yukiwrites · 4 years
A Retelling of Their Story
Thanks for the support as always, @breeachuu! This one was so fun to write, I hope you have as much fun reading it, too! ;D This is a Support Chain between Wolfram x Caspar, and you can read more about how they got acquainted in Wolfram’s series, right >here<!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Wolfram, crouching: ...
Caspar: Huh? Isn’t that the new kid? What’s he doing all hunched over like that? Heeey, are you alright? You’re shaking- WHOA, that’s a hell lotta cats! How did you manage to round up so many?!
Wolfram: *sobs*
Caspar, crouching: Uh, you alright there, buddy? These cats scratched you?
Wolfram: N-no, it’s just… I don’t have e-enough *sobs* enough hands to pet them all!
Caspar: *chokes* Yeah? There’re like a dozen cats here, of course you can’t pet all of them!
Wolfram: Yes…! They’re all so cute, don’t you agree? Look, that one has a spot right in the middle of its forehead… I want to pet it… And that other one?! His mew is so soft I just want to squeeze him until, until… And that one with the crooked tail? I can’t- it’s so cute-
Caspar: Alright, lemme give you a hand in all this petting, then! FOUR HANDS NOW, BABEY!
Wolfram: !! Oh, don’t yell like that, you’re gonna startle them-
Caspar: Ick, they all turned poofy-tailed on me, did I do somethin’? The dogs all wag their tails when I pet them...
Wolfram: *chuckles* You can’t yell at a cat, they’re really sensitive to loud noises. Here, why don’t you try this one that’s been sitting quietly on my lap? She’s a bit older than the others so she’s better for beginners to handle.
Caspar: Oh, wow, you’re right! She’s so soft and she’s just snuggling in my lap now! You know your stuff ‘round cats, huh? Oh, maybe ‘bout animals in general? You’re always taking care of that wyvern you showed up with.
Wolfram: Heehee, yeah, I love being with animals. My fath-uuhh, I think it makes me feel at home for some reason. Maybe I kept a lot of pets when I was young? It soothes me.
Caspar: Oh yeah, guess that must be it. 
Caspar: That’s it, then! Let’s keep pettin’ these boys ‘til you regain your memory! SOME of it has GOTTA come back after all that petting, yeah?!
Wolfram: *sweats* hahaha… I-I guess? Sure! I won’t say no to petting kittens!
Caspar: Great!
Caspar: But you just said this ol’ lady here isn’t a baby, right-
Wolfram: Look, all cats are kittens, okay? That’s a rule! Like all dogs are puppies!
Wolfram: Phew! There, now you’re all clean, Aquilo! Thanks for being so patient, boy!
Wyvern screeches
Wolfram: Hee-hee, no need to thank me! Now up you go, if you wanna go hunt for breakfast- wait, it’s this late already?! No wonder I’m starving! Then go on hunt your lunch, Aquilo! I’ll drop by the dining hall before I start seeing double from hunger!
Scene changes
Wolfram: Hm? What’s… that noise coming from the direction of the dining hall?
???: … -o, GO, GO!!
Wolfram: That sounds like a lot of people yelling… something? I don’t feel any danger, so I wonder what is it?
???: GO, GO!! WOOHOO!
Wolfram: …
Wolfram: … I’m so curious! I’ll go see it before getting something to eat!
Scene changes
Wolfram: Whoa! That’s a lot of people! Wh-what’s going on? They’re all making a circle like they’re watching something in the middle… Oh, wait, I can get on the tip of my toes and… *gasps* Caspar?! And, uh, Leonie? Hilda? Raphael…? What’s all- why is there a giant bucket of water...
Caspar: Vor- blughrt, vor vug’s *sputter* *cough* Dammit! I almost had it!
Hilda: Annnd we have a winner! Leonie retains her title as the champion, even though we didn’t have the crackers we were supposed to since Raphael ate them all!
Raphael: It was a waste of food, alright? But congrats everyone! It was fun!
Wolfram: W-what’s going on?! I managed to walk past the crowd, but now that I look closer, all of your shirts are wet...
Caspar: Oh, Wolf! Good timing! D’you wanna challenge Leonie with me? She’s the only one who can say ‘for fuck’s sake’ with a mouth full of water -- or crackers -- without spilling! She’s the BOSS!
Wolfram: *sputters* W-what’s this about?
Caspar: A game, man! C’mon, it’s gonna be fun! We were supposed to do this with crackers and it gets so nasty, it’s HILARIOUS! We’ve been doing this every three weeks or so and Leonie keeps defending her title as the champion!
Leonie: I’m actually glad we changed from crackers to water, though. It really DID feel like a waste of food.
Raphael: Yeah!
Wolfram: *chuckles* This sounds super fun, can I play, too? There was nothing like this where I grew up- um, I mean, I think there wasn’t!
Caspar: Great! Either way, it’s gonna be a new memory! C’mon, I’ll teach you-
Wolfram: Learning from the one who just lost? Shouldn’t I ask Leonie to teach me instead?
