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heightscarcare · 1 year
If you are looking for proper wheel alignment, then come with your car at our Auto Shop located at 1320 Main Street #1, Billings, MT 59105. Call 406-259-4740
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Hisham Aidi writes:
Exactly 20 years ago I was running around Cairo trying to find people who had met Malcolm X. I spoke to Jamal al-Banna (liberation theologian, trade unionist & youngest brother of Hasan al Banna) and David Du Bois (journalist, Maoist & jazzhead and step-son of W.E.B. Du Bois. They were both very helpful in making sense of MX's thought.
(The image below is from Al Bilad, a Saudi newspaper (in July 1964) -- it's one of my favorite interviews with MX, where the interviewer tells Hajj Shabazz – I don’t understand why you describe yourself as black, when you’re actually “wheat-colored;” MX laughs and proceeds to explain the “one drop rule” and how race works in America.
In this long-acoming essay, I discuss the globalization of MX's image over the last 20 years; MX's time in Egypt, Ghana, and Saudi; his interest in setting up a branch of Al-Azhar in Harlem & how in Sept 1964 (following months of training) he was appointed an official representative of the (Salafi) Muslim World League and hoped to make Muslim Mosque Inc a "legal branch of the Muslim World League" - also in Harlem; also discussed -- the controversy surrounding the 2011 Marable biography, and the once published - now off the market - slightly redacted travel diary of MX.
"‘I have difficulty praying. My big toe is not used to it,’ Malcolm told his diary on April 20, 1964 shortly after arriving in Mecca. Having recently left the Nation of Islam with their practices, he was still acclimating to sitting on his knees during prayer. Despite the pain, the following day he embarks on the journey to Mount Arafat, part of the hajj pilgrimage, joining ‘hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, all colors, buses, car, camel, donkey & foot.’ Mecca, he writes, is surrounded by the: "cruelest looking mts [mountains] I’ve ever seen. They seem to be made of the waste material from a blast furnace. No vegetation on them at all. The houses are old & modern. Some sections of the city are no different than when the Prophet Abraham was here over 4000 [years ago] – other sections look like a Miami suburb.
Wandering among the pilgrims, he describes the rituals, the seven stones cast at the devil, the circumambulating of the kaaba, and observes,‘This would be an anthropologist’s paradise.’
The diaries also provide a firsthand account of Malcolm’s travels in Egypt, Ghana, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia in 1964. There’s Malcolm crossing Tahrir Square to buy some lemonade at Groppi’s, a still-existing pastry shop; then he’s buying pajamas, picking up vitamin C tablets (because he’s feeling kind of “woozy”), going to the movies, and so on.
Malcolm X is a powerful optic through which to understand America’s post-war ascendance and expansion into the Middle East. His is the perspective of a ghetto-dweller who has transcended the borders drawn around him.‘[A]s though I had stepped out of prison,’ he writes, when he travels abroad. The diaries – several notebooks of single-spaced hand- writing – show an anthropologist’s eye. Malcolm comments on the landscape, the politics, cultural and religious differences, with humorous asides. When a friend arrives late, he quips, ‘Arab time!!’ At one point, he observes, ‘The worst most dangerous habit among Arab Muslims is cigarettes. They smoke constantly, even on the Hajj.’ There are also personal reflections on his mood, health and intense solitude.The words ‘lonesome’ and ‘alone’ appear on almost every other page. His thoughts on Saudi Arabia support the standard narrative that the hajj was transformative.
Yet the diaries show something else: when not in Arabia, Malcolm seemed to enjoy being away from his role as a religious leader, and away from religious strictures as well.Whether in Ghana, Guinea, Kenya or Egypt, he immerses himself in the cultural life of these newly independent states, and the younger Malcolm, the music aficionado, resurfaces, as he frequents night-clubs and dance centers again. In Nairobi, he goes to see his friend Gee Gee sing at the Equator Club, and then accompanies Vice-president Oginga Odinga to a party at the Goan Institute of Dance. (‘The PM is a good dancer, remarkably for his age,’ he writes.) In Guinea, he attends a wedding party, then goes to a nightclub and,‘watche[s] some Americans from the Ship-hope try to dance.’ He rejoices in seeing newly independent states shunt aside European colonial music and celebrate their own musical traditions. In Accra – accompanied by Maya Angelou – he attends a party at the Ghana Press Club and enjoys ‘Highlife,’ which would become the country’s national music (Angelou 1986, 134). But it’s mostly in Egypt, which he saw as the bridge between Africa and Asia, a key player in the Non-Aligned Movement, that he spent the most time and experienced the most cultural immersion.
The story of Egyptian jazz dates back to the Harlem Renaissance, when African-American musicians who had settled in Paris, ventured east. In December 1921, Eugene Bullard, the Georgia-born military pilot, drummer and prize fighter, traveled from Paris to Alexandria, Egypt. For six months, he played with the jazz ensemble at the Hotel Claridge, and fought two fights while in Egypt (Lloyd 2000, 79). A decade later, the blues singer Alberta Hunter followed suit, singing in Istanbul and Cairo (Shack 2001, 43). The trumpeter and vocalist Bill Coleman would live in Cairo from 1939 to 1940, leading the Harlem Rhythmakers/Swing Stars. As Islam began to take hold in American cities and within jazz circles, Muslim jazz musicians would journey to Egypt. In 1932, an African-American Muslim with a saxophone turned up in Cairo, saying that he was working his way to Mecca (Berger 1964). With America’s post-war ascent, jazz would spread around the world carried by servicemen, Hollywood and Voice of America broadcasts. In 1958, the bassist Jamil Nasir, trumpeter Idrees Sulieman, and pianist Oscar Dennard traveled to Tangier, where a VOA relay station would broadcast Willis Conover’s Jazz Hour to listeners behind the Iron Cur- tain, where they recorded an album. They then went on to Cairo. In the Egyptian capital, the thirty-two-year-old Dennard would fall ill and die from typhoid fever; he would be buried in the city, his grave a regular stop for visiting jazz musicians.
All to say, by the time David Du Bois arrived in Cairo in 1960, there was already a local jazz scene and the State Department had launched its jazz diplomacy tours aimed at countering Soviet propaganda. Du Bois and his friends – with the support of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture – would try to create a music culture different from that sponsored by the US government. The Egyptian government was also leery of the jazz tours, and turned back ‘jambassador’ Dizzy Gillespie at Cairo airport in 1956 following the Suez War.
This was the buoyant cultural moment that Malcolm X encounters when he arrives in July 1964. Egypt is flourishing culturally, a regional leader in music, cinema and litera- ture. Malcolm’s diary entries from Egypt confirm the events and personalities described in Du Bois’ novel. David Du Bois is working as an announcer at Radio Cairo, and lobbying Egyptian officials to have his father’s books – especially Black Flame Trilogy – translated. (Black Boy by Richard Wright was the only work of African-American literature available in Arabic, he would write to his mother in November 1960; he wanted the government to translate Lorraine Hansberry’s Raisin in the Sun and Langston Hughes’ primer on jazz.) The local jazz scene was feeding off musical trends in the US, as American jazz artists wrote compositions in honor of Africa and Afro-Asian solidarity. Malcolm would soak up the scene in Cairo and Alexandria, attending weddings and concerts, socializing at Cairo’s elite social clubs, sailing down the Nile to the Valley of Kings. It’s in Cairo that he meets Fifi, a Swiss woman who works for the UN, and who is quite smitten by him. All along, of course, he is networking with regime officials and scholars hoping to build a branch of Al-Azhar in Harlem.When he travels from Cairo to Saudi Arabia for hajj, he is struck by how culturally barren the kingdom is compared to Egypt.
The diaries in effect show a man who has landed smack in the middle of the ‘Arab Cold War’ of the early 1960s, which pitted Nasser’s Egypt and her socialist allies against Saudi Arabia and the conservative monarchies backed by the US. As part of the Non-Aligned Movement, Nasser had stepped up his rhetorical attacks on American-allied monarchies in the region, through Radio Cairo, denouncing the royals for their social conservatism and alliance with the West. Music was at the heart of this propaganda effort, as top musicians were enlisted to sing the praises of ‘our destiny’ and ‘historical leader.’ And the expat jazz artists were solidly on the Egyptian side. One of the musicians, saxophonist Othman Karim, would set up the Cairo Jazz Quartet and record a track called ‘Yayeesh Nasser’ (‘Long Live Nasser’) (Du Bois 1964, 47). Karim would go on to collaborate with Salah Ragab, a young drummer and major in the Egyptian army, who would become Egypt’s most famous jazz musician, working with Sun Ra and Randy Weston.2 When Malcolm X arrives in Cairo, he negotiates this cultural tug of war, hanging with the ‘bros’ but also listening to jazz with Morroe Berger, a Princeton Arabist, expert on Black Muslims and organizer of State Department jazz tours. This contest is subtly rendered in Du Bois’ novel. Both Ragab and Karim make appearances – as characters named Salah Janin and Muhammad X – performing at the Cairo Jazz Combo.The Saudis would soon respond to Nasser’s cultural diplomacy, creating a radio station with religious broadcasts. In 1964, they launched their own ideological offensive, setting up the Muslim World League, to mobilize various Islamist groups to counter the spread of socialism and secular Arab nationalism."
Hisham Aidi, “Du Bois, Ghana and Cairo Jazz: The Geo-Politics of Malcolm X” https://www.academia.edu/36710145/Du_Bois_Ghana_and_Cairo_Jazz_The_Geo-Politics_of_Malcolm_X
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quillpowered · 4 years
The end of August marked a lot of change in our lives, especially where Josh is concerned. On Monday, both Josh and Elijah started the new school year..
Elijah, who started the 2nd grade, is attending school in person four days a week. The kids need to wear masks the entire time that they are in school. The process for picking up your student at the end of the day has changed quite a bit, something that I experienced first-hand on Monday. Last year, we would retrieve our child from the cafeteria, but this year the procedure is to signal our readiness via an app, and then pick up your kid from the curb. Basically, it is like they took the concept of curbside pickup which has been introduced by stores like Walmart or Target and applied it towards school. The only problem is that Elijah still isn’t great about buckling himself into his car seat, so I couldn’t just take off as soon as he was in the car..
Josh is taking a math and Zoology class virtually this year. I think that he was a little overwhelmed around the middle of the day on Monday, but he’s been able to keep up with the assignments. This year, Shepherd High School switched to a new application called Zoology for communications and assignments. This has been interesting for me, because Schoology was one of the many education applications that I dug into while I was researching effective user interfaces for students. Back then, it was all theoretical, but now I am seeing it put actual use and participating as a parent.
Students at Shepherd Public Schools are home on Wednesdays so that the buildings can be deep cleaned. So, this means that Elijah will be home on Wednesday, but homework packets are being sent home for 2nd graders. Josh has video calls with his teachers on Wednesdays.
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Josh started a new cancer treatment last Friday. This marked a way from the Avastin infusions, and is the first time that we’ve administered a drug to him since his chemotherapy ended in December. However, his chemotherapy was one week on for a month, and then the rest of the weeks off, so there was a bit of a breather. The drugs he is on now he has to take at exactly the same time every day. He also needs to have blood drawn, much as he routinely did for his chemotherapy, but the time we have to go to a hospital which is affiliated with Spectrum because of the nature of the tests that need to be done. It was nice when we could just drive over to the hospital in Mt. Pleasant, but right now that’s a thing of the past. Fortunately, there is such a hospital in Lakeview which is less than an hour away, so we’re not required to drive to Grand Rapids. The blood tests measure how much of the drug remain in his body, so the blood must be drawn at exactly 10 a.m. Josh has blood tests every Tuesday.
