#castle halloween bash 2021
castleficpromoter · 7 months
Happy Halloween!
Just click the link attached to the Castle Halloween Bash master list you wish to view.
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Castle Halloween Bash 2014
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Castle Halloween Bash 2015
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Castle Halloween Bash 2016
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Castle Halloween Bash 2017
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Castle Halloween Bash 2018
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Castle Halloween Bash 2019
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Castle Halloween Bash 2020
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Castle Halloween Bash 2021
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Castle Halloween Bash 2022
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Castle Halloween Bash 2023
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thefifthsister · 3 years
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He’d pulled out the decorations as soon as the calendar had turned to October and by now, she was used to the way her home would be taken over.
And honestly, while it had been a little much when she had first started dating him, now she loved how he looked at these holidays, how special he made it for her and their kids.
She’d kissed him goodbye that morning and headed into the office to tackle whatever fires she had to put out.
They would decorate when she got home but she knew he would make a start, wouldn’t be able to help himself.
It was lunchtime when she grabbed coffee and a sandwich between phonecalls, meetings with her detectives and the mountain of paperwork that she had a minute to call.
She set her food out on her desk, propped her phone up and hit Facetime so she could also see her babies, She was greeted by the sight of a grinning Reece looking at the camera.
“Tell Mommy boo,” she heard her husband say. 
She laughed. “What did you do to my son?” 
“He crawled in there himself,” Castle insisted.
“Into the costume too?” She made faces at her baby and was happy to see him grinning and reaching for the phone. “What did Daddy do, huh? Where’s your brother? Did he flee and leave you to fend for yourself, huh peanut?”
The camera moved and she saw Jake was asleep in a pill of pumpkin pillows that had traditionally gone up in Alexis’ room this time of year.
“Alexis is gonna have a fight on her hands this year,” Castle joked and turned the camera so she could see him. “The boys and I are organising everything so when you get home we can have fun putting everything up.”
“Don’t lose them,” she teased and spent her lunch break talking to her husband and her babies.
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bunysliper · 3 years
Castle Ficlet: Life is Gourd - Pumpkin Pranking
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Life is Gourd - Chapter 5: Pumpkin Pranking
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quirkystoryteller01 · 3 years
Log 9
October 31, 2021
 Halloween equates to movie marathons and snacking on tons of junk food and pizza. It’s been a tradition that has been going on since our high school days. Of course, these days my friends and I are lucky if we all can meet on Halloween because of our different schedules. Most years we either must celebrate it a few days early or a few days late.
 “May and I can pick up the pizza and drinks on our way over,” Rachael Stone replied over the loudspeaker on my phone.  I was at the table in the dining room, sketching in my sketchbook while we talked. “Anything else you want us to pick up at the store before we come over. Donuts maybe? Or Sprite and Dr. Pepper?”
 “Nah, I already bought the pop and candy yesterday while my folks and I were out grocery shopping,” I replied. “May and I were debating over either doing a Resident Evil marathon or the Underworld movies. Which sounds better?”
 “Um… You know I’m not a big fan of horror movies,” Rachael replied. “Can we at least sneak one comedy in between?”
 “Which one are you thinking about watching?” I asked as I worked on a Halloween theme sketch of some of my younger characters: Greg, Emma, Robin, Will, Trevor, and Shell.  Emma and Robin were the only humans in the group, while the rest were an assortment of hybrid type monsters. “I can go stop at the Red Box down on Alton square and pick one up.”
 “How about May and I bring one over? We have a lot of movies at home we can chose from,” Rachael replied thoughtfully. “We can bring over a Disney movie or two or something like that. We’ll have to look.”
 I could faintly hear May’s voice in the background. “How about Howl’s Moving Castle? We haven’t watched that one in a while.”
 “Howling’s Moving Castle sounds good to me,” I said. “By the way, I’ll pay you back for picking up the pizza and wings on the way over.”
 “It’s usually about thirty something, right?” Rachael said, estimating what the pizza and wings were going to cost altogether. “Don’t worry about paying us back. You’re always feeding May and I dinner when we come over, so don’t worry about the money.”
 “I know. I know,” I said dismissively and rolled my eyes.
 “Are we meeting up at your house first before heading over to the cabin or should we just meet over there instead?” Rachael asked wanting to know where we were going to meet up at.
