mothicality · 8 months
Posting this to see if anyone else is like this, or maybe anyone has some thoughts on this?
Everyone's allowed to interact with this post, including (especially! I want your thoughts!) anti-endos and others who are against us, don't believe we exist, etc.
Keep in mind this post discusses plurality outside DID and OSDD-1, not Endogenic DID/OSDD-1 (which we do not believe in). We're not here to argue about that.
So, we're mixed origins, mainly traumagenic but also significantly endogenic, and we're definitely not disordered plurality-wise or related (ex. dissociation, amnesia, etc.) - just to say, we are definitely not a dissociative system, so not DID or OSDD-1.
We're lucky to never really have experienced fakeclaiming personally, but of course we're aware of the whole endo debate, the great question - "Are endos real?"
Well, as a (partially) endogenic house (system)... I don't care..?
Our opinions on it vary a little, but for the most part, we just... don't care if our House is 'objectively real', if any of us are.
We care about what we experience, and what we experience is being several, so that's what we are. We don't care if we'd show up on brain scans or are otherwise objectively provable, we don't care if it's proven we aren't real, the only thing that matters to us is our experiences and the claimed experiences of others, not the 'objective truth'.
There's so much about whether or not we're real, and we see others doubting their realness so much, and I guess I just don't understand why it matters outside validation, and if it's all about external validation, that just seems unhealthy.
It doesn't matter to us if we're real or not, just that we experience ourselves how we do, and that this is how we live our best lives.
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mothicality · 9 months
so cal has this obsession with a fictional character (astarion bg3 it's Bad lmfao), like he makes wretched noises and collapses whenever he sees him, and we're all really low separation and i'm especially cal adjacent, so makes sense we'd all be like that, right?
except. i am, so incredibly not. like i still have a soft spot for him but i'm not Into him like cal is. he is very adorable but i'm not crying on the floor just because he exists
it's just cool to see how we have all our differences. wonder how moth is about him since its out pretty often and has played bg3, can't remember :/
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mothicality · 8 months
messing around with pronouns.cc and giving us all titles lol might add them to our member intros when i finally get that posted?
currently at:
Cal ;; The Main Guy (pre-existing title)
Moth ;; The Tiny Thing (somewhat pre-existing)
Cas\ettica ;; The ⛧ Entigul
Ezi ;; The Beloved Boy
so theyre all building off things we already are- Cal's been calling himself The Main Guy as a sorta title for a while, and Moth's been a Tiny Thing/Tiny Ting for a while as well, just not super used as a title, and of course Ezi's always been The Most Specialest Beloved Boy for a while as well
mine's my symbol (pk/sp) and then a word that's a mix of "Entity" and "Gul"/"Gull", Gul being a mix of Guy and Gal that we made years ago. Cause, y'know, I'm some kinda entity aligned, and I'm not really a Gal, not really a Guy, I'm an Entigul.
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mothicality · 8 months
went through all out posts to update our tagging system, so if theres any wonkyness or missing tags...sorry i shouldve been asleep for half an hour at this point im not fixing it lol
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