announcing that said guest had arrived. You give up any sense of trying to seem aloof and face the door, ready to claim you were ready for a potential threat if Varis decided to question you.
“Let them in.” Varis calls, taking a sip of water from the glass upon the table.
The waiter nods, opening the door so that the guest may step inside. A tan hand extends into view, clapping the waiter on the shoulder in a show of over-familiarity, before the body it belongs to comes through the door.
You can’t control your reaction fast enough to fix your face, seeing that oh-so-familiar uniform come into view. The uniform of the Kugane police and the man who wears it gives a boisterous laugh at the waiter’s fumbling. Hair much like Varis’ own is tied in a small bun atop his head, somewhat blonde, but the coloring is so light one would think it white at first glance. A strong jawline gives way to a stellar smile. However, that is not what captures your attention the most.
Upon the man’s uniform lies a shiny, silver badge, listing him as Ilberd Feare, Deputy Chief of Police.
Stranger still, is the tingling on the back of your neck. It had been absent since that day you and Zenos fought and he had shown you that strange power. You still had no clue what it was, but it allowed him to surpass mortal limitations, given how he implied that he was no longer mortal at all.
“Why do you look so afraid? Unable to come to terms with the fact you’ve been fucking a literal monster?”
As Ilberd turns, he makes eye contact with you, giving you an inquisitive look at the shocked expression on your face. Coughing, you try to play it off, noticing his raised eyebrow as Varis stands to greet him. “Ilberd, I’m glad you could make it.” Varis welcomes, extending his hand in an offer to shake it. In perhaps the greatest show of camaraderie you’ve ever seen from Varis, Ilberd shakes his hand and the two hug as men do, Ilberd giving Varis a beaming smile.
“Good to see ya too, Lord Varis. Sorry for takin’ so long. Had a few hang ups at the office, didn’t even give me the chance to change into somethin’ a bit more presentable.” Ilberd chuckles, the two men finally releasing each other. “I see you’ve got a new bodyguard in rotation. Though it’s been a minute since we could meet up.”
“This is my bodyguard, Honey. A more recent find, she’s been with us for over a year now, though she started off as one of Zenos’ finds. In time, she came to her senses and decided to work for me instead.” Varis preens, chest puffing out the slightest bit as he gestures to where you’re standing.
You take little note of it however, the humming growing stronger as you and Ilberd make eye contact. Something in his eyes tells you he feels something too, making you wonder if he’s like you; that he possesses the Echo. Something within you tells you that’s highly unlikely, meaning that something else must be going on.
Remembering yourself, you bow politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You greet, feeling his eyes still upon you. Tilting his head, his eyes narrow as he takes a few steps toward you. Arching a brow, you stand completely still, refusing to let him unnerve you. “Is something the matter?”
Ilberd remains silent, beady eyes focused on you, brows pinched together in concentration. “You seem familiar somehow. Like I know you.”
Your heart plummets for a second. You had hardly interacted with him during your time on the police force being a rookie and all, but that doesn’t mean he’s not seen your face. Better to play it dumb, hoping it doesn’t come to mind.
“Like maybe I knew you as a kid, or something.” He continues, as if he hopes to jog your memory before his own.
Taking the unintentional lifeline, you shrug casually, revealing nothing. “Lord Varis did pluck me from the streets. Maybe you remember me running away from you once or twice.”
Ilberd appears unconvinced, but can’t seem to place your face well enough to bother refuting your claim. “Maybe so. Though I’m surprised Lord Varis would pluck someone off the streets just to be his bodyguard.” Ilberd hums as he finally turns to take his seat at the table.
“I must give credit where credit is due. Zenos did the hard work of rehabilitating her with proper manners and etiquette.” Varis smirks, joining Ilberd at the table. You don’t bother hiding your eye roll as Varis motions for the waiter at the door to come over. “I have merely reaped the rewards. Her prowess is unmatched and it is only right that she is mine.”
Tempted to gag, you move to head near the door to stand guard.
“Ah, Honey. I must apologize, but I will need you to stand outside. Do not fear for my safety, Ilberd may not match you in skill, but he is still more than capable of dealing with any threats.” Varis instructs, waving you off. “If you are famished, feel free to sit and eat.”
Warning bells go off in your head at that; just how strong was Ilberd? Most high ranking officers were not particularly known for their combat prowess, gaining the luxury of sitting in an office a majority of the day as they barked out orders. That Varis trusted him enough to protect him in your absence…
Something wasn’t right.
There wasn’t much you could do about it now, merely nodding that you had heard him and stepping outside. Hopefully they wouldn’t talk for too long, but you requested a small chair to settle in just in case they did, the hum on your neck persisting the entire night.
“You are free to do as you wish, today.”
Blinking, you tilt your head almost like a puppy, not sure you heard correctly.
“I’m...free today.” You repeat, just to be sure.
