#calla 001
withsilvereyes · 1 month
setting : whilst the kingdoms begin their arrival to the westerlands, queen katherine holds a private audience in her chambers with lady calla lefford. ; starter for @calla-lefford
pale hues gazed out the window high above the grounds as carriages made their arrival, and for the first time in many months, the colors that decorated her room remained as they were - hues of champagne, glimmering gold, pale greens. they were comforting, and they were the colors that reminded her of the news the maester had brought her: first that she was finally successful in becoming with child, and second that she had bore the king a son and heir. no longer did she feel the need to change the scheme around her, the room finally felt as it should be, entirely hers.
a servants knock came at the door announcing the arrival of calla lefford, whom the queen had invited to have tea with her and discuss some things that had been on her mind for some time now. though many would whisper of the rumors that swirled around the eldest lady of house lefford, garland hightower was now dead, and his legacy, what little of it there was, had died with him. with this, came much change that surrounded the former lord of the hightower, and katherine took it as opportunity to invoke change in the narrative that he had created around calla lefford, as well, or at the very least, give people the opportunity to forget such things about a lady of hers.
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for that seemed to be the natural step to things, to have the last of the lefford sister's becoming a lady of the queen's. and, in a more personal sense, katherine believed she deserved another chance at renewing her life at court, should the other accept it. when the red haired lady entered, a smile came over the queen's face. "good day, lady lefford. i apologize if i did not give you much chance to settle, but i was eager to speak with you." a hand gestured to the sitting area, chairs and love seats of velvet placed to face each other. the queen took her usual seat and allowed the other a moment to take her spot. "i've asked for a variety of foods to be served, for i must admit i am not sure what it is you prefer." she stated, referring to the various fruits, pastries, breads, and cheeses laid out on the table before them.
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cfthornsandroses · 1 month
setting : the westerlands, matilda tyrell has just arrived and has gone to mingle with the other ladies, she run's into calla lefford while there ;; @calla-lefford
context : matilda and calla were best friends, but tilly confided in calla that she did not really support the marriage between the lefford and garland hightower, creating a rift between the two.
the bright rays of the sun cast their light upon matilda's skin, and she craved the warmth more than anything right now. she was glad it was not too cold this far north in the westerlands, having always enjoyed weather that was good enough to spend time outside, comfortably, in. she laughed with some of the ladies who had accompanied her to one of the long tables at the garden and sipped the refreshing drink from porcelain cups. she found herself to be a bit of a inward critic when it came to parties and events, even ones held by the queen of the west herself, but matilda was, unsurprisingly, impressed with how lovely things seemed to be so far.
green orbs shifted just across the table, some spaces down, to familiar red tresses, and she felt her mood shift for a moment as she had not realized she would run into calla so soon. of course, there were plenty of chances for the two to see each other in the reach, and then king's landing, but tilly would be a liar if she did not admit she somewhat avoided the potential conflict. and now? the hightower lord was dead, and she was curious both how a woman she still considered a friend was doing, or if she really cared.
the lady of highgarden had to refrain from speaking of the man, she did not really care for the hightower's for a number of reasons, though she supposed the artist was just fine. and now she felt a pang of guilt at letting her stubbornness and bias get in the way of being a friend to the other, but she also felt compelled to be honest, too. it were a fine line, that she did not dance so gracefully.
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and suddenly it seemed one by one, or in small groups, most of the table had gotten up, and it was just tilly and calla, close enough for conversation, but far enough to look as if they were not exactly sitting together.
the brunette took a sip of tea, plucking one of the pastries from the center of the table and taking a small bite. it was delightful, soft and moist and practically melted in her mouth. "these are a bit dry." she gave a shrug, clearly speaking to calla, finding any excuse to say something, and for whatever reason, those were the words that left her lips.
