#ch las islas filipinas
countryshitposts · 4 years
Las Islas Filipinas
*comes back writing this after... three months?*
pretend you never saw me :)
4- Spain gets horny af
Sugbu thinks that Spain is fascinating. He was just very charming in his own right, but she can feel herself being brought to the hands of the goddess of love, her kind eyes hiding a mask of cruelty inside of her. Sugbu can feel herself being carefully balanced out by the kind goddess, being judged and whimsically being written on how her love will end. She accompanies Spain all around the barangay, trying to make him keep up with her words. He writes down everything she says in a sheet of paper.
Before she says anything else one of her messengers runs up to her, out of breath. “Datu Sugbu, Bohol and his forces just arrived!”
Sugbu’s eyes grow wide, and she looks at Spain before excusing herself. She has to convince Bohol that Spain was not a threat – yet – and he was only here for trade. Her steps were nimble against the golden sand, hot under her feet but she pays no mind to it; she has become used over the years.
She, unfortunately, cannot remember who she was before becoming a big shot rajahnate, trading with many a kingdoms in her reach. Sugbu knows and remembers she used to be a child; a child with a loving mother and father, whose faces are obscure in her memories. When she has reached the age of adulthood, her mortality leaving her and making her stone-sculpted, she had immediately thought that she was blessed by Bathala to live forever; true, it was both a blessing and a curse. Sugbu had tried to remember what her life was when she did not find this land, to nurture it, to nourish it, to lead it and its people. Her brain cannot even remember the name her parents gave her, nor her memories, nothing at all, the sea simply drowning them to the depths until she can only remember where she’s from.
Sugbu finds Bohol, with their children beside him looking ready to battle the foreigner. Bohol then looks at her with a frown, and Sugbu shakes her head,
“He is not an enemy”, she tells Bohol, who looks towards his troops warily, then back at Sugbu with a raised brow. “He just says he wishes to trade- nothing more, nothing less.”
Bohol shrugs, as he commands his army to settle down. He looks back at Sugbu again, coconut brown eyes turning to a grass green before settling to rich brown, “Tell me if he proves to be a threat to you, I shall take care of our children in the meantime.”
Sugbu nods, knowing that the children will be safe with Bohol. “Alright, mahal ko kayong tatlo.” She leaves and goes back to her home, panting as she reaches Spain. He and his men were conversing, only having eaten a single morsel of the food she has prepared for them. She furrows her brows- no one has ever denied her food before, deeming it to be extremely delicious to the point they are in their third plates. She shrugs; perhaps these foreigners are experiencing some kind of cultural shock.
While she was busily thinking to herself, Spain has crept up behind Sugbu, intent on memorizing her, her body, and how useful she can be to him. Sugbu was quite beautiful and eye-catching; her dark hair covering most of her back, roughly unkept yet glossy, her dark brown eyes so rich and fulfilling, yet her revealing clothing – if he dares consider that clothing – the paint that is littered around her body like she is a vandalized object, and the way she moves are barbaric.
But yet, she was pretty, like an orient pearl he had picked up from the seas.
He snakes his arms across her waist, making her gasp and jump as she looks back towards Spain, who was chuckling intently.
She is a glimmering pearl; if only she hadn’t vandalized herself and put on more conserving clothes for her own sake.
Spain rolls his eyes; ah well, that is done is done.
“Ano po gusto niyo?”, she asks in that mess of a language, and España could not help but groan at how they still could not communicate properly. He really needs to teach her the beautiful and enchanting language of Spanish.
And convert them to Christianity.
He takes the risk as he hugs her small figure, loving the way she complies to all his touches. He wants to feel her.
“Mi amor, why don’t you rest for a while?”, he says in his most charming voice, seducing the woman to him and then tearing her apart.
She shakes her head; so stubborn. “I cannot, I have people to look after.”
Spain sighs as he involuntarily lets her go, but his eyes stray after her, his hunger for her body churning inside him, like a demon trying to possess his pious body, giving him horrible and unjustifiable thoughts. He smiles to himself, ordering his men to communicate with the barbarians, and learn of their culture, habits and of their language.
