writingail · 3 years
“Look, we could throw all these in a bag and call it a day,” Dominic groaned in frustration, fingers struggling to keep down the rolling red and white wrapping paper. Christmas was always fun. He loved getting together with friends, shopping for questionable gifts and dodging his parents’ questions about his love life. But wrapping presents was simply impossible, no matter how many times he tries and how hard Daysia tried to teach him. “Ace is just going to rip apart the paper and make a mess. If I put this in a bag, all he has to do is pull out the box.”
Leaning against the wall of his tiny bedroom, he let go of the paper, causing it to roll into itself. “Either you’re going to have to come back here and show me again, or I’m going to stick a bow on it and call it a day,” Dom said, looking back to Daysia, who was lounging on his bed. It was a sight he never thought he’d see again, but one that was always welcome. When he moved back to the city, Dominic feared his relationship with Daysia would fizzle to an end the same way others had. But somehow, the distance was manageable, and they stayed in touch. And now here she was, lying in his bed as she’d done long before. 
When she didn’t move, the Jr. Architect pushed up from his seat and crossed the distance to his bed. “Day, don’t make me beg.” @illuminctes​
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domcorderio · 4 years
Dominic spent half his time lounging on the floor with a sleepy Franky whenever he was at Daysia and Mavi’s apartment. It was far less comfortable than curling up on their couch or sitting at their kitchen table, but over the last few months that had been his spot. But this time, he’d abandoned his post and was following around the curly haired woman like a lost puppy, watching her every move move.
“Are you hungry? Did you eat yet?” He asked, eyes trained on her as she moved through the apartment. Dominic was trying to keep the conversation light and casual, but the truth was he wasn’t there to just hang out. After what happened with Saphira, he needed to make sure she was okay. @daysiias​
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domcorderio · 4 years
There weren’t many things Dominic Corderio was good at. He wasn’t good at looking both ways before crossing the street, remembering when rent was due, or to call his mother every week like she’d made him promise. But he was even worse at apologies, and especially when it came to apologies towards someone he’d hurt as bad as Daysia Collins. Since their explosive fight in the confines of his bedroom days before, Dom had bee beaten himself up over the question she’d asked, and the good memories they’d shared in his short time in town. So he found himself thinking of the ways he could get a second of her time so he could apologize, so she could hear him out and try to make things better. His idea wasn’t the greatest, in fact he was almost certain it was destined to fail, but he was going to give it his best shot.
After closing up the Graveyard, Dominic headed to the tiny pizza shop in town and ordered a large pepperoni pizza, asking specifically for the round pieces of sausage to be formed in the shape of a heart. After a few minutes, he got in his car, drove home to Tangerine Towers and wrecked down the hall, stopping at her front door just across from his own. Dominic’s palms were sweaty, his eyebrows were permanently furrowed and he felt a lump quickly forming n his throat. What if she didn’t answer? What if she saw him through the peep hole and went back to sit on her couch with Frank? What if Mac was over and they were still freezing him out? He didn’t allow himself much time to consider the scenarios because in a second, his knuckles were rapping again the wooden door.
“D, it’s me.” @daysiias​
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writingail · 3 years
😴 day/dom
A starter where my muse is patching up your muses injuries - Daysia and Dominic
“Alright, alright - will you hold still for a second?” Dominic instructed, sitting cross-legged on the ground before Daysia with an array of bandages, frozen packs, sports tapes and other first-air paraphernalia scattered across the floor. Skateboarding sounded like a fun activity, one that would get them both out of the house and roaming through the streets of Peach Hollows. But things took a turn along one particularly poorly paved road. And after carrying her back to Tangerine, he was now nursing what he hope was not a sprained ankle.
“I know its cold, but we gotta put this on it. All Had in the fridge were peas and frozen corn, so take your pick,” Dom continued, holding up two bags of frozen veggies.
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