 A little under a mile away from my house my family had built a cabin for when extended family members came into town. It was more like a house than a cabin, but hey, a lot of the furniture was donated by my aunts and uncles. The cabin sat in a dip in the hilly terrain, built next to the treelined at the back of the rolling fields that were apart of my family’s property.  
“How about we meet at the house and then head over?” I suggested.
 “So what time do you want us to head over at?”
 “How about five-thirty? I’m planning on calling Hometown Pizza around 4:30 since I’m pretty everyone and their brother will be ordering out tonight,” I replied.
 “Okay, so at five-thirty we’ll go get the pizza and wings, then stop by the store so I can pick up some hard cider and then we’ll see you at your house,” Rachael said going over what she and May needed to do before they came over for our Halloween movie bash over at the cabin. “You sure there’s nothing else we need to get for tonight?”
 “Maybe a jacket and hoodie incase the weather is nice enough later on for a fire,” I said with a hum. The forecast called for overcast skies and a chance for a drizzle, so the chances for a campfire was low, but it never hurt to hope for good conditions. It was one of those things everyone enjoyed the most when staying at the cabin. We had an old burn barrel from the barn that family members and friends enjoyed sitting around during campfires. It was the right size for a good size fire. Also, since we lived out in the country and nears the woods, so timber was always available.
 “Alright. Sounds like a plan. I’ll text you when we get the pizza, Jess,” Rachael said before hanging up.
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harusweet101 · 3 years
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #30: Trick or Treat?
Season Five
It should not surprise her that when it comes to desserts, this man works like a well oiled machine.
He's got everything laid out. Numerous bowls, spoons, measuring cups. Sugar, milk, eggs, flour.
And it had started out innocently and gotten less and less innocent as time had gone on. 
He had flour in his hair from her fingers as she’d held him close while they kissed. She had cookie dough on her back from the counter from where he’d pinned her down and made her forget her name for a minute or two.
They both had green and orange stripes across their faces and funniest of all was the handprint on his ass, from where she had grabbed him and pulled him close.
But they’d finally gotten their cookies out of the oven. Had decorated them, now they’d built up an appetite for them as she watched him, the precision and delicacy he took to decorate them. Watched as he carefully crafted it. 
He looked up and saw her smiling at him. “What?”
“Just watching ya,” she said, happily seated at the island and basking in this domestic side of him. 
“Thanks for indulging,” he told her. “Normally Alexis would help me but…”
“College is a busy time,” Kate nodded. “We aren’t all slackers.” She teased.
She watched him finish with a flurry and had to admit, she was impressed with the result. There sat the perfect row of pumpkins.
“I’ll send these to Alexis,” he told her and she felt her heart warm. Of course he would send pumpkins to his pumpkin. “Want to help me with the ghosts?”
Kate grinned and came around the island, taking the icing bag he offered. 
“Hey Castle,” she murmured when his arms came around her to help her with the decorating. “Trick or treat?”
They created a mess only a shower and his bed could remedy when they were done.
Prompt: making halloween themed desserts
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #27: You’re Scaring Them
Post Series
She finished tucking Lily in, dropped a kiss to her head and told her she could read until her Dad came in to say good night.
She smiled at her daughter, watched her open book and crossed the hallway into the twins room where they were getting a bedtime story from their father.
She stood in the door, watching the three of them. The twins laid out in their beds and Castle sitting on the floor between them.
She could see Reece was peeking over the edge of the duvet, it pulled up right under his nose and Jake was clinging fiercely to Officer Bear.
“Babe, you’re scaring them!” She interrupted, walking in to comfort her babies.
“Mommy!” they both whined.
“It’s getting good,” Reece told her, popping his head above the covers.
“We not scaredy cats,” Jake told her defiantly.
She shared a look with her husband, knowing how this particular ghost story concludes. “Remember what happened with Lily?”
“I’m telling it differently,” he whispered.
Kate sighed, looking back at her little boys who were hoping she wouldn’t end storytime. “You had better. They’re six, Rick.”
“Goodnight peanut, goodnight jellybean,” she dropped kisses to each of her boys, grinning when he gave her a hug..
“Night Mommy,” they called after her as glared at her husband. 
