#cbse affiliated schools in india
shrutiiyer · 1 year
As a parent, you want to give your child the best possible start in life. And that means giving them an education that will help them succeed. But there's more to it than just building a solid educational foundation.
Value based education is about more than just learning facts and figures—it's about learning how to learn, which is essential for success in any field of study. And it's about learning how to live a good life, which is crucial if you're going to help your child become an adult who can make good decisions and contribute positively to society as an adult.
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availableschool · 26 days
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durgapras · 7 months
Merger of schools | Schools mergers and acquisitions
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Raghav foundation helps you in Transfer of the school management or Merger of schools. it is a very sensitive and crucial aspect with transaction confidentiality being the key.
Identifying the right client, sharing of details, and other negotiation processes require a highly professional approach to make things smooth and speedy. Similarly, clients who wish to acquire or take over an existing operational institution require an information network to access the best available opportunities and professional help to initiate the dialogue.
Raghav Foundation renders professional assistance in completing the transaction in a fair and gentle manner.
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Best School in Bhubaneswar - SAI International School
SAI International School is the best school in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, and it's an excellent choice for students. It focuses on providing a comprehensive education with engaging lessons, excellent facilities, and dedicated teachers. This school is where students can learn, develop, and prepare for a promising future.
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arunkumar011 · 9 months
Education Business Partnerships | School Business Partnership
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We provide Business Partnerships in these following:
Off late, there has been a rapid inclining trend in various sectors and simultaneously a rapid flow in the opportunities opening up for the new generations. It’s expected for the coming years to witness a sea change in employable structure and patterns, therefore there is a great need to equip the younger generations with various skills to meet the requirements.
The education sector has also become quite challenging and has opened up its sphere with innovations involving creativity. However, this challenge is to be met with the utmost dedication, excellence and expertise. Thus, there is a need to empower the teaching fraternity and mentor in this process. The requirement of experienced personnel is quite essential.
There are a good number of existing educational institutions and many new schools are adding up every year. Over 90% of the market share and its affairs are governed and controlled by corporate schools which mainly focuses on imparting knowledge merely for the purpose of marks and the young minds are not empowered and nurtured with conceptual understanding. This is the case in tier I cities.
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millenniumlko2021 · 1 year
Best CBSE School in Lucknow with a Boarding facility, classes from Pre nursery - XII.
"All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds"
- Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
Your Kids Deserve The BEST!
Admissions are open for the 2023-2024 session
The Millennium School, Sitapur Road, Lucknow
Pre-Primary To Class 12th
Affiliated by CBSE
With Separate Hostel Facility For Girls and Boys
FREE AC Transportation Available
Contact US:8400584005
Website: www.millenniumschoollucknow.com
National Highway 24, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India, Uttar Pradesh
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schoolstfroebel · 3 months
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm St. Froebel School https://www.wattpad.com/stfroebel?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile St. Froebel School is a co-educational school affiliated to the central board of secondary educational Govt of India New Delhi (CBSE Affiliation No. 2730278) conveniently located in the heart of Paschim Vihar spread across 1.7 acre areas of campus offering state of art facilities for a progressive...
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rishikul-123 · 4 months
Nurturing Young Minds: Exploring Rishikul Vidyapeeth, a Contender for Best Residential Schools in India
Choosing the right residential school for your child is a momentous decision. You seek an institution that fosters academic excellence, instills strong values, and provides a nurturing environment for holistic development. In this quest, Rishikul Vidyapeeth emerges as a strong contender, consistently ranking among the Best residential schools in India.