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amirofmanderlys · 9 months
who: @calla-lefford what: a continuation of this thread, in a separate post because of tumblr
there were inklings of moments where the second son of house manderly could feel his patience almost being tested, as he waited by the open door with his hand attempting to hold it open; for with the way the wind had picked up, he knew should he let go, it would immediately swing shut. there came a moment where he looked upon the briefest of interactions, where the flame haired woman seemed to immediately push herself away from the guard that seemed ready and able to push her directly into the establishment he were basically hanging out of; he found himself wondering if it were normal for guards to put their hands upon the noble women they were supposed to be protecting in the westerlands.
he thought briefly of his own sisters, how much they had been in the company of guards, and the thought of a guard putting their hands on them even roughly for a moment was enough to cause him ire. how much power did even guards have over women in the land of elegant savagery?
"it is no issue, lady lefford." amir spoke, as the lady raised her hands to protect her gaze as she crossed the threshold of the establishment: his gaze remaining fixed upon the guards that seemed to follow her. he could tell they were leffords by the symbols they adorned on their armour, and his gaze flickered back and forth from the establishment, to calla, and then to them. almost as though he could see the seeds of this story being sewn; she had already been the subject of much gossip if what his older sister had told him was correct, and for her to find herself within what appeared to be a dornish tavern with a northern lord would be something else entirely. "unfortunately i know not how long we'll be here. consider this my first sandstorm." amir spoke with a sense of civility and fluency for a northern lord, no doubt reflected by the manderlys close association with the south.
all knew of it; and yet none doubted they were truly northern at heart.
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he let go of the door when it were time for the guards to enter, turning on his heel and making his way further into the establishment. he had not expected them too to come inside. as he heard them follow, he turned toward them once again, a look of perplexion crossing his features. "how is it you intend to inform lord lefford his sister taking refuge here and not dead in the sand?" he demanded, remaining fixed in his position as he looked towards the guards. his temper was already on the shorter end, and with the way westerlanders often looked down upon he north, he knew it would not be long before this establishment was forced to witness something as tumultuous as the winds outside. he looked toward calla lefford, half wondering whether she were ready to send them back into the sandstorm. or if she preferred for them to stay. "you are in reputable hands, my lady. regardless of this tavern we've found ourselves in."
for he had taken a seat casually, despite feeling entirely out of place in where they were. he looked around, trying to ensure they were not in a brothel of some sort. that would be a disaster. "were you too making your way back to the old palace?"
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casterlygldcs · 2 years
who: @calla-lefford​ where: casterly rock, the first dawn following the rains of castamere
with the piercing clang against a golden plate, two remainders of a grim and treacherous chapter in westerland history had been firmly closed within the emerald hues of the lion king. though there was a noticeable, missing ache within the beating heart of the house of lannister, they had survived another day and had remained higher than the rest, with nothing but clear skies above them. the rings of lord reynes and tarbecks, rings that had been obtained from the corpses of the two men were presented to the eldest daughter of the last lioness of the old guard, the lady of the mighty hightower now.
his cousin, his kin; though tyland did not consider her a lannister by blood nor a lioness in itself, he considered her kin enough to know vengeance needed to be served to allow some to sleep at night. it was a darker form of coping with grief,  one which often kept them up for many nights in the future considering what it was they had done, supported, cheered on. the lines of reyne and tarbeck were utterly annihilated, regardless of man or woman, grown or not grown - utterly ripped from root and stem.
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he had no use for the heavens, and they surely had no use for him at this point; at this rate, tyland lannister had resigned himself to ensuring he bought and reigned over the seven hells too when his time came. "it is done." he uttered, his words a veil to the reality of what had been done as the dawn began to break. there was no birds singing however, as though them too were left reeling over what had occurred the night of a wedding. 
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toxinsup · 11 months
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❝The Horrors You Committed Are Not Who You Are❞
001/∞ Mutuals may reblog <3
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geometricalien · 2 years
001 - genshin, 002 - xiaoven, 003 - mmm childe?
Thank you isak!! This took a long time but it was alot of fun :)
001 | Genshin
Favorite character: Bennett, he's just a guy, a small guy with zero luck, abandoned by fate, but somehow he still manages to be kind and optimistic. He's lowkey inspiring to me, he's also my phone background!