Reino de España will stop at nothing to get that insufferable woman to bow underneath him, to feel her dominance shrink until he is surely the king.
And she’ll give him the heir he wants and needs.
He touches his rosary, praying and thanking the God from above for showing him this captivating place, the woman who shall give him what he wants, and he shall repay the great deity by simply converting all these barbarians to Christianity.
mahal ko kayong tatlo- i love you three
ano po gusto ninyo- what do you want
mi amor- my love
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Compromiso 6: Elabora un listado de las clases de dominios que existen en la WEB y como se identifica la entidad a la cual pertenecen y la localización física (País) al que le fue asignado.
Un dominio de Internet es un nombre único que identifica a un sitio web en Internet.El propósito principal de los nombres de dominio en Internet y del sistema de nombres de dominio (DNS), es traducir las direcciones IP de cada nodo activo en la red, a términos memorizables y fáciles de encontrar. Esta abstracción hace posible que cualquier servicio (de red) pueda moverse de un lugar geográfico a otro en la Internet, aun cuando el cambio implique que tendrá una dirección IP diferente.Sin la ayuda del sistema de nombres de dominio, los usuarios de Internet tendrían que acceder a cada servicio web utilizando la dirección IP del nodo (por ejemplo, sería necesario utilizar en vez de http://example.com). Además, reduciría el número de webs posibles, ya que actualmente es habitual que una misma dirección IP sea compartida por varios dominios. y no puede ser repetida por otras computadoras que es el IP.
Tipos de Dominios
Existen 2 tipos de dominios de primer nivel: los dominios de nivel superior geográfico (ccTLD, country code Top-Level Domain),  y los dominios de nivel superior genéricos, (gTLD, generic Top-Level Domain). Algunos dominios de nivel superior genéricos son:
org = Organización sin fines de lucro
com = Sitio comercial
net = Empresa de servicios de Internet
info = Sitio informativo
biz = Sitio de negocios
Los dominios territoriales: (ccTLD) tienen 2  caracteres y son usados por países o territorios dependientes. El dominio .mx es el dominio de nivel superior geográfico  para México. Como casi todos los países del mundo NIC-MX utilizan dominios de tercer nivel. Todo dominio tendrá que tener un ".com", ".edu", ".net" u ".org" antes del dominio de primer nivel .mx
.com.mx: Usado para entidades comerciales
.net.mx: Prooveedores de redes
.org.mx: Organizaciones no lucrativas
.edu.mx: Instituciones Educativas
.gob.mx: Entidades Gubernamentales
Los dominios .mx, originalmente eran usadas para universidades, en la actualidad tienen que usar .edu.mx. Para las instituciones educativas, el registro es gratuito o a precio preferencial demostrando que se trata de una institución educativa. Los dominios .com.mx, pueden registrarse sin ninguna restricción para los otros casos se debe de comprobar que la entidad que desea registrar el dominio corresponda al tipo de dominio. Algunos ejemplos de dominios territoriales:
.ac Isla Ascensión
.as Samoa Americana
.at Austria
.cc Islas Cocos
.ch Suiza
.il Israel
.co.uk Reino Unido
.mx México
.dk Dinamarca
.fm Estado Federal de Micronesia
.gs Georgia del Sur
.la Laos
.li Liechtenstein
.lu Luxemburgo
.ph Filipinas
.st Santo Tome y Principe
.tf Territorios Franceses del Sur
.to Tonga
.tv Tuvalu (Actualmente usado para sitios relativos a la televisión, canales, programación, transmisión de videos, etc.)