The blood tests will help tell Josh’s doctors two things. One, it will help detect any health concerns related to the anti-cancer drugs. Second, they are measuring the “trough levels.” If things look good, the dosage for one of the pills Josh is taking will be increased. So, he is taking it twice a day.
The first day he started the new drugs, he threw up quite a bit and things were looking a little rough. But, since then his body seems to be tolerating the medication. We hope that this new approach will be a turning point in his overall treatment.
Josh has also been making big strides in his physical therapy. He was recently fitted for two new hand braces which help to stretch his fingers out when he’s sleeping, and when he is practicing picking up objects. I have enjoyed seeing the new focus which is being put on his hand and his arm, and the success he has been having with completing tasks like putting on his hat or picking up cones with his right hand. These are tasks we all take for granted, but for him they are big achievements.
For me, the start of a new school year often makes me feel anxious. I’m not sure why, given that I haven’t personally been in school for twenty-five years. But, it does sometimes feel like we go to school with our kids, as they bring home work they need help with or we attend meetings with teachers. September also a reminder of the passage of time, indicated by the start of a new school year, but also significant because I’m a year older on the 24th. Actually, Kayla, Theresa, and I are all a year older. It is also the start of Fall weather, bringing us closer to winter.
This September is particularly poignant because it will mark the one year anniversary of the day when I found out that I was being laid off from EduGuide. So, we are nearly to the point where I’ve been unemployed for a year. This isn’t the longest that I’ve been unemployed, but I’d like to believe that I’ve put everything I have into getting a new position. Initially, I felt confident that I would “slide” into a new position easily, but then as many of my applications returned no responses, and the responses that did come back were “no thank yous,” I started to get a little more worried. The job interviews seemed to slow down around the holidays, something I expected, but then seemed to pick up again around the end of January and February. It seemed that things were warming up the closer we got to Spring, but then of course COVID19 hit the US, and the state shut down around March. I know that there were some employers who had to rethink their entire hiring process so that it fit within the social distancing requirements. Long story short, it is difficult to hold meetings and schmooze with candidates during a pandemic.
Job hunts have always been a challenge for me, so I’ve been fortunate to have land the jobs that I’ve had. However, it seems that the stakes are far bigger now than they ever were the other times that I was unemployed. A job means food on the table, coverage for Josh, paying our bills, and gas for our cars. Another wrinkle is that I need a job that allows me to stay at home, or else there is nobody to watch after Josh while he’s home, or Elijah when he’s home on Wednesdays. I know that this is a concern that many parents must have when they sign their kids up for virtual classes.
There are a lot of uncertainties in our life right now. These include my job hunt, the election, pandemic, and Josh’s cancer treatment. The outcome of many of these decisions or issues will have huge ramifications for my family. The only thing I have control over is my own employment, and I hope to solve that issue soon. Once I have a full time job again, our other problems will feel a little smaller.
School Begins - Reflections on the start of school, cancer treatments, and my job hunt. The end of August marked a lot of change in our lives, especially where Josh is concerned.
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mikemortgage · 5 years
Why Canada — the rightful home of hockey — may never be home to another NHL franchise
John Graham is a race car driver, hockey promoter and believer in improbable dreams, an optimism he applied to his role as the point man for a group of prominent though unnamed Saskatoon businessmen who approached the NHL in 2012 with a pitch to buy the money-bleeding, league-owned Phoenix Coyotes and move them to the Prairies.
Saskatchewan at the time was booming, its economy growing by 2.9% a year, good enough to be second only to Alberta nationally. Saskatoon had grown into a city of 230,000 from less than 200,000 at the turn of the millennium, and was adding more bodies and jobs year over year, a prosperous run propelled by a robust oil sector, strength in potash and uranium mining, and the traditional farming and manufacturing sectors. Unemployment was low and the city’s NHL aspirations high, especially given that Saskatoon had already hosted several successful NHL exhibition games, and also had a 15,200-seat arena, government support and proof of concept in the nearby Winnipeg Jets — formerly the Atlanta Thrashers — that relocating to a small Canadian market could actually be a win for everybody.
Naturally, Don Cherry waded in, devoting a Coach’s Corner segment one Saturday to trumpeting Saskatoon’s NHL worthiness, and assuring Canadians of something they all surely knew: “They are hockey people,” he said. “They will sell out in 15 minutes.”
NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly even met with Graham and the Saskatoon group, meetings that produced more meetings, talks that, while cordial, weren’t enough to dislodge the Coyotes from Phoenix, where the franchise remains — a money loser still, albeit under new ownership and with a new name, the Arizona Coyotes.
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The island Canada forgot: On Campobello, citizens are left exiles in their own land
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“Business and life goes in cycles,” Graham says, looking back on those heady Saskatoon days. “For sure, when we thought there was an opportunity to go after Phoenix, Saskatchewan was on an economic high, potash was hot, oil exports were strong. It was the right window for us. Had the team gone in there, I think it would have mirrored Winnipeg’s success. We had everything lined up, but …”
It didn’t happen, not for Saskatoon, and not, more recently, for Quebec City, a locale twice spurned by the NHL in a three-year span in favour of expanding to Las Vegas and now Seattle. The NHL’s repeated snubbing of Canadian markets doesn’t seem just, morally, and it doesn’t seem to jibe with free market economic theory.
Canadians are NHL hungry. There is consumer demand for the product and corporate support, with a demonstrated belief among the business community that being associated with the league isn’t merely a branding exercise, but vital to a brand’s identity. Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire, Ford of Canada, Rogers, Bell, Bank of Nova Scotia, Kraft — and more — have a piece of the NHL action. BCE Inc. and Rogers Communications Inc. together own the majority of the Toronto Maple Leafs, in addition to Rogers controlling most of the league’s Canadian broadcasting rights. But in a proven though underserved national market, the NHL appears to be doing everything it possibly can to avoid putting in an eighth franchise.
It can be easy, even comforting, to conclude that the problem must be them: them being the league, its American-sunbelt-loving-New-York-City-headquartered commissioner, Gary Bettman, and the majority of American owners behind him, hell bent on propping up marginal franchises in Florida, Arizona and the Carolinas, while forgoing slam dunk propositions such as the Nordiques 2.0.
Much less appetizing to consider is the alternative, which is that the problem is us: our population, 75-cent dollar, relative lack of billionaire would-be hockey team owners, corporate parochialism and collective inability to grasp, or rather fully admit, that Canada, although the rightful home of hockey, may never be home to another NHL franchise.
Richard Peddie, former president and chief executive officer of Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment Ltd., says the financial prospects of an eighth Canadian NHL franchise aren’t great.
To understand why not, it helps to do the math, and who better to run the numbers than Richard Peddie, the former CEO and president of Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment Ltd., and an executive often accused of monetizing every nook of Toronto’s Air Canada Centre (now Scotiabank Arena) during his 13 years at the top. “Looking at it, the financials aren’t great,” he says of the prospects for an eighth Canadian NHL franchise. “It is a thin investment, there is not a lot of earnings in it, and you need a rich person.”
Imagine, as per Seattle, that an expansion team costs around US$650 million. If you are not Quebec City, a new arena would need to be built, costing another $200 million, give or take, assuming the new owner convinces taxpayers to pick up a chunk of the tab. Now, almost a billion dollars later — huzzah — you have yourself an NHL franchise earning, in a good year, about US$25 million before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization or, in other words, close to a zero-per-cent annual return on a huge investment.
Hence the need for a rich person, a billionaire at minimum, which in Canada limits the pool to about 100 potential buyers, seven of which — the Molsons, David Thomson, Larry Tanenbaum, the Rogers, Daryl Katz, Francesco Aquilini, Murray Edwards and Eugene Melnyk — already own, directly or indirectly through companies, at least a part of the seven existing Canadian franchises.
Winnipeg Jets co-owner David Thomson watches his team take on the Anaheim Ducks in the second period of NHL playoff action at MTS Centre in Winnipeg, Man., in 2015.
Thomson, the richest Canadian around, and Mark Chipman in 2011 paid US$170 million for the Thrashers and the right to move the team to Winnipeg. At the time, it was a boondoggle of a price for a terrible franchise with no discernible fan base in a non-traditional hockey market, and an ownership group that was slinging lawsuits at one another after losing millions for years. But Thomson was the right billionaire at the right time in the right place, willing to pay whatever the asking price was for what today amounts to a civic good-works project, with more or less break-even financials, though the Jets are now valued at US$415 million, according to Forbes.
The MTS Centre during the Winnipeg Jets and Montreal Canadiens NHL game on October 9, 2011 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The game is Winnipeg’s first NHL regular season game in 15 years.
Peddie concludes his lesson by adding that, with nominal annual returns, a hypothetical owner entering the NHL game is presumably doing so with two aims in mind: winning a Stanley Cup while betting the asset appreciates in value so that it pays off if he or she decides to sell. Of course, the buy-and-hold-and-eventually-sell sports ownership model starts to look pretty dicey when the price tag up front is a billion dollars and when a hypothetical team is located in a secondary Canadian market, such as Saskatoon or Quebec City.
Yet no matter how bad the math looks, or how far the loonie dips, this is still Canada and fans will pay to watch a team (think, Edmonton) loaded with talent repeatedly fall short of expectations and fail to make the playoffs. It is the kind of loyalty (lunacy?) that doesn’t exist in, say, Arizona, Florida or Carolina — or Ottawa, for that matter — suggesting that Quebec City should hold some allure as a potential destination for an NHL franchise. Right?
A Winnipeg Jets fan looks for tickets for the Jets inaugural game against the Montreal Canadiens at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg, Oct. 9, 2011.
We put the question to Bill Daly, Bettman’s second-in-command. “I’m not prepared to say that Quebec is not a viable market for a future NHL franchise,” he says via email. “And I’m not prepared to say that future opportunities will not present themselves. Every situation is fact- and circumstance-specific, and I would certainly not rule out the possibility of facts and circumstances aligning in the future so as to create a new opportunity.”
In other words: Quebec City is neither on nor definitively off the table, and remains a Plan B (or C or D) with a fully paid-for, publicly-funded arena, a rivalry with Montreal waiting to be resumed and an eager fan base itching to buy tickets, sweaters and overpriced pints at concession stands.
Daly goes on to say that “further expansion” was not a priority at the moment, though he allowed that as long as there is a demand and “assuming that further expansion is ultimately perceived to benefit the league as a whole, it will be duly considered and may well happen.”
Expansion, of course, is one way to get a team. The other is a relocation scenario, where a U.S.-based dumpster-fire of a hockey situation reaches Atlanta Thrashers-sized proportions, and the team/league cries uncle and heads north. Cast against this scenario is Bettman, a man who hates to admit failure, and rightly so, because failing is bad for business. If teams are seen as portable and relocation is always viewed as an option, there is little incentive for fans, so the argument goes, to invest — practically, financially and emotionally — in a franchise that might be gone tomorrow. At the same time, if the NHL hopes to grow its overall fan base and tap into previously untapped corporate dollars, it needs to expand into markets where new hockey converts might be, not where the fans already are (Quebec, Saskatoon, Anytown Canada).
The NHL’s existing strategy might even be paying off, depending on one’s perspective. Auston Matthews, Maple Leafs star and a former No. 1 overall NHL pick, grew up in the Phoenix suburbs as a Coyotes fan; the Arizona State University men’s hockey team in nearby Tempe has emerged as a U.S. college hockey power; and youth hockey enrolment in the state has quadrupled since the Coyotes arrived in 1996. Hockey has a toehold in Arizona, like it or not. Equally evident is that the Coyotes continue to lose gobs of money, reportedly close to US$20 million a year.