Varis rolls his eyes and gives a dramatic sigh to match, placing down the bourbon he held in his hand. Dressed the most casually you’ve seen him, he looks every bit the picture of wealthy relaxation, though his hair is still bound in a low ponytail as usual. Wearing a simple pair of reading glasses, he tilts them down a bit to look at you over the rim.
He had requested your presence in one of the rooms on the upper floors, usually off limits to you. It seemed like a man cave, but someone as wealthy as he would never refer to it as such. A fireplace sat in one corner, while shelves of books lined the wall. It was somewhat a study, if not for the large flatscreen TV mounted on one wall, complete with surround sound. It made you wonder what the other rooms on this floor looked like.
“I am not in the habit of repeating myself.” Varis huffs, drawing your attention back to him where he is seated in a leather lounge chair.
“No, I heard you, it’s just,” you fumble, shuffling your feet a bit, “forgive me if it seems a bit hard to believe, my lord.”
Smirking, he tilts his head slightly, giving you a once over. “I am not a tyrant.” he hums, standing to his feet from the plush chair he sits in. “I would offer that you may spend your day with me, however I have been needing some time to myself due to the election being right around the corner.” Grabbing his glass he takes another sip, face impassive despite the strong liquor running down his throat. “Spend your day as you wish. In fact…” a cruel smirk twists his lips, golden eyes peering over the rim of his glass as he takes another sip. “Perhaps you may even want to go into the city. I hear there is a rally today for Hien.”
“You want me to scope out the competition?” You ask, unsure just what he is trying to imply.
“Certainly not.” He scoffs, moving to turn the TV on, the first channel displaying the stock market. “I have others to do that for me. Your only job is to protect me.” Turning back to you, he gives you a conniving grin. “I had merely offered the opportunity just to see how much more superior my campaign is to that buffoon’s. If you wish to do something else with your time, then you may do so.”
Unsure what to make of this, you merely nod in acknowledgement, turning to head for the door. “Well, it’s appreciated. I could use a small break today.”
“Of course. Never let it be said I did not pay attention to my employee’s needs.” Varis thrums, chest puffed out as usual. “I will see you perhaps later today. Do be careful out there, Honey. If you do go to the rally, make sure to not get too close, or stay too long.”
Waving a lazy goodbye, you slip out the door, immediately heading downstairs to change out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable. Spring is in full swing, and despite how shitty things are right now, the warm weather does wonders for your mood. Pulling one of the few floral print dresses you bought for yourself out of your closet, you quickly change, finding a pair of sandals with a wedge heel to match. Looking at yourself, you feel pretty cute, wishing you were getting dressed to go out shopping with Y’shtola and Lyse after a long week of work, and not having a day off from your potentially psychopathic boss.
Thinking about work would do you no good, so you push it far from your mind, making room instead for you to wish Zenos was able to see you in your cute outfit. You had spent so much time before things had gotten complicated trying to get away from him on your days off, and the one chance you would have to be near him, he wants nothing to do with you. That makes you sadder than the thoughts of your friends does, so you quickly rush out to the garage and page a chauffeur to take you into the city.
Yuyusho of course is happy to help, going as far as complimenting on your cute dress and making a dramatic scene of telling you how pretty you look “now that you’re out of that stuffy suit” he had said. You were embarrassed by his praise, but it also served as a confidence boost, not having received any such attention about your looks since Estinien had passed. Zenos wasn’t the flattering type.
Making casual conversation as you head into the city, there isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it’s not blaring hot either. Green has returned to the decorative trees lining the sidewalks in city limits, and flowers at store fronts are blooming beautifully. The sight warms your heart a little, feeling an overwhelming sense of normalcy as Yuyusho pulls to the side of the road to let you out.
“You sure you don’t need me to stay?” The Lalafellin man asks, adjusting his suit slightly.
“Of course not. I doubt you wanna sit in a car all day. I don’t know how long I’ll take and I wouldn’t want you sitting around waiting on me while I’m deciding if I should get the blue dress or the green one.” You grin cheekily, feeling strangely high spirited. Interaction with others really was something you needed.
“All right, but stay safe out there, Ms. Honey. Just gimme a call no matter the time!” Yuyusho beams, rolling up the window and driving away. You wave goodbye as he heads down the road, slinging your purse over your shoulder. You had Yuyusho drop you off in the Rakuza district, one of the more low end shopping areas in the city. While your paycheck more than allowed you to afford nicer things, there was something comforting about coming here, remembering days of fawning over cute dresses you knew you’d have to save up to afford. Palming your purse, you know that shopping here, you wouldn’t even have to check the price to buy anything you wanted.
You let yourself indulge, walking past the shops and stalls, strictly window shopping until something fascinating catches your eye. While it was tempting to buy all the things your heart desired, you weren’t exactly living a life where you could party and strut all day, every day. That, and the fact is you weren’t thrilled with the idea of having to lug it all around on your day out.
