kevinswayze · 2 months
Tree Damage after windstorm Mount View Cemetery, Cambridge Ontario Canad...
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Cross-Chain Bridges: What They Are And How They Work | List Of The Top 5
Cross-Chain Bridges: How They Work And The Top 5 For You - Cross-Chain Bridges explained - Top 5 Cross-Chain Bridges - Benefits and Risks - Etc. @wormholecrypto @0xPolygonDevs @SynapseProtocol #Binance Mainnet #cryptocurrency #crosschain
In today’s article, I explained cross-chain bridges and provided a list of the top 5. Cross-chain bridges enable independent blockchains to interact with each other. Thus, you can spend your crypto irrespective of the native blockchain. Are you ready to see how cross-chain bridges work and the ones you should start using? Let’s jump right in! Post Summary What Are Cross-Chain Bridges?How Do…
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ailtrahq · 8 months
If you’re trying to make the most of the various opportunities offered by decentralized finance, it’s likely that you’ll have to use more than one blockchain. In order to transfer tokens from one blockchain platform to another, you’ll need to use a bridge. In this article, we’ll showcase the best crypto bridges available at the moment. When selecting the best cross-chain bridges for crypto transfers, we considered liquidity, number of supported blockchains, the quality of the interface and other factors. The best crypto bridges It’s important to mention that blockchain bridges have unfortunately been a very popular target for exploits. In fact, some of the biggest hacks and exploits that we have seen to date have targeted bridges. Bridging tokens between blockchains is still a relatively new concept and many implementations have been exposed for having critical vulnerabilities that the developers didn’t catch before deploying their bridging solutions. So, when you’re bridging tokens between blockchains, we recommend you exercise some caution and never bridge more than you can afford to lose. Given the history of blockchain bridge hacks, it’s probably smarter to err on the side of caution even when using a popular and reputable bridging solution. Now, let’s get into our list of the 6 best crypto bridges you can use to transfer tokens between different blockchains: Synapse Protocol - A well-rounded token bridging solution Arbitrum Bridge - The go-to bridge for transfers between Ethereum and Arbitrum Portal Token Bridge - A bridge for both EVM and non-EVM blockchains Celer cBridge - Celer’s token bridging solution Stargate - Token bridge with diverse range of supported platforms Hop Protocol - Bridge specialized for Ethereum layer 2s 1. Synapse Protocol - A well-rounded token bridging solution Synapse Protocol is a network that enables communication between different blockchains. The network allows any kind of data to be sent across supported blockchains, which allows it to be used for sending NFTs, smart contract calls and other data in addition to tokens. The Synapse Protocol is the backbone of the Synapse Bridge, which is one of the most popular blockchain bridges on the market today. One of the reasons for its popularity is that Synapse Bridge supports a wide variety of blockchains, including EVM and non-EVM chains. You can use Synapse to transfer tokens to layer 2s such as Optimism and Arbitrum, as well as layer 1 blockchains like Fantom and BNB Chain. You can connect to Synapse Bridge using MetaMask, Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet, WalletConnect or Rabby Wallet. According to decentralized finance tracker DeFi Llama, Synapse Protocol has a TVL (total value locked) of about $107 million at the time of writing.  2. Arbitrum Bridge - The go-to bridge for transfers between Ethereum and Arbitrum Arbitrum is currently by far the most popular layer 2 for Ethereum, according to layer 2 data aggregator L2Beat. It boasts a TVL of $5.9 billion, which is over two times higher than the second-ranked Optimism ($2.7 billion). Bridging crypto assets between the Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum is becoming an increasingly common task for anyone who’s active in DeFi. For bridging between these two networks, we recommend the Arbitrum Bridge.  If you want to learn more about using this bridge, we recommend you check out our in-depth Arbitrum Bridge guide where we explain the process step-by-step. The bridge supports 6 different types of Ethereum wallets, so you’ll likely be able to use it regardless of which wallet you prefer. However, you need to keep in mind that Arbitrum Bridge only supports the Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova networks. If you’re looking to bridge to other networks as well, we recommend you explore the other bridges we’ve featured in this article.  When bridging between Ethereum and Arbitrum, it’s important to understand that going from Ethereum to Arbitrum is very fast, but withdrawing funds from Arbitrum back to Ethereum takes about 7 days. 