The red ink didn’t bother Daryl Jones. As a kid in Alberta, Jones grew up worshipping Oilers great Paul Coffey, and eventually left home to play hockey at Yale University, before graduating into the world of high finance. In 2013, he and a bunch of other rich Albertans bought the sad-sack Coyotes from the NHL for US$170 million. “We thought, No. 1, that NHL franchise values would go up, and that has largely proven to be true,” Jones says from Connecticut, where he now lives. “It would also enable us to make money when we sold out — the rising tide of franchise values.”
Jones and his partners learned some valuable lessons about hockey in the desert during nearly four years as NHL owners, chiefly: the Coyotes have a loyal fan base; the team’s arena couldn’t be located in a worse spot in terms of fans accessing it for weeknight games; financial losses are hard to stem; and Bettman is sticking by Arizona — at least for now. Their bet on increasing franchise values, meanwhile, paid off. They essentially doubled an initial US$45-million equity investment, selling to U.S. hedge fund manager, and now lone Coyotes owner, Andrew Barroway in 2017. (Barroway is shopping for new partners, and has valued the Coyotes at US$500 million).
Jones now owns a piece of a junior team in Dubuque, Iowa. He believes that Quebec City could work as an NHL market, but that the determining factor for the league forever hinges upon one crucial element. “They look at it as, What is the best business proposition for us?” he says. “I don’t think it has anything to do with whether it is a Canadian or an American team.” In other words, it’s all about the money.
Canadian franchises generate revenues in Canadian dollars, while paying players in U.S. funds. Add in U.S. travel expenses, and the cost of operating minor league franchises, typically based in the U.S., and the pressure exerted on a Canadian franchise’s financial well-being by a weakened dollar is significant. Canadian teams can hedge, buying up greenbacks when the loonie is strong and spending them in times when it’s not. But hedging also costs money, and it involves risk. The NHL salary cap has taken some of the bite out of currency fluctuations, as has league-wide revenue sharing, but there is no absolute cure for it, nor will there ever be.
Take, as an example, Dustin Byfuglien, a linchpin of the Winnipeg defence, a fan favourite with a US$8-million-per-season contract whose true cost to the Jets when counted in Canadian currency is $10.5 million. Winnipeg’s total salary expenditure for 2018-19, before player bonuses, is US$71.8 million, or about $94 million Canadian — and that’s operating with a dollar worth about 76 cents U.S. The lower the dollar dips, the worse the math looks. Remember: it was a 65-cent dollar and ballooning player salaries in the mid-’90s that chased the Quebec City Nordiques to Denver — to be recast as the Colorado Avalanche — and the Jets (version 1.0) to Phoenix.
Patrick Roy holds the Stanley Cup aloft after the Canadiens won the Stanley Cup in 1993.
More disheartening than the dollar is the competition Quebec City has faced in recent expansion wars. Las Vegas is an entertainment mecca and sports gambling hub, while metropolitan Seattle is home to 3.8 million souls and several Fortune 500 company headquarters, including Microsoft Corp., Starbucks Corp., Costco Wholesale Corp., Nordstrom Inc. and a little company called Amazon.com Inc. Quebec City is chiefly home to a provincial government and a pension fund investor.
“If you compare, for example, the opportunity in Seattle versus Quebec City, it is a no-brainer,” says Peddie, the former MLSE boss. “When you start comparing Seattle to other Canadian markets, like a Saskatoon, it doesn’t even warrant a conversation. Out of all the NHL owners, maybe a couple have been to Quebec City, because it is such a charming, European kind of place, but for sure none of them have ever been to Saskatoon, or a lot of other Canadian markets.”
Peddie was approached, post-MLSE career, by a private group looking to examine the possibility of Toronto being home to another NHL team, a big what-if requiring an ownership group with a monopoly agreeing to waive its monopoly. The working assumption was that the alliance between Bell and Rogers would eventually fracture, forcing one of them out of the Leafs’ ownership group. Peddie, in crunching numbers, had the Leafs and the expansion team both playing out of Scotiabank Arena, a model that could work financially, he says, but, in talking to his connections, it fell apart, because both Bell and Rogers were only interested in owning the Leafs.
But as bleak as the odds might appear for Canada landing another team, appearances aren’t always everything. Mark Chipman, the Jets chief executive who hooked Thomson on the idea of the NHL returning to Winnipeg, first approached Bettman about it in 1999. Chipman did everything right thereafter, keeping mostly out of the media spotlight almost until the day the NHL officially announced the league was coming to Winnipeg, by way of Atlanta. Something that looked like it would never happen suddenly did. The lesson? Be patient, very patient, and keep things quiet, since the NHL won’t allow itself to get pushed in directions it doesn’t want to go. (Remember: Jim Balsillie and the Hamilton Blackberries).
Perhaps that’s why a curious silence has descended over the Nordiques 2.0 camp ever since Seattle was awarded its franchise in December. Billionaire Pierre Karl Peladeau and his media company, Quebecor Inc., are the money behind Quebec City’s expansion bid. Peladeau did not respond to multiple interview requests for this story. Mayor Regis Labeaume, a champion of the city’s NHL ambitions, who pushed for the publicly-funded arena to get built and initially wooed Peladeau to the cause, also declined. Their silence could indicate surrender, or it could signal they’re taking a page from Chipman’s playbook.
  A young hockey fan cheers on the Calgary Flames before they take on the Edmonton Oilers in NHL hockey at the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary April 6.
Which brings us back to the beginning, and the one thing Canada will always have going for it, the thing that makes this market critical to the NHL’s overall welfare, and the notion of landing an eighth franchise before Wayne Gretzky turns 100 plausible: Canadians love hockey, and care about their home teams, even when they are lousy, and even when doing so runs contrary to common sense.
Fans like Dan Mason, a sports professor at the University of Alberta and in some ways your typical Edmonton Oilers follower, though more casual than crazy. He still watches the team on TV — despite all the reasons not to — and catches a game or two a year at Rogers Place. Mason says that in the days of yore, NHL expansion teams set the baseline minimum value for all the teams, a model that worked when applied, for example, to the US$45-million fee San Jose’s ownership group paid for the Sharks in 1991.
Lately, however, expansion fees — US$500 million in Vegas, US$650 million in Seattle — reflect the value of a team in a given market. That’s not just the professor’s opinion it is the NHL’s official position. The Leafs aren’t worth US$1.45 billion if they are in Winnipeg, and a money pit of an NHL franchise — Forbes values the Coyotes at US$290 million — might not cost Quebec City more than it can afford.
Meantime, while it varies from team to team, ticket sales, game-day concessions, foam fingers, hats, sweaters and ice cream bars — all the money people who actually attend the games shell out — still represent about 50% of a given franchise’s revenue intake. Canadians still go to games. Canadian fans still drive revenues.
Loving hockey almost too much has not landed the country an eighth NHL franchise, or, for that matter, a Stanley Cup champion since 1993, but it is one reason not to completely abandon hope. “We are probably not likely to see a Canadian market get an NHL expansion franchise. It will be a Houston, or another market like that,” Mason says. “But if you see a franchise that continues to be in trouble, you can’t tell me that Quebec City is a worse market than Florida — even with a 60-cent dollar.”
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: oconnorwrites
from Financial Post http://bit.ly/2UxlYQh via IFTTT Blogger Mortgage Tumblr Mortgage Evernote Mortgage Wordpress Mortgage href="https://www.diigo.com/user/gelsi11">Diigo Mortgage
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What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
"What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is it mean to cancel the kids' health insurance?
I pay for all of the health insurance through my job, including his. I told hime that he has 15 days to some for himself and 30 days to get some for the children. He thinks that is a horrible mother because it would all cost me $300 a month but it will cost him $1200 per month. He make 260K per year. I make $70K He he moved out and got involved with someone else. Why should it be free to destroy your family? I really should have done this four months ago when he moved out.""
Double health insurance legality?
I provide health insurance through my employer for my 2 girls, however, my ex-wife continues to use California Medicaid for their hospital and doctor visits without letting them know they are insured already. Is this allowed? I feel like she is somehow swindling California out of money?""
Insurance companies?
I was 18 when i had my first years insurance. The price for myself driving was in excess of 1500 and with 3 additional drivers it went down to 950. Now that i am looking for quotes for my second year insurane policy its the other way around. For myself its 700 and with 3 additional drivers its 1100 (approx). I really cant understand the insurance companies logic. Has this happend to you, or is it just me. I find that it is strange.....""
Do you get rid of your car insurance when you get a DWI?
I don't understand,.. when you get a DWI and license taken away, wouldn't you not need car insurance anymore for a year since you won't be driving your car? All the talk about having insurance go up etc, and $1000 added onto the bill every year, does the receiver of the DWI have to keep their insurance or something?""
What are you young people paying for full coverage insurance?
I have full coverage on my 09 ford focus sedan, clean record and everything for $1000/6months, is that 2 much?""
How much would car insurance AAA cost for a 16 years old?
Looking for a cheap car insurance?
Im looking for a cheap car insurance because im going to get my first car at a dearler but since im 19 years old all the insurance i have found are $150 an up. Does anybody know one that is good for me? At least $100. Thank you very much
Insurance Broker Question?
On average how much does an insurance broker make in california? Or how much just a well rounded guess nationwide it does not matter... When an insurance broker gets commision from a company for helping them get more customers...around how much percentage does he cut from the company?
Cheap Car Insurance For New Drivers In New York?
I live in New York, I'm a 18 year old male new driver. I drive a 1987 Buick Regal. Coupe. Olds 307 V8 5.0L. No ABS, no airbags. Has a factory alarm installed. Living in New York and being a new driver, I know insurance is going to be high. I go to college full time and work around 20+ hours a week, pay isn't great, so I need something affordable. I'm looking into taking the 6hr Defensive Driving class to save 10% off for 3 years. So does anyone know any legit car insurance companies that have cheap car insurance for new driver in NYS. Don't say CALL FOR QUOTES I have called many places and very high. I can't in anyway afford $3,500+ for 6 months of coverage. As far as I know the cheapest I found was Lighthouse Insurance for $328/mo with $600+ down, would like to find something cheaper, if possible, thanks!""
Car Insurance Help!!!?
I have a Toyota Corolla 2007. About 6 wks ago I got rear ended, the impact sent me over the medium unto uncoming traffic. After all was said and done the car had $6,300 on repairs done. It came out okay but know I have trouble closing the trunk, I really have to slam it and the right side back lights don't really align. I am trying to figure out how much they will give me for devaluation value on the car, I have never done this before I want to make sure I don't get ripped off. Also I am still experiencing back pain from the accident, my primary doctor wants to send me to a chiropractor which my insurance doesn't cover, should the other insurance pay for it? They are not returning my calls, and they just want to offer me $500 for pain and suffering as long as I sing some papers that release the other driver and the insurance from any further responsibility. By the way it was the other drivers fault, she was in her cell phone hit mt at 45 mph from behind and this was her 10th accident in the last 3 mos. Any suggestions?""
How much is a car insurance ?
Just roughly ? Thanks
Cheap insurance for a sixteen year old girl on suzuki 124cc maurder?
living in limerick ireland
Will Infiniti G35 coupe be a lot more expensive on insurance?
I have a 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 3 inch body lift and 33 mud tires. I'm selling it today and getting an 05 Infiniti G35 coupe. I'm 17, so my insurance right now is 200.00. I will be 18 in October. Do you think the Infiniti will raise it A LOT? A little doesn't really matter, but how much more would it raise it? I've never had a ticket or anything like that. My insurance is 200.00 because I have full coverage at a young age.""