Least Favorite character: umm… npc - Albert (enough said), pc - Al0y, if we're not counting her it's Q!qi (don't want them to show up in their tags since I'm dragging them ahsjek)
5 Favorite ships: oooo okay in no particular order- Venti/Aether/Xiao, Yae Miko/Ei, Ayato/Thoma (in the fucked up way though), Itto/Gorou, and Albedo/Kaeya is slowly creeping into my subconscious
Character I find most attractive: gah um uh? There are so many hot characters but none of them are standing out in my mind as complete and utter smoke shows to me personally? Huh, guess my aceness is really showing on this one- SHIT NOPE I JUST REMEMBERED BAIZHU. It's him. It's Baizhu
Character I would marry: Gorou, he's a sweetie, I love him, true husband material if I've ever seen it
Character I would be best friends with: Heizou, don't know much about him yet but I want to be besties with him
A random thought: Diluc's farming ascension material should be a calla lily, make the parallels between him and Kaeya stronger, cowards
An unpopular opinion: People in the west AND east who hate Kaeluc simply bc they were "siblings" should also hate with their entire being Eren/Mikasa and if they don't, catch these fucking fists.
My Canon OTP: There’s? Canon ships in genshin? Okay there isn't agzhkdkd I was CONFUSED ahjsjdk
My non-canon OTP: queer platonic polycule Razor/Bennett/Fischl- aged up of course
Most Badass character: Scaramouche!!!
Most Epic Villian: Signora, her elemental switch?? Kicking my little meow meow Venti?? Her dress!?! Iconic. Hate her. Love her. Want to be her.
Pairing I'm not a fan of: Ay@ka/Th0ma, I see why people ship it, I just prefer fucked up gays to fucked up straights, long live bi Thoma though
Characters I think the writers/creators screwed up: Albedo. I know he has an intriguing backstory but I don't know what the fuck it is or what the fuck happened up on that damn mountain with him and Bennett and why we might have to kill him and what the hell he has to do with Khaneriah- that should've been a permanent event. Same with all the festivals that new players miss or have missed
Favorite friendship: Razor and Bennett!
Character I most identify with: that extensive uquiz kin assignment says Aether, but personally I'll tentatively say Albedo since I don't know much about his character but what I do know feels… familiar
Character I wish I could be: I think it'd be cool to be Yae Miko, immortal, turn into a fox, have hot girlfriend/wife, epic electro powers, read/write books, eat fancy meals, yeah her
002 | Xiather
When did I start shipping them: When I finished the attack on Liyue Harbor, but it really grew roots after the latest 2.7 archon quest
My thoughts: I think they could deeply understand each other, their losses and pains. They could help each other, heck Xiao comes every single time you call him to the field and Aether whenever we run into Xiao wants to talk with him a little longer. They are practically one of the more Canon non-canon ships, if that makes sense
What makes me happy about them: The mental image of Xiao catching Aether in the fight at the harbor, how this is the first person he has touched in hundreds of years, how he's been so cautious of his karma and he's worried if he has infected Aether with it, only for the relief that Aether… isn't really human, and that he wants to be in Xiao's arms again and have Xiao in his
What makes me sad about them: just Xiao. How he isolates himself from everyone, that actually getting them together would first be preceded with 100 levels of self hate/insecurity from Xiao in his mind. He doesn't think he's deserving of love :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: possessive Xiao, chat fics, ABO
Things I look for in a fanfic: I want to find a fanfic that really explores their potential. Like, I want a 12k fic of them just talking. A real ass long deep conversation. I want a character study
Wishlist: I want more events/quests where they interact
Who i would be comfortable with them ending up together if not each other: Xiao with Venti and/or therapy bc we both know Venti doesn't know therapy, he can't be Xiao's "therapist" like Aether could. Aether is the bicycle of genshin, he can be with almost anyone, but Ayaka and Venti are strong contenders for me
My happily ever after for them: End of genshin impact, Celestia is defeated, twins are reunited, Khaneriah is restored, the twins decide to stay for a while, Xiao is released from his contract, and he heals. They get closer, they help each other, they change, out grow each other for the better, Xiao is more integrated into society, and the twins continue their journey across the stars. In my mind, they are simply two people who were lucky enough to cross paths and help each other for as long as they could.