You spend the first hour or so doing a bit of light shopping, occasionally weaving through stores that caught your eye, buying a trinket or too that you could finally afford. Collecting jewelry you knew Lyse would love or pins for Y’shtola had been dying to add to her collection. Throughout it all your friends were at the forefront of your mind, hardly able to spare a thought for yourself. Once satisfied, you stop at a nearby cafe to grab some lunch, ordering a simple panini and a small soda to sip on as a treat to yourself. Eating outside you enjoy the feel of the sun warming your skin, thinking you might just spend some more time walking about the district before calling Yuyusho to pick you up.
Walking down the street, you hear the faint sound of what must be a large crowd. Curiosity piqued, you follow the noise at a leisurely stride due to your heels. As you round the corner you see the street has been blocked off to any cars or other motor vehicles, the sidewalk lined in balloons the color of the Hingan flag. The crowd seems incredibly large, and you notice a few stalls of street food and small carnival games put together. Unable to resist the urge to see what’s going on, you begin strolling down the street, watching parents be tugged around by their children to the next stall. The sight is heartwarming, prompting you to stop by and get a rolanberry crepe to nibble on despite still feeling full.
As you continue down the sidewalk, you notice a few more banners hanging from the sides of buildings, seeing that they campaign for Hien’s reelection line the street. Grumbling at how you played into Varis’ palm anyway, you find yourself too nosy to turn back. Everything looks relatively normal so far, the buildings a bit shorter and built in traditional Hingan style. You spot a security guard here and there, a few dressed like mall cops, obviously there for crowd control. Your eyes do happen to glance over a suited guard or too, their sunglasses so darkly tinted you wouldn’t be able to see if they were looking back at you.
Despite being all over the news (twice), no one seems to pay you any mind, allowing you to make your way down to the stage that lies at the end of the street. Holding the largest amount of balloons by far, you notice the crowd gravitate that way as the host appears to march toward the microphone.
“Good afternoon people of Kugane! I hope you’ve all been enjoying the rally!” They call, the crowd cheerfully responding as the host grabs their attention. “I can’t hear you!”
The crowd roars in your ear as you carefully push your way through the crowd as it becomes more and more packed the closer you get. Shifting toward the edge, you find the small wall of a fountain to stand upon, mindful of your footing and glaring daggers at anybody who would think to try and look up the skirt of your dress.
“The turnout is far more than we anticipated! We’re super grateful for your attendance!” The host goes on, gesturing to the crowd. “While Lord Hien regrettably could not attend today due to unforeseen matters, that does not mean we do not have an excellent lineup of guests here for you today!”
The crowd cheers again, not at all saddened by Lord Hien’s absence. Shifting on your feet a bit, you reach down to get out of your heels, sighing immediately with relief. Though you stand a little shorter now, the stage is still within sight. The first guests are introduced, some local activists you know within the city. They give their speeches on how Lord Hien has benefitted them and all he has done for the city, the crowd respectfully silent as people both young and old take to the podium. You can’t help but feel a little inspired by their speeches, praying that there will be more rallys like this one that show that Lord Hien is the better vote.
As another speaker takes the stage, the tingling feeling returns. Turning around you see no one behind you, and a quick scan over the crowd does nothing to ease the feeling. Frowning, you try to scan with a bit more depth, but all you see are unfamiliar faces. You don’t feel as if you’re being watched, but despite your best efforts, you can’t shake the feeling of something being off.
“And now, ladies and gentlemen, for our guest of honor in light of Lord Hien’s absence! Chief of police, Raubahn Aldynn, with Assistant Chief Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn!”
The bad feeling is forgotten as the host’s words register, head snapping to face the stage once again as sure enough your former employers take to the stage. Both of them are dressed in uniform, Raubahn’s braids framing his face handsomely despite the cap upon his head. Merlwyb stands behind him as they wave to the crowd, the two of them making an imposing duo with their height. Your heart lurches at the sight of them, wishing to see if you could at least get a little closer to them, desperate for them to see you.
So that they knew you were all right.
“Greetings, citizens of Kugane!” Merlwyb booms, her voice loud enough on her own without the loudspeaker. “It is my pleasure to stand here today and speak honestly about Lord Hien in his absence. As you all know, I originally hail from Limsa, arriving in Kugane as a little girl,”
Merlwyb’s voice is comforting, reminding you of hearing the rumors all rookies do of their bosses. Merlwyb had been rumored to be relentless and unforgiving, but in truth her officers were at the forefront of her mind, and all that she enforced was to make sure that as many officers made it back safe to their families. Her voice carries what feels like hope personified, the entire crowd enchanted by her speech as he informs them on why Lord Hien is a good candidate.
The humming grows stronger, to where you can no longer ignore it. You start to feel a little sick, wondering if maybe the panini you had eaten gave you food poisoning, but you knew in your heart that was not the case.
Something was wrong.
How you wish you didn’t have this stupid ability, unable to simply enjoy a rally like the rest of the normal citizens. It felt suffocating, and you did your best to suppress it. No matter how hard you tried, it wouldn’t go away, agitating you beyond belief. What the fuck is wrong with me? you grumble inwardly, once again scanning over the crowd. It has to be some kind of false alarm. No one in the crowd looks suspicious. Security is posted around the perimeter. Nothing looks out of the ordinary.