.vg Islas Vírgenes Británicas
.ws Samoa Occidental (Comercializado actualmente como significado de Web Site)
Otros Dominios Domain hack: Es el nombre que reciben determinados nombres de dominio por combinar partes del TLD y el SLD para componer el nombre completo del dominio. Algunos sitios populares con dominios de este tipo son go.to ("ir a" en inglés), del.icio.us, blog.gs, rome.ro, inter.net, i.am ("yo soy" en inglés), o cr.yp.to. Un dominio convencional respeta la estructura "ejemplo.com", donde "ejemplo" es el SLD y "com" el TLD. Un domain hack podría ser "juguet.es", donde "juguet" sería el SLD y la extensión de dominio ".es" de España el TLD. Un domain hack puede estar compuesto por algo más que un sólo nombre de dominio, por ejemplo, haciendo uso de la estructura de ficheros del servidor que lo aloja. Varias estructuras creando subdominios permiten el empleo de nombres de dominio como "ju.guet.es", "juque.t.es" como posibles escructuras para crear domain hacks. En este contexto, el término "hack" representa una pequeña modificación al dominio y no una alteración a su funcionamiento.
Dominios de nivel superior[editar]
Cuando se creó el Sistema de Nombres de Dominio en los años 1980, el espacio de nombres se dividió en dos grupos. El primero incluye los dominios territoriales, basados en los dos caracteres de identificación de cada territorio de acuerdo a las abreviaciones del ISO-3166 (ej. *.do, *.mx), denominados ccTLD (country code top level domain o «dominio de nivel superior geográfico»). El segundo grupo incluye dominios de nivel superior genéricos (gTLD), que representan una serie de nombres y multiorganizaciones. Inicialmente, estos dominios fueron: COM, NET, ORG, EDU, GOB y MIL, a los que posteriormente se unieron otros.
Los dominios basados en ccTLD son administrados por organizaciones sin fines de lucro en cada país, delegada por la IANA y o ICANN para la administración de los dominios territoriales
El crecimiento de Internet ha implicado la creación de nuevos dominios gTLD. A mayo de 2012, existen 22 gTLD y 293 ccTLD.2
Ejemplos de nombres de dominio de nivel superior[
.ac, para servicios de Isla Ascensión, pero usado también para personas con título profesional o académico, o que estén acreditados por un instituto u organización comercial o instituciones académicas.
.ar, para servicios de Argentina
.at, para servicios de Austria
.asia, la región de Asia
.au, para servicios de Australia
.be, para servicios de Bélgica
.biz previsto para ser usado en negocios.
.bo, para servicios de Bolivia
.br, para servicios de Brasil
.bg, para servicios de Bulgaria
.ca, para servicios de Canadá
.cat, para páginas relacionadas con la cultura e idioma catalán
.cc, para servicios Islas Cocos
.ch, para servicios de Suiza
.cl, para servicios de Chile
.co, para servicios de Colombia
.cn, para servicios de República Popular de China
.com, son los dominios más extendidos en el mundo. Sirven para cualquier tipo de página web, temática
.cr, para servicios de Costa Rica
.cu, para servicios de Cuba
.de, para servicios de Alemania
.dk, para servicios de Dinamarca
.do, para servicios de República Dominicana
.ec, para servicios de Ecuador
.edu, para servicios de Educación
.es, para servicios de España
.eu, para países de Unión Europea
.eus, para páginas relacionadas con la cultura e idioma euskaldun.
.fi, para servicios de Finlandia
.fm, para páginas de Micronesia, pero usado también para estaciones de radio de frecuencia modulada
.fr, para servicios de Francia
.fo, para servicios de Islas Feroe
.gal, para páginas relacionadas con la cultura y lengua (Gallego).
.gov y .gob, para gobierno y entidades públicas
.gr, para servicios de Grecia
.gt, para servicios de Guatemala
.hn, para servicios de Honduras
.hr, para servicios de Croacia
.info, para información
.int, para entidades internacionales, organizaciones como la Organización de las Naciones Unidas
.il, para servicios de Israel
.it, para servicios de Italia
.jobs, para departamentos de empleo y recursos humanos en empresas
.jp, para servicios de Japón
.kr, para servicios de Corea del Sur
.lat, la región de Latinoamérica
.lu, para servicios de Luxemburgo
.ma, para servicios de Marruecos
.me, para servicios de Montenegro
.mil, para el Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos (Único país con dominio de primer nivel para el ejército)
.mobi, para empresas de telefonía móvil o servicios para móvil.