Caspar: *gasps* You gotta stay by me, man! Let’s defeat her together!!
Scene fades to black
Wolfram: Bor bu- *gulps* Oh, no! I swallowed the water again!
Caspar: NOO! Let’s go back to crackers!
Leonie & Raphael: No way!
Wolfram: Hahah! It’s okay, Caspar, sorry I lost on our rematch, anyway! Though I don’t think I had the best teacher...
Caspar: Hey! My technique is flawless, okay?! Leonie’s the one doing something out of this world! I’m gonna find out what and I’ll win next time!
Leonie: Sure, you’re free to try, Tiny. See ya then.
Leonie and the others leave
Wolfram: Phew, that sure was fun! Somehow I managed to forget how hungry I was, haha! Guess all that water in my stomach tricked me.
Caspar: We’ll win next time for sure, ya hear? C’mon, let’s go eat something and then keep training!
Wolfram: Uh, training how to curse with water in my mouth?! Can’t we just wing it when the time comes?
Caspar: No way! We’re getting better before Leonie has the time to train more!
Wolfram: … I’m sure she just wings it, too, though…?
Caspar: Huh? What’re you doing still standing there? C’mon or we’re not gonna find two seats next to each other!
Wolfram: Haha, alright, I’m coming!
Caspar: Ouch, they, that stings, Wolfram!
Wolfram: Honestly! Of course it stings, you hotheaded, you-! If I had stronger medicine around, I would be sure to use it instead of this salve just so it would sting more!
Caspar: Owowow, you’re squeezing the bandages! It’s like I’m being beat-up all over again, man, calm down!
Wolfram: I AM calm! But you? What were you thinking, jumping in front of the enemy in the middle of battle like that?! I almost had a heart attack seeing you take those blows that were meant for me.
Caspar: You weren’t on your wyvern, man! I wasn’t gonna let you be mauled to death by those punks. You’re so thin and usually use magic, so I know I’m a better punching bag than you -- and I can punch back, too! Did you see me there? Hah, left, right, UPPERCUT! I beat them even more than they beat me, so it ended up being fine, didn’t it?
Wolfram, pouting: That might be true, but don’t do that again, okay? I can take a punch. And I don’t want people to get hurt because of me...
Caspar: No way! Back at the Academy you were always shaking and blue-in-the-face whenever we went on a mission! That stuck on me, man. I don’t mind breaking a bone or three, so you don’t need to get all panicky like that everytime I get hurt, you know? Did you know that the more a bone breaks, the stronger it gets? So even when I get hurt, I’m just gonna get stronger in the end!
Caspar: So don’t worry and just let me-
Wolfram: NO!
Caspar: !!
Wolfram: I don’t want the people I care about to get hurt! And I AM strong enough to protect myself!
Caspar: I’m not calling you weak -- I’m just sayin’ I’m strong! I’m not as big as Raphael and my muscles don’t pop up the buttons of my shirt, but I ain’t going down that easily. There’s literally no need to be this worried for me.
Wolfram, lowering head: I… There was actually something I’ve always wanted to tell you, even during our student days. I was planning to tell you after today’s battle, but then you did this stupid thing and- and now I’m… *sobs*
Caspar: Whoa whoa whoa there, d-don’t cry, Wolf! I’m fine, see? Look at this! *flexes* uh-ouch, ouch- that might’ve popped a vein...
Wolfram: *chokes* You are an idiot. *sniffles* Let me see that.
Caspar: I keep forgetting you know healing magic. Thanks again!
Wolfram: … No, Caspar. Thank YOU for saving me. I’m still angry at you for jumping in like that, but I’m no less grateful for the gesture.
Caspar: No problem, Wolf. I’d do it again, though, so you better get used to the anger, hah!
Wolfram: *sighs* I wanted to say this in a better mood, but here goes nothing.
Caspar: Huh? That’s… Oh, that’s the locket you’ve kept since back then, right? You said it was probably important to you before you lost your memory.
Wolfram: That’s… About that, Caspar. I’m sorry.
Caspar: Weh? What’re you apologizin’ for?
Wolfram: I… well… I never… *sighs* I never lost my memory in the first place. That was an elaborate story me and my siblings came up with so I would be able to mingle better here, since I knew nothing of this place.
Caspar, surprised: ...
Wolfram: And, uh, this locket? It has my most precious possession -- a dragonstone. It allows me to transform and…
Screen flashes white.
Caspar: *blinks* Wh-what happened- !! You-!
Wolfram: … There might’ve been better ways to say, but I think showing it directly would be easier than explaining. Although this is a VERY roundabout way of saying it, what I’m trying to say -- apart from the truth, of course -- is that I can very well take care of myself and that you don’t need to jump into danger to save-
Wolfram: !!
Caspar: YOU HAVE WINGS, MAN! Turn around, lemme see ‘em! Whooooa, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?! We could’ve gone to SO MANY PLACES so fast! Sure, we flew on Aquilo sometimes, but this?! This is amazing!