3. Portal Token Bridge  - A bridge for both EVM and non-EVM blockchains The Portal Token Bridge is a cross-chain bridge for crypto that’s based on the Wormhole protocol. When using this bridge, the tokens you are sending are locked using a smart contract, and an equivalent amount of wrapped tokens is created on the destination chain.  One of the Portal Token Bridge’s strongest features is its selection of supported blockchain, which is among the largest among all cross-chain bridges. The bridge supports blockchains that you might not be able to find on many other multi-chain bridges, including Sui, Sei, Near and Aptos. Of course, the Portal Token Bridge also supports more common networks such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana and Polygon.  It’s worth mentioning that Portal also offers an NFT bridge, which supports transfers of NFTs based on the ERC-721 and SPL standards. Overall, the Portal Token Bridge is a great choice if you’re active on many different blockchains and would like to keep all your bridging under one roof. 4. Celer cBridge  - Celer Network’s token bridging solution The Celer cBridge is a cross-chain crypto bridge developed by the team behind Celer Network. The bridge is powered by the Celer Network blockchain interoperability protocol, which allows developers to create inter-chain decentralized applications.   More specifically, the Celer cBridge uses the Celer State Guardian Network (SGN), which is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain that monitors layer 1 transactions that have implications for layer 2 platforms, and passes information from layer 2 to layer 1 when necessary. A very impressive aspect of the Celer cBridge is the sheer amount of blockchains it supports, as it can be used to bridge crypto assets between 40 different blockchain networks, ranging from the largest platforms such as Ethereum and Arbitrum to more niche networks such as Canto, Shiden and Aurora. 5. Stargate  - Token bridge with diverse range of supported platforms The Stargate token bridge supports a variety of EVM-compatible blockchains, including layer 1 and layer 2 platforms. It provides a sleek user interface, and also provides estimates for slippage, gas costs so you’ll be able to tell how many tokens you’ll keep once the bridging is completed. You can also set your slippage tolerance before making a transaction in order to avoid losing too much value. On Stargate, you can also stake assets to provide liquidity and earn the protocol’s STG tokens in return. Additionally, STG tokens can be staked to obtain veSTG, which grants holders the right to participate in the protocol’s governance process. The Stargate protocol has a TVL of $387 million, which makes it one of the biggest bridging solutions in the DeFi sector.  6. Hop Protocol - Bridge specialized for Ethereum layer 2s Hop Protocol is a solution that specializes in transferring tokens across various Ethereum layer 2s. The protocol is engineered in such a way that moving tokens between supported layer 2s is almost instantaneous. Currently, Hop Protocol supports the Polygon, Gnosis, Optimism, Arbitrum One, Arbitrum Nova and Base scaling solutions for Ethereum, and it’s arguably the best cross chain bridge for crypto transfers between Ethereum layer 2s.  Hop operates on a fully non-custodial basis, ensuring that neither the funds of liquidity providers within the Automated Market Maker (AMM) nor the funds of users utilizing the Hop Bridge are ever held in custody by a single entity. The Hop Protocol has been audited by Solidified and Monoceros Alpha. The bottom line If you’re looking for a crypto bridge, you’re in luck since there’s a wealth of options available on the market. In our article, we’ve presented 6 high-quality bridges. Of course, the most important factor when choosing a bridge is making sure that it supports all the blockchains that you’re trying to bridge tokens to. If you want to learn more about the decentralized finance space, make sure to check out our article exploring the best alternatives to Uniswap.
FAQs What is the best cross-chain bridge? According to our research, Synapse Protocol is the best cross-chain bridge on the market today. However, there’s also many other high-quality bridges available on the market.  Is bridging crypto safe? Unfortunately, blockchain bridges have been the target of several hacks in recent years. In some cases, there hundreds of millions worth of crypto assets were stolen. We recommend that you exercise caution when transferring tokens with bridges, and you shouldn’t bridge more tokens than you can afford to lose in case the worst-case scenario does happen. What is the fastest blockchain bridge? One of the fastest blockchain bridges is the bridge offered by Stargate Finance. What is the best bridge for Solana? Overall, the best bridge for Solana is the Portal Token Bridge, which is based on the Wormhole protocol.