.museum, para los museos
.mx, para servicios de México
.ni, para compañías y servicios de Nicaragua
.no, para compañías y servicios de Noruega
.name, para nombres de personas
.net, para infraestructura de red
.nl, para páginas de Países Bajos
.nz, para páginas de Nueva Zelanda
.org, para organizaciones
.pa, para páginas de Panamá
.pe, para páginas de Perú
.pl, para páginas de Polonia
.pro, para profesionales con una titulación universitaria.
.pt, para servicios de Portugal
.py, para servicios de Paraguay
.ro, para servicios de Rumania
.rs, para servicios de Serbia
.ru, para servicios de Rusia
.se, para servicios de Suecia
.sv, para servicios de El Salvador
.tel, para servicios de comunicación por internet
.tk, para páginas del país Tokelau; sin embargo se usan también como dominio y servidor propio ( "Autónomas" ). Actualmente pueden obtenerse de forma gratuita (fraude).
.travel, para páginas de la industria de viajes y turismo.
.tv, para páginas del país Tuvalu, pero usado también para estaciones de televisión.
.ua, para páginas de Ucrania
.uk, para páginas de Reino Unido
.uy, para servicios de Uruguay
.va, para servicios de Ciudad del Vaticano
.ve, para servicios de Venezuela
.web es un dominio de internet de nivel superior, no oficial, que lleva propuesto desde 1995.
.ws para páginas de Samoa
.za para páginas de Sudáfrica
.рф, para páginas de Rusia con nombres en cirilico
Textos tomados de las siguientes paginas:
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countryshitposts · 5 years
Las Islas Filipinas
since i can’t find data on what people did as children or adults that doesn’t involve politics in pre-colonial Philippines (thanks a lot Spanish Empire) i decided to keep it vague
2- spain: this is my land now! sugbu: um, i rule this land, which means it’s mine. spain: *gasps* a woman??? ruling a land??? EW!!! that’s so against God and the bible! who gave you the right? sugbu: God up above? spain: you damned witch!
There was nothing eventful happening today, as always. Sugbu sighs as she continues on with her work, trying to make her village stable. Bohol was busy with his duties outside of her, so she was free to roam around her land. She had been here for as long as she can remember, the scenery unchanging, like calm waters waiting to be disturbed by a single or multiple people all at once, to create a big wave that will send them plummeting to their downfall and deaths.
Needless to say, mundane and normality is now sickening her, and now she wishes for something interesting to come from the skies or the seas, and prays to the gods, tired of the normality of this life. As much as she would like peace and tranquility, no swaying of trees, she also wants adventure and something that can entertain her.
Sugbu goes back to her home, one of the grandest in her land, because, of course, she was the leader of this village, and she is greeted by her servants that help her with her works and children.
Speaking of her children, they were both playing with other servant children, their joy making her sentimental. Sooner or later they will have to get their tattoos soon, to retell their lives in a set of grand illustrations dancing on their bodies.
"Hello mama!", Cebu greets his mother, standing up from the ground and hugging his mother, with Bohol following behind them. Sugbu delightfully scoops both of them up and perches them on her shoulders, smiling and laughing herself.
"Kamuta rin sa inyo, mga anak ko", she says warmly, a feat and move that rarely crosses her personality. She, from all her years of leadership and learning, had never expressed the need to be warm with her subjects, unless it's for pure gratitude and showing that she actually has kindness.
Sugbu went rogue from the archipelago and established her own rajahnate here in this island, peacefully living and trading with the others all around her. She met Bohol when she was fighting those damned Moro pirates coming from another island, and they fell in love quickly. Of course, that doesn't mean that they were matinud-anon, as they have a couple marriages outside of their marriage. But Bohol - the child - and Cebu made her life special.
"Rajah Sugbu!", one of her fellow subjects say, running up to her in a full state of shock and panic. "Mga dagkong balangay nga namintal duol sa among mga isla!"
Sugbu's eyes widen as she follows the boy towards the coasts of the island. The golden sand seems to become duller in color when she steps afoot, as if Bathala is warning her of an omen waiting to come, if she dares let these strangers come to their home. Perhaps they were just the Intsik who are willing to trade with them again. Or, perhaps, it was the Moro pirates again. She turns towards the boy, who was still in fear, and she wonders why some are afraid of a anino nga higante. It is the knowledge and wisdom that matters in a fight, but not physical strength, from what she had learned throughout her life, even now.
