#but yes i am not randomly going MIA for ages again i just need to survive the next week is all
ninnekomata · 5 months
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Hello! wanted to give an update and just let peeps know I haven't randomly fallen off the face of the earth again.
I, regrettably, am absolutely being buried by my job right now due to small team and holiday business. I have everything I owe in my drafts and some of it is partially written, but it's going to be a bit until I can fully post things again. January is the time I know my schedule will heavily clear out, but before then I'm hopeful I'll be fully present again post-Christmas as things die down a bit.
Best wishes, happy holiday, and oh boy I'm exhausted.
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reviewsbysam · 4 years
Again, but Better
No Spoilers in this section!
Again, but Better is the debut novel of popular booktuber Christine Riccio aka polandbananasbooks. It is a fun, fast read and overall I found to be enjoyable. 
Without giving too much away, this is a story about Shane. She is an introverted 20 year old who feels as though she has been denied the full college experience due to her introversion. She decides to try and turn this all around by going to London and studying abroad.  
I feel as though Christine still has room for growth for her future books, but from the cover art, to the concept, to the title I thought this was a clever and impressive attempt at a first book.  
For a more detailed look of what I loved (and what I didn’t as much) scroll to below this picture. Spoilers below!!!
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This section is full of spoilers!!! You have been warned!
I have watched Christine’s youtube channel for years so I was a tad nervous going into this book. I was nervous that I would not enjoy this book by a newbie author, but that was (thankfully) not the case. While reading I did find things that bothered me within the writing. This included the reoccurring use of describing Shane’s talking as “squeaking” at one point in the book and the constant use of exclamation marks in the dialogue. At first, these things seemed to stick out to me; however, once I got immersed into the story I noticed none of it. I was focused on the content rather than her writing style, which I personally believe to be the sign of a good author. I have seen that others disagree, but I enjoyed the flow of her writing. Overall, I was impressed by the writing itself. 
One thing I did not like as much were some of the times in which Shane was portrayed as clumsy. Immediately upon arriving she falls down the stairs and almost walks out into traffic. Both of these instances felt a little too cliche. I understand that it is a rom-com and cliches will be present to an extent, but I felt as though more subtle or creative ways could have been used to drive the point home.
I found Shane to be a likable character. It is clear that Shane is based upon Christine herself. She even admits in this in the authors note. I know some people have found a problem with this, but I didn’t at all. It felt like an easter egg hunt while reading the book to spot the similarities, which made it all the more enjoyable. It also made Shane feel more like a genuine character.
Many many many references were made to music/books/tv that Shane (and Christine) was a fan of. There were references to Lost, Harry Potter, Cassandra Clare, Taylor Swift, The Hunger Games, The Beatles, and more. As someone who is a fan of many of these topics I was excited when they were mentioned. When Pilot and Shane discuss All Too Well by Taylor Swift I felt like I might explode. My inner dialogue was somewhere along the lines of “Omg Taylor Swift again, cool. All too well? All too well! I can’t believe they are talking about the masterpiece that is All too well in this book!” That being said, I feel as though there were possibly too many references in the book. I understand why they were included, but they probably are not as fun to read for people who are not fans of those topics. This is especially true because so many of the references were part of major plot points. An Albus Dumbledore quote written on the inside cover of the Prisoner of Azkaban was a huge part in reigniting the motivation of Shane. The climax of the book in which Shane and Pilot decide to stay in 2011 is marked by him randomly appearing and playing State of Grace, Stay Stay, Stay, and You Belong With Me on the guitar. These were critical moments within the story. I also worry that having so many current references wont age well if people decide to read this book later down the line. However, having Pilot serenade me with Taylor Swift songs would also be a major swoon moment for me, so I am not complaining. 
One of the highlights of the book for me was the travel. Reading about our characters’ time in Rome left me googling pictures of it for hours after reading. The Palace of Versailles is a major point on my bucket list and reading about it was wonderful. Christine did an excellent job painting a beautiful and enticing picture of what it could be like traveling abroad and visiting different countries on the weekends. For people who love to travel, or dream of doing so, living vicariously through Shane is a delight. For this reason, I favored the front half of the book. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the way those parts were written. Now, don’t mind me casually looking up the study abroad options my college offers. 
Somehow I have made it very far into this review without mentioning the romance at all. In reality, Pilot was mostly likable because of how we saw him through Shane’s eyes. Their witty banter was fun and I truly did feel the connection between the two of them. That being said, he had a girlfriend!!! He put Shane in the horrible position of falling for him (because yes he could have put a lid on it right in the beginning) and then making her feel guilty and hopeless because she didn’t want to be “the other woman.” It was upsetting considering he didn’t even feel much for Amy and stayed with her for six. more. years. Then, he goes MIA when Shane needed him most. He did try to keep her parents from finding out about her lying to them, but then after the fact, when the damage was done, he didn’t give her the support she needed from her friend. Pilot is not all bad though and I did like him throughout the book. It’s just in hindsight he handled things poorly. Although, that was probably the point considering this was all during Take One when things went badly and hence why they needed to be done again, but better. In fact, it made for a much clearer juxtaposition between their first time in 2011 and their 2011/2017 selves, because the second time around Amy was (for the most part) out of the picture. Additionally, I loved how much Pilot really did seem to care for her. He shined in the moments that he tried to distract her when she was upset and helped her through crisis (such as when she lost her purse and almost got mugged).