Except...a glint of something catches your eye.
Across the street, your instinct tells you to look up, practically unable to with how the sun hangs high in the sky. Shielding your eyes with your hand, your eyes follow the five story building up to its top floor, where you spot a body shrouded in shadow. Grunting, you fish through your shopping bags for a pair of sunglasses you had bought for Y’shtola, fumbling to get them out the box. Sliding them on you can see a bit clearer now, able to make the form of the man a little better. Pale strands of platinum blonde hair tied in a bun become clear, paired with tan skin.
Ilberd? But what on earth is he doing here?
Apprehension claws at your gut, knowing something is definitely not right. Was Ilberd here on account of Varis too? Just what was it that they discussed?
Unsure what to do, you can’t look away from Ilberd’s place atop the building, unsure just what it is he’s doing. He seems to just be watching from a strange viewpoint, occasionally talking into what appears to be a walky talky clipped to his uniform. It is strange that he would be here in uniform at a rally for the opposing party. Surely he could casually attend in everyday wear just the same as you?
“But I have talked your ears off long enough! I must pass the microphone to my colleague and friend, Chief Raubahn.” Merlwyb announces, the crowd cheering loud in your ear.
At that same moment, your heart drops.
Your eyes widen as you watch Ilberd pull out a rifle and set it on the ledge of the building, aimed straight for the stage.
Abandoning your belongings, gifts and all, you leap from the fountain, uncaring who you stumble into. “Please move out of my way!” you scream, pushing through the crowd as best you can. Stealing glances at the building you watch as Ilberd pulls a mask over his head, hiding his face from view. Civilians curse at you as you try to push your way through the crowd, heart racing in your chest as you try your damndest to reach the stage.
He’s loading the bullet.
“Raubahn!” You scream, just one voice in a crowd of many.
He’s attaching the scope.
“Raubahn!” You screech, throat straining with the effort. You’re almost there. The stage is just in front of you.
He’s lining up the sight.
“Hey lady,” the security guards grab for you as you reach the barrier between the crowd and the stage, holding you back.
“Raubahn!” You shriek, struggling against the guard holding you back.
“Hey, you can’t pass,” the guard grunts as he struggles to hold you back, others seeing his struggle and coming to help restrain you.
“Please you have to let me through! Chief Aldynn--” You scream, near hysterics. “A sniper,”
“What are you saying--”
You are too late.
It all happens at once.
Your eyes turn, the hum turning into a burning sensation as you turn back toward the building, able to see the mysterious red glow in Ilberd’s eyes even from this distance. You watch as he pulls the trigger with unnatural stillness, ensuring he won’t miss his shot. Time slows for you as you turn back to Raubahn, screaming like a banshee, for him to duck as security tries to drag you away. Merlwyb finally takes notice of you, but it’s late, it’s too late.
The bullet pierces his heart.
He begins to collapse, his words caught in his throat, and just before you can scream anything else explosions go off around the perimeters, making your ears ring. They are strongest at the spot you had just been standing, almost going as far down the street where the stalls had been. Both you and the security guards are shaken by the aftershock, rubble and glass flying everywhere as buildings begin to collapse. You are thrown to the ground, covered in scrapes, tears in your eyes as you look horrified at the stage.
You do not hear the cries of terror as you push yourself off the ground, climbing over the barrier with what strength you had left as smoke begins to cloud the area. The stage has collapsed on itself, screams in your ears as you try to make your way to where you pray Raubahn is.
“R-Raubahn,” you call, not feeling the pain of broken glass in the soles of your feet. “Raubahn,”
“Rookie!” Merlwyb calls out, sounding near tears herself.
Making your way toward her voice, you stand in shock as she kneels beside Raubahn’s still body, his chest no longer moving. Merlwyb clutches his hand with tears in her eyes, uncaring of the pool of blood she kneels in. Time is still for a moment as you stare at Raubahn’s lifeless body.
“What’s your name rookie?”
Crossing over to him, you fall to your knees, your mind still processing the shock of the moment.
“Actually don’t tell me.”
Picking up his hand, already it has started to grow cold.
“You can tell me when this mission is a success.”
You drop his hand from yours numbly, staring at his pained expression with no small amount of despair.
Before you can cry out at how unfair everything is, the hum returns, your eyes scanning the area before landing on Merlwyb.
No. You would not lose her too.
“Chief Bloefhiswyn. We must go.” Standing to your feet you snatch her by the hand, urgently pulling her to her feet in a surprising show of strength.
“We have to go or they’ll get you too!” You ground out, tugging her in the direction of collapsed rubble. Nodding, she dries her tears and follows behind you, the two of you making your way through the smoke and debris as sirens begin to echo through the district. If you’re feeling that tingling again, Ilberd surely is scouring the ground trying to finish the job, but you won’t let him. You had to make Merlwyb disappear. Grabbing your phone from your purse, you toss it to the ground making sure you can’t be tracked.