"Tawagan ang mga sundalo sundalo sa baybayon ug siguruha nga andam silang makig-away kung mahulga sila!", Sugbu says towards the boy, and the boy nods his head as he calls for the gathering of the armies.
Sugbu stands at guard, as these balangay start to get closer. She hears the sound of many thundering footsteps, and she didn't look back to find herself already surrounded by her army, getting ready to defend their ruler against this brand new threat. Then, the fog, as if the deities of clouds lift the air of invisibility away, fades, and they are now looking at giant balangays, and in the first time in her life, she feels the ever present fear tingling down her spine. From the corner of her eye, she sees Bohol and Cebu staring.
"Bohol, Cebu", Sugbu whispers, and they both face her.
"Po, Mama?", they both say at the same time.
"I need you two to alert your father. I know that it will be a hard journey towards his domain, but you will be accompanied by my servants to guide you there safely." Both Bohol and Cebu nodded, and Sugbu urged her servants to follow them.
The boats stop right in front of them, and while the others back away or start to run towards their villages again, Sugbu stands still, fists clenched, mustering the courage to try and walk towards the boat's entrance, but she need not do that; it opens itself, and a plank was delivered right in front of her. She furrows her brows, as a silhouette of a man appears right in front of her. He walks down the planks, talking in some sort of foreign language that she cannot understand, as he halts right in front of her. He was quite tall, he must be a half-god or a giant.
"Espanya", he says, as he kneels down and takes one of Sugbu's hands, which were punctured with tattoos, "Mi nombre es Espanya, mi senyora."
And Sugbu can feel the god's from up above breaking her independence.
Translations (note: i used google translate so if i got something wrong correct me):
so actually, the Rajahnate of Cebu’s language was Old Tamil and Old Malay, but, uh, idk
kamusta rin sa inyo, mga anak ko= how are you too, my children, in Filipino
matinud-anon= faithful in Cebuano
Mga dagkong balangay nga namintal duol sa among mga isla= there are big balangay spotted near our islands
balangay= a small boat for fishing or naval interactions, used by the pre-colonial Filipinos
Bathala= supreme deity of the Filipino pantheon
Intsik= Chinese in Cebuano
anino nga higante= ‘shadowy giant’ in Cebuano (some words can also be translated to Tagalog, ya know)
Tawagan ang mga sundalo sundalo sa baybayon ug siguruha nga andam silang makig-away kung mahulga sila= ‘call the soldiers to the shore and make sure they’re getting ready to fight if they start to threaten’ in Cebuano
the terms ‘po’ and ‘opo’ are polite terms referred to someone older than them, and it would be considered disrespectful if you do not say these terms to the elderly of give them a ‘mano po’.
Mi nombre es Espanya, mi senyora= ‘my name is Spain, my lady,’ in, well Spanish
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countryshitposts · 5 years
Las Islas Filipinas
i decided to look through my old drafts and cringe about the whole thing, so i made something regarding something i’ve been considering doing. this is basically going all “History of the Philippines”, with some other people in it lmao.i was actually debating whether actually doing this because i “write in the sake for motivation” so if i lose motivation my story is doomed to never update lmao
but ye i gathered courage to do this
also @redffeather thanks for inspiring me uwu
1- spain monologues for three pages
Warning for: racism, colonialism, slavery? and religious themes that will be present from start to finish
yes every chapter title is going to be like that now
Staring at the vibrant blue of both the seas and skies has become Spain's new hobby, he realizes. He looks at the sky with his bored eyes, then back at the map he was drawing. It had been days, weeks, years since he had last seen dry land. He wanted to stop this trip, to go back to his land, his stomach agreeing with him. Spain regrets taking on this quest to stop everyone from believing that the earth is flat and that monsters lurk at the end of the world. But there was no waterfall, no monsters, no nothing. It was just him, his crew, and the great wide ocean.
He doesn't even know where they are now.