Is my newborn covered under my insurance plan?
my baby was born on 7/2/09 and was in the NICU for 9 days. Yesterday we received a statement stating that our insurance company has not paid our claim, do they usually pay for something like this or are we responsible to pay?""
Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?
I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance
Question about health insurance!!?
Can a health insurance company cut your coverage while being treated for depression?
Should car insurance be mandatory?
Auto insurance should never be mandatory. Of course you may say What if you get into an accident ? Without car insurance, families can save that extra money in case of an emergency. If a person gets into a 2 car accidents through no fault of his own, the insurance rates will skyrocket. In any case, you will usually pay more for insurance than you would have paid to have your car fixed at an auto shop. This policy also unfairly discriminates against the working poor, many of which are one pull over away from being arrested or having their licenses revoked. If a person with a revoked license has no other means of transportation, it may lead to unemployment thus costing us all. This would keep them in the vicious cycle of poverty and deprive them of their dignity as adults. This is why we should abolish laws requiring car owners to have insurance.""
How can someone get health care if insurance denies them?
My mom was seeing a psychiatrist and on lots of meds a few years ago. She since lost her job and kaiser and all the insurance companies won't cover her. She's been sick for two weeks and had to go to the emergency room yesterday. She can't afford to get care without insurance and I'm really worried about her, she's throwing up and passing out with a fever and all the emergency room gave her were antibiotics and said it might be a kidney infection. I told her to go to Mexico to find an affordable doctor but she can't even get out of bed. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of taking next semester off and giving her my student loan as a last resort.""
Car insurance ?????????
Which is cheaper to go in a car insurance office or over the phone or the net.
Which company can provide me good student international insurance?
student international insurance
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
Does anyone know the car insurance laws in new york state?
Ok. I am seventeen years old and i want to get my drivers liscense but my parents wont let me because they wont pay for my car insurance. Does anyone know the laws for underage drivers for car insurance? I would be driving one of their cars and i wouldnt have one of my own. If you can site a source, it'd be great cause then i could show it to them. thanks.""
Can you get car insurance for 1 day?
Im 18 years old and i have 1 years no claims. Is there a company that will insure me on a car for one day?
Auto insurance is expensive for my teenager son. Are there any options for me to keep expenses down?
I'm makeing payments on truck for him, now that he can drive, do I have to add him to my insurance? And how much more will it be? I hear some parents don't tell there insurance, they just say there child is borrowing the car. But my son does not live in the same house hold , but is in another city over. Can I still just say he is borrowing the truck. If he gets in a car accident I understand it's on me, but will my insurancecand the law see it in that manner.""
How much is insurance per month?
Insurance for a car. I'm going to buy a used car for no more than $3000, for getting to and fro school. How much would insurance be? Is insurance where you take out a loan and pay back on it month by month, forever? Or can you cease it at anytime?""
What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments
Car accident/insurance question!?
Is there some sort of law that claims if your car is in an accident the dealership will pay for the rest of the remaining balance on your car? That way the insurance company gives you the money to buy a new one. My friend was telling me something about this but I don't really remember what it was called, or even if that was what she was trying to explain. Thank you!""
Website to talk to a car insurance agent?
Okay do you people know the site where you can like instant message a car insurance agent? I forgot wut the site was called. My parents need it.
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Short vs. long term individual health insurance?
whats the better choice and why
""I'm being low balled by an insurance claims adjuster for damage to my car, now what?
I had a claim against a guys insurance company for damage he caused. They came out today and did an evaluation and now the insurance estimator is saying that the vehicle needs to be totaled and that I will be offered some low ball figure because my car has prior damage which was only cosmetic and minor nothing structural at all. I know that the vehicle will be worth more than they are going to offer. But I just want a fair price for the car. They suggested that it might take some back and forth negotiations and I need to know how to prepare for that and succeed at getting something fair? Are there any angles or cards that I can play that should give me some leverage against their claims adjuster? Your help is appreciated and thank you for your answer!
Renault Clio insurance for a 17 year old girl in Coventry?
I turned 17 last week, and plan on buying a Renault Clio for less than 1000, (about a 2001 reg). I have trauled all over the internet and cannot really find a decent quote anywhere, so I was wondering what an approximate cost of insurance would be? Thanks! Or if not, what are the best suggestions for a first car? Cheap insurance very important!!""
Car Insurance - Where the car is kept?
I'm currently looking at insurance for my car, which will be kept where i live in a small private residence Cul-de-sac with a coded gate and CCTV. Will this come under as Locked compound or Private Property? Hope someone can help.""
Would applying for car insuance quotes give a bad record?
I'm searching for car insurance but I am not sure if applying for a quote online will give me a bad record. Like applying for a credit card does you know.
How does and underage affect insurance?
A friend of mine was just charged with an underage but was accepted into the ARD program. We are wondering how this is going to affect her auto insurance policy.
How much will car insurance be for a VW Polo for a 17 year old?
I will be turning 17 in a year and a half and i am set on getting a 2006 Volkswagen Polo because i don't need much more from a car. It will mostly just be used for short drives through my town and city and I will be parking it on the road. I'm hoping to find one with a 1.2 engine and no higher because i know that is a dramatic factor in the insurance cost. I was just wondering, as a rough estimate, how much per year (in British pounds) would the insurance be?""
I am looking for an eye docter that takes any insurance in los angeles california?
for kids that will give contacts
About how much will my car insurance be?
I'm turning 16 in a little bit and my parents are making me pay for my own insurance, how much would it be for me with a 2.6 gpa, i'm male, and i'll probably get a pretty safe car""
I haven't received my national insurance?
I'm 16, going to turn 17 this year. I am from Bolivia (south america) I have live in the UK for 7 years and I don't received any benefits ... I haven't received my national insurance and i don't know why if any one knows why or how i can get? then please tell me thank you""
Insurance on small cars example punto ?
hey everyone iv just passed my theory test today and i want to buy a punto for my fist car i need advice on de price off tax and insurance like for example i would probably purchase any punto from 1997 -2001 and im 19 does anyone av any advice for me cause i don wanna be ripped off thanks for readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx
Can you have car insurance without owning a car?
my 20 year old is in another state going to college, can he get car insurance on his brother's car?""
Best health insurance plan for a low income individual?
Looking for the best health insurance plan for a 26 yo old single femail in tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal health problems, need medical, prescription, dental, and vision coverage. Paying $208/month currently and need better coverage. Please sends me in the right direction guys :)""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old female? More info provided?
I will be 17 yrs old when I get my intermediate license, which I will then have for 1 yr before I can get my full license. I'm looking for a general insurance quote for a 17 year old female in Iowa (does this have any bearing on the amt my parents pay). Also, I have about B average, but I'm taking AP classes if that makes a difference. I don't have a job but I will have an unpaid internship this summer (does this make a difference?). Both my mom and dad have one ticket each, but that's about it, they're both very careful drivers. I will also have taken a drivers ed course (reqd in my state). I'm also looking at purchasing either a 1998 BMW 528I or a 1998 BMW 740IL as both are under $5000 w/o taxes but if anyone can give me an estimate as to the total cost of both of these cars (after taxes, gas, insurance, etc) that would be fantastic. If any more info is needed let me know.""
Do I need Liability insurance?
I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure.""
How can I afford car insurance?
I'm under 25, and I'd like to buy a cheap car. Over a 6 month period, the insurance will cost much more than the car itself!! So is there a point to getting a car?""
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
Can i collect disability insurance?
Can i collect disability insurance? i was shot when i was 18 in the ankle and the bullit is stuck between the bone in my ankle. i have worked for a company for 10 years and quit my job two years ago to start my own business. but now as im getting older i can't stand on my leg without experiencing pain or climb up and down things like i used too can i collect disability insurance?
How long does it take to get a check from renters insurance?
Lightning just struck and destroyed all of my electronics, other than the TV :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, Computer, Printer, And a few other things. How long will I have to be without entertainment? I don't have cable or satellite so this sucks.""
""If I add my boyfriend to my car title, do I need to add him to my car insurance?""
He has his own car and his own insurance already. Also, we live in Texas.""
Whats the rough cost of insurance for a 17 yr old new driver?
im looking to buy a car like a corsa or 306. summin like that but just wanted to know what the cost of insurance will roughly be. and no dont tell me to 'get a quote' caus you need like all the details and full licence etc, that i dont have yet""
Can we carry car insurance in ca from two different companies?
we live in california ,one of my friend he wants to start courier service as an indepentdent contractor the company he wants to join they need commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. Can he buy additional coverge of commercial insurance from another insurance company with his regular car insurance. Is this legal? can he buy insurance from two different companies two policies? One for commercial and second regular insurance from another company? Thanks""
What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments
I want my own car but my parents wont pay for insurance?
They say that they can't afford it but I know they can. They just don't want to pay for something that they think isn't necessary. Since they won't pay for insurance, I can't drive anyone's car. Not their cars, not a friend's car. So, my license will basically be useless. So I had this idea. After I get my license I'll buy a cheap car on Craigslist. I'll get a friend to drive it home for me. I'll threaten to drive uninsured, and if that won't make em pay for insurance, I'll actually go drive uninsured. Then they'll HAVE to buy insurance. Will that work?""
How does car insurance work?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.""
Car Insurance Question!!?
So I just got my license yesterday but my dad said that I can't drive the car myself until he puts me on the insurance plan. Do I really need to be put on the insurance plan? I know its illegal not to have car insurance but I do, it would just go under my parents' names. Isn't that ok or do I really do have to get my own insurance card and everything? if yes, how many days would it take for me to get my name under the insurance? I really want to be able to start driving on my own. thanks!""
Speeding and insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago. It was for 20 km over in a 50 km zone. There was a fine but no demerit points to my licence. Will this affect my insurance rate when applying for a new policy this month? Thanks.
Is there some type of dental insurance that is affordable??
I am 38 y/o male who needs to finally look into some dental insurance that is affordable/ I have some teeth that needs to be fix ASAP thanks for your Help Bri
If I just got auto insurance?
If I just got auto insurance for my car but my car was crash before hand, should I still let the auto insurance company know even if I wasn't the driver?""
Car insurance question.?
If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it? Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don't plan on driving it until October. I don't want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months. Thanks in advance.""
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
Life insurance or burial insurance?
Right now I have a life insurance policy that will pay $20,000 when I die. I'm paying $50.00 a month for that and in my opinion is too much. Should I just by burial insurance instead since that is basically all my Life insurance policy cover is my burial?""
Cheapest saturn sky insurance for a 16 year old?
I am about to turn sixteen and i was wndering how much insurance would cost for a Saturn sky?
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo""
Car insurance?
when someone gets a speeding ticket it affects the cost of their insurance. how many years does this affect the cost? do all forms of tickets, traffic, moving and parking violations raise the cost of liability car insurance? and how long for?""
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
""In Florida, How much (if any) will my auto insurance rate increase with 3 points on my license?
I got a ticket for improperly changing lanes and I'm electing not to go to traffic school (since I only have one more chance for traffic school based on two times/year) for such a minor offense. Would it make sense to skip 8hr school ($70.00) or would I end up paying more in the long run because of my 3 points?
'occasional driver' Car insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I'll be heading off to college in the fall and so won't be home very often. However when I am home I'd like to be insured on my dads car. I don't see the point in having to pay the same price for car insurance as someone who drives almost daily, so I wanted to know if there was a type of car insurance for the 'occasional' driver. I'll only be home on vacations, and even then I won't be driving all the time, but I really need a car insurance for when I do drive, mostly summers.""
What is a good name for a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency?
I am opening a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency and need a name. I need some sincere suggestions. Will be much appreciated.