003- Childe
How i feel about him: Tumblr sexy man-esque. He's a little… overplayed by the fandom if that makes sense, kinda like how Oikawa was. Everyone loves him and hates him and they overlysexualize/feminized him. Who he actually is out of fandom is really cool and I understand why he is a fan favorite. I'm excited to see him more in canon
Any/all I ship with him romantically: Zhongli, Traveller!Lumine, AbyssPrince!Aether (these are very specific and the twins can't be changed), and likely a future fauti member bc there is a potential dynamic I could see (but not signora or scaramouche)
My favorite non-romantic relationship with this character: Kaeya and Signora- they have a more bitchy friendship thing, and scaramouche hates his guts, I love that for him aghdjd
My unpopular opinion (NSFW warning): I really hate zhongli/childe being in an ABO au, they are, by definition, switches where childe is the more dominant by the fact that, say it with me, "water erodes stone"
One thing I wish for in canon: I hope we see him before we go to Snezhnaya, I feel like Snezhnaya is going to be the last land we explore besides maybe Khaneriah and I don't want to wait over 3 years to see him again
Favorite friendship with him: I guess… Zhongli. Or the Traveller. I guess the Traveller in canon bc I don't know if Childe and Zhongli meet up after Childe learns the truth or if they have broken apart. I loved that they seem to have lunch together, it showed a closeness. And as for the Traveller, the fact that Childe trusts his younger brother in our care and knows we would instantly take care of this lost child- idk I like that trust
My crossover ship: ??? Hmm let me think. I think I would like to see him interact with Oikawa or Kise. They are all kinda similar and I want to see how interacting makes their differences shine.
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gcuienveres · 3 years
this is what makes us girls // @myrlefford​ @calla-lefford​
lowering her crimson red cloak from over her bouncing golden curls, guinevere crossed into her personal  chambers within the lannister apartments, tucked away within one of the seven towers of the eyrie. the rain that pattered down against the royal blue stained glass windows had long since descended upon the peaks of the mountains of the moon, meaning most had resorted to remaining within the confines of the keep tonight. as the attendants in her chambers began to light some scented candles, brew her a green tea that was always kept stocked up in her rooms and ensure the hearth was crackling, guinevere stepped over the threshold of her personal reception chambers to find her emerald orbs fall upon two familiar figures, sat comfortably upon velvet armchairs.
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"family meeting?" raising a slight eyebrow as her steps slowed, remaining stood in the doorframe, she briefly wondered what it was her cousins were doing here; so far from home, and the safety of the westerlands. perhaps bartering betrothals, being put in place; just as they all were, playing their roles for the game. their mother had chosen to accompany them back to the vale after all; this summit was for alliances, and what better than marriages to secure them? "ominous." she spoke, her tone teasing as she moved closer toward her two cousins; making them out properly in the firelight.
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ashesandwines · 4 years
“Calla! Look at you all tan and fit.” Tavish made sure to keep her tone even and pleasant. She didn’t want to play all of her cards just yet. Siding into the bench seat and flipping her curls over her shoulder, she gave the other Slytherin a polite smile (not too wide, not too eager). It was important to start with the pleasantries before diving in. “How were your summer hols? Seems to be treating you right.”
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soughtvice · 5 years
text 📲: calla
damien: hey
damien: so what a fucked weekend, huh lmao
[one minute passes]
damien: ok /that/ was fucked, anyway. haven't seen you in a while, how are you?
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tookchances · 5 years
text 📲: calla
harrison: i would say i can't believe how useless today's class was, but i actually! can so
harrison: so i know we technically don't have homework, but should we have a meeting some time this week to work on that project he just sprung up on us?
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crouchcs · 2 years
for calla avery // @chxrmsfm​
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❝      you’ll   never   get   what   you   want   if   you   always   let   people   step   on   you      ❞
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interwoven-fates · 3 years
001 》 mods
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mod rei
✦ he/they
✦ na server!! klee and albedo main
✦ writing: @windblume-beloved | main: @test-tube | carrd
mod lili/calla/qian
✦ she/her
✦ na server!! diluc, xiao (and ayato) main
✦ main: @lilikags | rp @sinae-unicornis / @yashiro-commissioner | carrd
mod aya
✦ bun/they
✦ asia server!! jean and hu tao main
✦ main: @fuhuashandholder
mod amaterasu/helios/celastrina
✦ all pronouns - no preference
✦ asia server! kaeya and sucrose main
✦ main: @paradise-creator​ | writing: @euphoric-author
mod J/Silver
✦ she/they
✦ asia server, keqing(!!), xiao & hu tao main
✦ main: @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst​ | rp @ilovestickyhoneyroast​​
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leap-loves · 4 years
Leap’s Selfship Masterlist!