“Love you both to the moon and back,” she told them as she headed out the door. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”
When she was woken at 2am by Reece and Jake trying to climb into bed with her, knowing she’d protect them from the ghost they now thought was in their room, she made sure her husband woke up too and comforted them, letting the boys climb in next to her and relegating him to the very edge of the bed.
Prompt: “you’re scaring them!”
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #18: Rescue
She was trying to pay attention to what Lanie was telling her about their victim but she could see him fussing off to the side. When Lanie had told her all that she could and Ryan and Espo caught her up with what they’d gleaned from the scene and witnesses, she walked over to her husband who had been entirely focused by something at the side of the alley
“I found this cat,” he said, crouching down and stroking his new feline friend. “I was looking for a tag or something. Looks like a stray.”
“Okay, I can call that in,” Beckett told him. “Someone will come by and get it somewhere warm and with food.”
“Or we could just take it home,” He looked at her with pleading eyes. “Our place is warm and has food.”
Kate regarded him. “What is it with you and animals, Castle?” She huffed. “Babe, we can’t take a cat off the street. What if he’s lost and someone’s looking for him?”
“We could name him Binx,” Castle continued. “That’s a good Halloween name. Hopefully those mean witches aren’t after you, huh?”
“No it’s not Castle,” Kate told him. “We can’t keep him. Her. Whatever. We have a case to solve. The victim is right there,” Kate pointed a thumb over her shoulder. “Are you coming with me?”
He sighed. He understood what she was saying. “Give me a second.”
She watched him walk up to an officer keeping people back at the police tape, cat tucked in his arms and returned to Lanie but now she was watching him out the corner of her eye. Saw him disappear under the tape and into the crowd of spectators.
“Where’s writer boy going?”
Kate sighed. “I think he’s smuggling a cat home.”
Lanie laughed at her. “You gonna let him get away with that?” 
Kate shrugged. “I got one murder to solve before committing another.”
“Maybe not,” Lanie nodded her head and Kate turned to see her husband heading back towards her.
“Turns out Binx is a Mittens,” He told her. “Hastings told me there was a little girl asking about it. Thank God she didn’t get this far down before police cordened the place off.”
Kate looked back into the crowd, at where her husband had found the cat. “Wow.”
“Yeah, she was dressed as the cutest little witch. She was trick-or-treating with her parents. Had Mittens out in a pull wagon and he ran off. Anyway, what do we have here?”
Kate smiled at the man beside her. He had the biggest heart and though she knows he was dead serious about keeping the cat, she’s glad that he got to save the day for that little girl.
“Come on cat rescuer, I’ll catch you up on the way to the 12th.”
Prompt: Coming across a black cat on Halloween
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #28: Long Time Coming
Season Five
He waited. He’d waited a long time for her. And every minute was worth it. Every step, every argument, every agonizing heartbreak had led him to this moment.
For this moment he would never forget.
He could hear her. Loved the sound of her shoes hitting the floor. The way she made herself at home in his Loft. Had carved out a space that she slipped so seamlessly into.
He watched her walk through his bedroom, shrug her coat off and drop it over a chair while she tugged her gun from her side and placed it in the drawer beside the bed where it would remain until she was back on duty.
He took his phone from his pocket and sent her a text.
Do you want to play a game?
He watched her smirk and type back.
With you? Always.
He smirked, coming out of the closet and watching her turn to look at him and the way she shrieked and jumped and glared at him.
He’d gotten home before her and pulled on his Ghostface mask, running to the closet when he heard her key in his door.
“You ass,” she yelled, picking her pillow up and throwing it at him as he pulled the mask off, laughing uncontrollably.
“I finally got you back,” he wheezed, collapsing on to the bed.
“Smart ass,” she mumbled as she flopped on top of him, pulling the mask from his fingers and swatted him with it. “What if I’d been armed?”
“I waited until you weren’t,” Castle pointed out. “And made sure I was far enough away you couldn’t flip me to the floor either. You are lethal without a weapon too.”
“Oh, you’re about to find out just how lethal,” she told him, throwing the mask away and leaning over him. He gulped.
Prompt: getting scared by your partner in their halloween costume
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #22: Watching Over You
Post Series
She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t. Every time she closed her eyes she saw it. Him. Lying there.
She had been getting better. Maybe it was just the time of year. The images of serial killers, blood and gore, it was getting to her. And they had an amazing time. Hunkered down with Alexis, bowls of popcorn, the gummy bears she’d started craving and every type of M&M she didn’t even know they made.
