#by now im not sure anymore njkenrke. it's definitely the one ive listened to the most
bluebudgie · 1 year
Yelling about the one single rat shipping song I got up my sleeves.
You have been warned.
So I may have been obsessed with the Deus Ex OST for the past months. (As mentioned on several occasions.)
And there's that one particular song.
And I don't have any hard proof because somehow this specific memory is wiped but I could swear this song was at least a partial catalyst (no pun intended) in the whole shipping saga. It's just so spot on.
Got it in Petthri's playlist because quite frankly the largest chunk of the song fits him better -- it's... not sure if I'd call it upbeat necessarily, but it's... groovy (has anyone on planet earth used that word in the past 10 years) and has a certain bounciness to it. It's got that bright tone.
But where things get real is that section right before the song loops.
That part kicking in at 1:39. (I am not normal about it.) Those low synths, and I don't know how to properly explain this to you, but they fit Lahpp so perfectly. Like the overall "groove" of the song doesn't change, it keeps going like before, but suddenly it feels more... subtle. Keeping it low you know. And then two repeats of that melody later (1:57) the bright synth string instruments that were kinda wobbling in the background earlier kick in again, sort of "dancing" all over the rest of the elements? Almost a little overshadowing but still so in harmory with everything. Like. You know. A certain rat. And I think what really ties the two (synths? rats? both) together is the bass line that plays through the whole thing. Somehow it has elements of both, it's bouncy but... not in your face. (I wish I had something to say about the percussion as well but... other than "something something driving force" I haven't really associated anything in particular with it.)
I did say that most of the song is mostly giving off Petthri energy but I feel like even that aspect in itself is so fitting. Plus, you know, the bass line is there almost all song long... :)
I don't know man, I can spend literal hours listening to this and trying to fake-deep overanalyize every single little sound in this, but even if i didn't do that, the overall vibe of the entire thing is just so spot on for these two. This song is the Kaineng City night walk, and the holographic whale watching, and the trying out all the food stalls. It's just it.
And this post, my friends, is a prime example of why I try to stay away from music ask games lmao.
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