The two of you make a break for it in what feels like the opposite direction, your feet bleeding but you pay it no mind. It’s still too smokey from the fires of broken gas lines and buildings on fire to see your footprints of blood. You run on pure instinct, eventually making it out to a side street and down an alleyway. Merlwyb was too tall to not be sighted easily, so you had to make the best use of her long legs to just put distance between you and the scene.
The hum becomes a light tingle until it dissipates entirely, and only then do you dare to rest. Slowing to a stop you reintroduce your lungs to air at a normal pace, falling to your knees once more as you tune out the sounds of sirens in the distance. Tucked away in a small alley, this should keep you hidden long enough.
"Honey." you cut her off, chest still heaving. Gazing forlornly from your place on the ground tears begin anew. "Please."
Nodding, she comes to crouch by you cringing at the sight of your feet. "Your shoes,"
"It was my day off," you rasp, wishing you had some water. "I was out shopping when I came across the rally. I took my heels off because my feet were killing me.” At that moment your adrenaline high leaves you and you crumple to the ground in pain, curling up into a ball.
"Let me get the glass out your feet." Merlwyb winces beginning to delicately pull what shards she can see from your feet. Pulling out some hand sanitizer, she looks at you warily. "It's not much but hopefully it'll kill the germs til we can get you to a doctor.”
Nodding, you only flinch a little at the sting of alcohol on your open wounds. Merlwyb makes quick work at tearing off a clean part of your dress with a pocket knife, wrapping your feet as best she is able.
"Thank you, chief." you cough graciously, finally moving to sit up.
"I should be thanking you." Merlwyb sighs, fingers twitching in agitation. "Twelve knows I’m surprised to see you here. Complete radio silence for over a year. We'd been worried--" Merlwyb stops herself breaking out into a sob, knowing who she was referring to when she said we.
It is strange to see the strong woman break down like this. You knew she had no shortage of lost men and other hardships, but in this moment she was just as scared and afraid as you were.
And that's just ignoring the fact she watched her friend and colleague be murdered before her very eyes.
You knew Varis was vile, but now he was truly bordering on evil. That dinner had been about plans to kill Raubahn. Or was it to kill Hien but due to the lord's absence they had to settle?
Frowning, you scoot to prop yourself against a wall, taking deep breaths as you try to think. If Varis had no qualms about having the Chief of Police assassinated, then it would be easy work to have Merlwyb killed once she took Raubahn’s place.
You had to make her disappear.
"Chief Merlwyb."
The woman glances at you from her place on the ground, having finished her sobbing but looking no less sorrowful.
"We have to hide you."
Immediately the chief you knew came to the forefront, her milky eyes filled with vengeance. "And let whoever is responsible for this walk free?"
"I know exactly who is responsible. " You snap, baring your teeth. "If they will kill Raubahn they will kill you too! We have to hide you!"
Pursing her lips together, you can see that she finds no fault in your initial reasoning. "But Raubahn,"
"Safety first, Chief Merlwyb. As long as you live, we can eventually get the police force to back us. But we have to play our cards right and if the last year has shown me anything it's that I'm crap at it." You huff, eyeing her toolbelt. "Is your phone still working? Your personal one?"
Pulling it out, she quickly enters her passcode, her phone chirping as it lights up. "Yes."
"May I see it?" you ask politely. Handing it to you, she watches as you punch in a few numbers and bring the phone to your face.
“Who are you calling?” She asks, coming to crouch by the wall.
“A friend.” You sigh, perking up as the phone stops ringing.
"Honey? What are you--"
"Getting myself in trouble as usual Cid. And I need you to bail me out."
Finding a taxi that will even get a malm within the wreckage would be hard work you think, but Cid makes it happen. Both you and Merlwyb dive into the back, noticing the driver looks terrified beyond belief, and it takes a few calming words to get the driver to calm down.
You instruct the driver to get you to Cid’s place, watching the fire and smoke shrink into the horizon as you leave the city limits and head toward Cid's sprawling home. Merlwyb remained silent the entire trip and you were content to leave her to her thoughts, your own too muddled as you desperately tried to come up with a plan.
"By the Twelve, Honey, what's going on?" Cid calls as the taxi pulls up into the estate. Hopping out you run into his arms, something he's clearly not expecting, but his arms wrap around you all the same as he feels your tears soak his shirt. "Honey,"
"He's a monster, Cid." you sob into his chest. "Varis, he...he killed…" Your weight begins to sag in Cid's arms as a wave of nausea overcomes you.
Your world goes dark as the stress of the day's events finally catch up with you, passing out in Cid’s arms. You're thankfully not unconscious for too long, waking up in a cushiony bed while you're hooked up to an IV.
You had no idea Cid had a whole hospital room on the grounds but a second look shows you its just a guest bedroom with medical equipment hastily shoved into it for your sake. As you try to sit up you find your feet are wrapped up, but you feel no pain, reaching down to undo the wraps starting at your ankles.
