#can't believe pokemon killed dragon ball like that
bunnygirl678 · 9 months
Back at it again with another Reguri AU that I don't have time to write. So steal it please! Seriously feel free to write, draw, or use it to distract your mind enough to fall asleep (is that a thing other people do or am I just freaking weird)
-Red and Green are on their honeymoon in alola (duh) and they are doing a fun little couples battle with some of the alolan pokemon they've caught
-one of the tapu's sees them and wants to fuck with them cause they're unhinged (my 5 year old has rewatched the sun/moon anime like 15 times and i still can't remember which one does what)
-sends green back into time (note this is gonna be like dragon ball z time travel where it just created a new timeline or whatever)
-he gets transported midbattle with little red, but like not the championship and most of his pokemon haven't evolved yet
-Big!green is just like awwww you guys were so cute, little!red immediately realizes that somehow Green aged like 12 years in a flash and is obv confused, green explains that he was on vacay with his Red and got sent here somehow, let's go to the lab and see if gramps can help
-they travel to the lab or whatever, and the prof is immediately like "My dead son!" cause my hc is that green looks identical to his dad, and big!green is like nah sorry gramps it's just me from the future
-and they all talk and little!red is like, you aren't an asshole, anymore? and big!green like apologizes for little!green, and is like it may not seem like it but i know he cares about you, because big!green knows that during their journey he realized he had feelings for red, but like didn't want them so he just started being an asshole
-at some point daisy sees the ring and is like "oh you got married?! Whos the lucky lady anyone we know yet?" and big!green kinda like does an awkward quick glance at little!red, and is trying to figure out how to not out his past self because this isn't his secret to tell
-the prof is like 'oh holy shit you and red figured things out' cause he observes and figured it out when green was like 7 or something, and little!red is like wtf and big!green is like yeah but not for a while and then he gives little!red some training just cause what else are they going to do, plus little!red is having a crisis, cause he thinks his version of green hates him
-then it like flips to big!red's perspective and little!green shows up freaking out shouting for his red cause they were just together, and he see's big!red who is swole af and doesn't look that much like his red so he thinks his red has been kidnapped or something, and little!green goes absolutely feral, cause remember he has feelings for his red
-he's like i'll kill you, did you hurt him, where's red, and big!red is like this is the most adorable thing I've ever seen, and like big!green at one point had told him that he had feelings for Red when they were small but Red didn't really believe it until that moment, and also he's like hmmm green and i should adopt cause he's like high on honeymoon and little!green is such a cutie
-Big!Red is like i'm red, it's fine, little!green doesn't believe it until big!red brings up something that like only he would remember like they caught a caterpie together or something idk
-big!red goes and buys little!green some food and they kinda talk and little!green can't stop staring cause wow big!red looks so different, then he sees the wedding ring and is like devastated, and is trying not to cry or whatever and big!red is like able to read him like a book cause it's green even though it's little!green it's still green, and he like pulls out his phone and it's a photo from their wedding and little!green like short circuts cause he didn't even realize that was an option
-somehow they get to switch back and the other timeline red/green work out their issues quickly both with knowledge of the future and they start dating at like 14, cause 11 year olds don't date, and red never goes up the mountain except for the occasional week of training and green always goes with him and it's never angsty like the other timeline
-the alolan honeymooners are just glad to be together again and they finish their time in alola and red's like let's adopt and green's like whatever makes you happy
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royalbabble · 2 years
Congratulations on the victory! I feel obligated to spoil something about them, but uh, you probably don't want spoilers. Basically Good luck with the Post Game: it gets worse. Actually, It gets quite brutal if you aren't prepared/have not raised up some high level monsters. There's no shame if you move on to Stories 2 at that point.
(Kirin absolutely is cheating it feels like. I believe it was supposed to show you how tough elder dragons could be, or that some monsters might start getting multiple attacks.)
I haven't seen BS attack patterns like that since the Raid Dens in SwSh.
I can handle difficult boss fights. What I can't handle is when said boss just cheats the entire game until you find a cheesy strategy to lock down the fight.
Pokemon and Dragon Quest: Joker 2 are big offenders of this: Ultra Necrozma and Eternatus are both difficult, but not because they're any harder than other strong bosses. They're what I like to call "NO!" fights. Fights that beat your teeth in with overwhelming power for that point in the game and deny the use of any current strategy in order to artificially inflate the difficulty - at least until you find a really stupid strategy/exploit the AI to clown on it.
Ultra Necrozma's AI can be looped if you have a Zoroark and a fighting type on your team, which causes UN to spam its psychic attacks until you can kill it, and Eternatus' boss fight is rendered invalid the moment you can chuck a Master Ball at it.
And Rigor Mortex (the final superboss of Joker 2) is made laughably easy if you bring a Metal Kaiser Slime with Cure-All to the fight.
Boss fights that are supposed to be difficult, but can be brought to their knees by really dumb, easily exploitable means.
That's what I had to do with the Kirin fight. I ended up having to resort to some cheating of my own. I brought a Jade Barroth and I equipped a Sword and Shield weapon set, which allowed me to bring two separate Skillseal moves to the battle (Snowball and Dancing Swords)
Basically, I would hope for a Skillseal to keep the Kirin from using Ethereal Form/that AoE Thunder spell, and then I would wail on it with Skillseal Chaser from my Monstie.
I think there's a good rule of thumb when designing a boss fight: Don't make it so that the player has to resort to cheesing the entire fight in order to win.
I like Kirin, I think it's a really damn cool monster, I just really wish the devs didn't make it simultaneously difficult and easy to exploit.
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