#but you still need to be doing super deep work to entangle the doctrinal elements og misogyny and so on
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
tbh i dont think you can quite claim religious freedom in the same way when you answer to like a central authority body who sets the doctrine for your belief, especially if youre giving them money. saying ‘oh im a gay christian and i like the bible and i believe the teaching of jesus which i interpret in an inclusive and constructive way’ is not the same as belonging to a specific sect, the leaders of which are violently misogynistic/racist/transphobic/homophobic and so on; and who as an organisation are complicit in covering up sexual abuse, actively disenfranchising women, funding right wing politics, not allowing black people into leadership, etc. its not about what you believe about the afterlife or the clothes you wear, its about the people you support and the negative impact on marginalised people’s lives that you are literally FUNDING. so idrc if you personally have reinterpreted the doctrine in a progressive way that makes everyone equal because if you belong to a group that’s causing harm you should be held accountable for the actions of that group the same as you would for any non-religious group. ok
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