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coinnewz · 1 year
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bitcofun · 2 years
Tl; dr: In this piece we share vital lessons about the nature of the Celer Bridge compromise, assaulter on-chain and off-chain strategies and strategies throughout the event, in addition to security suggestions for comparable tasks and users. Developing a much better crypto community implies constructing a much better, more fair future for all of us. That's why we are purchasing the bigger neighborhood to make certain anybody who wishes to take part in the cryptoeconomy can do so in a safe method. While the Celer bridge compromise does not straight impact Coinbase, we highly think that attacks on any crypto service are bad for the market as a whole and hope the details in the blog site will assist enhance and notify comparable jobs and their users about dangers and methods utilized by harmful stars. If any dapps or provider believe they've been affected by a frontend hijack like this, please connect to us at [email protected] By: Peter Kacherginsky, Threat Intelligence On August 17, 2022, Celer Network Bridge dapp users were targeted in a front-end hijacking attack which lasted around 3 hours and led to 32 affected victims and $235,00 0 USD in losses. The attack was the outcome of a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) statement that appeared to stem from the QuickHostUk (AS-209243) hosting service provider which itself might be a victim. BGP hijacking is a special attack vector making use of weak point and trust relationships in the Internet's core routing architecture. It was utilized previously this year to target other cryptocurrency jobs such as KLAYswap Unlike the Nomad Bridge compromise on August 1, 2022, front-end hijacking mainly targeted users of the Celer platform dapp rather than the job's liquidity swimming pools. In this case, Celer UI users with properties on Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Optimism, Fantom, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Metis, Astar, and Aurora networks existed with specifically crafted clever agreements created to take their funds. Ethereum users suffered the biggest financial losses with a single victim losing $156 K USD. The biggest variety of victims on a single network were utilizing BSC, while users of other chains like Avalanche and Metis suffered no losses. The opponent carried out preliminary preparation on August 12, 2022 by releasing a series of destructive wise agreements on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, Optimism, Fantom, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Metis, Astar, and Aurora networks. Preparation for the BGP path pirating happened on August 16 th, 2022 and culminated with the attack on August 17, 2022 by taking control of a subdomain accountable for serving dapp users with the current bridge agreement addresses and lasted for roughly 3 hours. The attack stopped soon after the statement by the Celer group, at which point the assaulter began moving funds to Tornado Cash. The following areas check out each of the attack phases in more information in addition to the Incident Timeline which follows the opponent over the 7 day duration. The attack targeted the cbridge-prod2. celer.network subdomain which hosted vital wise agreement setup information for the Celer Bridge interface (UI). Prior to the attack cbridge-prod2. celer.network (4423521669) was served by AS-16509(Amazon) with a 44.2240.0/11 path. On August 16, 2022 17: 21: 13 UTC, a destructive star developed routing pc registry entries for MAINT-QUICKHOSTUK and included a 44.2352160/24 path to the Internet Routing Registry (IRR) in preparation for the attack: Figure 1-- Pre-attack router setup (source: Misaka NRTM log by Siyuan Miao) Starting on August 17, 2022 19: 39: 50 UTC a brand-new path began propagating for the more particular 44.2352160/24 path with a various origin AS-14618(Amazon) than previously, and a brand-new upstream AS-209243(QuickHostUk): Figure 2-- Malicious path statement (source: RIPE Raw Data Archive) Since 44.2352160/24 is a more particular course than 44.2240.0/11 traffic predestined for cbridge-prod2. celer.network
began streaming through the AS-209243(QuickHostUk) which changed essential wise agreement criteria explained in the Malicious Dapp Analysis area listed below. Figure 3-- Network map after BGP hijacking (source: RIPE) In order to obstruct rerouted traffic, the assaulter developed a legitimate certificate for the target domain very first observed at 2022--08--1719: 42 UTC utilizing GoGetSSL, an SSL certificate supplier based in Latvia. [ 1] [ 2] Figure 4 -Malicious certificate (source: Censys) Prior to the attack, Celer utilized SSL certificates released by Let's Encrypt and Amazon for its domains. On August 17, 2022 20: 22: 12 UTC the harmful path was withdrawn by numerous Autonomous Systems (ASs): Figure 5-- Malicious path withdrawal (source: RIPE