#can’t believe polin has me writing essays like i’m 15 on tumblr again
paramores · 15 days
as soon as colin makes his true opinions be heard at the rake table at the end of part 1, they laugh at him and it’s quite obvious why he tried so hard to be something he’s not. he wanted to fit in and stopped being laughed that but like it’s not him. and to add to that he mentions to penelope that almost no one responded to his letters not even her when i’m sure she had always been the one that constantly responded with enthusiasm and interest. he always felt less than his brothers cuz he was the more sensitive one, the one that’s interests and softer personality didn’t line up with society. but penelope was always the one that adored him for exactly who he was and not who he thought he needed to be for society and i can’t wait for him to get that declaration from her.
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