I’ll try to keep this up to date!
Romantic F/O’s (I wanna date them):
- TFP and Knightverse Bumblebee x Dawn [ Float Like A Butterfly ]
- Nightwing / Dick Grayson x Indi / Gloria [ Sunshine in the Shadows ]
- DBZ(A) Android 16 x Raine [ Fly Away with Me ]
- Pokemon SW/SH Raihan x Chantae x Leon [ My Greatest Challenges ]
- BNHA Taishiro Toyomitsu / Fatgum x Mai Kanemoto / Monarch [ MaiTai ]
- BNHA Keigo Takami / Hawks x Asuka Hoshino [ Winging It ]
- Obey Me! Beelzebub x Faith Holmes  [ Devils Food Cake ]
- Bungou Stray Dogs Doppo Kunikida x Christina Andersen [ Written in the Waves ]
- Bungou Stray Dogs Chuuya Nakahara x Sachiko Yoshihara  [ Red and White ]
- Genshin Impact Childe x Jade [ Soak and Shock ]
- Genshin Impact Albedo x Calla [ Opposites Attract ]
- Genshin Impact Scaramouche / Wanderer x Ava [ Third Times the Charm ]
- Genshin Impact Tighnari x Shiko x Cyno [ From Land to Sky ]
- Genshin Impact Jean x Jia [ For You, Always ]
- Genshin Impact Baizhu x Yuming [ YuZhu ]
- That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Soei x Meira [ Strings of Fate ]
- That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Carrion x Elaine [ Deer to Me ]
Platonic F/O’s (I wanna hang out with them):
- TFA and TFP Ratchet + Dawn [ I Needed That ]
- Red Hood / Jason Todd + Indi / Gloria [ Light in the Dark ]
- Red Robin / Tim Drake + Indi / Gloria [ Vigilantes Run On Caffeine ]
- Robin / Damian Wayne + Indi / Gloria [ Tiny But Mighty ]
- DBZ(A) Vegeta + Raine [ Monkey Say Dragon Do ]
- Pokemon SW/SH Hop + Chantae [ We Could Be Legends ]
- BNHA Eijirou Kirishima / Red Riot + Mai Kanemoto / Monarch [ Hardwing ]
- BNHA Tamaki Amajiki / Suneater + Mai Kanemoto / Monarch [ Fly With Confidence ]
- Obey Me! Lucifer + Faith Holmes [ Double Blue ]
- Obey Me! Mammon + Faith Holmes [ Golden Glow ]
- Obey Me! Leviathan + Faith Holmes  [ Game Night ]
- Obey Me! Satan + Faith Holmes [ Hell Hath No Fury ]
- Obey Me! Asmodeus + Faith Holmes [ Beauty with a Hoodie ]
- Obey Me! Belphegor + Faith Holmes [ Nap Time ]
- Obey Me! Luke + Faith Holmes [ Sweet As Sugar ]
- Obey Me! Solomon + Faith Holmes [ The Sorcerer and His Apprentice ]
- Bungou Stray Dogs Osamu Dazai + Christina Andersen [ Calm as the Sea ]
- Genshin Impact Venti + Calla [ Easy Breezy ]
- Genshin Impact Bennett + Calla [ Heal by Fire ]
- TMNT Turtles + Renne [ Turtle Time ]
- Cyborg 009 00 Cyborgs + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Alpha-Numeric ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 001 / Ivan Whisky + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Just A Baby ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 002 / Jet Link + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Gotta Go Fast ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 003 / François Arnoule + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ ??? ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 004 / Albert Heinrich + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Swiss Army Cyborg ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 005 / G. Jr. + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Team Yeet ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 006 / Chang Changku + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Fre Sha Vocado ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 007 / Great Britain + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Why Mom Doesn't Fucking Love You ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 008 / Pyunma + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Sand Guardian ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 009 / Joe Shimamura + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ ?? ]
Other Links
Self Ship Content Masterlist
Ask Game Masterlist
Also I'm perfectly fine with sharing f/o's!