Comparing insurance rates?
Hello, I am looking for a site that allows me to compare different insurance rate quotes based on the information I provide.""
Is there car insurance for people who don't own cars in Ontario?
My parents are taking me off their insurance as an occasional driver. I don't own a car and don't plan on getting one. I was wondering if I need insurance in order to drive someone else's car? I haven't had any luck finding info relevant to Ontario. Thanks!
What is the best medical insurance company in illinois?
What is the best medical insurance company in illinois?
Need car insurance for a nissan navara? please help
hello, just wondering if anyone can give me some insurance companies for a nissan navara, im 22 have 3 years no claims yet my insurance says they cannot insure me on it? At the minute i drive a 1.9tdi vw passat and my insurance only costs 800, so why wont they insure me on 2005 nissan navara? Please help, thanks in advance x""
""New driver, average car insurance?""
Just wondering here, to the new drivers, how much do you pay per month for car insurance. I am canadian so that would be helpful too. If I were to take drivers ed and then get my g2 that way...What would I be expecting to pay monthly?""
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
What's the average price for teenage insurance?
my parents are making me pay for my insurance over the summer, but they won't tell me how much it is until then. can someone tell me the average price or something? i drive a 2000 mazda b truck (similar to a ford ranger). i just need a rough estimate. thanks!""
Affordable car insurance companies in NYC?
Hi there, I would appreciate it if I can get some names and possibly reviews of inexpensive auto insurance companies within NYC (companies in all 5 boroughs are welcome)? Please! I beg you, don't mention Geico, All State, State Farm, and Progressive! Thanks very much!""
Insurance rates for 18 year old?
I've never owned a car but I will for the first time soon. I know that in high school insurance rates partially depended on grades, is it the same way in college? What other things are factors in determining the rate?""
What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments
""When it comes to your car insurance, when is it cheaper to let your kids get their licences?
is it smarter to wait until they are 18; if they get their licence before they are 18 do your rates go up higher or lower then if they waited until they're 18.
Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario?
I know it depends on a lot so I'll give you as much info as possible: age: 18 bike: honda cbr125r driving(car) record: spotless -the bike will be kept in my house overnight, and I'll only be using inner city (for work, school, social..) So guys I just need a rough estimate, doesn't have to be exact. how much would it cost be per year? Also, is insurance less if you're female like with car insurance? thanks for any help!""
""If I finance a new car, how much insurance do I buy?""
I know it will have full coverage, but how much? I'm trying to get an accurate quote through geico to see if I can afford it before buying the car.""
Is A Ford Mustang a good car for a 16 year old?
Im 16 and Im getting my license in a couple of months. Im looking for a car and I really like mustangs. Im thinking about buying a 2003 or 2004 mustang in sonic blue. But will getting a mustang raise my insurance a lot and how much more than a normal car? Also, what mileage is bad on a mustang?""
How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?
I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?""
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
Can you ride a Ducati 848 for every day use and is the insurance expensive?
I wanna purchase a bike, my first decision is the Ducati 848 evo, i wanna buy it brand new(2012) but the only 2 things im concern about is the insurance on it & can that bike be used every day.... im 22 just got my moto license and have had my drivers license for about 6 years if that matters( i did an online quote was 700$)im looking for full coverage, I live in California have no record of anything bad at all (accident etc).My second concern is can this bike be driven every single day? Its like the Ferrari of bikes and when you own a ferrari you dont drive it every day..... does this bike break down alot? My second and final decision is the yamaha r6 (2012) i want nothing but the ducati but if the ducati cant be driven for everyday and the insurance is a total rip then i guess ill have no choice....Please if possible only answer my questions please (i really don't wanna read get a used one learn from it drop it etc i know and understand that all my only concerns are the questions)""
Insurance companies that run driving history?
I'm trying to get quote on new insurance and I know Esurance runs your driving history to give you your quote. What other insurance companies do this? I don't know mine or my fiance's whole driving history for the last 5 years and it would be a lot less of a headache if they ran the report.
Will a loud music ticket affect my insurance?
I was driving and i got stopped because of my loud music and got a ticket, Does this affect my insurance? iv'e been reading online that it a non moving violation and will not affect it, is this true? P.S Im from California""
How much is the average car insurance payment for a teenage?
I'm 16 & I know I'll be on my moms insurance since I'm not 18. would I be better off getting a 2011 or 2012 year car? I've heard it's pretty costly
Where can I get affordable health insurance for my family?
USA 2013, it's now illegal, NOT to have medical insurance for everyone in your family. I get insurance for myself through work, which is mostly paid for by them, except my high deductible and co-pays, which I can barley afford. My wife and kids will cost me over $800.00 per month to insure through my employer. Can't afford that, it's almost as much as my rent. Half the insurance companies I've applied for say I make too much, the other half tell me I don't make enough. What I'm I supposed to do, eat or have insurance? If I just don't buy any, I'll be penalized through taxes at the end of the year. So, does anyone know of any good health insurance companies out there? Thanks.""
Pls help me to find a cheap insurance in CAli?
Ive a dodge stratus that i bought in a rebate the title saids SALVAGE and I would like to quote something cheap with covarage to into tijuana or ensenada!! pls HELP!
Cheapest way to get car insurance!?
I recently just passed my driving test and a know car insurance isnt cheap. The cheapest i have been quoted is a little under 5000 on a 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. I know there is a way if you make one of your parents the main driver on your car and you are a named driver but by doing that its illegal (if you are really the main driver) and if you crash they will not cover you. Is there any other way which isnt illegal to get cheap insurance!? Even anything under 3000 would be defined as cheap for me!
""What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
How much would my car insurance rise from 2 points?
Well i started driving at 16 and a half. I got in a hit and run and now i have 2 points on my record about a year ago. Now im 18. I wana know an approximatly how much my car insurance would go up
Can an auto insurance company suspend my license?
I was hit by a woman in a parking lot. In Texas where I live, certain parking lots are no fault zones if they are private property. I was in one of these no fault zones. I was uninsured at the time. She had Uninsured Motorist Protection as part of her insurance policy. I suffered no damages to my vehicle or person. She suffered $1500 worth of vehicular damage. Her insurance company paid for her damages. I was backing out of a parking space and she came flying around the corner and messed up the entire passenger door of her car on my rear bumper. Like I said I received no damage to my vehicle since I was the one barely moving. She called the police immediately after this minor accident took place. I was not cited on the ticket I received for any accident, only for no insurance. The officer informed me verbally that the accident was my fault only because she had the right of way but that there was nothing they could do about it because of the no fault zone policy. Anyway, now her insurance company is coming after me to collect payment of the $1500 they paid for her damages. I have not agreed to pay this amount because it was a no fault zone and I don't feel I should pay for it. She should not have been going that fast in a busy parking lot with a car full of kids. Although the unofficial technicality states that I was at fault, legally no one was at fault. Her insurance company is also threatening to have my license suspended if I do not pay the amount specified. I did not think that they, as a private company, had the power to have that happen. I've never been in this situation before and need an answer as to whether or not the insurance company can do that or if its just some kind of scare tactic to jolt me into paying but really has no merit behind it. Someone please help!""
If you are in the military does your car insurance rate go down?
If you are in the military does your car insurance rate go down?
I am Looking for Affordable Health Insurance Services in Illinois?
Hello, Friends, My Cousin and her husband are planning to shift in Illinois, in the next month. We required complete guideline regarding Health Insurance and missing open enrollment. Also, we need to find that if we are eligible for subsidy? Please help if anyone knows. It would be great full. Thank you :)""
Good student discount for car insurance?
so...i just completed my first year of college, and quite frankly i finished up poorly. my GPA is like a little over 2.4-2.5 and my dad is asking if i'll be able to send my transcript to the insurance (my dad is unaware of my grades). no chance of getting some discount or any at all??...i've kept my grades from my dad for quite some time, and now this is totally gonna blow my cover. i'm screwed aren't i? i'm a full time student and the insurance company is american family. so i guess my question is, do they discount % based on intervals of GPA, or is there just a minimum requirement and it's either you get a discount or not?""
How much would insurance be for an under 21 female in NYS?
I've been trying to figure out how much money I would pay for auto insurance before I get a car, but I can't get any quotes without a car. I am 19, a female, and living in New York State. Is there anyone that would mind sharing how much they pay, what insurance company they have, and how old they are? I would really appreciate it.""
Progressive auto insurance problem !?
I need an opinion on what should i do in this case. 3 weeks ago , as I was driving home , on the freeway , from the truck in front of me fell big peace of ice and hit my car from underneath. Less than 1 minute later i noticed blue smoke behind , luckily there was and exit with gas station right there. By the time i pulled up to the gas station car was barely moving. After staying parked for 20 min , it leaked oil and tranny fluid . I called towing , had them pick the car up , called progressive made the claim. All of that happened in WI near Milwaukee , before i used to leave in Chicago , so I never dealt with progressive from WI. After couple days adjuster came out and gave shop 1100$ to start the repairs , shop diagnosed everything and came to a conclusion that its the transmission leaking because of the damage inside. Adjuster was extremely slow to give shop any kind of approvals to do anything , So after 3 weeks they finally allowed them to take transmission apart , another adjuster came out took pictures , then shop owner want around , called me and said that he will call me next day. Next day shop owner calls me asking if I heard anything from progressive ? I call that guy back , but he went on vacation. Call my first adjuster , she says that the guy who went on vacation concluded that it wasn't related to impact , so they wont pay for anything and I owe 500 for taking down transmission. I called shop owner right away asking if its possible , not being related to impact , he says of course not , otherwise your car wouldn't break after impact. He also said some technical explanation what caused it to break , i just don't know what. he also said that no one ever called him and asked him what was the cause if that. I dealt with progressive in Chicago twice , when i lived there , and i had greatest experience ever , but it seems that in Milwaukee , they are playing games , making me pay , and not taking responsibilities. I figured somebody might know what should I do in this case , I just want them to do what they should do , especially when Im paying 200$ a month.""
Low cost insurance on my car?
I'm 18, about to start paying for my insurance. I have a 1998, Honda accord EX, 6V 2D. I've had my license since 2010 and a clean record. My parents have us on nationwide but it's really expensive. What's a cheaper insurance company I could go to when I graduated?""
Which company deals with indemnity title insurance for remortgaging?
I want to remortgage my property and have been given an offer by a lender, however I can't complete without indemnity title insurance. Norwich Union no longer does title insurance due to the credit crunch, is there anyone else who can help me?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
Will my car insurance represent me in getting claim from other person's car insurance company?
Wife got in accident with teenage girls that was at fault. Other driver had insurance, and I'm dealing with them, but because they say my car is totalled as its older and not worth a lot, they offered me some money, but when I go to buy a similar car online, I see I'm short a few thousand. They are being a bit difficult and have my car at a lot ( I know mistake but they said they only were going to look at it, now its gone). I don't have a lot of pull but will complain as much as I possibly can - was on phone for nearly hour today. Question: Do you think that my insurance company will help me get money from the other insurance company of the at-fault party? I have not contacted them yet.""
What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?
"If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I passed my driving licence in August 2012 and i want a small cheap car?
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
How do you get health insurance?
how do u get health insurance if u cant afford it my bf cant get health insurance cux the health insurance ppl say he makes too uch money to have it but he doesnt make enought to afford it how did u get it then
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
""My car was damage in Hurricane Ike, will home insurance fix it?""
My car was on my drive way, and the fence smashed into it. in a since, if a car hit my car they have to pay, is the same concept done with a house insurance?""
Car Insurance Help!!!?