"Oh you're awake-- ma'am please don't take off your bandages,"
Caught, you leave your bandages alone as the doctor seems to page for Cid while he gives you a once over now that you're conscious. It's a game of twenty questions until Cid shows up, Merlwyb in tow who looks just as worried.
"Honey!" Cid breathes, clearly relieved as he rushes to your bedside, taking your hands in his. "You dropped like a rock when you got here. How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." You answer truthfully, warmed by his concern. "But otherwise okay for having lived through that mess."
His expression turns grim as he faces Merlwyb, something unspoken passing between them. Merlwyb nears your side as well, towering over your bed. "I have apprised Cid on what had happened downtown. Once I began to explain, he began to quickly put two and two together and tell me a few things of his own." Regret enters her eyes as she finds herself unable to look at you. "I had no idea the...troubles you’ve been facing undercover. Neither of us did."
Averting your eyes, your fists clench in the sheets, your mind playing the image of Raubahn dying before your very eyes over and over again. You should’ve been faster, you should’ve known--
“He...he was worried about you, Honey.” Merlwyb continues, her own voice wavering.
“Didn’t you two see me on TV? I thought that would’ve showed you I was alive.” you mumble solemnly, wishing they could give you a moment or two to wallow in your own self pity.
“We did, but he was...worried for different reasons entirely.” Merlwyb continues, clearing her throat, shifting a bit closer to your bed. “He...he knew you Honey.”
Brows furrowing in confusion, you finally meet her steady gaze. “He knew me? I mean I was his subordinate,”
“No, not in the way you think.” Merlwyb interjects, reaching for your hand to take it in her larger one. “He knew you, Honey from when you were younger. He had realized too late, and before we could even try and call you back to abandon the mission, you were already in too deep. There was no contacting you.”
Even Cid looks concerned now, and you clasp Merlwyb’s hand, unsure what she could possibly mean. “My memories from when I was a kid are fuzzy. Especially when I was really young.” You whisper, nearly crushing her hand. “How did he know me?”
Merlwyb holds herself back for a moment, but eventually comes clean. “When you were but a child, there was a girl who took care of you. She had run away from home with you in tow, and upon landing in the city, he was the first one to help her.”
“He knew Minfilia?” You ask with a tremor to your voice, no longer seeing Merlwyb, long repressed memories doing their best to resurface.
“He did. He knew her, just as he knew you. And he knew that you were special.” Swallowing, Merlwyb clutches you tight, unsure of how you’ll react. “He knew you had the Echo.”
Cid gasps at that, blue eyes landing upon you in shock. You look just as shocked as he, but for different reasons entirely. “You mean he knew I had the Echo...and sent me to Varis?”
“No, no. That’s what I’m saying, Honey. He did not realize until it was too late.” Merlwyb chokes out, voice thick with emotion. “He had so many sleepless nights, worried sick about how he sent you into the wolves’ den. It tore him apart knowing that he had put you right in that bastard’s hands after he had worked so hard to ensure you disappeared and wouldn’t be found again for your own safety after Minfilia disappeared.”
“Thal’s balls…” Cid breathes, running a hand through his hair in disbelief. He seems as if he forgets you’re in the room for a moment as he mumbles to himself. “It all makes sense. No one can move that fast, be that ruthless in a fight. Gods…”
Frowning, you debate on whether telling Cid you had barely known any sooner than he did than in this moment, but decide against it. Staring hard at your hands in your lap, you stew in your thoughts, thinking hard about your next move. It was becoming clearer that you were not going to make any headway on your own. You would need help, as much as you didn’t want to bring anyone else into this. But you could risk no one else dying. Varis wasn’t even satisfied in killing Raubahn; he had to also murder and injure innocent civilians.
A righteous anger fills you, fire in your eyes as vengeance for lives lost becomes your driving force. You would end this violence, at any cost.
Even if it meant your own pride.
Ripping the tape from your arm, you gingerly, albeit hastily remove the IV from your arm, unraveling yourself from your makeshift hospital bed. “Honey? What’re you doing?” Merlwyb asks, quickly moving out of your way as you swing your legs off the bed, ignoring the pain that shoots up your leg as you land on your feet.
“I’m going to end this.” You hiss, flinging open drawers in the dresser on the furthest wall, finding them empty.
“Honey, you’re in no state,” Cid interrupts but the look in your eyes silences him immediately.
“I don’t care if I’m not. But I can’t afford to keep wasting time. I’ve been trying to do this on my own and--” You slam the drawers closed, the loud click scaring even you. “I need your help. I can’t do this alone like I’ve been trying to.”
The two stare at one another before looking back to you, Cid choosing to speak first. “You mean...you’ve been trying to take down Varis on your own?”
Nodding, you head to fling a few more drawers open, searching for any extra clothes. “I’ve been collecting evidence for months; locations, meetings, conversations. But because I’m too slow, because I couldn’t get away--” you stop yourself, knowing you toe the line of having a full on meltdown. When all this was over, you could cry all you wanted.
“Why didn’t you ask sooner?”