And her husband was sleeping. And she was not. And neither was their daughter. She was doing acrobats and Kate just couldn’t get comfortable.
She climbed out of bed, grabbed the robe that only just covered her bump and hoped that walking around might quiet calm her child and clear her head long enough.
Walking into his office, she froze, a figure was watching her but when she grabbed moved towards a light and their gun safe, it was gone.
She felt like someone was there. She’d seen someone. She’d definitely.
“Katie,” she heard.
She walked through his office, her senses on high alert and calculating how many more steps before she was at the safe. How long it would take her to open it.
“Katie, I just wanted to see your new home. Your new family. My baby, you look so beautiful.” She heard her say. 
“This can’t… you’re not her. I’m a cop. It’s a crime to break into someone’s home.”
She was near the safe when she saw the figure again.
Johanna smiled at her.
“I wanted to tell you how proud of you I am,” she told her daughter. “You fought to stay with Richard. You fought to stay for your daughter. I’m so proud of you, darling.”
“Mom?” Kate sobbed. 
“I love you, Katie,” Johanna told her. “You tell my grand daughter I love her too. I’m watching over both of you.”
And then she was gone. And Kate was calling out to her.
And Rick was shaking her awake. She sat up and looked around her. She was on the sofa. Had she fallen asleep watching their movies? But she remembered going to bed. And then not being able to sleep. 
“Beckett, it’s me,” Castle hushed, concerned with how disorientated she was. “You were crying in your sleep. Let’s get you to bed, sweetheart.”
Kate looked around. She was in his sofa. “Mom?” and then the damn broke and Castle held while she cried. For the mother she missed.
“Today is All Hallows,” Castle told her as she told him about her dream. “Maybe that was your Mom’s way of talking to you.”
Kate smiled at him weakly. Some part of her hoped her mother really could see what had become of her life. That she’d made it. Found love, was building a family.
“Come on sweetheart, you and Sweetpea need some sleep.” He helped her to her feet, tucking her into his side as he led her to bed but she couldn’t help looking at the spot she thought she’d seen her Mom. Hovering over her husbands books. She smiled. Her mother had always loved Castle’s books. Funny how life turned out.
Prompt: seeing ghosts in your new house
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #29: I Ain’t Afraid
Season Six
It had been a harmless idea really. They were professionals after all. Well, four of them were. One thought he was a professional. And the other was just happy to be invited.
Halloween triple date. A rare night they all had off.
And Castle had suggested they all go to a Haunted House he’d seen advertised. New York was famous for them after all. Hell, they’d even debunked one of those haunted houses themselves.
Kate, Ryan and Lanie were immediately on board which meant that Esposito had no choice and Castle had insisted Ryan bring Jenny along too so they could go through as couples.
They’d all teased one another as they’d queued up to enter. Esposito had postured and preened at the assumption that he would be scared. Castle knew Beckett had a love for horror that rivalled his own. They all, except for Jenny, dealt with much worse almost daily.
And they’d laughed and laughed every time one of them fell for a scare. When someone had jumped out of a cupboard with a knife they’d hollered. A skeleton dropping from the ceiling had caused Castle to shriek and Beckett to nearly double over laughing. A portrait coming to life and arms reaching suddenly from the wall had made Espo jump out his skin and swing a fist that Lanie had managed to grab before the poor actor received the hit. But they would never let Ryan, who screamed at the top of his lungs, live down the moment the floor had wobbled under him and he thought he was falling.
They left the house, breathless, faces hurting from all the laughing and a few moments of bruised egos.
“Man, I’m never going to a haunted house with you again,” Espo said, shaking his head at Ryan as Jenny patted his shoulder.
“You try standing there next time,” Ryan moaned. “I swear the floor felt like it was caving in.”
Kate laughed, turning a smile into Castle’s shoulder as they followed their friends down the street, watching Ryan and Espo bickering over who was more manly whilst Lanie and Jenny hooked arms and headed down to their next stop: the Old Haunt for drinks.
“Great idea, babe,” she told him as they followed their friends.
“Oh yeah,” Castle chuckled. “Thanks for protecting me.”
Kate grinned. “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.”
Prompt: "i'm never going to a haunted house with you again."
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #25: Forgetting
Post Series
It had been a day.
It had been a really long day. 