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amirofmanderlys · 10 months
who: @calla-lefford when and where: flashback to when all the courts were gathered in dorne; amir and calla were both separately making their way back to sunspear's old palace from the bazzar, when the sand storm hit.
it were strange to amir manderly, as he walked through the streets of the bazar clad in a thin tan coloured shirt, to consider the fact he appeared more similar to those dornish folk surrounding him as opposed to the majority of the north. upon hearing the news that the northern court would be travelling south to dorne, there was a large majority of northerners that were opposed to such an idea; openly disclaiming that northerners did not travel south. on the other hand, amir found himself fascinated with the culture of dorne; the rhoynish who had decided to remain and conquer the dunes rather than continue to push through.
whilst their forms of worship were different, the second son of house manderly was far more opened minded than many of his peers; understanding that custom was different, and that was simply the way it was.
since dorne had opened itself up some time ago, he had heard of the house of wisdom in passing, in rumour or in whispers; there seemed to be mixed beliefs and ideas regarding the establishment, though it were somewhere he sought to visit. and as he looked at the multitude of people surrounding him, he realised that perhaps he was one of the few non dornish people who felt entirely at ease within the bustling streets of the bazzar. it were as though something in his blood called back and remisiced on the bustling streets and bazzars within the rhoynish city states, where his ancestors had once walked. before it became ruins, at the hands of a shared enemy.
alas, scholars and pages at the house of wisdom seemed reluctant on allowing an outsider passage to visit: claiming one needed to gain approval in advance. no matter how much he pushed, they refused to budge, and therefore the manderly resorted to leaving and taking up the request to the prince of dorne himself. he were making the return journey to the old palace, a steep twenty minute walk; it could be done by horse, and yet the man had ended up being unable to work out where he had left his horse. he would walk, and consider it part of his exercise - an uphill walk was worth it.
people seemed to be walking quickly, using coverings to hide their face; almost rushing. he looked gingerly around him, noting there was some westerland procession behind him; a woman with red hair, and some other ladies. as they walked along the dusty uphill road, passed some establishments that could be likened to eateries, he heard people yelling to one another in a language he did not understand. his hand instinctively moved to this blade at his hilt. suddenly it felt as though there were something in his eye, and he cursed quietly under his breath; bringing his arms upward to shield his face.
suddenly there were a dornishman yelling at him in a tongue he did not understand, and he looked upon him, noting the way the wind seemed to change. he were hanging out of the door of some old establishment along the dusty road. "sorry?" amir yelled in response. it was then the man realised despite being rhoynish, amir manderly did not speak whatever tongue the dornishman was speaking. instead, the man spoke, in broken common tongue; ushering him in.
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"storm is coming! you die!" amir manderly almost blinked in confusion, wondering what the man were speaking about. and then the wind seemed to suddenly get harder, and he looked at the sight of the rocks that were being lifted and thrown aside. one nearly hit the westerlands woman. he had half the mind to tell her it were an eatery, not a brothel - what was she hesitating for? amir stood in the doorway, holding the door open, though he felt the wind picking up now. in the distance, he could see large amounts of sand being blown up from where it were settled.
the man were also speaking to the flame haired woman beside him, who alongside the woman of the westerlands who he had seen in passing, who appeared to be momentarily hesitating, looking at the establishment. "what are you admiring?" amir demanded, his voice almost impatient as he looked at her. he saw her dodge some sort of stones and debris that had been tossed in her direction "get inside!" amir called over to the woman, having to raise his voice over the sound of the whistles of the wind.