I have a Toyota Corolla 2007. About 6 wks ago I got rear ended, the impact sent me over the medium unto uncoming traffic. After all was said and done the car had $6,300 on repairs done. It came out okay but know I have trouble closing the trunk, I really have to slam it and the right side back lights don't really align. I am trying to figure out how much they will give me for devaluation value on the car, I have never done this before I want to make sure I don't get ripped off. Also I am still experiencing back pain from the accident, my primary doctor wants to send me to a chiropractor which my insurance doesn't cover, should the other insurance pay for it? They are not returning my calls, and they just want to offer me $500 for pain and suffering as long as I sing some papers that release the other driver and the insurance from any further responsibility. By the way it was the other drivers fault, she was in her cell phone hit mt at 45 mph from behind and this was her 10th accident in the last 3 mos. Any suggestions?""
How much would my life insurance be?
If I get it as soon as I'm 18? I am also physically disabled, have epilepsy, visual cuts, and partially deaf. Would it be higher? Or lower since I'd be considered a vulnerable adult?""
Looking for health insurance that covers IVF?
I am seeking health insurance that covers infertility treatment in the State of Md. Maryland is a mandated state for IVF coverage but I am not sure how it works with regard to individual policies. I know that if is not excluded from the policy that they would be required to cover it. Does anyone know how to get a reasonably priced individual policy that may cover IVF treatment??
Should I switch my auto insurance this early?
I have Esurance right now.. My policy started in Feb and ends in August. It is $200 a month and I have minimum coverage. I did not have insurance for 15 months until I started my policy, so I settled and did not look at many places for the insurance. I just looked at some quotes today, and Progressive quoted me $140 with more coverage and I probably could get some discounts from them. Should I keep my current policy until it expires in August? Or should I just switch now? I feel like keeping my insurance for 6 months and switching with no gap in my coverage could benefit me more than calling it quits so soon, but I honestly don't know. I'm new to these kinds of responsibilities.""
Whats the best health insurance for a pregnant mother?
best health insurance thats practically freee......
How much (roughly) would car insurance for this car be a year?
im going to be 15 when i would be driving it and its a 1998 Lincoln Navigator and im with state farm and i will be added onto my moms policy and my sisters also on it and my mom and my sister have never been in car wrecks and im taking drivers ed and I live in montana (low crime) so about roughly how much would it cost a year for insurance on this car?
Motorcycles and insurance?
right now i have a bull blast and i want to upgrade to a faster bike that is better above 60 mph and riding 2 up. the problem for me is that i am 19 and insurance for me with the little buell is 200/yr. i want to get a gsxr 600 or a 600 ss but they are over 600/yr and thats too much. the only bikes that are still in the lower insurance bracket is a ninja 500 and 650 or an sv650. are there any other bikes that are cheap on insurance? or what are your opinions on these bikes?
Is $300 a month for six months too much to pay for auto liability insurance for an 18 y/o with no experience?
I just got my license. A quote for a '88 Honda Accord from Geico came up to about $300 a month for 6 months. Is this normal? If no, where can I get cheaper insurance. I live in ...show more""
Young Driver's Car insurance?
I am 18 years old and have just passed my driving test. I'm looking at buying a peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol car. The problem I'm having is that insurance is very expensive. My cheapest quote is 2000 a year. I just wondered if anybody knows of any cheap car insurance companies that could beat this quote? I've tried price comparison sites such as gocompare and they are all more expensive
Registering and insuring a car for a teenager?
This may vary from state to state so for the record the state is Connecticut. When you get a car for your teenager, would you register and insure it in their name or yours? When you call to add the car to insurance, do you add the teenager or just add the car to your own policy? My husband and I are confused about how this works. Our twins who are turning 16 this year were given a car by a friend of ours. We want to make sure it's all done legal and legit so that if they were in an accident it would be covered. I thought you had to add the teenager to your insurance as in the person is covered not just the car. My husband thinks we can just ad the car to our policy and let them drive it and they will be covered. I don't think so, Otherwise why wouldn't everyone do that to save the money they charge when you add a teenager? They will be taking driver's ed which is supposed to help with insurance cost so that leads me to think even more that you need to add the teenager as someone to be insured and not just insure the car. can anyone help me out here as to what the proper thing to do is to make sure we will covered properly. And who's name should the car be registered in? Can you have a car registered in your name as a minor or not? thanks""
Which of these is the correct Republican opposition to universal healthcare?
A. The government can't run anything right B. Government-run healthcare will be too successful, and private insurance companies won't be able to compete As with the Obama is simultaneously a Muslim, a Radical Black Christian, and Godless Communist argument, sooner or later you are going to have to pick one and go with it...at least in this place some of us like to call reality ...""
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
Anyone know any car insurance company's that can offer cheap car insurance for a 18 year old?
I am 18 and just bought a Nissan Altima 08. I live in California, Los Angeles. I am trying to get insured and they want to charge me $3000 a year. Thats $250 a month for car insurance. Its more then my car payments. Anyone know any insurance company that can offer a better deal?""
I'm shopping for health insurance. And I'm confused.?
I had health insurance until recently when my employer took it away. I have some questions : a $2,500.00 deductible....does that mean I have to pay $2,500.00 of my bills before the insurance kicks in? What does 80/20 mean? I *thought * it was illegal to be turned down for insurance for pre-existing conditions, but some of the policies I have looked at say pre-existing conditions will not be covered.""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
Can i get insurance if i got 3points on my licence?
basicaly i got done for having a pasenger on back of my ped when i had a provisional so i now have 3 points on my licence, when i get my licence and get a motorbike or car will i still be able to get insurance or not? nand will it cost alot more.""
Cheap car insurance UK?
any tips to bring the price down? or any insurers going cheap atm? 24 yr old guy 1 yrs no claims citeron saxo desire 03 reg park it on a drive way
How good is military insurance(Tri-Care) for maternity care?
My husband is in the military. I've never used the insurance, but I will need it now that I'm 6.5 weeks pregnant. How's the coverage?""
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?
Can you get your drivers licence if your car's insurance is not in effect?
so i'm getting my licence and my car's insurance doesnt go into effect till the 20th and i get my licence before then. can i use the car even though its not in effect yet. i have an insurance card. i live in georgia btw
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
Looking for Catastrophic Health Insurance provider in Florida?
Hi, I DO NOT want to compare rates, I would like a link or phone number of a specific provider if someone knows of one that they can recommend. And please tell me your experience with them, or how you go their number... All the sites I have been to are regular plans not catastrophic, plus, I want a personal recommendation, (well, this is better than just going on the internet blindly). If is for a friend of mine. She is 50, lives in FL. She wants Catastrophic Health Insurance only, (no doctor visits, labs, rx...) Thank you -Dixie""
Can you cancel your life insurance policy anytime you want?
Can you cancel your life insurance policy anytime you want?
How Much Does Insurance Cost For a teenage driver (16) in texas?
my 16 yr old son wants a sports car. i was wondering how much it would cost for insurance and what is the best company for teen insurance.
Where can i find affordable health insurance for my wife so that she may quit work and start her own business?
She is a teachers aide now, has retired but still works b/c she won't have insurance is she quits.""
Where do I buy car insurance online india?
I want to buy car insurance online.Where do i buy?
How much is a used car and how much is car insurances ?
i am going to be 16 soon and i want to buy a used car and car insurances so how much is it i live in canada if that helps nova scotia to so umm yeah and btw i can't go on my ...show more
What is private health insurance?
My employer sponsored health plans were always referred to as PRIVATE. Is that just a New Jersey thing? When I look it up. The definition is an individual--not employer sponsored plan. There is even a commercial where thy refer to private or medicare insurance....which implies private is any other plan like blue cross or cigna. so can a group plan from an employer be correctly referred to as private.
Will an insurance company know if I leave another insurance company without paying?
I am actually on my mom's policy, (we split the bill) and we are unable to come up with all the money they want(two months payments) totaling $1200.00. today is the cutoff day on our insurance now. she told me just to go to a different insurance company. her name is the name on the insurance we have now, so i don't think they will find out, or will they? please help!""
Insurance for young drivers?
My son passed his driving test this week, he is 17.5 yrs old. I phoned our insurance company to let them know and his insurance has now jumped to over 2,000 - this is not including the 951 I had already paid to add him as a named driver when he got his provisional licence. I have been on price comparison websites but all are quoting huge amounts. As he is an A level student and plans on going to University he does't actually drive much. Anyone know what I can do to get the insurance reduced, if not now for in the future when the insurance comes up for renewal. Thank you.""
Cheap car to insure at 17years old?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)""
Health insurance for kids?
Health insurance for kids?
What is the insurance cost for a 40 year old male driving anew ferrari?
dont worry im not 40 nor can i afford a ferrari. im just wondering how much it costs to maintain one?
""Both Canidates say they will make insurance affordable, no #'s are given - what is affordable?""
Both Canidates say they will make insurance affordable, no #'s are given - what is affordable? Some people cant afford $2.00 a week or a month...they are living on nothing. My ...show more""
Is there anyone out there who knows which cars have lower insurance rates?
Is there anyone out there who knows which cars have lower insurance rates?
Advice on car insurance?
I recently passed my driving test and was looking for insurance. I don't know whether I will be buying my own car or see if I can share my parents car. Just wondered if anyone can ...show more
Good auto insurance...?
I'm with AllState and I can't stand them. They charge way too much for so little. Which other insurance company offers better quotes??
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old young man?
I'm 17 and passed my test a couple of months ago. i've checked websites like go compare and the cheapest car insurance i can get is around 2000 pounds. this is way too high. whats the cheapest i can get? i understand if i go on my mums insurance i could probably get it cheaper. whats can i do to make it cheapest? for example go on my grandma's with 3 other people insured on it or something ? i havent got a car so if anyone could tell me the cheapest car to insure? i understand clios are quite cheap? thankyou
Can I purchase life insurance for our family without a physical exam?
We have a new baby and we both need to be insured. Is it possible to purchase affordable life insurance without a physical exam?
What cars usually have the lowest insurance rates?
I do not have the greatest driving record and am in the market for a car. I also do not have a huge budget (looking to stay under $10,000). I want something newer than 2000 and do not want very high insurance rates. Any ideas?""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Geico won't do it.. they are who I have now.. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
Can anyone sugest a inexpensive private health insurance plan with low deductible and co pay.?
The insurance I have now is with golden rule through united healthcare my copay is 35$ and deductible is 5,000.""
If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?
""Cheap car insurance for a 17yr old female, help!?""
Right havent passed yet but been looking as I had last year, last year the cheapest I found was with Quinn-insurance on a Seat Arosa 1.0 2000 3DR, which was something like 700 for Third Party F&T. Now ive been looking everywere, on compare the market, confused, elephant etc and its all like 1500 for Third party F&T and well over 2000 for fully comp :( urgh I cant believe its gone up so much, cheapest ive found so far is with tesco for third party is 1300, which i still think is alot! I no with Quinn it was trying to break into the car insurance market and well obviously got in, is there any other companies that are taking there route? I know it was really cheap and nice. Im not sure if its an arosa I want I did want a yaris 1.0 but thats like 1600 on tesco now :(, its either.. Seat Arosa 1.0 Peugot 206 1.0 Toyota Yaris 1.0 Renault clio 1.1 Citreon Saxo 1.0 But cheapest one ive seen so far is for the Arosa, anyone got any companies I could try quote for?? Also another question, I know i cant pay monthly as im 17, however would high insurance groups like directline allow my mum to pay monthly but in my name? and then i can just pay her directly.. is that possible? or even with tesco? Thanks x""
Speeding ticket in california with no inssurance?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
Any Cheaper Car Insurance..?