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Nestled amidst nature's embrace: Located in Sonipat, Haryana, Rishikul Vidyapeeth boasts a sprawling 43-acre campus, offering a serene and eco-friendly atmosphere. Imagine lush greenery, open playgrounds, and well-ventilated classrooms – a perfect setting for young minds to blossom. Academics at the forefront: Affiliated to the CBSE board, Rishikul Vidyapeeth offers a rigorous curriculum that goes beyond rote learning. The school emphasizes experiential learning, encouraging students to explore, experiment, and think critically. Dedicated teachers, coupled with a low student-teacher ratio, ensure personalized attention and support for each child's academic journey. Beyond academics: Building well-rounded individuals: Rishikul Vidyapeeth recognizes that true education extends beyond textbooks. The school offers a plethora of co-curricular activities, from sports and physical fitness to music, dance, and dramatics. Students are encouraged to explore their talents and interests, fostering individuality and well-rounded personalities. Holistic development: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's commitment to holistic development goes beyond academics and extracurriculars. The school integrates life skills training, value education, and ethical practices into its curriculum. Students learn essential life skills like communication, leadership, and teamwork, preparing them to become responsible and contributing members of society. Emphasis on values and ethics: Rishikul Vidyapeeth fosters a strong sense of values and ethics. The school's ethos revolves around respect, discipline, and compassion. Students are encouraged to develop social responsibility, environmental awareness, and a commitment to serving the community. Boarding experience: A home away from home: For students opting for the boarding facility, Rishikul Vidyapeeth provides a safe and secure home away from home. Well-furnished hostels, nutritious meals, and dedicated caretakers ensure a comfortable and nurturing environment. The school fosters a sense of community and belonging, helping students adapt and thrive in a residential setting. Accolades and recognition: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's excellence has been recognized by various institutions and publications. The school consistently ranks among the top residential schools in India, earning accolades for its academic achievements, infrastructure, and commitment to holistic development. Is Rishikul Vidyapeeth the right fit for your child? Choosing the right residential school is a personal decision. Consider your child's individual needs, learning style, and personality when making your choice. Visiting the school, interacting with teachers and students, and understanding the school's philosophy can help you make an informed decision. Rishikul Vidyapeeth, with its focus on academic excellence, holistic development, and strong values, offers a compelling proposition for parents seeking the Best residential schools in India experience for their child. Explore the school's website, schedule a visit, and see if Rishikul Vidyapeeth resonates with your aspirations for your child's future. Remember, the Best residential schools in India is the one that aligns with your child's unique needs and helps them blossom into their full potential.
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Birla Public School Kishangarh, Rajasthan: Providing Quality Education in a Safe and Nurturing Environment
Birla Public School Kishangarh is pleased to announce its commitment to providing quality education to students in a safe and nurturing environment. As one of the leading schools in Rajasthan, Birla Public School Kishangarh is committed to providing students with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to succeed in today's fast-paced world.
Birla Public School, Kishangarh, a Birla Education Trust, Pilani institution, is situated on the Kishangarh–Ajmer route, 22 kilometers from the marble city of Kishangarh and 82 kilometers from the pink city of Jaipur. Established in June 2010, Birla Public School Kishangarh has consistently been a center for academic excellence, character development, and all-around growth.
The school is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and has a faculty of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are dedicated to ensuring the academic and personal development of their students.The school is nestled amid a 48-acre landscape of luxuriant greenery. The school has excellent transportation options to other regions of India via road, rail, and air.
The school's infrastructure is modern and well-equipped, providing students with a comfortable and conducive learning environment. The school has state-of-the-art facilities, including a well-stocked library, computer labs, science labs, an auditorium, a swimming pool, and a gymnasium.
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Birla Public School Kishangarh
Birla Public School Kishangarh places great emphasis on character development and instilling values such as integrity, compassion, and responsibility in its students. The school encourages its students to participate in extracurricular activities, including sports, music, dance, and art, to foster their all-around development.
The school also prioritizes the safety and well-being of its students. The campus is equipped with CCTV cameras, and the school has a team of trained security personnel who ensure the safety of the students and the campus.
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Students Acknowledgement Program
At Birla Public School Kishangarh, we are committed to providing our students with a holistic and comprehensive education. We believe in nurturing our students' potential, enabling them to excel academically and develop the skills and values necessary to become responsible citizens of the world," said the school's Principal, Mr. Sourabh Kumar Gupta.