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theoamatus · 3 years
white flowers; if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. – headcanon 001.
character death tw
A few months after Theodore’s eight birthday, his mother became seriously ill. At first nothing was said to him, everyone thought it was going to be fine and hoped for the best, and he probably would not had understood the seriousness anyway. After all, he was just a child who had many other things on his mind – his friends, his hobbies, which quidditch team won the last game and so on – but six months after the first symptoms, it became clear that it wasn’t going to be fine. During the first summer, his mother tried to keep care of her flowers according to her well-being. Flowers and plants had always been her passion and that was the reason, why the Nott manor had a conservatory. Surprisingly, the conservatory was also one of Theodore’s favourite rooms. He personally wasn’t interested in plants at all, but the room was beautiful – and to his mother’s annoyance, it was, in his opinion, a great playground. So, together they spent a lot of time there – his mother doing what she liked the most, Theo doing what he liked. Sometimes he spent his time playing the piano which was in the next room from the conservatory.  However, after the summer, it became clearer that help was needed and in September, Mrs. Marlowe was hired to help Mrs. Nott with Theodore because some days his mother’s condition was worse than on others. Also, treatments forced her to stay bed for days. From the beginning it was known that the treatments would not cure her, the chance for that miracle was too low, but they gave her more moths to live and see her son to grow up.
Over the year his mother’s condition got worse and worse, and eventually the truth had to be told to Theodore too. Earlier he had been informed that his mother was sick because the treatments cause side-effects but now, after a year later, he was told that his mother was going to die – and, given her current situation, probably earlier than expected. She spent more and more day in the bed, and Theo spent more time with Mrs. Marlowe who tried her best to keep the young boy busy and entertained. He wanted to spend as much time with his mother as he could, but it wasn’t possible – she was very tired and spent her days mainly sleeping, but Theo spent his time reading in her room whenever when he had a change. For the last to moths of her lifetime, her condition had worsened, and she was moved to hospital. Theodore couldn’t see her so often anymore and a month before his tenth birthday, his mother died. He and his father stayed beside her bed when she passed away in her sleep.
Returning from the hospital was quiet and during the moths after his mother’s death Theodore mainly spent his time alone in the conservatory and with Mrs. Marlowe. His father became distant and he clearly had hard time to dealt with his wife’s death, but he didn’t know how to deal with his emotions, so he isolated himself. During those months, Theodore had to make their housekeeper one of his parental figures as for a moment it felt like he had lost both of his parents. Because nobody knew how to take care of the flowers, slowly they became to die and that is when his father made the decision to close the conservatory from house. It wasn’t destroyed, you could still enter into it from the back of the manor, but the door was replaced with a wall. It was heart breaking for Theodore – the conservatory was the most important thing for him and his mother. After the isolation of the conservatory, Theodore avoided his father. His actions had hurt him, but as he grew up, he started to see also his point of view. the conservatory was also heart breaking for his father. They just looked it in a different way; for him it was a place of feeling close to his mother, for his father it was a painful memory of his wife.  
But Mrs. Marlowe offered him another way to stay close to his mother. They visited her grave regularly and brought white flowers every time they visited. His mother had a special place in her heart for white flowers – lilies of the valley, white roses, white tulips, white peonies, white lilies, white calla lilies and many other flowers which he couldn’t recognize. He never had a chance to ask why white flowers were so important for her, since as a child it didn’t interest him but, now he would love to hear the reason behind that love since there were no flowers other than white in the conservatory. It was one thing he knew for sure about her – the most of things he knows about her he has heard from others. His own memories of her have faded but he remembers the white flowers which grew in the conservatory, the bouquets in the house and his mother’s passion for them. So, he and Mrs. Marlowe visited the grave and brought flowers with them, and even these days when he visits her grave, he will have a bouquet of white flowers and he will leave a few of those for himself, put them in a vase and keep his mother’s memory alive in his home.
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andalasiahq-blog · 7 years
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Hades Kokkinos
Megara Callas
FLOOR 12 ROOM B ( 12B ):
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Ariel Waters
FLOOR 12 ROOM C ( 12C ):
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Future Pain Character
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Hans ( Last Name to Be Added )
Lydia Worthington
FLOOR 09 ROOM D ( 09D ):
Rapunzel Gothel
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FLOOR 06 ROOM A ( 06A ):
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Sally Finkelstein
FLOOR 06 ROOM B ( 06 B ):
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The Other Bonfamilles
FLOOR 03 ROOM C ( 03 C ):
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