alyssabct · 5 years
T&T (Teamwork Trivia) Testing
After creating our first prototype of T&T we went straight to testing. We had a group of 6 people who were then split into two teams. The two teams were given two different methods of answering the trivia questions. This was to display the difference between how individuals respond to questions based on external cues.
Team 1 answering the trivia together with a 10-second limit - Collaborative Team 2 answering the trivia separately, without discussing their answers together, instead they answer immediately with whatever comes to mind - Autonomous
These were our findings:
Team 1 seemed to shout out whatever came to mind, without using the 10 seconds that they had been given to debate the answers. However, after being reminded to use the 10 seconds and because of questions that they found challenging they began to work more as a group. As we got the last questions the began to still discuss the question even if they had it right, this shows how in a short span they were able to adapt and improve their communication skills, they learnt to talk amongst themselves and approve of something together rather than one for themselves.
Team 2 only got answers right whenever the loudest person was, it was evident that the loudest person had the authority and managed to speak over the group the most. Every time they missed an opportunity to get the answer right, or they were wrong the showed disappointment and frustration towards each other and themselves. What this showed us was that communication is key to a working team when you relegate a team to be ‘every man for himself’ they often fight, have less confidence in themselves and the team and most interestingly have to find different ways to be heard, for instance, Max uses non-verbal language (his hands) twice to answer the question.
Some issues to address:
What we may need are more questions and a timer. From here we need to improve the questions, the wording of them and find multiple ways that we can demonstrate an improvement to team building and confidence.
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gracehcreates-bct · 5 years
20/03/19 Reflection of Assignment
After finishing our first assignment, I almost feel like I am a different person to when I started.
What I discovered about the process: - Didn’t realize how much and how often our ideas would change throughout the process - I had no idea how fast we were going with the progress in the first week, because I didn’t realize that there would be slides teaching us the whole design process, so our first idea/s were quite ambitious in the time given - Many ideas can be greatly improved by allowing them to be put in the minds of others - It’s okay to not agree with someone’s thoughts and ideas (in some cases it is more beneficial disagreeing, as it widens the perception of everyone in the group and creates open-minded thinking) - The pure magic of having everyone’s individual personalities and abilities fit together like jigsaw pieces
Things I would change if I were to do it again: - Prioritize just getting it done rather than trying to perfect each individual aspect - Organize set roles so everyone knows what they are doing at what time - Play test on different age areas to see if anything would change - Do more research to have better informed statements and concepts
Reflection of myself throughout the assignment: - I became less of a perfectionist - Learnt to appreciate the process rather than the outcome - Less scared of failure, which often prevents me from working on things to my full potential - Better at allowing myself to be seen and heard by others - Developed a liking for leadership and being able to assist, co-ordinate and direct the team to make the process smoother
I greatly appreciated collaborating with all of the lovely people in my team, they all helped me to enjoy the assignment that much more than I normally would, and encouraged me to be myself :)
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whereisthebreaddd · 5 years
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Our first brainstorming sheet> extending off of the core idea~ an experience for the players to create a nonexistent word and give it a definition. Our core aesthetic pillars are Challenge & Expression, and our sub aesthetics are Fantasy & Discovery.