Raw Data Archive) Shortly after at 23: 08: 47 UTC Amazon revealed 44.2352160/24 to recover pirated traffic: Figure 6-- Amazon declaring pirated path (source: RIPE Raw Data Archive) The very first set of funds taken through a phishing agreement happened at 2022--08--1719: 51 UTC on the Fantom network and continued up until 2022--08--1721: 49 UTC when the last user lost possessions on the BSC network which lines up with the above timeline worrying the task's network facilities. The attack targeted a clever agreement setup resource hosted on cbridge-prod2. celer.network such as https://cbridge-prod2.celer.network/v1/getTransferConfigsForAll holding per chain bridge agreement addresses. Customizing any of the bridge addresses would lead to a victim authorizing and/or sending out properties to a destructive agreement. Below is a sample customized entry rerouting Ethereum users to utilize a harmful agreement 0x2A2a ...18 E8 Figure 7-- Sample Celer Bridge setup (source: Coinbase TI analysis) See Appendix A for a thorough listing of destructive agreements developed by assaulters. The phishing agreement carefully looks like the main Celer Bridge agreement by simulating a lot of its characteristics. For any approach not clearly specified in the phishing agreement, it carries out a proxy structure which forwards contacts us to the genuine Celer Bridge agreement. The proxied agreement is distinct to each chain and is set up on initialization. The command listed below highlights the contents of the storage slot accountable for the phishing agreement's proxy setup: Figure 8-- Phishing clever agreement proxy storage (source: Coinbase TI analysis) The phishing agreement takes users' funds utilizing 2 methods: Any tokens authorized by phishing victims are drained pipes utilizing a custom-made technique with a 4byte worth 0x9c307 de6() The phishing agreement bypasses the following approaches developed to instantly take a victim's tokens: send out()- utilized to take tokens (e.g. USDC) sendNative()-- utilized to take native properties (e.g. ETH) addLiquidity()- utilized to take tokens (e.g. USDC) addNativeLiquidity()-- utilized to take native possessions (e.g. ETH) Below is a sample reverse crafted bit which reroutes properties to the assaulter wallet: Figure 9-- Phishing wise agreement bit (source: Coinbase TI analysis) See Appendix B for the total reverse crafted source code. During and instantly following the attack: The enemy switched taken tokens on Curve, Uniswap, TraderJoe, AuroraSwap, and other chain-specific DEXs into each chain's native possessions or covered ETH. The assailant bridged all possessions from Step 1 to Ethereum. The enemy then continued to switch the staying tokens on Uniswap to ETH. Finally, the assaulter sent out 127 ETH at 2022--08--1722: 33 UTC and another 1.4 ETH at 2022--08--1801: 01 UTC to Tornado Cash. Following the actions laid out above, the assaulter transferred the staying 0.01201403570756 ETH to 0x6614 ... fcd9 which formerly got funds from and fed into Binance through 0xd85 f..4 ed8 The diagram listed below highlights the multi-chain bridging and switching circulation utilized by the enemy prior to sending out possessions to Tornado Cash: Figure
10-- Asset switching and obfuscation diagram (source: Coinbase TI) Interestingly, following the last theft deal on 2022--08--1721: 49 UTC from a victim on BSC, there was another transfer on 2022--08--1802: 37 UTC by 0xe35 c. aa9d on BSC more than 4 hours later on. This address was moneyed minutes prior to this deal by 0x975 d. d94 b utilizing ChangeNow. The assailant was well ready and systematic in how they built phishing agreements. For each chain and implementation, the assaulter fastidiously evaluated their agreements with formerly moved sample tokens. This enabled them to capture several release bugs prior to the attack. The assailant was really acquainted with offered bridging procedures and DEXs, even on more mystical chains like Aurora revealed by their quick exchange, bridging, and actions to obfuscate taken possessions after they were found. Significantly, the danger star picked to target less popular chains like Metis, Astar, and Aurora while going to excellent lengths to send out test funds through numerous bridges. Transactions throughout chains and phases of the attack were serialized, showing a single operator was most likely behind the attack. Performing a BGP pirating attack needs a customized networking capability which the assailant might have released in the past. Web3 jobs do not exist in a vacuum and still depend upon the standard web2 facilities for much of their crucial elements such as dapps hosting services and domain registrars, blockchain entrances, and the core Internet routing facilities. This dependence presents more standard dangers such as BGP and DNS hijacking, domain registrar takeover, conventional web exploitation, and so on to otherwise decentralized items. Below are numerous actions which might be utilized to reduce hazards