She'd jumped from team to team trying to close down cases. She'd looked at crime scene photo after crime scene photo and each had been more horrific than the last.
She just wished that this time of year didn't inspire so many.
She'd seen enough darkness for one day and hit enough dead ends, told her people to go home and start fresh in the morning. 
She'd learned that. That sometimes you needed to turn you brain off to see the story.
Walking through the door to home, she was ready to do just that.
He was dressed in his jeans and a Shining t-shirt she'd bought him when the Halloween they found out they were having twins. The kids were at the table, the boys in their high chairs playing and Lily was coloring.
"Hey," she called and smiled when he looked up. She opened her arms as Lily ran to great her, pressing kisses to her face and carried her back to the table, pressing kisses to Reece and Jake and then joining her husband in the kitchen to finish dinner. 
"Long day?" 
Kate sunk into his arms. "Long day. Happy to be home."
"Dinners almost ready if you want to get changed," he suggested.
"What we having?" She asked, turning to smell more of the delicious meal he was preparing.
"BRAINS!" Lily cackled.
She looked at Castle with confusion.
"Spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce," he 
"We were looking for Halloween meal ideas."
Kate laughed. "You and your Pinterest boards." 
Kate dropped a kiss to his jaw and excused herself, grinning when Lily followed her and helped her pick out an outfit for their Halloween dinner and begged to watch the Muppets movie again.
"Again?" Castle groaned as mother and daughter rejoined the family in their matching Scooby Doo t-shirts.
"Honestly, after the amount of cases I dealt with today, I'm up for Muppets with Lilypad."
He could see how the day had worn in her. 
"Movie after dinner it is then," he agreed.
"And candy!" Lily tried.
"If you eat your dinner, Mommy might share some gummy bears with you," Kate told her.
"We don't have any," Castle reminded her.
"Oh, that's where you're wrong, Writer Man," Kate smirked. "I have a hidden stash."
Castle looked outraged. Kate shrugged. "What? If I left them out you and these two would eat them while I'm at work and Lily's at daycare," she sat down next to her boys, picking up the toys on their chairs and playing with them.
"Gots to share Daddy," Lily tutted, making her mother laugh.
Dinner was a messy affair. Whilst Lily managed to get most of it in her mouth, she had to be scrubbed of orange across her cheeks. Reece and Jake, however, looked like they'd rolled around in their dinner, covered somehow from their heads to their necks and looking a little like zombies. 
Castle whisked them off for a bath and Kate raided her stash, pressing a finger to her lips with a wink to tell her daughter to keep it a secret and the two cuddled and started their movie.
Kate took a few hours to forget the horrors of the day and just be a Mom.
Prompt: seeing dead people wherever you go
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #26: Stop
Season Three
Espo tried the handle, slid the door open gently and with a glance they all nodded and streamed into the warehouse one after the other.
Espo went forward, Ryan went right and Beckett went left with Castle hanging back at the door while they cleared the place.
It was empty.
“Wow,” Castle said, looking around. It was filled with dust. Cobwebs. Mannequins. Old boxes. Litter. He shuddered. “This has all the makings of a slasher film. I almost expect…” The lights turned off, plunging them into darkness. “That to happen,” he finished.
“Stop messing with the lights, it’s not funny,” Beckett hissed at him as she made her way back to him.
“That wasn’t me,” he defended.
Beckett turned with her gun up, putting herself in front of Castle and trying to see through the dark.
“Espo, Ryan?” she called out. No answer.
“Stay here,” she told Castle.
“No chance,” he whispered as he followed. 
She could swear she made out movement across the room. “NYPD, hands up!”
She could see the torches on the other side of the factory come on. There was Espo and Ryan.
She heard the steps, felt him before he could strike, dove out the way of the lunging body and heard the thud, the grunt as Castle hit the floor. 
Suddenly the lights flared back on, she squinted in the light as her eyes adjusted, heard the boys running and calling out and she looked to see Castle wrestling with their killer on the ground. She ran to his side, drawing her gun up and aiming.
“It’s over Elden,” she yelled. “Let him go and maybe this won’t end bad. 
She saw the knife appear in his hand but thankfully Castle was quicker, head butting the guy and scrambling out from under him while he was disorientated.
Espo and Ryan had him then, wrestling him to the ground, securing handcuffs and bagging the knife as evidence.