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regybct-blog · 5 years
Cards for play Days 3-5 (Wed 27 Feb to Monday 4th March)
Day 3: On this day we had hit a wall with our initial project (musical cards) and because of this we had hit some sort of a slump and we were kind of demotivated towards what we were doing (personally I believe that the lack/loss of motivation was due to the fact that our initial project didnt have a propper purpose/ intention for it)
After a few minutes (by few i mean half an hour or so) of going on multiple tangents. we had come up with a new idea with which had a legitimate drive for our intention/ purpose. this idea was to create a set of cards that didn’t necessarily facilitate Play... the experience that we had come up with stems from the fact that i was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and due to this our experience involves ways that help people cope with their anxiety
Day 4: On day 4 we made what i dub the “great” wall of ideas. this was created when under the STFU aka the shut the fuck up excercise ran by charles, this excercise was fun as all we did was write random ideas based on our experience (mostly verbs) i may or may not have injured my hand by slapping my idea on the wall to hard ... hahahaha *nervous laughter*
day5: On this day we had further evolved our idea from solely making a dissolvable tea card to making more things like a card that when squeezed/rubbed gives off certain scent such as lavender as it has been proven to be a sent that soothes. Photos will come later
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leegante · 5 years
Today in class I got put into a new group because this week is my first week for BCT. we discussed the core values of our projects and general respect. We also talked about the design of our project and what it could be. The game right now is aimed at students and dormmates, that must cook for each other on different nights. This game is based on cards which student draw and what type of card they draw has a certain ingredient they must use. This gets students to eat healthier and learn to cook instead of eating junk food. This encourages students to eat healthier, try to cook different type of cultural cuisines, and the respect they give to other cultures aspect. For that, we are considering people who are vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, and more. We are also considering adding like hints on the card, for example, like Avoid overcooking vegetables.
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doko37 · 5 years
Cards for play reflection
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After 3 weeks, the cardsforplay project comes to an end. The prototype we created was lackluster and mediocre. According to a few (including Ben Kenobi) this project had a lot of potential. However due to the lack of planning and a real solid grasp of our concepts, we created a card that tried to satisfy too many play aesthetics at once.
During the planning stage, many concepts popped up. Some good some bad. As we tried to filter the bad ones and refine the good ones, we ended up with too many concepts that were very plausible. The lack of planning came from all the time we spent on struggling to decide which concept to stick with. This being the reason as to why our cards have no strong play aesthetics but a few weak ones.
We found ourselves doing the majority of the work, after the first 2 weeks. Giving us little time to do a lot. If I learnt anything from this project, It would be the importance of planning. It’s like the domino effect, awful planning will lead to an awful result, regardless of skill and talent (especially with a strict deadline).
I don’t think It was a failure, But we could have done much better. At the end of the day, I’m glad we took a risk and went for something a bit more out of our comfort zones.
gucci gang.
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robobertt · 5 years
marking is hard
During reflecting week the class was given the task of marking another person and or groups card for play project. in my opinion judging another persons work is always difficult as a person can often show bias towards people they know. I also find it difficult as im UN-critical whilst anyalising other people. this leads to poor marking. i still did it how ever and found that i typically marked our group lower than the rest. im not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but whilst i was marking i found many holes in my groups cards for play. this of course allowed me to reflect on the project which i think was the main purpose of this week.
......still in progress.
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davideastman-bct · 5 years
Reflective Statement
I mainly learnt three things from the creative process during the Cards for Play project. They were how to work in a team, importance of prototyping/play testing and moving past ideas during brainstorming.
I have never worked in a team for an extended period of time before. At most just for a day. So the way teams work together tend to be difficult for me since I can come across as anti-social and quiet. I also have trouble communicating with people I am not familiar with which leads to much frustration and avoidance, if possible, on my part. I had to learn how communicate with my team mainly by necessity due to me becoming sick and not being able to go to uni since I did not want to infect other people. Thankfully my group was quite accommodating of this fact and I tried to do as much as I could from home, even if it was only question research.
I have come up with multiple ideas and concepts for many different projects over the last couple of years. Some good ones and some not so much. However my main ones I tried working on required materials and physical prototypes which required money I did not have. So due to this I mainly thought and designed them in theory only. This lead to making slow progress when I ran into problems since I could only simulate possible answers to perceived problems. So I found the play testing phase quite an eye opener on how quickly problems were found and fixed since there was no need to think in-depth. We could just play test a possible solution and see if it worked which is a lot quicker and easier than what I have previously been doing.