He mostly lets the stars and God guide them, but God has not been speaking to him lately, no matter how many times he goes to his private quarters and start praying, holding his beloved cross and muttering prayers, his prayers holy on his tongue. But there was no feeling of an embrace, nor a noble voice telling him from up above what he should do next. He can feel his heart beating even louder, his eyes darting from the cartography table, towards his crew members, then at the blue sky where God resides in.
Spain clasps the cross once again, and mutters a prayer of thanks to God for a long and safe voyage. Even though he will feel happy and content after a prayer to the Almighty, all he feels is paranoia, and a creeping sensation on his hands.
Is he not good enough to the eyes of God anymore?
Preposterous!, Spain says, tightening his grip on his cross. God cannot do that to me! Not for how many men and women I have converted to Christianity at the hands of God!
He glances at the map pertaining to America, and he smiles, feeling his chest become swollen with pride as he remembered civilizing those barbarians and taking all the gold that they are flaunting. They were stupid, uncivilized men and women, and Spain had much pleasure bringing them to the side of God. It was quite easy, molding their brains as if their muscles were soft clay to his hands, as he with one fist smashes it down to the point it has become a flattened shape. It is a saying of farewell towards their old barbaric ways, and come to the world anew, with a new hope in them. Spain had stripped them of what had made them barbaric, but he still can't help but think that they still act like ones. So Spain tries again with many of his colonies, reshaping them, molding them to make them so perfect to the point of no return, their beautiful materials, and their children and descendants are now my children and descendants because fuck it, I am in charge of this here land.
Even the mere presence of deities being present and monitoring the earth is quite debatable; perhaps they exist on another plane of reality, a dimension where they can watch him and the others, Spain will not be aware of his beloved God watching him from up above, but he knows he is nodding in approval of what he has done to the people of America. Such divinity shouldn't even grace this disgusting earth with its presence, and he understands that only God can communicate through eerie voices and winds through hallways. Sometimes as Spain takes too many glasses of wine, he can hear he of the kind souls, of virtue and respect, speaking to him with a brand new idea in mind. This idea keeps Spain awake at night, and at the morning he wakes up to start his plans.
Spain sighs as he stands up, feeling that his feet has not evolved well due to hardships encountered and the sailing taking many long years to complete. He looks at the calendar; old and gray, its paper yellowed and full of cross marks from the many evolution of the sun. It measures the way he is dying inside, as well as his crew of meaningless names and voices. There is nothing to complete other than to find out if beasts lurk in the end of the world, or if it was just a myth, like the great Greek gods and goddesses whose religion has died off, but their glory and legacy remains, for they are merciful to history's beautiful words and stories, and he would often be interested in the prospect of reading a play of Euripedes about the unfortunate tales of Medea, the son killer.
"Sir!", one of his no-name members address him, and he perks his head up.
"What is it?", he asks in a level headed voice, trying to reach into his mind to remember what this boy's name is. It's not his fault he can't remember their names- they're just going to get lost to history unlike Spain, who will rise from the ashes every time, in all his glory, as someone recounts their tales of the empire that never sets.
"Land, sir!" Spain feels a rising hope growing deep inside of him, and he looks up to see a beautiful island, surrounded in sea, beautiful and seemingly people-less. Spain smiles, and orders the ship to land on one of the rocks. Spain mutters another prayer to God, as he motions a sign of the cross.
There is land, land where Christians can live freely in a paradise that looks so much like thy kingdom come, like the angels have brought them to the Garden of Eden that was lost due to Eve's stupidity and Adam's naivety. This will become his new home, new land, and he can feel the fresh air ever so slightly tousling his hair. He smiles to himself, as he can feel a divine connection from God once again, feeling his hands touching his, and that is enough to make him proud of his achievement. He can finally show Portugal who won in this game of colonialism and who gets the most children.
Because this is God's land now, God's words is the law.
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countryshitposts · 5 years
Las Islas Filipinas
it has 1,000 words! yay!