Kate crouched, checking over Castle. Her heart was pounding, seeing he was in danger, a killer too close to him for her comfort.
“I’m fine Beckett,” he assured her. 
“Your head?” she asked, concerned and checking him for any lumps.
“Nothing some advil won’t fix,” he said, taking the hand she offered to help him up. 
“Let’s get this guy down to the Precinct and then I’m taking you to get checked,” Beckett told him. “No argument.”
“Do I get a lollipop if I’m good?”
Kate rolled her eyes. That was a good sign at least.
“Horror movies? Way more fun to watch then be apart of.” Castle complained as he watched Beckett call for Officers to come take their guy in.
Prompt: “stop messing with the lights, it’s not funny”
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #6: Came Running
Season 6
They had a runner. A runner who was pushing people out of the way, shoving through the crowd and it was sheer look that he stood out amongst all the Halloween costumes gathered for the party.
Their luck turned against them when they saw him heading for the corn maze. If he made it in there they’d lose him for sure.
“I see him, I see him,” she shouted back as they pursued, running as fast as they could to try to gain some ground on him but it was too late. 
Kate grabbed her walkie talkie, called in their location to Ryan and Espo, ordered them and the officers coming in as back up to cover every exit of the maze. She told the vendor to keep anyone else from entering and they followed their suspect in, Castle close to her back as she unholstered her weapon and cleared each corner before turning.
“You’re trapped McConnell. There’s nowhere to go,” she called out as they searched.
Soon they came to a cross road.
“I guess we split up,” Castle suggested.
“No, we stick together in here,” Beckett insisted.
Castle reached down, retrieved the back up piece she carried on her ankle. “He’ll hide out longer if we don’t do split up. We have to stop him before he gets to his next victim.”
Beckett looked like she wanted to argue.
“Watch your back. Call out if you see anything. Find him and I’ll come running,” She ordered.
“As long as you do the same,” Castle fired back, pulling her to him and pressing a fierce kiss to her lips.
They took a path each, cleared the corners and continued further into the maze.
She’d turned two lefts, a right and another left when something struck her from behind, dragged her to the ground.
“Stay down bitch,” A voice growled. 
She fought back, managed to throw him off and wrestle him to the ground, saw the glint of steel in his hand, felt her survival instincts kick in but was unprepared when he got a hand up to her throat, closed his hand around it. She kicked and punched and tried to break the grip.
“Cass… Cass…” She struggled.
Felt herself fly as he pushed her off him and scrambled to his feet, holding the knife out to her as she reached for the gun she’d dropped in the scuffle.
“I don’t think so,” he spat. “You ruined my plans. You and that writer.”
“Hate to tell you but her writer is more than happy to ruin your plans any day,” she heard him say. Saw Castle standing there, gun raised and pointed at their suspect. “Take one step near her and I’ll put you down.”
The moment of distraction was all she needed. As he turned to face Castle, Kate lept into action. Finally got the knife away from him, his arm up behind his back and knocked his knees out from under him. Castle was by her side in seconds helping to restrain him while she slapped the cuffs on.
“You came running,” she smiled.
Prompt: Going through a corn maze together
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #24: Do You Hear That?
Post Series
There it was again.
"Beckett," he nudged his wife, lying in bed next to him. "Beckett, do you hear that?"
She groans but doesn't answer.
"Beckett, you hear that?" He asks again as he hears noises outside their room. "Are you awake?"
"No, Castle," she grumbles.
"I think I hear something outside," he shook her.
"All I hear is an annoying man," she groaned as he rolled her over, made her sit up with him.
"Listen," he whispered, indicating to the hallway outside.
There it was again. Footsteps. Voices. Like someone was walking up and down.
"Castle…" she sighed.
"The kids are in bed. I checked on them. But I still hear it." He insisted.
Kate pulled the covers back, muttering unintelligible curses at him. 
She threw the door to their bedroom open and stepped out, intending to catch one of the kids playing past their bedtime but the hall was empty. 
"No one's here, Rick," She told him as she turned back to their room. 
"You heard it too, right?"
"I'm gonna check the house," She told him, grabbing her robe from the back of the door.
He scrambled off the bed to follow, turning out into the hall and jumping out of his skin when he came face to face with a ghoul.
