#but. who better to get on her case abt this whole thing than adaman. right.
I was think about those titles, the only one thats really popping into my head is Melli and Adaman. Also while I dont think EITHER clan would disrespect titles of the nobles, I do think they would throw hands at the galaxy team if they dont ise them. Kamado REALLY strikes me as someone who wouldn't acknowledge the Nobles by their titles, which would definitely be a point of contention
siiiiigh okay listen. LISTEN. this might be spoilers or i might cut this scene entirely and it might be irrelevant but listen. because like i said im obsessed with this lil bit of characterization generally. so im just going to. natter on for a minute.
this is also one of those things that i WISH i had been more attentive to in the beginning of oop, because there are some early points where it doesn't really hold together, but whatever i'm not making early chapter edits now if i start i'll never stop. juuust listen
but the symbology of a title is formality, right. tacking on a "warden" or "lord" or even just a "miss" onto the front of anyone's names communicates, simultaneously, respect and distance. and those are the two key things to me! someone who says, fx, "captain cyllene" instead of just "cyllene" or even "sinensis" is communicating that they respect her position and responsibilities—but, simultaneously, it may also imply that they maybe don't know her very well, and/or their relationship is strictly professional. or that this is a formal conversation and being casual is inappropriate at the moment. (this generally applies most at the start of a conversation—the more times you're saying someone's name in a row, the more acceptable it becomes to drop the title regardless of context i think.)
so anyway part 1 of this particular argument, the background, is that adaman almost NEVER bothers with the titles of the diamond clan wardens. especially not mai and melli, who he's so close to that he just drops it constantly. this is part of the thing where adaman's also not big on formality in general, and irida very much holds that against him. it annoys the shit out of her. so he tries to be a little more observant when he's in the presence of the pearl clan but he's still. not. very good at it. like a lot of things between them this is sort of a micro-scale of a broader argument and it's also very performative a lot of the time. like, a lot of drama between the clans has a lot less meat on it than any of them would like to admit, and this is no different.
...especially bc in this case irida's kind of a hypocrite because she doesn't always observe the titles of her wardens, either. actually there's one person in particular that she's repeatedly dropped the title of a few times and that's ingo.
and she slips up with that again, while she's walking with adaman, and he immediately jumps on it. like. at least i'm doing it because i'm close with my wardens. kind of presumptive for you to talk about him like you're friends, isn't it? and irida immediately starts spitting venom right back at him, because these two fight like it's a habit. aaand like, again, a lot of arguments they have, it's a tiny detail that's really just the vector for a much bigger conversation - in this case, irida's decision wrt ingo.
i could quite literally go on about this for so many characters like you mentioned melli and kamado and those are ALSO two who are HUGE on the formality-respect-distance sliders but i am going to stop before this gets too horribly long and also i go off on things that are completely unaddressed/vaguely inconsistent with the mainfic itself hgsksjhkjh.
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