I must admit coming up with ideas are not difficult for me. I can think up many different ideas in a small amount of time and then discard most of them for various reasons. However, when I find a suitable idea I tend to get stuck for a variable period of time. I found this happened during the brainstorming phase when I struggled to pitch my idea for multiple days. This was mainly due to my lack of people skills which I found slightly frustrating. However, when I finally pitched my idea I found it much easier to move on from that idea and on to the next one. This experience combined with aspects of the STFU exercise Charles lead, I should have less problems with getting stuck on ideas in future projects.
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stastacyana · 5 years
I’ve selected three groups that I’m interested in and to make this evaluation.
The average score of Group1 is A, they have given full play to their novel creativity and imagination, giving us a beautiful and attractive work, from design to game content. But they spend too much time on making the game so that they do not have enough time to test the game, if they do enough tests I think they will be better.
The average score of Group 2 is B, their design is very interesting, they combine electronic technology into their cards, making their cards more suitable and convenient for the people nowadays.
The average score of Group 3 is A-, they fully and clearly documented their creative process and have a large number of pics and their card design is very delicate, the rules of the game are also designed to be simple and easy to understand. However, there is a lack of new ideas in the game creation compared to the first group.  
Last is about myself assess, I gave myself a C, I didn’t do detailed to write my creative process, and I think our game uses enough critical thinking to evaluate and improve our game but we are lack of new ideas in the game creation. After I visited other groups’  the design of their game, I think we just designed the approximate appearance of our game and did not pay much attention to the production, although we have tried to make the rules of the game easy to understand and attractive...
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as-bct · 5 years
Cards For Play - Reflection; “Brain Dump”
Creative Technologies Studio 1.
Personal comment:
I personally thought that we should’ve not started nurturing an idea our team thought about at the start. We originally went for an idea of bringing people into a booth and using the cards as a way for them to get to know each other. I felt like we restricted our creativity at that time because we didn’t really ‘kill the baby’ - to get rid of the idea and explore an even better one; however, we decided to stick with the booth concept and started building up to it. It was not until day 8 that I tried to let go and forget about the booth concept and decided to explore a better one. So I introduced a card game which matched all the criteria which they all seemed to like, and we went with that concept which we nurtured and gave us the result we have now. - This made me realize that following instructions from the lecturer are a must and to not be afraid of getting rid of an idea but rather explore and discover for a better one.
Teams comment:
Ashton commented on how our team should’ve not spent a huge amount of time deciding and discussing the rules of the game but rather prototyping and critique it. I also agree with this because of every after prototype, we would add or change an idea which ruins the flow of the experience.
Gohanne doesn’t agree with the ‘Russian theme’ of the game because she just personally doesn’t like it I'm guessing. I wasn’t really a fan of it at the start however the users which we tested it on seemed to have liked it and made the explanation of the game easier for them to understand which I praise.
The rest seems really chill about it.
What we could've done better:
Not restrict our creativity.
Try to explore ideas that would still match the criteria.
Not being afraid to let go of an idea.
Communicate personal thoughts rather than keeping it in.
Our team discussed the positivity side of it and we were really really proud of ourselves despite the obstacles that came across us. This is because we all worked together to get around through and made wise/creative solutions to produce something that most of the class enjoyed and admired.
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alyssabct · 5 years
Design Process - Finalising
At the start of Friday morning, I developed a new design for the cards utilising my knowledge of colour theory. 
As a group, we acknowledged the connotations that the following colours exerted was appropriate for our varying Levels of Difficulty and categorising each card. The colours and design we chose were as follows:
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Blue - The dark blue represents strength and reliability whilst the combination with the light blue that is often associated with calmness and relaxation. For the easiest level, it made sense to us as a group to have calm and reliable meaning/association to the colour.
Green - Green is associated with stability and can be representative of affluence. For medium difficulty, it represents the medium and equilibrium of knowledge. 
Red - This colour is often associated with importance and also indicates danger. As the Hard level, we wanted to express its importance and envoke danger (red stop sign). I used a muted version of red as it would've been overwhelming and overpowering amongst the other cards.
Black - Black is often a symbol in games and sport as the hardest known levels to play, for example, Black Diamond slopes in skiing. We wanted to relate back to this to represent our hardest level. 
