#can suk just make a teaser post or say SOMETHING?
ellsieee · 21 days
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The Chinese fans don't believe ep 4 was the last ep either. 😂
IN NAMI WE TRUST. We will wait patiently.
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obsessivedilettante · 7 years
Dramaland Forecast: December 2017
Previously: 2016 - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - June - July - Aug - Sept - Oct - Nov
The Package -- this is, hands down, my favorite drama of the year. I had hoped it would be enjoyable, a fun romp with pretty scenery -- but I didn’t expect for me to fall in love with all the characters and care so much about their stories. It’s rare that I finish a drama and then immediately want to rewatch it, but I wish I could spend more time with this misfit tour group and become a part of their defacto family.
Currently watching:
Black -- I’ve heard rumors that this should be coming to US Netflix in the next month or so. If so, I’m jealous of anyone who gets to binge and not agonize with me each week, trying to figure out what’s going on and guess what will happen next.
Two Cops -- the premiere was okay, although I wasn’t immediately drawn in (although Hobaby’s love for his sunbae Jo Jung-suk is my new favorite thing). There’s a strong chance this will end up on the dropped list unless things pick up a little more, but for now, I’m willing to give it a chance.
Untouchable -- I thought about checking this one out because it seemed like it could have potential, until I remembered how bitter I am about the mess that was Masked Prosecutor, so this writer is still banned and I refuse to watch his stuff.
Doubtful Victory -- technically I haven’t dropped it, nor am I exactly skipping it. I just haven’t had a chance to watch the premiere yet, although knowing I can only watch a handful of live-airing shows at a time, there’s a strong chance this won’t make it to the “currently watching” list unless it’s binge-worthy (or I decide to drop Two Cops and the few December shows that interest me, making room in my viewing schedule).
Judge vs Judge -- as legal dramas go, this sounds like it could be a relatively fresh take, since most legal dramas focus on the prosecutors and lawyers. Buuuuut it’s still a legal drama and I’m not particularly motivated to check it out.
Wise Prison Life -- I really, really, really want to watch this drama. I also have discovered that the episodes are an hour-and-a-half long. Dammit, Shin PD, why are you making my life so difficult? If you want me to watch your shows, make them shorter! A girl only has so many hours in the day to watch dramas! I’m telling myself that I’ll binge it later, but then I’ve been saying that about Reply 1988 for almost two years, and I’m still balking at those episode lengths.
Upcoming dramas of interest:
Jugglers -- Daniel Choi in a workplace drama, surrounded by a mess of awesome women. I AM ALL IN!
I’m Not a Robot -- I love the cast, but I’m still iffy on the concept, and the teasers haven’t exactly won me over, either, so this will probably be a pass.
Bad Guys: City of Evil -- the teasers got me all hyped up! I don’t know if I’ll watch it while airing or wait to binge, but it’s definitely on the “watch” list.
Hwayugi -- the Hong sisters lost my trust years ago, but this looks pretty awesome, not the least because the cast is a collection of all their favorites from previous dramas. I hope they can deliver on this and remind me why I used to like their dramas in the first place.
Just Between Lovers -- this could be a little more melodramatic than is my taste, but it also seems like it will be one of those “slice-of-life” dramas that JTBC does so well, so it’s definitely got my attention. I don’t know if I’ll make time for it while it’s airing, though.
Return -- it’s a lawyer and detective show, which makes me go “ugh, not another one.” Buuuuuuut it stars queen Go Hyun Jung, along wth Lee Jin Wook, Shin Sung Rok, and my beloved Park Ki-woong, who I’ve been temporarily freezing out since I’ve been so disappointed with his post-army acting choices. But this will make up for it, right? At least I can hope!
Radio Romance -- Doojoon as a top star who can’t speak unless it’s scripted who then has to suddenly become a DJ? Yes, please! A love interest potentially with an actress who is still in her teens? Hell, no! Sigh, dramaland, why do you have to be this way? There are plenty of twenty-something (and thirty-something!) actresses who would make a good pairing with Doojoon (don’t make me remind you of my love for Soo Kyung noona!). Whhyyyyyyyyyyyyy are you making a teenager pretend to be older? Ugh, ugh, ugh.
As always, any drama not listed means I have nothing new to add since the last mention and/or it’s not something I care about enough to add to the list.
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