in proper cases: Enable the following security controls, or think about utilizing hosting service providers that have actually allowed them, to secure jobs facilities: RPKI to secure hosting routing facilities. DNSSEC and CAA to safeguard domain and certificate services. Multifactor authentication or boosted account defense on hosting, domain registrar, and other services. Limit, limit, execute logging and evaluation on access to the above services. Implement the following tracking both for the job and its reliances: Implement BGP keeping track of to find unanticipated modifications to paths and prefixes (e.g. BGPAlerter) Implement DNS keeping track of to find unforeseen record modifications (e.g. DNSCheck) Implement certificate openness log keeping an eye on to discover unidentified certificates connected with job's domain (e.g. Certstream) Implement dapp keeping an eye on to discover unforeseen wise agreement addresses provided by the front-end architecture DeFi users can secure themselves from front-end hijacking attacks by embracing the following practices: Verify clever agreement addresses provided by a Dapp with the job's main paperwork when offered. Exercise watchfulness when signing or authorizing deals. Use a hardware wallet or other freezer option to safeguard properties you do not routinely utilize. Periodically evaluation and withdraw any agreement approvals you do not actively require. Follow task's social networks feeds for any security statements. Use wallet software application efficient in obstructing destructive risks (e.g. Coinbase Wallet). Coinbase is dedicated to enhancing our security and the larger market's security, along with securing our users. Our company believe that exploits like these can be alleviated and eventually avoided. Making codebases open source for the public to examine, we suggest regular procedure audits, execution of bug bounty programs, and partnering with security scientists. This make use of was a challenging knowing experience for those impacted, we think that comprehending how the make use of happened can just assist even more fully grown our market. We comprehend that trust is constructed on reputable security-- which is why we make securing your account & & your digital possessions our top priority.
Discover more here Funding2022--08--1214: 33 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd moneyed from Tornado Cash on Ethereum. Bridging to BSC, Polygon, Optimism, Fantom, Arbitrum, and Avalanche2022--08--1214: 41 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd starts moving funds to BSC, Polygon, Optimism, Fantom, and Arbitrum, Avalanche utilizing ChainHop on Ethereum. BSC release2022--08--1214: 56 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... ec9f9 phishing agreement on BSC. NOTE: Attacker forgot to define Celer proxy agreement.2022--08--1217: 30 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x5895 ... e7cf phishing agreement on BSC and tests token retrieval. Fantom implementation2022--08--1218: 29 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8b ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Fantom. NOTE: Attacker defined the incorrect Celer proxy from the BSC network.2022--08--1218: 30 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x458 f. f972 phishing agreement on Fantom and tests token retrieval. Bridging to Astar and Aurora2022--08--1218: 36 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd moves funds to Astar and Aurora utilizing Celer Bridge on BSC. Astar implementation2022--08--1218: 41 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Astar. Polygon release2022--08--1218: 57 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8b ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Polygon Optimism implementation2022--08--1219: 07 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Optimism and tests token retrieval. Bridging to Metis2022--08--1219: 12 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd continues moving funds to Metis utilizing Celer Bridge on Ethereum. Arbitrum release2022--08--1219: 20 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Arbitrum and tests token retrieval. Metis implementation2022--08--1219: 24 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Arbitrum and tests token retrieval. Avalanche implementation2022--08--1219: 28 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Avalanche and tests token retrieval. Aurora release2022--08--1219: 40 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x9c8 ... c9f9 phishing agreement on Aurora. Ethereum release2022--08--1219: 50 UTC-- 0xb0f5 ...30 dd releases 0x2a2a ...18 e8 phishing agreement on Ethereum and test token retrieval. Routing Infrastructure setup2022--08--1617: 21 UTC-- Attacker updates IRR with AS209243, AS16509 members.2022--08--1617: 36 UTC-- Attacker updates IRR to manage 44.2352160/24 path.2022--08--1719: 39 UTC-- BGP Hijacking of 44.2352160/24 path.2022--08--1719: 42 UTC-- New SSL certificates observed