Hi I'm in U.K (young driver, no claims bonus). and ive just recently bought a nissan micra 1.0 R reg i got a quote from AA, churchill, norwich union, zurich and they all are giving me a price of over 1500 pounds. I have pass plus. Any cheap car insurance out there in U.K please help need to get one fast. Thanks""
Can I sue my Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
Help plz car insurance in MD?
well i am 20 years old. i have been driving a car under my mother's insurance name for a while, the insurance told her that if i got an acident while driving that car the insurance will never cover any damage and they consider that as a crime so Is that a crime to drive a car which ur name is not in the insurance list? also ifu know which insurance company is the best for me to get my own insurance""
""In the state of Texas,Do you have to have auto insurance?""
If you are in a car wreck which the other person is at fault,Can you still file a cliam on their insurance company and have phisical therapy paid and can paid for the damage for the car and get paid for pain and suffering? Even if the insurance was off for less than 24 hours""
Site for FREE vehicle history report?
my girlfriend is looking to buy this car, and we took down the VIN number, so we can look up the history on it, to make sure it's good enough to be bought, but i was wondering if you guys knew any sites that had FREE vehicle history report, that you typed the VIN # in, and didn't have to pay for. because auto check, and carfax and some other one, you have to pay monthly for. and i think that's absolutely ridiculous. i just wanna look it up real quick, and that's it. thanks for your help, guys. =)""
Can i claim auto insurance or an auto loan from the bank on my taxes?
is tihs possible?
Car insurance?
HI there, I have been without car insurance for about three years, I used to have continuous coverage but sold my car and used one of my girlfriends cars since then. But now I am going to buy / or finance another car. Will I face some sort of penalty, or increased insurance rates for not being insured these past few years, even though my driving record is immaculate and I am almost 30 and besides I had no car? Thank you.""
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
Does a man have a right to control what his wife eats if he pays her health insurance?
For example, if she is a stay at home mom and he works full time and pays extra money to have her put on his insurance. I say this because eating right is an important part of being healthy and to be honest I don't want my future wife to be overweight.""
Does any body know car insurance company that will insure left hand drive in the UK?
I have try search om google and phoning car insurance company's and no luck so far(5hours looking and phone some company's up). Car info Ford F150, 3.6L and maybe Honda civic 1.8.If u know any company's that worth trying please leave the name and contact number. your help will be great full. (first person that find the company that will insure theses cars will be best choose answers, I will contact them and if the will u will be best answer.)""
Which auto insurance company offers the cheapest price??
were from CA & my sister is a first time driver & she needs a new insurance for her 05 toyota camry. her old car insurance is too expensive. what will u recommend personally? thanks
Young new driver getting car insurance?
Okay so i got my license January of this year and i am starting college. i already took a college class last semester while i was in high school. i heard you can send in your grades if their are good to reduce the bill. i lost my high school report card but i was wondering if i can request my college transcript ( which is one class) i got an A in it and i have a 4.0 so can i send that in to reduce the bill. and if not any other suggestions to reduce my car insurance? PS i have AAA and am going to be under my parents insurance
Info about 17 year old car insurance.?
Hi, so i have been trying to look for cheap insurance lately, but was getting insurance quotes for 44k and lowest 17k! but i changed up a bit of the info and got it down to 3.2k with mum and dad added, i dont want a black box or anything, if i were to ring up and get a quote from the company, could it be even cheaper? thanks, also please leave some tips as to how to make it cheaper, and if you ask questions in the answers!... i will reply in the additional info so keep an eye out!""
Affordable health insurance?
my company offers helath insurance for $300.00 a week. If I signed up for this I would end up bringing home 250.00 to support my family. IMPOSSIBLE! Where can I go to find more affordable helth insurance on my own for my family. I live in Massachusetts so it can not be a limited benifit plan. Any websites or phone numbers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
Question re: insurance premiums and taxes?
I've read that health insurance premiums can be itemized deductions. Any others? What about accident insurance I pay for out of my pocket? I pay for both accident and sickness premiums to the same company and pay for all my policies out of my pocket. Any help is appreciated.
Insurance cost for jeep liberty?
I was thinking about getting a 2005-06 jeep liberty CRD (diesel) as my first vehicle, but wondering what insurance would cost. I'm 24 years old, male and live in a small town just north of Toronto and with only a G2 license.""
Will my insurance rates go up?
My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you""
Do you have to get car insurance after you pass your driver's test?
I live in PA, and I am almost 18 and would only use my parents car occasionally. I read something that if they consent to me using there car, we wouldn't have to pay extra. Also, as soon as I pass my exam, does the DMV automatically report that I am licensed to my parent's insurance agency, or can I just have my license without insurance? Thanks!""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm going to be seventeen soon and I'm just curious how much it will cost to insure me. My parents have USAA and they have some kind of family type plan with me my sister and both of my parents. I will probably be driving this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I don't care about your opinion of the car, and I don't need a lecture on the fact that I shouldn't street race I just want a ROUGH estimate of how much it will cost per year or per month or whatever you can find""
How much should i be paying for car insurance in the state of ohio?
I am 17 years old im a male i drive a 2000 chevrolet blazer i have no accidents no tickets and i get decent grades
What is a good first car for teen drivers that has low insurance rates?
I am a male teen so my insurance will be high no matter what I just need something lower....
Insurance company won't let me upgrade to Fully Comp. Why not?
Hey Guys, I'm a new driver (23 yo) who has a 3rd party fire & theft policy under Kwik Fit Insurance. I went for this policy pretty much because it was the cheapest because I'd spent all my money on the car, haha! After a couple of months I've finally managed to sort my finances out and I'm ready to upgrade to fully comp. I drive around 30 miles a day to work and back and would just like that little extra knowledge that incase anything does happen. So I email KwikFit (who take 2 weeks to get back!!) to ask them what the deal is. How do I do this? To my dismay, I got the following email back: In response to your email, I can confirm that your policy can only be upgraded if you are making another permanent change to your policy eg a change of vehicle/address/driver, alternatively your policy would need to be replaced to another insurer. Are they within their rights to do this? Surely upgrading to fully comp means an extra wad of money from me monthly? Thanks :-)""
If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?
Do car insurances typically give lower quotes for married couples?
I'm going to be jumping on to my fiances auto plan [Progressive] and heard that insurance agencies give lower prices to married couples. Is this true? He drives a 1988 bonneville and I drive a 2001 sunfire. I am also in college, he isnt.""
""No car insurance in Florida, what happens?""
If my husband has car insurance on our car and his father is the one who technically owns it, and i get in a car accident with no car insurance in our car...what happens?""
If someone hits my car does my insurance go up?
So basically I was stopped at a stop sign and someone came from behind my car and hit me. afterwards I looked at my rear bumper where I was hit and there was no major damage that I can see. Just paint from her car and a some scratches but no dents. Do I even report something like this? if I do does my insurance go up, because it seems like it is 100% their fault since I was going 0 mph at a stop sign.""
Is this the big health insurance lie?
The legislation would impose several new fees on firms in the health sector. New fees would be imposed on providers of health insurance and on manufacturers and importers of medical devices. Both of those fees would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of HIGHER PREMIUMS for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional Budget Office An Analysis of Health Insurance Premiums Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act November 30, 2009 BUT..... The average premium for an unsubsidized, nongroup policy will cost 27-30% MORE. (same report) So won't private coverage decrease sharply ... And so too the fees collected from them ... which are suppose to pay for the subsidies . Or will really caring people flock to buy this extra expensive insurance?""
Whats an estimate for car insurance for an 18 yr. old female?
No prior driving or anything Not in school(if that matters) What would be the best insurance in your opinion?
Why is insurance so high on dodge charger for a 18 year old?
Why is insurance so high on dodge charger for a 18 year old?
Is there any way to get my health insurance to cover the cost of a body lift?
6'1 , 25 y/o male, spent the majority of the past 4 years dropping from 430lbs to a current 198lbs. The weight loss has left me with large amounts of sagging skin on my inner thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest and upper arms. All of these areas are covered in large amounts of stretch marks as well, which leads me to believe these areas will never recover without surgery. Now my chest and arms are not nearly as big of an issue as working out at the gym has started to fill these areas in with muscle, but no amount of situps are tightening the skin around my abdomen, and no amount of leg exercises are firming up my inner thighs. Cardio actually seeems to make the issue worse as I lose even more weight. I've also begun to notice that the more the skin sags around my torso, the more my lower back hurts. Also, chafing on my inner thighs and buttocks makes cardio pardon the pun, but a pain in the ***. I know insurance companies don't like to cover cosmetic surgeries but there has to be something that can be done.Any ideas?""
How much is car insurance per year for a oldish mini?
I'm 18 in June and I would really love a mini say 2005 or something like that. How much roughly would insurance be per year for one of them. Thanks guys :)
Car Insurance Question?
I recently bought new insurance from Nationwide. They want me to send in proof of prior insurance along with other documents. My last insurance was under our family business so the insurance card doesnt say my name, rather it says the business's name. will this be a problem?""
Does anyone know where I can find Ensure for cheap?
My step dad is going through treatments for pancreatic cancer and his doctor wants him to drink 3 bottles of Ensure a day. This is really starting to push on them financially what with his treatments, hospital bills, medication, ect. So my mom is looking to see if she can find it cheaper somewhere online or in a store or something. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Thanks""
How much does it cost to have a baby in California with no insurance?
With or without epidural, c-section or otherwise, with possible hospital stay? Near Sacramento if that makes a difference. Thanks!""
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.""
Homeowners insurance quotes?
is it true you have to pay upfront 1 year homeowners insurance when buying a home.
Question for uk drivers: How much does disqualification effect car insurance?
Was convicted 5 months ago for permitting use of a vehicle without third party insurance and driving with not in accordance with a licence . Got 4 month disqualification but managed to keep driving licence just need to re-apply for it back from d.v.l.a. Does being disqualified greatly effect insurance? will it affect insurance the same as say drink driving?
Affordable Malpractice insurance for doctors if Obama care passes?
How would that sound?
Cheaper without health insurance?
I'm sick and got a prescription for Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it for 8.87 under the generic form. My copay for my insurance is $20. Does that mean I should get it without using my health insurance? I was born in Canada so not familiar with all those copay and drug copay stuff. Thanks
""Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?""
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.""
How much condo insurance should one get?
if i have a condo that i want to get insurance for, what is a good amount? the condo is 1215 sq ft w/ 2 bath & 2 bedroom.""
How can you make insurance for your car cheaper?
Young driver and cannot find any reasonable insurance companies at all!
What's the best way for a 19 year old girl to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act?
I had full coverage medicaid(and dental) up until I turned 19, and my wisdom teeth have just recently come in and I have cavities in them because I can't reach them with a brush. I need to get them removed immediately and another beginning cavity filled. I am independent but I only have a part time job and I need to deal with this immediately. What's the best way to get insurnce through the affordable care act? Links & recourses would be appreciated. Thank you.""
""Queation about auto insurance in Boston, MA?""
Hey, I am 17 years old (18 in a month), male and I am looking at a used audi s5 (4200 cc 350 bhp) to buy. it is a 2009 model with 30000 miles. How much do you think i will be asked to pay for insurance each year if i purchase this car? I never had an accident btw and i dont plan to do many miles.""
I need some help!!? Car Insurance prediciton:?
I am 16, and i have had my G2 for 2-3weeks....and got my G1 10months ago in ONTARIO. I am not the primary driver on a car(my parents have 2 cars....they are the primary drivers) Tonight i slid off the road and hit a tree( roads were slippery and wet as it was snowing) and maybe 3-4 thousand dollars damage was done to the front of the car!! How much will my insurance go up per month??( it was a 2007 hyundai elantra with snow tires)""
""Considering how big a money making racket Healthcare, and Insurance is?