Wolfram: … Um, uh-
Caspar: I don’t get why you’d keep quiet ‘bout something as cool and badass like that! You’re, like, a dragon?! Half a dragon? What. The. Fuck. 
Caspar: How far can you fly? Can I get on Aquilo while you fly beside us? Oh! Maybe carry me?! What the hell, man, this is amazing.
Wolfram: You’re, um, not mad?
Caspar: Mad? Mad?! Yeah, I’m mad! I’m MAD AMAZED! Now you gotta tell me so much stuff- no, wait, show them to me instead! C’mon, we’re going flying right now-
Wolfram: Now wait just a moment, mister! You’re not leaving this bed!
Caspar: To hell with the bed, Wolf! Throw some more healing magic on me, or don’t! We’re gonna go outside, stat!
Wolfram: C-Caspar, wait- Don’t run! You’re gonna open your wouuuunds!!
Caspar: Puaah! Nothing like a good beer at night to scream ‘peace’, ey, Wolf?
Wolfram: *fidgets* Haha, yeah… Peace… We’ve truly won this war, huh? Byleth’s gonna live her life with Dimitri and… My role here...
Caspar: Huh? You’re mumbling there, Wolf. You okay? I thought you’d be happier ‘bout ending the fighting and stuff! You never liked it, right?
Caspar: It was fun, though, wasn’t it? Hahh, I guess I gotta go looking for more fights to get into, huh? Maybe a knight? Hmmm, or mercenary? I don’t gotta go back to my territory, but I guess I should pay Dad a visit before disappearing, huh?
Wolfram: Disappearing...
Caspar: Oh, do you wanna come with? Since you’re not from here, it’s not like you have somewhere to go right away, right?
Wolfram: !! 
Wolfram: A-actually, I was going to ask you something like that, too...
Caspar: Muh? You want me to meet your dad, too?
Wolfram: T-that… well. Something l-like that, yes? And my Mother, too. And my siblings. And my friends.
Caspar: Haha! That’s a lotta people you wanna introduce to me! But sure, I’m game! We go visit my parents first for a bit and then we can go to your world- oh yeah, how are we gonna cross? You said you popped outta a portal like the one Byleth jumped out of after she changed her hair color, right? Are we gonna ask her to open another one? Or can you conjure one?
Wolfram: Um, we’re going to cross one, but it’s gonna come on its own- Wait a second. Wait just a freaking second. You’re really okay with coming with me to my world?! What if the portal never opens again? You’ll never see your family-
Caspar: Eh. About time I left to do my own stuff, yeah? I wasn’t actually planning on seeing them at all -- my Father’s fucking SCARY, Wolf -- but I just guessed I gotta, y’know? I helped win the war and all… They’re from the Empire, alright, but I think they’ll be just fine one way or another, so I’m good!
Caspar: Other than that, I’m more curious about the stuff you said ‘bout your world! Your WHOLE family’s like you, right? Dragons, man. Dragons!
Wolfram: C-Caspar, wait, you’re talking too fast. Calm down. I need a few moments.
Caspar: Yeah? What’s up?
Wolfram: Fwoooo, breathe in, hahhhh, breathe out. Fwwwoooooo… hahhhh… One more time.
Caspar: You okay, man? What’s this all about?
Wolfram: Caspar.
Caspar: Hm?
Wolfram: Cassspar.
Caspar: Spit it out, Wolf! Stop saying my name like that!
Wolfram: You REALLY don’t get the implications of accepting coming with me to my world, do you? At all?
Caspar: Implications? I’m gonna meet your family, like you’re gonna meet mine.
Wolfram: *sighs* You’re an idiot.
Caspar: I mean, you’re not gonna catch me saying I’m not, but what brought that on? Did I do something?
Wolfram: *fidgeting* How did you plan on introducing me to your family?
Caspar: My partner, of course!
Wolfram: *chokes* Partner-
Caspar: Aren’t we?! We’re unstoppable- wait, your hands on my face-mmpph!
Wolfram: ...
Caspar: mmph… That- that was a kiss. Did you- did you just kiss me.
Wolfram: … Yes, you idiot.
Caspar: *claps* AH! So it’s THAT kind of introducing to the family! I get it now! Hahaha!
Caspar, blushing: Oh, now I’m getting embarrassed, hah! Gods, I don’t think I know what to say now, especially after accepting everything without knowing what it all meant!
Wolfram: … Do you regret it?
Caspar: Hell no! C’mere you, and give me more of that! Mmmm!
Wolfram: Mmph! Y-you-
Caspar: Puahah! Turns out kissing you is WAY better than drinking the night away! Give me more!
Wolfram, blushing: A-anytime you want, of course, but- are you really okay with me? With… all of this?
Caspar: Hah! Do I look like I think too much? What matters is that we’re gonna be together, Wolf. And man, it took you to kiss me to realize how much I love being with you! Heck, I love YOU!
Wolfram: *sniffles* Oh, Caspar… I love you, too...
Caspar: Haha! Now bring those lips here...
Wolfram: So hasty...
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