for cbridge-prod2. celer.network [1] [2] 2022--08--1719: 51 UTC-- First victim observed on Fantom.2022--08--1721: 49 UTC-- Last victim observed on BSC.2021--08--1721: 56 UTC-- Celer Twitter shares reports about a security occurrence.2022--08--1722: 12 UTC-- BGP Hijacking ends and 44.2352160/24 path withdrawn.2022--08--1722: 33 UTC-- Begin transferring127 ETH to Tornado Cash on Ethereum.2022--08--1723: 08 UTC-- Amazon AS-16509 claims 44.2352160/24 path.2022--08--1723: 45 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from Optimism.2022--08--1723: 53 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from Arbitrum.2022--08--1723: 48 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from Polygon.2022--08--1800: 01 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from Avalanche.2022--08--1800: 17 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from Aurora.2022--08--1800: 21 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from Fantom.2022--08--1800: 26 UTC-- The last bridging deal to Ethereum from BSC.2022--08--1801: 01 UTC-- Begin transferring 1.4 ETH to Tornado Cash on Ethereum.2022--08--1801: 33 UTC-- Transfer 0.01201403570756 ETH to 0x6614 ... fcd9 Ethereum: 0xb0f5fa0cd2726844526 e3f70 e76 f54 c6d91530 dd Ethereum: 0x2A2aA50450811 Ae589847 D670 cB913 dF763318 E8 Ethereum: 0x66140 a95 d189846 e74243 a75 b14 fe6128 dbbfcd9 BSC: 0x5895 da888 Cbf3656 D8f51 E5Df9FD26 E8E131 e7CF Fantom: 0x458 f4d7ef4fb1a0e56 b36 bf7a403 df830 cfdf972 Polygon: 0x9c8b72 f0d43
bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Avalanche: 0x9c8B72 f0D43 BACHELOR'S DEGREE23 B96 B878 F1c1F75 EdC2Beec9F9 Arbitrum: 0x9c8B72 f0D43 BACHELOR'S DEGREE23 B96 B878 F1c1F75 EdC2Beec9F9 Astar: 0x9c8B72 f0D43 BACHELOR'S DEGREE23 B96 B878 F1c1F75 EdC2Beec9F9 Aurora: 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Optimism: 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Metis: 0x9c8B72 f0D43 BACHELOR'S DEGREE23 B96 B878 F1c1F75 EdC2Beec9F9 AS: 209243 (AS number observed in the course on routing statements and as a maintainer for the prefix in IRR modifications) Ethereum 0x2a2aa50450811 ae589847 d670 cb913 df763318 e8 BSC 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 0x11 f8c7cdf73 b71 cd189 bb2a7f285 dabfe8957 f9c 0xc8dd7eadef50 a659 c480 c6fa18863 e354 e12 fc4f 0x5895 da888 cbf3656 d8f51 e5df9fd26 e8e131 e7cf Polygon 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Fantom 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 0x458 f4d7ef4fb1a0e56 b36 bf7a403 df830 cfdf972 Arbitrum 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Avalanche 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Astar 0x9c8B72 f0D43 BACHELOR'S DEGREE23 B96 B878 F1c1F75 EdC2Beec9F9 Aurora 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 Metis 0x9c8b72 f0d43 bachelor's degree23 b96 b878 f1c1f75 edc2beec9f9 The following reverse crafted agreement is based upon the bytecode at 0x2a2a ...18 e8 pragma strength ^ 0.8.0;-LRB- import "./ IERC20 sol";-LRB- agreement CelerPhish eips.ethereum.org https://twitter.com/CelerNetwork/status/1560123830844411904 https://slowmist.medium.com/truth-behind-the-celer-network-cbridge-cross-chain-bridge-incident-bgp-hijacking-52556227 e940 https://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2022- August/220320 html https://stat.ripe.net/app/use-cases/prefix/bgplay/S1_442352160%252 F24 _ bgplay_TMAST1660694400000 ET1660867200000 Read More
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hustlefmm · 2 years
Celer Network shuts down bridge over potential DNS hijacking
Celer Network shuts down bridge over potential DNS hijacking
Interoperability protocol Celer Network has asked its users to revoke the approval for several contracts after shutting down its cBridge over a suspected Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking.  According to the project’s initial analysis, there was suspicious DNS activity around 7:00 pm UTC on Wednesday. However, at the time of writing, the platform is still investigating and trying to learn more…
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williamgunst · 2 years
Crypto-monnaie : ils volent 240 000 $ sans effort - cBridge sous attaque
Crypto-monnaie : ils volent 240 000 $ sans effort – cBridge sous attaque
Une nouvelle passerelle vers les réseaux d’utilisateurs – Parallèlement à la croissance de la monnaie virtuelle, de nouvelles plateformes doivent être créées pour s’adapter à cet écosystème multi-chaînes. En effet, de nombreux distributeurs souhaitaient faciliter le transfert des ventes entre chaînes en créant des passerelles. Bien qu’utiles, ceux-ci sont les plus importants pour les…
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digitaltrand · 2 years
Celer Network’s CBridge Faces DNS Hijacking
Celer Network’s CBridge Faces DNS Hijacking