Is it any wonder how bad republiklans would try to sabotage the Affordable Health care act? It's such a racket the Mafia is in on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay together..
""If I bought the DB9 they wrecked in the Bond movie, where can I get it repaired really cheap.?
Is insurance cheap and can I drive it really fast because it was used in a movie?
""Car rental insurance, please help!?""
Hello everyone, I am really confused and need your help, please. I rented a car from Avis in Calgary, Alberta and drove to Vancouver, BC. I got involved in an accident that although my car was not damaged, but I think I am considered cause of the accident (two cars were badly damaged). I did not ask for any insurance of the rental car. My understanding was that the third party liability is covered by my own car insurance. However, someone called me earlier from my car insurance company(state farm) saying that they are not responsible. Today the rental car company has called and left me a message asking me to call them. I do not know what should I prepare myself for? Am I going to be charged to pay for all the damage? That'd be terrible. Please provide me with any information you have. I don't know what to do.""
If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?
0 notes
zillowcondo · 6 years
Time Is Money: The Best Watches for Luxury Travel
Most elite travelers take a great deal of care when planning vacations, from exclusive itineraries that elevate the experience to elegant modes of travel like yachts and private jets that afford the ultimate in luxury and privacy. The same amount of care should be taken when choosing a timepiece to accompany you on your journey. To help you select the perfect luxury watch for your travels we turned to two top experts: Paul Altieri, founder of online luxury watch boutique Bob’s Watches, who is also one of the world’s top Rolex collectors; and Blake Buettner, Head of Watches at StockX, the live “bid/ask” marketplace backed by Eminem and Mark Wahlberg where collectors can build their portfolios of luxury timepieces.
“Rolex invented the dual time zone watch, the ultimate travel timepiece, and they’re still the ones to beat,” Altieri declares. “No matter where you go in the world a Rolex is like a passport to all the finest things in life, whether you’re trying to get a table at the best restaurant in Venice or the attention of a beautiful woman at Paris’ Hemingway Bar. However a few other manufacturers are worth a look as well.” On a true adventure, he adds, “a watch like like the Rolex Explorer can help actually help you navigate. And if you’re wearing an expensive watch, in a worst-case scenario you can always sell or trade it and get yourself out of a sticky situation. Try that with a Timex.”
“A great travel watch should start life as a great watch, period,” Buettner notes. “That means it should be easy to wear, easy to use, and pair easily with most of my wardrobe. A watch that can be quickly and accurately adjusted on the fly has a far greater chance of accompanying me on my travels than a watch that doesn’t. That generally means a watch that tracks multiple time zones simultaneously via 24hr hand, second hour and minute hands, or a world timer that can be adjusted on the go. However, sometimes less is more. I love traveling with a simple time-only watch that allows for a quick change without the need to stress about throwing any calendar complications out of sync.” Here are some essentials to strap to your wrist:
Opening image: Bob’s Watches
 Rolex GMT-Master II
“In the 1950s Pan Am commissioned a tool watch from Rolex for pilots to wear during their flights,” Altieri explains. “The watch had to be able to indicate GMT time and local time simultaneously and Rolex obliged with the GMT-Master watch in 1955. It was the first watch to have this function and has been the one all others are measured against ever since. This is the ultimate travel watch, period. The blue and red ‘Pepsi’ dial is the classic but don’t overlook the black and red ‘Coke’ version.”
“Perhaps the father of all travel watches, the Rolex GMT Master can still be considered the gold standard of the genre thanks to its genius simplicity,” Buettner agrees. “The GMT Master is, for all intents and purposes, a sport watch with high legibility and rock solid build quality. The addition of a 24-hour hand and a rotating 24-hour bezel against which to read it, make it an amazing travel watch.”
From $8,895
Image: Bob’s Watches
Patek Philippe World Time
“Patek World Timers are legendary, and the 5130 is no exception,” Buettner says. “Jumping between time zones with the press of a button makes this high-end timepiece ultimately practical for globetrotters. All the usual benefits of owning a Patek Philippe are also present, so expect impeccable finishing both inside and out, and investment grade reliability.”
From $48,000
Image: StockX Watches
Omega Speedmaster
“The Omega Speedmaster is one of the finest watches ever made, and with its ability to calculate speed and distance it’s definitely a great watch to travel with, especially if your itinerary involves a high speed car chase. It was good enough for NASA’s moon missions and it’s good enough for anything you can throw at it. And James Bond wears an Omega in every film.”
Vintage from $11,495
Image: Bob’s Watches
Tudor Black Bay
“The Tudor Black Bay isn’t really a travel watch, but it fits the bill for a few simple reasons,” Buettner says. “First and foremost, it’s dateless dive watch, so legibility and ease of use are excellent. Adjusting the time is a breeze thanks to it being a time-only three-hander – so there are no date or calendar functions to worry about; set the time and go. Plus, it’s just a great looking watch. All of the same benefits apply to a dateless Submariner from Rolex, but being from Tudor, you can get into a Black Bay for nearly a quarter of the price. “
From $2,350
Image: StockX Watches
 Vacheron Constantin Overseas
“Vacheron Constantin is an overlooked luxury brand in many ways,” Altieri notes, “but the first time you strap an Overseas Chronograph to your wrist won’t be the last. Automatic and antimagnetic with various useful functions, it’s an essential and very low key but extremely elegant travel companion. It’s called the Overseas for a reason, and Vacheron declares the watch itself is an ‘invitation to travel.’ ”
From $17,800
Image: StockX Watches
IWC Pilot Worldtimer
“The IWC Pilot is an icon amongst pilot watches, and this example features a world timer built in, making it a great candidate for a travel companion,” Buettner says. “This will require a bit of user input, however, with a rotating 24-hour ring that can be aligned with the timezones at the outset.”
From: $5,000
Image: StockX Watches
Rolex Explorer II
The Rolex Explorer was inspired by the watch that Sir Edmund Hillary wore when conquering Mt. Everest, and it has exuded an air of gentlemanly adventure ever since,” Altieri says. “The Explorer II is a larger, more rugged version and has the exclusive feature of being able to indicate due North with its orange 24-hour hand – which is also designed to help you explore caves, cabarets and other dark places.”
From $6,795
Image: Bob’s Watches
Nomos Zurich World Time
“It doesn’t get much easier than the Nomos Zurich World Time,” Buettner says, “a watch that allows you to breeze through time zones with the press of a single button, all while maintaining home time via 24 hour disc at 3 o’clock. Couple that with an award-winning design, truly in-house movement, sub $6,000 price, and it’s easy to see why people love this watch.”
From $5,300
Image: StockX Watches
Rolex Sky-Dweller
“Not only is the Sky-Dweller an annual calendar equipped with the date and month, but it also indicates an extra time zone on the 24-hour disc on the dial – perfect for jet setters who frequently find themselves in another city,” Altieri says. “This is also the watch Conor McGregor wears and it has an air of rugged luxury that says you can afford the very best but you can also get tough when you need to.”
From: $18,595
Image: Bob’s Watches
The post Time Is Money: The Best Watches for Luxury Travel appeared first on Pursuitist.
Time Is Money: The Best Watches for Luxury Travel published first on http://bogouzunshang.tumblr.com/
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thedeadhistory · 7 years
Last summer Matt and I spent a week back east and explored one of the most amazing cemeteries I’ve seen so far. Mount Moriah Cemetery is a vast abandoned cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite part of this cemetery is the area called Mausoleum Hill.
On this hill that you can see in the distance in the picture above are a handful of large mausoleums. The entire area was completely overgrown which only added to the creepy factor of this cemetery. We parked our car at the bottom of the hill and I climbed through the tall grass up some stone steps to get a closer view of the mausoleums. When I got to the top of the hill I saw a very large groundhog which scared the crap out of me for a second until I realized what it was. He quickly ran off into the undergrowth and I tried not to spend too much time wondering what other critters were hidden by the grass.
When I got to the top of the hill and looked around I saw one of the most unusual mausoleums I’ve ever seen. However, I was looking at the back of the mausoleum so I ran back down the steps so I could get around to the front and get a better view.
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It’s pretty amazing, right? I told Matt that it reminded me of the Temple of Doom from Indiana Jones and that’s how I’ve referred to it ever since. I can only imagine how it must have looked when it was new and the cemetery was still being looked after.
So Who’s Inside?
Having absolutely no idea who was buried here, I assumed that it must be more than one person simply due to its size. And I figured it was probably a man, and his wife and children. Maybe even extended family. I was wrong on all accounts, and this is where the story gets interesting.
With just a little bit of Googling, I found that Mrs. Abigail Ann Hoeflich was buried in this mausoleum. I also found that she is all alone. I thought this seemed odd. Why would a married woman be buried in such a large, ornate mausoleum all alone? Why was her family not buried with her? Did she not have any family? (You can see how I end up chasing these questions down one rabbit hole after another)
I must find out more! And boy, did I ever. And in my mind anyway, the story of this mausoleum got even more unusual.
Abigal Ann Hoeflich
Abigail Ann Hoeflich was born Abigail Ann Hampton on the 24th of March 1824 in Salem, New Jersey. At the age of 24 in 1848, she married Jacob Nathan Hoeflich in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jacob Hoeflich was a confectioner and then later sold furniture. He even held a patent for a life preserver. Needless to say, the Hoeflich’s were quite well off.
Abigal Ann Hoeflich
Image used with permission. © Historical Society of Pennsylvania
By 1853 the Hoeflich’s were living in Richmond, Virginia. The reason I bring this up is that a Jacob N. Hoeflich was tried for the murder of an African American girl that “belonged” to him in November 1864. Numerous witnesses were put on the stand and testified that both Jacob and Abigail were “in the habit of inflicting cruel beatings upon the child.” Jacob Hoeflich’s lawyer rebutted the accusations by claiming “the cruel treatment was inflicted by his client’s wife, who had already escaped to the Yankee’s and was beyond the jurisdiction of our courts.”((The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, VA 30 Nov 1864)) While I couldn’t find an account of the outcome of the trial, Jacob Hoeflich was back with Abigail in Philadelphia by the next census in 1870.
Mr. Hoeflich died in 1895 and left very specific instructions in his will as to what his mausoleum should look like. He stated: “including vault to be built in Mt. Moriah to cost about two thousand dollars facade similar to Ashworth in West Laurel Hill with wall in center as plan, polished name over door, and brass ventilated doors.” To give you an idea of how much money that was in today’s day it comes to about $58,000. I didn’t see Jacob Hoeflich’s mausoleum while visiting Mt. Moriah, but you can see it here. His instructions also included that Abigail, their children, and grandchildren be buried with him.
Abigail’s Last Wishes
However, shortly before her death on June 15th, 1912, Abigail made her will and left instructions for a mausoleum of her own.
Her will was one of the most detailed, and harshest I have come across in my years of genealogical research. According to her estate, she left $5,047 ($127,310.04 today). Instead of splitting up her estate amongst her children, they each got $1 because of the “unkind manner” in which they treated her.
Abigail was entombed on June 19th, 1912. According to her burial bill, she was dressed in a gray silk dress and buried in a solid oak casket. Just slightly different than the instructions she left. Why she chose to be separated from her husband we’ll never know.  But despite their differences, it appears that two of her sons are buried with her. Her daughter chose to be buried in Jacob Hoeflich’s mausoleum.
      Posthumous Profiles – Abigail Ann Hoeflich Last summer Matt and I spent a week back east and explored one of the most amazing cemeteries I've seen so far.
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