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Additionally, I modified the back of the cards design, to match the colour of the card from the front. As well as the point system as we changed it after Play-Test 6. This way teams can identify the level of difficulty/category easier. Now I need to complete the questions and answers on each card and create the design for the Rule Book.
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gracehcreates-bct · 5 years
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28/02, Day 4
Today the lesson was centered around ideas and how we can get them fast. The exercise was to individually stick our ideas to the wall, and then to connect them with string, thus making a thought process but visually.
After seeing everyone in my team’s ideas and thoughts, we were able to come up with concepts that everyone could agree on. 
Some of the ideas included:
- Card involving spinning mechanics
- Card that had bubbles to pop
- Card made with (chamomile) tea leaves
Image is a reference to the first stage of creating ideas.
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whereisthebreaddd · 5 years
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Final card design:
This is the final card design finalised by Josiah and put together by Nat. The cards turned out much better than we expected them to, and the cards turned out thicker as well. At this point, our priority is to finish cutting out the rest of cards on Monday.
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lachlanbctsmith · 5 years
TnT development process
This project was in collaboration with the following members 
Matt Hopwood - Play Mechanics, Research 
Kaelin Behrens - Play Mechanics, Research
Alyssa Kerrigan - Design, Presentation, Research 
Callan Buchanan - Design, Presentation, Research 
David Eastman - Misc. 
Lachlan Smith - Play Mechanics, Research 
Chronological list of my blog posts. 
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ashtoncreative · 5 years
Cards for Play - The final day
We all arrived in class at 10 am today. Our goal was to completely finish EVERYTHING. That included printing out the cards, the rules, cut them all, filming our video and my personal goal was to finish my individual write up as well. Gohanne and I lay all of our designs we made out into an A3 pdf canvas, which took ages since we were trying to also figure out how to make them perfectly double sided. I designed the back of the Topic Cards then sent it so we could continue working on the layouts. Gohanne and I were able to finish laying the cards out so we then went down to PinkLime to get our cards printed, we got turned down once but came back and got it done the second time. Gohanne saw that on the cards shifted slightly which caused the backs to not line with the front of the cards which meant that one every single card there is some white which is a little bit annoying.  Here is what our cards looked like although I forgot to take a photo of the annoying white parts:
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Once we finally got all the cards ready we started to do our playtest video in order to show that to the class. Kent and Anwell were the main filmings/directors while Chris was the main actor playing the role of The Decktator with a pretty decent Russain accent. Chris bought us all fake moustaches and bought himself a cap to look more like a typical dictator. The footage was dark and trash but luckily the videos don’t need to be amazing to pass. Anwell has taken all of the footage home and has been working on the video while I have been working on my individual write up, I can’t wait to finish.
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natpeabct · 5 years
Rad Scientists
As a group we have zeroed in on an educational game. Initially we were hesitant as it wasn’t one of the eight aesthetics of play however we feel as though discovery and expression are our core pillars. 
Today Charles ran an exercise where we all were given post-it notes and and to silently write down as many ideas pertaining to our core aim as possible and as quickly as possible. This was to shut us up and give a platform for everyone to contribute without being drowned out by others with more volume. This worked well for us and we produce lots of ideas that we aim to incorporate into our interactive play. Having “loud” and “quiet” people in a group setting is inevitable and there has to be an understanding within that group of how to not have anyone person overbearing and shadowing others ideas, loud or quiet your ideas are valuable and this exercise gave everyones ideas value.  
The picture attached is the outcome of our shut up exercise and the string connecting them is the “mad scientist” aspect of it as we connected the ideas that dealt with similar aspects eg. game mechanics. 
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As we move forward with our project we have begun looking at other games that share similarities with ours. Four of these being Scrabble, Balderdash, Fibbage and Story Dice. All four share an English language and/or creativity aspect. We hope to compare, contrast and explore the different mechanics/styles and aesthetics and use that as fuel for any changes. 
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