Birla Public School Kishangarh is a beacon of academic excellence, character development, and all-around growth. The school's commitment to quality education and the safety and well-being of its students makes it an ideal choice for parents seeking a school that will provide their children with the skills and values necessary to succeed in the 21st century.
For more information about Birla Public School Kishangarh, please visit their website at https://bisk.edu.in/ or contact them at +91-1463-244004.
Contact Person: Mr. Sourabh Kumar Guha
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: +91-1463-244004
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cheesymargherita · 2 years
I have wanted to say this since a very long time. This is about my feelings towards ICSE/ISC and CBSE Board. Also, I feel it is important to point out that whatever I say is solely based on my experiences.
Nobody asked for this, but my advice to all the 10th graders especially for all of you from India would be to not change your board after you pass 10th. Seriously, do not change your board, no matter what others say. Having said that, if you feel that the teaching style of the teachers in your current school do not align well with how you learn, or if you have any other serious issues, only then should you change your board.
Keep reading to find out why. I am going to share few experiences of mine so bear with me.
I think, the board as well as the school that you are in plays a major role in shaping your attitude towards learning in general. The board decides all of the examination pattern and evaluation schemes which is experienced usually during high school and maybe towards the end of middle school. The environment of the school that you are in has a huge influence on everything about you, be it your thoughts, etiquette, academics or extra- curriculars.
I attended a pre school. After that, I spent 12 years of my school life starting from Nursery in one of the best schools of my city. (IMO IT IS THE BEST SCHOOL). Now, a lot of you might be thinking that the fees were probably very high. Let me tell you, this school has the lowest fees in my town among all the English medium schools. Everything in this school is top notch. It is an ICSE/ISC affiliated school. I have had the best time there. Yeah, during exams I have had stressful times as well, but let's face it, almost every student faces it in school and university.
I am the 2020 Batch of ICSE, which is the COVID batch. 3 to 4 of our Board exams were cancelled midway due to COVID. I used to take lessons from private tutors (one for the Science and Mathematics group and the other for English) before Boards for more practice. One of these tutors was a CBSE Board teacher, who since the moment we met, always told me to change my Board to CBSE after 10th. (There are few schools, where teachers are commissioned for bringing students to those schools, which I got to know later). I was literally brainwashed into believing that if I take Science in ISC then I will not be able to crack any of the competitive entrance examinations for different colleges. When I was a child, I had set my mind into attending 11th and 12th in that school as well. But, so you see how bad the situation had had to be in my mind that I at the last minute decided to change my board all of of this tutor? I fucking hate all of those people who make students believe they cannot crack any exams, cannot do well in Olympiads or anything similar if they do Science from ISC. My school even provides all of the Science students NCERTs along with ISC books so that they can prepare for these exams.
Anyway, after 10th somehow ended during the pandemic I had to change my usual plans and get admission into a CBSE board school in my city. I did it. I took PCMB. Two weeks into attending classes I realised what a blunder I had made. I went to one of those BSF/ARMY/AIR FORCE Schools. Not exactly revealing which place since people, if they know me irl, might understand this is me. These schools are known for having the best discipline. Or, at least I was under that impression due to the answers that I had read on few social media sites. Needless to say, I found the NCERT books to not be beginner friendly at all (except English). I knew few concepts since I had previously learned about them till 10th. Even then, I found the NCERTs to be not-so-good. Especially when I compare it with books of ICSE/ISC Board.
I am a student who learns better with reading books compared to watching videos. But, in this situation I had to watch videos to understand even the most basic concepts. The teacher at this school were not good, at least not for me. I had attended classes in person too, but even then I couldn't understand what they were trying to explain, especially the Physics and Chemistry teachers. There was no proper Mathematics teacher in the School in 11th. So, you can imagine what our condition was like. Also, the CBSE Board is just so fucking disorganised. They bring major changes at the last moment without any prior indication. Lots of unnecessary projects and assignments. I had the worst mental health possible just because of this and that led me to worsen my academics.