3- take a shot every time spain thinks that a civilization different from them is barbaric
Spain wonders if the reason why God has been ignoring him for months is that he is planning a surprise for him, like a sun exploding its million rays into the night to let the night sky become bright and glow as much as the day does. God must have created this land prior to Spain’s arrival, maybe that’s why he was busy the few months. It was like a paradise, like the Garden of Eden that had existed from old times before the glory of humanity has even risen. God’s hands must be so tired for creating this lovely little land, reshaping it to fit Spain’s way of style.
He looks at the woman right in front of him, and he frowns as he looks at her up and down. She looks quite confused, and so do the rest of her townsfolk when he had come in.
God made this land, and, of course, barbarians took it from him. He wonders if they even have time marvelling the works of God, sacrificing to him and praying to him in holy sites. From the barbarians he had met from America and Africa, they believed in other gods, gods that don’t exist in the same planar existence as the Almighty. They would try defending their beliefs, stubbornly fighting with him, and surrendering the last minute due to how overwhelmingly powerful his forces are, aided by the Almighty. Then they convert to the right religion and relinquish their old worshipping of those demons, because this is truly the right religion, nothing more and nothing less.
Spain holds his rosary, knowing that he has to convert these barbarians as well.
“As you all know, my name is Spain”, he says in a loud, commandeering voice, always sure that it will get everyone kneeling, because only fools will try to stand up above him and establish themselves as a superior to him. They are not, and never will be, as he shoots them all, covered in blood of countless lives of people he took. “I came from a land far away, from Europe. I wish to establish trade deals with you.” And guide you towards civilization.
He knows that they can not understand him; it’s like talking to an animal who has absolutely no idea what is happening, all it knows is that it is bound to obey and serve the ones who are above him. Spain blames them for creating a different language, so of course he has the burden to absolutely translate all of their language, or perhaps just replace their language with his. He smiles to himself, already wanting to start his conquest along these lands. But first, he has to gain trust of the natives, who are easy to toy and manipulate because his hands control their movements and restrict them to one place because they’re only puppets.
The woman – he isn’t sure if he should call her a woman due to her rude behaviour – stands still, not addressing him, only a look of confusion on her face. She is quite beautiful, if she just removes those pintados from her skin. He is sure that she is the leader of this place, which seems quite off with what the Holy Bible states. She’s supposed to be a meek little housewife, unaware of things going on, only doing house work. He sighs.
Sugbu tries to understand what this man was saying, but all she hears is the wind, not wanting to decipher what he was saying, although she knows that he must be here for trading, something she was inherently good at, and nods silently. It is her first time to act submissive, but he looks quite intimidating, with those contrasting clothes and embroidery, his unkept dark hair moving through the winds.
But since he is here for trading, perhaps she can give him a warm welcome in her land and interest him with some of her trading goods. Perhaps he’d like some of their food; he must be hungry.
“Would you like something to eat?”, Sugbu asks, and the man turns to her with a confused look on his face. It will be quite a long while until they can understand each other, but she’ll continue to prosper in the meantime, not liking this man at all. Perhaps it was because she had never seen anyone like him before, quite pale and light like the morning sun hadn’t kissed them when they were born, forever never being held nor caressed by it. Sugbu cannot lie, but this man – Spain, she reminds herself – is quite charming, and she can feel her heart strings being plucked by his fingers every time his dark eyes look back at her.
She leads him to her home, telling her people to go back to their homes as she and Spain have a little discussion. She orders the servants to prepare a feast for her and the newcomers, as she lets them sit on the wooden stools she had to offer. Spain grunts as he sits, frowning, possibly for the small stool contrasting his tall physique. She smiles at his embarrassment, and their eyes meet for a while before Sugbu breaks it.
As the servants came flocking by with their food- meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, Sugbu tells them in her native language to dine in, wanting to impress them all with her luxury. Spain and his friends were all whispering themselves as they look at the food being served, hesitant.
Sugbu raises a brow, probably wondering what they are waiting for as she takes one chunk of meat and puts it on her mouth, admiring the taste and savouring it. She looks at the foreigners, who were staring at her with open mouthed expressions, much to her confusion. They were still not touching their foods, so she gestures with her hands, and put it over her mouth. Spain and the others look at each other, horrified at this revelation, but she happily continued to eat.
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