Those words are like a bucket of cold water, Cid flashing you one of his winning smiles. Edging closer to you, he slowly wraps his arms around your body, holding you close. “I never had the courage to do it alone either, Honey. I did not unload my burdens on you with the intention of you shouldering them.” Running a hand through your hair, he clutches you tight. “But together...this is a fight we can win. Even I would have never suspected Varis to go as far as this. And I’ve had enough of letting my own fear cloud my eyes to the suffering of others.” Pulling away, he rubs your shoulders, squeezing you tightly. “Just say the word. And all I have is yours.”
Nodding as you can’t trust yourself to not bawl at his support, you glance at Merlwyb over your shoulder who gives you a smile of her own. “You have more than exceeded my expectations, Honey. And I would daresay you outshined Raubahn’s as well. Whatever resources I still have are yours.”
Hope blooms from deep within, that with these two on your side, surely you could do something. You were still short on time with the election practically three months away, but you would make it work. You had to.
“Thank you...both of you.” You sniffle, dabbing at your eyes with the back of your hand. “Cid...do you have some sort of cell phone I can use to stay in contact? Something inconspicuous?”
Snorting, he gives you a clap on the back. “Do I? Who do you think you’re talkin’ to?” he grins.
His smile is infectious, and you can’t help but give him one in return. “Then I’ll get dressed and return to the estate. There’s just one missing piece.”
“Oh?” Merlwyb inquires, tapping a finger to her chin. “Who did you have in mind?”
Taking a deep breath, you wince preemptively. “Zenos.”
“Excuse me?” The two say in unison, just as you had feared.
“You want to enlist the help of his son?” Merlwyb growls, and you deflate a little at the intimidating picture she makes. “He is just as bad as his father, he has,”
Cid raises up a hand politely to silence Merlwyb, who is stunned by the action, not used to being ordered to be quiet. “I understand.” Cid says, and somehow those words with the look in his eyes tells you all you need to know. “I don’t know how you will get his support, Honey. But I suppose even you have your way of warming the prickliest of hearts.”
Thankful for his understanding, you grab his hand and squeeze it in thanks.
"We'll see about that."
You return to the Galvus estate under the cover of nightfall, having heard that Varis was most likely out celebrating his success. While sickened by the thought, it gave you the window you needed to get back into the mansion without being questioned.
The majority of the staff has left, which is good. You knew that this would get loud, and the last thing you needed were more rumors circulating around the estate and making their way toward Varis’ ears.
Heading down the hall, you make your way to the gym, somehow knowing Zenos would be there. From what you heard, he had been sent out less and less as the election neared, and would train in the gym for hours with nothing else to do. You held fake conversations in your head about how this could all go down, trying to mentally steel yourself for the inevitable argument, only to nearly psych yourself out of it.
It’s too late to back out now. Far too late.
Reaching the gym door, you wrench it open, head held high as Zenos turns to you immediately. Sure enough he was in the middle of doing weights, blue eyes narrowing on you as soon as you walked in. Breathing in a confidence you did not feel, you move no further into the room. “We need to talk.”
“Haven’t I already told you there’s nothing you could tell me that would be worth hearing?” He snarls, dropping his dumbbell to the floor, uncaring how it leaves a noticeable dent. “In fact, I told you the next time I saw you, it would be to kill you. I recall you being able to read.”
“And I recall you not acting like a little bitch, being able to talk things out like a functioning adult.” You spit back, remembering to breathe. You weren’t going to get anywhere insulting him. “Look. I didn’t come here to talk shit. I came because I need your help, Zenos.”
He looks suspicious, and if anything, angrier. “If you do not leave in the next three seconds, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Good, this was going great. “I’m not leaving. Not until we’ve talked--”
Fast as lightning he advances, moving to grab for your neck but you dodge him, ducking underneath. Knowing the only way you would get him to listen is after you’ve knocked him unconscious, you move to strike at his throat but he backs off, putting space between you. Moving fast for someone his size, he kicks for your head, your arms coming up to block his attacks. You’re still a bit sore from the explosion earlier, but grit your teeth and bear with it.
Even now he fights to kill, showing a ruthlessness you had only seen when he was out on a hit. You’re a bit more prepared this time, emotions in check as you know why you are fighting. He seems to sense this, growing agitated a lot faster than last time. “So you came to fight then.”
“I came prepared to beat some sense into you.” You snap back, using his momentum against him to fling him backwards, your hands still guarding your front in case he tries anything dirty. “I just want to talk, Zenos please. I want to apologize,”
“You can apologize by dying.” You watch horrified as his tattoo beneath his shirt begins to glow, knowing it was a possibility, but praying he wouldn’t do this to you again.
“Zenos, wait,” you urge, unsure if you should try to stop him or run while you still can.
“You came prepared to fight did you not?” He laughs, his sclera slowly turning pitch black, his beautiful blue eyes overtaken by a haunting red. “Then surely you came prepared to die.”
Once again he’s faster than light, even if you know he’s coming, your eyes aren’t fast enough to keep up. His speed is inhuman, and even if you tell yourself to be ready for his onslaught, you cannot keep up with him through normal means.