Yet another protocol suffers from a DNS hijacking attack.  Celer Network, a blockchain interoperability protocol established in 2018, has suffered from Domain Name System (DNS) poisoning attack. According to the tweets shared by Celer, the company was attacked on August 17th, resulting in $240,000 stolen from user funds.  Did you know? Want to get smarter & wealthier with crypto? Subscribe –…
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daycryptonews · 2 years
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Cross-chain bridge cBridge suffered from DNS attack
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golden-coin-news · 2 years
Celer Network shuts down bridge over potential DNS hijacking
Celer Network shuts down bridge over potential DNS hijacking
Interoperability protocol Celer Network (CELR) has asked its users to revoke the approval for several contracts after shutting down its cBridge over a suspected DNS hijacking.  According to the project’s initial analysis, there was some suspicious DNS activity at around 7 PM (UTC) on Aug. 17. However, the platform is still trying to investigate and know more about the issue at the time of…
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newscow · 2 years
An Estimated 128 ETH Lost in the Celer Protocol DNS Attack
An Estimated 128 ETH Lost in the Celer Protocol DNS Attack
The blockchain interoperability protocol, Celer Network’s cBridge project, became the target of a DNS hijacking attack. The team notified the community about suspicious DNS activity on August 17th. After investigation, it was found that the UI hijack was designed to redirect users to interact with the compromised smart contracts and ultimately drain their balances. The cBridge frontend UI was…
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kevinswayze · 3 months
Yard waste curb side collection returns to Cambridge March 25, 2024
Yard Waste collection returns to Cambridge on March 24, 2024. It runs on an alternating week collection until November #cbridge
The return of yard waste bags to curbs are a sure sign of spring in Cambridge, like Snowdrop flowers blooming and Robins singing. At-the-curb yard waste collection begins in Cambridge the week of March 25-29, 2024. As usual, it’s also a green bin and blue box collection day. Alternating-week yard waste collection ends in the week of November 18-21, 2024, according to the region’s 2024 waste…
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cryptosnewss · 2 years
Celer Network shuts down bridge over potential DNS hijacking
Celer Network shuts down bridge over potential DNS hijacking
The Celer Network Interoperability Protocol (CELR) has asked its users to revoke approval for several contracts after it shut down its cBridge following a suspected DNS hijack. According to the initials of the project analysisthere was suspicious DNS activity around 7 p.m. (UTC) on August 17. However, the platform is still trying to investigate and find out more about the issue at the time of…
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thuviencoin · 2 years
Celer Network bị tấn công DNS, thiệt hại ước tính 240.000 USD
Celer Network bị tấn công DNS, thiệt hại ước tính 240.000 USD
Lại thêm một dự án bị tấn công DNS. Và lần này là Celer Network với thiệt hại ước tính khoảng 240.000 USD. Celer Network bị tấn công DNS, thiệt hại ước tính 240.000 USD Rạng sáng ngày 18/08/2022 (giờ Việt Nam), Twitter chính thức của Celer Network đăng thông báo rằng: 📢📢📢We are seeing reports that reflects potential DNS hijacking of cbridge frontend. We are investigating at the moment and please…
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bitcofun · 2 years
Source: AdobeStock/ sdx15 Get your everyday, bite-sized absorb of cryptoasset and blockchain-related news-- examining the stories flying under the radar these days's crypto news. __________ Adoption news Crypto.com wallet clients can now acquire daily products, such as fuel, coffee, and sandwiches throughout 175 On The Run(OTR) fuel and corner store websites throughout Victoria, South Australia. and Western Australia utilizing their crypto by utilizing the Crypto.com App to scan a QR code on their phone. Peregrine Corp, the owner of OTR, prepares to present the ability to another 250 retail websites throughout the nation, stated the statement. Brazillian financial investment bank BTG Pactual released a crypto trading platform. Called Mynt, the platform will use its users access to bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), solana (SOL), polkadot (DOT), and cardano (ADA), the business stated in a news release Investment news The CEO of a significant Canadian institutional financier just recently stated he's crossed out the business's stake in Celsius (CEL), Bloomberg reported. Charles Emond, CEO of the Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec, talked about investing USD 150 m into the struggling crypto lending institution, which submitted for Chapter 11 personal bankruptcy last month, and stated although the due diligence was "rather substantial", it is not a warranty of success. He included that he has "compassion" for countless financiers whose funds Celsius had