#can robot arm technology or whatnot be put to good use under socialism? maybe but technology is not a cure-all to
ciswomenofficial · 7 months
Transhumanism is just another mode of alienation with ones own body as made manifest by the capitalist mode of production. Customizing one’s body to every little degree to the point that it’s not properly a human any more all for a price. Getting a piercing is one thing, hormones is one thing, even surgery is one thing, but taking apart ones human body so that one can replace those parts of it or even it in whole with a machine? This is a capitalists solution to fear of death, to human existence, to simply do away with it rather than confronting it. I swear to god, none of you fuckers could imagine looking inward to solve any of your problems, and once you solve them with technology within this mode of production you’ll probably be miserable. Please don’t give yourself brain damage for some stupid brain chip, don’t disfigure yourself for a robot part. If the transhumanist future comes, most of you will probably only be the willing test subjects who get horribly fucked up by these technologies in order to make the technology for alienated bourgeoisie to make themselves (safely and probably still miserably as it won’t solve any of their problems) into gods
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