#by recently i mean in the last couple weeks like. this is my passtime
orthodoxxing · 6 months
love to see at least 5 independent posts from diff ppl on my dash referencing the new hbomberguy vid like oh ok we're all watching this huh. tumblr wide watch party. ive been dropping everything for his feature+ length videos for ages now and its so so satisfying to see not only that he has an audience but that his videos are a (perhaps niche) cultural event. as they DESERVE to be
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thetrial · 4 years
Quarantine Routine
Usually i’m not into tag game stuff but this one seems like something enjoyable (not to mention a way to vent). thank you for tagging me @bilaqua 🧡🧡🧡
Are you staying home from work/school?
Yes. we were almost halfway through the semester when we moved to online learning and it sucks so bad i hate it (i understand why it’s necessary and of course the public safety and the wellbeing of the staff and students is the most importnat thing but i’m still allowed to have a bad time). two of my profs are uploading lecture videos, the rest is either self-study (bleh) or video conference calls (i disabled my camera & microphone when i got my laptop and i can’t figure out how to turn them back on and maybe that’s for the best), and every professor has his (lol academic inequality) own preferred software so now i have four different programs on my computer to communicate with my peers and professors instead of emailing like normal people. currently, most of my exams have been cancelled and replaced with assignments which normally i would be ecstatic about (fuck exams) but! normally i would go to the library to work on them and i can’t. and on top of all that every other day we’re getting a useless corona update from the university telling us not to panic and nothing else and it clogs my inbox. hate it hate it hate it.
If you are staying home, who is with you?
i’m with my sister!
Are you a homebody?
i guess so but in moderation? i don’t like going out-out (clubbing etc) but my favourite passtime is finding a nice piece of grass and soak in the sun and listen to the birds and just be. or in general just not be in the house. i don’t know. what IS a home even, what does it mean [”i would like there to exist spaces that are stable, unmoving, intangible, untouched and almost untouchable, unchanging, deep-rooted; places that might be points of reference, of departure, of origi-”]
An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
ohoho. academic opportunities (conferences, networking etc). fieldwork for my thesis. a trip to the north of the netherlands (waddenzee) in the easter holiday. seeing my friends in class, tentative friend dates with new people, apprenticeship this summer, getting a job, visiting my family in the countryside, spring as a concept.
What movies have you watched recently?
princess mononoke. umm. that’s it. i’m not hugely into films because the emotional stakes feel so disconnected from my reality and generally it feels all very hollow in a way i can’t really express [”it says nothing to me about my life”]. also i spent every day in the last three weeks sitting down working away on my laptop getting a headache i’m not going to sit down and watch a screen for an additional two hours for fun.
What shows are you watching?
absolutely not. whatever goes for films goes doubly for series. i am not investing time and emotion i do not have to spare in these stories (i’m very irritable right now sometimes i’m more open to series. it’s just something about how they’re so fucking long, and how we’re encouraged to watch them all in one go, i don’t like it). also as i said i have a massive headache from my computer at all times and would rather not. that being said i finished rewatching avatar a couple of days before the lockdown started and i had a nice time.
What music are you listening to?
lots of folk (calms me down), whatever talking heads is, mitski, the mountain goats, soundtracks of films i like, i’ve also been going through my record collection again and reliving those albums and teh memories they carry with them. sadly i decided not to make monthly mixtapes for 2020 so i don’t have a nifty link reflecting my mood.
What are you reading?
a lot because i refuse to consume visual media. this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone. the raven and the reindeer by t kingfisher. carry on by rainbow rowell. someone to run with by david grossman. the conservation revolution by bram büscher and robert fletcher (nonfiction). the fellowship of the ring (inspired by paula @bilaqua, thank you so much i’m having a blast so far). also supposedly la belle dauvage by philip pullman and the master and the margrita by mikhail bulgakov but i haven’t seen them since the quarantine started. and of course university-related books papers theses etc.
next on my list are on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong, the poppy war by rf kuang and reread the earthsea novels because it has been too long
What are you doing for self care?
haha. hahahaha. i started running again after stopping for a couple of years as a way to release tensions. like every person in this city i also started a sourdough starter and i’m baking bread and stuff. i cook a lot and i’m constantly trying out new recipes and cuisines but i did that before as well. as i said laying on the floor, listening to records and trying to find that person inside myself again. reading. going to the store once a week and taking the scenic route. i’m toying with the idea of teaching myself to play an instrument, and i set a goal of drawing every day a bit and spenidng less time on the computer but that isn’t happening with my current workload. i’m sleeping like shit etc and i think that’s the opposite of self-care [”the wind is in from africa and last night i couldn’t sleep”]. i think that generally i’m holding up but i’m not doing very well.
thank you again for tagging me and letting me get this all out
i’m very tired and can’t think of anyone to tag so if you’re iterested you are most welcome to say i tagged you, i would love to read your response
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