actually secured. Non-custodial loaning procedure Yupana.Finance stated that it is supplying credit procedure advantages to the Tezos (XTZ) neighborhood, allowing them to obtain, provide, and make benefits. Journalism release specified that the designers of Madfish, a software application advancement business in the Tezos community, have actually checked Yupana "thoroughly" which it is currently introduced on the Tezos mainnet. Blockchain cybersecurity company dWallet Labs has actually raised USD 5m to construct its services on top of Odsy Network, a news release stated The pre-seed financing was led by Node Capital and Digital Currency Group, and signed up with by Amplify Partners, Lightshift Capital, Liquid2 Ventures, Collider Ventures, and more, in addition to creators and angel financiers from Coinbase, Ethereum, Celo, AngelList, Alt, Spearhead, and others. Singapore-based crypto staking company RockX has actually been acknowledged by Staking Rewards, a main info center and information aggregator for crypto staking, as a Verified Staking Provider with result from July 20,2022 Providing non-custodial staking services for all significant Proof-of-Stake public blockchains, RockX is among 22 companies internationally that have actually looked for and gotten confirmation, while 4 out of these are based in Asia, stated a news release shown Cryptonews.com Payments news Crypto platform Wirex has presented brand-new payment approaches, to make it simpler for users to top up and withdraw funds from their accounts. The approaches consist of SEPA Instant and Faster Payments, enabling clients in the UK and the EEA to move GBP and EUR in between Wirex and savings account more quickly, it stated. Security news Blockchain interoperability procedure Celer Network was required to close down its cBridge item after coming under a Domain Name System (DNS) pirating attack. To alleviate the possible danger, the business asked its users to withdraw the approval for a variety of agreements, consisting of Polygon (MATIC), Avalanche (AVAX), and others. Following this, the group specified that cBridge frontend interface (UI) is now up once again with extra tracking in location. Stablecoin news Tether, the company of the USDT stablecoin, stated that it is upgrading its guarantee and attestation procedures, and formally started dealing with BDO Italia, the Italian member company of BDO international company, the leading 5 ranked international independent public accounting company, in July 2022 for its quarterly attestations.
Tether will likewise concentrate on moving towards launching its attestations from a quarterly basis to regular monthly reports. Legal news A Russian male, implicated of laundering cryptocurrencies taken through ransomware attacks, was extradited from the Netherlands to the United States, where he'll deal with charges of co-conspiring to cash laundering, and other criminal offenses, the United States Department of Justice revealed 29- year-old Denis Mihaqlovic Dubnikov is taking a look at a 20- year jail sentence, must he be founded guilty. The cash he was supposedly laundering was being available in through the Ryuk ransomware pressure. Gaming news The Sandbox's Alpha Season 3 will introduce on August 24, the business validated in a news release today. It stated that this will be the most significant Alpha Season to date, as it consists of 98 experiences over 10 weeks, suggesting gamers will get brand-new material every day. Online multiplayer IO video game Snook revealed its BBT Themed spaces for environment partners - a top quality, token-gated experience where jobs can engage with their neighborhood. It likewise symbolizes the capacity of cooperation in the Web3 area, stated a news release shown Cryptonews.com Snook's collaboration with blockchain domain contractor Unstoppable Domains allows Snook users to visit with their Unstoppable Domain and bet other UD holders. The video game likewise partnered with LobsterDAO and introduced LobsterDAO BBT-themed spaces, and it will be hosting an unique video game night for all the LobsterDAO NFT holders. Gaming-oriented blockchain Oasys revealed the winners of its Web3 video game pitch occasion that it had actually just recently kept in Seoul, South Korea. TROUBLE PUNK: Cyber Galz, a fight royale-style action video game won the competitors, bringing its designers, Catze Labs, 600,000 of Oasys' native tokens, OAS, along with very first settlement rights with Arriba, BNE 021 Fund, and DJT Ventures Pomerium, Epic League, and Tanuki Squad flash location, winning OAS 200,000 each. Career news CEO of crypto exchange Genesis Trading, Michael Moro, has actually stepped down from his position, at a time when his business deals with significant losses due to the fall of Three Arrows Capital According to Bloomberg, he will be prospered by the present Chief Operating Officer, Derar Islim, who signed up with the business 2 years back. Read More
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