My style of learning is very well complimented by my school (the previous school I was in) and ICSE/ISC Board. I should have known better and listened to my parents and school teachers before changing my Board. Right now, because of my own bloody fault, I am forever going to stay with my overly shitty academic record of 11th and 12th Grades.
So, if anyone is reading this post and is in a position where they do not belong to a CBSE Board School but they wish to take the competitive exams, please do not let people fool you into thinking that CBSE is the only Board where you can crack these exams, because they cannot be more wrong. Yes, few exams, especially NEET UG nowadays focusses on NCERT. So, buy NCERTs if your school doesn't provide and read them after your concepts are clear. Focus on concept clarity first. That can only happen at the place where you understand things the best.
Also, in my personal opinion and my style of learning, ICSE/ISC and IB Boards are where you should go if you really want to learn (mugging up and learning are two often confused with each other but entirely different things).
If any State Board student is reading this, I am not much aware of the situation there, but I'm sure it's really good. There are talented people there as well.
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availableschool · 1 month
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durgapras · 7 months
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School Franchise | Franchise Schools in India - Raghav Foundation
Get top school franchise opportunity to start your school with the brand name. Raghav Foundation provide K-12, CBSE, ICSE School Franchisees.
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diyajain08 · 2 years
18 Reasons Why You Should not Ignore CBSE Schools
CBSE curriculum-based schools are the best of all the institutions you see. India's CBSE board is one of the most well-known. CBSE maintains consistency throughout the nation's educational system. The number of schools that are affiliated with the CBSE is increasing. Because cbse schools offer flexibility, especially for parents who frequently relocate from one place to another, parents prefer to enrol their children there.
It's not surprising that many individuals are looking for reputable schools in Bangalore as it's one of the most populated cities in India. In Bangalore, CBSE schools typically achieve a 96% pass rate. The national average is 94%. Bangalore has many excellent CBSE schools, so you're in luck if that's what you're looking for. 
This blog post will undoubtedly aid in your decision-making because it contains a list of 18 reasons why you shouldn't ignore Cbse schools.
Now lets  look after the reasons  why we shouldn't we ignore cbse schools:
In order to provide all children with a stress-free, child-centred, and holistic education without sacrificing quality, it is necessary to establish acceptable academic activity techniques.
They adapt and developing new strategies to achieve academic brilliance while adhering to social, educational, and psychological principles
They encourage to track students  progress in a way that is both teacher- and student-friendly
To keep teachers' professional competencies up to date, CBSE schools conduct a variety of empowerment and capacity-building initiatives.
By providing a wide range of excellent programmes, Cbse schools are a terrific method to enhance your child's educational experience.
Cbse schools offer wonderful chances for your child to improve their future career while also enhancing their current skill set and capabilities.
CBSE schools are a wonderful option for students from all across India who want to study in countries such as America or Europe.
The school curriculum is created with the competitive exam requirements in mind.
Cbse schools have better infrastructure than most private schools.
There will be less competition and more opportunities.
CBSE schools assist its students in gaining admission to prestigious colleges.
The teacher-student ratio in CBSE schools is favourable.
Government personnel inspect CBSE schools on a regular basis. If they do not do their duties properly, the school will be closed.
CBSE schools follows Continuity Across the Curriculum.
It is simple for parents to relocate and enrol their children at a new school.
CBSE schools promote their students' mental and physical growth.
CBSE schools help students achieve their goals while also allowing them to pursue other interests like sports, arts and crafts, music and dance, and so on.
The cbse schools feature job-oriented coursework that helps students obtain technical skills and shape their careers.
So far we have come across the reasons why we shouldn't ignore cbse schools.While looking forward and considering these points, if you're looking for cbse schools in bangalore i have looked forward for the best cbse school in bangalore
There are over 1,200 CBSE schools in Bangalore, making it one of the most popular cities for students seeking a CBSE-affiliated education.