Kate doubled over laughing. She removed the mask from her face, pulled the phone from her pocket and turned off the sound effects. 
"One of these days, I'm gonna learn not to fall for your pranks," he grumbled. 
"I'm sorry babe," Kate wheezed. "You're too easy."
"You owe me," he warned her.
"I'll do you one better," she sauntered up to him, wrapping her arms around his hips. "Wanna help me scare the hell out of the kids tomorrow?"
Prompt: hearing voices and footsteps in the hallways
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thefifthsister · 3 years
Fictober #15: The Light In His Eyes
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Post Series
“Hey Alexis,” Kate called out, standing in the doorway of her stepdaughter's room. “You got a second?”
“Sure Kate, come in,” Alexis made room on the bed for Kate to sit, offering a hand to help the pregnant woman maintain her balance as she did so.
“Thanks,” Kate smiled at her, feeling self-conscious about needing the help but Alexis didn’t make a big deal out of it.
“What’s up?” Alexis asked.
“I need your help,” Kate told her.
Alexis smiled. “Sure, everything okay?”
“I messed up,” Kate admitted. “Your Dad wasn’t really excited for Halloween this year… and I get that. The first Halloween after my... “ She still couldn’t say shooting to Castle or Alexis, saw what that word could do to them. “But it’s your Dad’s favourite time of the year. Well, except for Christmas.”
Alexis nodded. She knew they’d been arguing over something but she kept out of it. As long as they mended it themselves, no separations or anyone leaving then she was staying out of it.
“He asked me to go to Pattersons party with him,” Kate told her. “And I… I feel like a whale.” She admitted, pointing at her very pregnant stomach.
Alexis sympathised with her. “And you don’t want to dress up.”
Kate winced. “See, I wish I’d put it that way.” She sighed. “I know I’ve been… a lot to deal with lately. I’m sorry you and your Dad are putting up with these hormones. But can you please help me plan something to make it up to him?”
Alexis smiled. Kate was trying so hard to recover, deal with pregnancy and they were all getting their bearings around this and she could see the woman felt guilty.
“Kate, Dad loves you,” Alexis reminded her. “But you know what he’s like when he gets an idea. I have a hard time talking him out of things half the time too.”
Kate smiled. “That’s sweet. But I think I need to fix this one.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Can you help me find something to wear?” Kate asked. “I’d normally ask Lanie but I was kind of hoping you might agree to a family thing. I think that would help him get past this nervousness.”
Alexis smiled. “Okay, I’m in.”
“I owe you,” Kate smiled.
“Give me a sister and we’ll call it even,” Alexis teased. “Maybe we could do movie night. Still dress up, eat candy but you’ll be more comfortable that way if you don’t want to go to this party.”
“Working on that first part,” Kate smirked. “Thanks Alexis. I don’t even know why your Dad wants to go. I practically had to drag him away from Patterson last time when they devolved into a heated debate over quality versus quantity.”
Alexis laughed. “Have I ever mentioned how glad I am you took over bailing him out at those parties?”
Kate grinned. She really adored Alexis and the last few months they’d finally had a chance to grow closer, the red head excited for the baby in a way Kate hadn't really expected. She had been a rock for Kate and for Castle through everything lately.
“I might have to tag you back in next time,” Kate teased.
Alexis grabbed her laptop and the two got comfortable, searching websites for something that would bring a smile to Castle’s face.
Alexis started laughing. “I know he would enjoy this,” Alexis pointed at a pumpkin dress for herself. “He already fills my room with pumpkins this time of year. I guess I could dress up for him.”
Kate smiled. She could picture the light in his eyes if Alexis did that for him.
“Oh, look, maternity,” Alexis gasped. “Pumpkin for the new pumpkin.”
Kate cringed. “I have always hate the color orange. Besides, you will always be his one and only pumpkin. Your sister will never change that.”
“I know,” Alexis nodded. It was something she’d talked to him about. A lot. Both of them never wanted Alexis to feel like she wasn’t part of this family. She was important to Kate and would always be Castle’s baby. “Consider it my first matching costume with my sister. Look they do it in black.”
Kate looked and smiled. “I actually kind of like that. It looks…”
“You can say sexy, Kate,” Alexis laughed. 
“Order them,” Kate told her. “Let me get my card.”
She was actually looking forward to Halloween herself now.
Prompt: “I always hated the colour orange”
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