The back of your neck tingles into a persistent hum, gnashing your teeth together as you barely miss one of Zenos’ grabs for your throat. No! I will not use this borrowed power on him. I will not disappoint him with the knowledge my own strength isn’t real-- you think, wincing as you block another punch, feeling as if he had hit hard enough to break your arm in half.
You’re losing stamina fast, and Zenos shows no signs of stopping. If anything he looks even more determined to kill you this time, hell bent on making sure he fulfills his promise to end your life. “You’re fading fast, Honey.” he taunts, kicking your feet from under you, laughing as he sloppily tries to crush you underfoot as you barely manage to roll out of the way. He’s toying with you now, knowing that the battle is already won.
“I’ve...still got fight in me.” you grunt, wondering if he’s dislocated your shoulder. He stops his pursuit for a moment, allowing you to just look at him. He looks crazed and feral, his glowing eyes the stuff of nightmares, and yet you can’t help but think he has never looked happier in this moment, knowing that the battle high is singing through his veins.
“Enjoying the battle is the same as truly reveling in it.”
Why do those words come to you now, when you stand at death’s door? He’s not wrong; you are fading fast, nothing but pure adrenaline keeping you upright. You’re positive you’ve reopened the wounds in your feet, which isn’t helping you at all.
You couldn’t die here.
“Zenos,” you try again, meeting his resentful gaze head on. “Listen to me. Please.”
Cracking his knuckles, he slips back into a fighting stance. “The only thing I want to hear is your final breath.”
Tears sting at your eyes, hopelessness churning through you like a boat lost at sea. What do you say that will get through to him? He’s so convinced that there’s nothing you could say to him that will matter, that no amount of explaining will change his mind.
Through talking, Zenos rushes you down, poised to kill. Blinking tears from your eyes, you can feel helplessness take root as your body feels on the verge of collapse, crying out as Zenos slams you against the floor giving you a rush of deja vu, hands caging your throat. Clawing at his hands, you scratch with blunt nails, kicking beneath him but he pins you down with his weight.
“Finally…” he breathes, cinching his hand tighter around your throat.
Gazing up at him through cloudy eyes, you see nothing but pain and hurt.
“If anyone can get through to him, it is you.”
The humming begins to burn, your grip on his hands growing stronger.
No. You would not let it end like this. You would revel in those battles with him, you would bring him happiness, you would make him understand that you cared.
“You will find the right path. You always have. That has not changed about you.”
Snarling like a cat, you throw Zenos off of you, watching as he barely manages to catch himself, barely standing on his two feet.
Hopping up, strength flows through your limbs as the tattoo on the back of your neck flares an angry red, flexing your knuckles as you pull yourself to your full height. The shock on Zenos’ face is priceless, his eyes wide with confusion as he sees the fire in your eyes.
“Zenos yae Galvus...”
With the same unnatural speed he had shown you, you stand before him in an instant, watching as his breath stills at your sudden proximity.
“...you fucking idiot.”
Decking him in the face, you watch as he stumbles to pick himself up off the floor, clearly unsure what to do with himself. The look on his face can only be described as stupefied, his mind somehow not catching up with the recent developments. Stalking after him, he quickly gets to his feet, letting instinct take over as he moves to defend himself, throwing himself at you like he had so many times before.
If you couldn’t see him before, you could certainly see him now.
It’s like watching something in slow motion; it’s almost laughable. His speed pales horribly to your own, able to deflect his punch and knock him to the floor. He looks as confused as last time, his lip busted as it wells up with blood, hand roughly dragging over it. Confused and angry, he glares at you as he launches himself at you once more, roaring with anger. “How?!”
You barely move an inch as you catch his fist, grasping it within your own.
“How?!” He yells, trying to pull his fist from your grip. “The Resonant is all powerful! I am--”
“What you are, is an idiot who doesn’t know how to listen!” You yell back, slamming him into the floor with the same force he had done to you. You climb atop him quickly, fisting your hand in his shirt, jerking him up to your face as you pin him down. “I’ve been trying to talk to you for months!”
“I don’t want to hear any of it,” he growls, threatening to push you off him but you slam him back into the floor, jabbing a finger in his face.
“I don’t care if you don’t want to, because I will make you.” You seethe, staring into the eyes of a beast. “Who else would come waltzing their happy ass back to you after you’d threatened to kill them, huh? Who else would stick by you, cry themselves to sleep feeling terrible for going back on their word?” Clasping his jaw with one hand, you hold his gaze to you, unwilling to have him look anywhere else. “No one! No one except me, because I care about you! Because I belong to you!” Overcome with emotion you press your lips to his in a harsh kiss, Zenos stiffening beneath you for a moment before eventually relaxing, his arms coming to crush you to him as he returns your kiss with equal measure and more.
As your tongues dance together, you know you will have to do more than a kiss to show him just how much you missed him, just how much you cared, but anything worth having had to be worked for.
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