CBSE schools in Bangalore provide a wide range of educational programmes, from primary and secondary schooling to higher education and vocational training. Many of these schools are well-known in India and provide high-quality education at a reasonable cost.
I found the best cbse schools in bangalore that is harvest international school in bangalore 
Harvest International School is a top CBSE school in Bangalore. The school boasts a solid academic curriculum as well as a diverse choice of extracurricular activities.
The school has a student-teacher ratio of 1:15 and an average class size of 30 pupils. The school offers a wide range of topics, including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Sanskrit.
The school features a well-stocked library with over 10,000 books. The school also features a computer lab with internet connectivity.
The school provides transportation to and from various regions of the city. The school offers a canteen that serves healthy and nutritional cuisine and even various non curricular activities such as arts,sports,medical care .etc
To know more about the school visit their website
Cbse schools are an excellent method to enhance your child's educational experience by providing a wide range of high-quality programmes. However, if you want your child to achieve, you should not neglect these schools.
CBSE schools offer fantastic prospects for your child's future professional growth as well as the enhancement of their existing skill set and abilities. There is no mistake about it: if your child does not attend CBSE school, they will not be able to realise their full potential in future years.
Harvest international school is the best CBSE school in Bangalore. I would highly recommend you with my personal experience
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arunkumar011 · 10 months
Merger of schools | Schools mergers and acquisitions
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Management transfer complexities made simple
Transfer of the school management or Merger of schools is a very sensitive and crucial aspect with transaction confidentiality being the key.
Identifying the right client, sharing of details, and other negotiation processes require a highly professional approach to make things smooth and speedy. Similarly, clients who wish to acquire or take over an existing operational institution require an information network to access the best available opportunities and professional help to initiate the dialogue.
Raghav Foundation renders professional assistance in completing the transaction in a fair and gentle manner.
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sunglowschool · 2 years
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Welcome To Sunglow International School
Recognized by the Directorate of Education, and affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E), the largest educational board in India, Sunglow International School aims at providing excellent educational facilities and the right environment for the development of Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual quotients with a view to produce total quality scholars preparing them to face challenges of modern information and knowledge based society.
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catchmeup12 · 2 years
Importance of Secondary Education in India.
A secondary school education is important as it introduces students to more advanced and specific subjects that lay a good academic foundation for when they eventually leave school. In addition, it gives children the opportunity to further develop their social skills and communication skills.
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Secondary education lasts 4 years. Students aged 14 to 18 complete the following 2 stages: lower secondary education, concluded with exams for a Standard X diploma; upper secondary education, concluded with exams for a Standard XII diploma or a Vocational Standard XII diploma.
Secondary education begins in grade 9 and lasts until grade 12. The secondary stage is broken into two, two year cycles, generally referred to as General/Lower Secondary School, or ‘Standard X’, and Upper/Senior Secondary School, or ‘Standard XII’. Education continues to be free at government schools, although private education is more common at the secondary level. Public examinations are held at the end of both cycles and grant access to grade 11 and university level study respectively. General curriculum for lower secondary school in India consists of three languages (including the regional language, an elective, and English language), Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Work/Pre-Vocational Education, Art, and Physical Education. Secondary schools are affiliated with Central or State boards which administer the Secondary School Certificate at the end of grade 10.
Based upon performance in the first two years of secondary school, and upon the SSC results, students may enter Senior/Upper Secondary School. Upper Secondary School offers the students a chance to select a ‘stream’ or concentration of study, offering science, commerce, and arts/humanities. Education is administered both in schools or two-year junior colleges which are often affiliated with degree granting universities or colleges. Curriculum for the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination is determined by the boards of secondary education of which there are 31. Although the HSCE is the most common Standard XII examination, the All India Senior School Certificate (CBSE), Indian School Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Education (CISCE), Senior Secondary Certification (NIOS), Intermediate Certificate and the Pre-University Certificate are also offered.
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