There are moments of the book I wish we could have expanded upon more. I loved when the whole gang would get together. Babe seemed like an amazing best friend to have! I was left wanting to know more about Leo and his story. I thought it was a very good little twist when Shane messaged him back the second time around and we found out he needed her more than she needed him. His character became much more 3 dimensional, but I was still left wanting more of him. Also, when Chad (more on him later) kissed Shane, I felt like that was a big moment. I felt as though the story kind of brushed by it. I couldn’t believe that Shane wasn’t more upset with how poorly her first kiss had gone or that Pilot wasn’t more upset about it. 
I though the touch of magic in the book was nice, but could have used a tad more explanation. I guess that’s the thing about magic, its a mystery. 
Now, circling back to Chad. He was the most stereotypical douche guy ever. This felt intentional on Christine’s part so it didn’t bother me. His character seemed to even border on satirical. The fact that she used the name Chad which is often used to make jokes about frat guys who say “bro” and just care about drinking... hilarious. It felt like an inside joke with the reader. 
Another really comical thing from the book were the deleted scenes. The cover of Wrecking Ball was already funny, and the girls who were fans of it scoffing at Miley Cyrus’ version made it even better. It felt like a good choice to leave it out of the book, but I’m glad it was included at the end. 
Overall, the thing that made me happiest in the book was that although it was a romance it did not make romance the center of Shane’s life. She was a driven character with dreams and ambition. She wasn’t just a brainless lovestruck girl sitting around thinking about Pilot. When Shane began not putting enough focus on her career because of Pilot, she left him. During this time we didn’t read about Pilot at all. She worked hard, was focused, and flourished. She spent more time with her friends and continued to travel. It was such an amazing message for girls and is one of the main reasons I thought Shane was a great main character. Pilot also valued her success over their relationship. When he saw that she got published he continued to stay away from her so that she could continue killing the game without him as a distraction. In the end they were able to find a balance between romance and work including reading dates (something I loved because I regularly do it with my boyfriend) which I thought was really important. Her becoming a successful writer was just as big of a deal as her ending up with the guy. She also cared about his success which was sweet. Shane motivated Pilot to start a Youtube channel and gain exposure. Apparently it worked because when he stays with her Pilot ends up achieving his dreams, unlike when he ended up with Amy the first time. 
All in all I was happy with this book. i obviously had a lot to say about it and forced myself to stop here. Overall, I give it an 80%. I can’t wait to read Christine’s next book and to see how she improves as a writer. 
I’d love to know what you though about it!
0 notes
quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
1-5 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: I'm doing the next one sorry for all of the messages
wow what was even that opening
what girl?
febuary 2017. I remember this month well.
Q: Who's this girl?
hey she looks like an adult! Second girl without her main feature being boobs :D
no mai is dead I took her spot though, she was in the tutorial level.
:D yay am I better
yes phoenix please I like this girl a lot
i didn't know my name could also come with one m!!! My name is Emma, I had no idea people could also be named Ema with one m
aww so she isn't an adult I still like her though
phoenix please she's only like 10 years younger than you
BF: Hahahaha yeah, Ema is the Maya stand in for this case
BF: She returns for the fourth game, which takes place 7 years after the third game
BF: Still not very busty, even in her mid twenties haha
Q: :O Interesting!
I like Ema.
Q: What age of people did they think were gonna play this game? If kids then why does it seem they talk down to them so much?
I'll get back to playing
Q: oh so that beginning scene actually meant something
She's know Mia because she was kinda well known
okay why is she bad
how did she even get in teh office in the first place?
hahahaha no im not trading my badge for 50$
what do you mean ''yet''
Q: it's obviously a coincidence that the two siblings are so alike, but if it motivates you then sure I wanna get to the second game
Q: you're telling it from the witness' perspective Lana. Do you remember what happened? What was your motivation?
Q: hi cowboy detective please don't kick me out
Q: why are we having this stepladder conversation again
Q: this office looks like Edgeworth
Q: maybe you wouldn't be low on money if you did your job
Q: five thousand???
MAN edgy must be rich!
BF: The stepladder debate is one of the running gags of the series haha
Q: interesting!
Q: that and Phoenix (and later Apollo and Athena) presenting his badge every chance he gets, and cross-examining non-human witnesses
Q: yaaaaay I liked cross-examining the parrot. 
I still can't believe they let me do that
Q: wait a second the bundle doesn't come with the fourth game just the first 3
oh well it's still a lot
Q: examining the examined. This could be useful.
Q: yeah, no, just the original trilogy
Q: alright, makes sense. Are they still making games for it?
BF: the fourth game came out well after the original trilogy ended, and it only JUST got an updated port to iOS and the 3DS e shop
Q: great an adult woman with a main feature being boobs. I liked the other ones more.
ah, alright. how good/bad is the anime I'm curious
BF: and yes!  in the main series, there are six games total...five and six only came out in digital form for the US, no physical release
don't focus so much on the boobs, it's just drive you crazy
and Angel really isn't THAT busty, she's just got a bust emphasizing outfit
Q: huh, alright. If I feel like it maybe I could get them.
fine. I'm not eating whatever she just handed to me though, she doesn't seem very trustworthy true I guess, not really as bad.
BF: she very much does that on purpose to put you off your guard, btw
she's not EVIL
but she's smart as hell, and she's not necessarily on your side right now.
Q: oh so it's intentional, alright that's more forgiving than the developers just wanted another boob-joke.
Q: angle please we're looking for evidence please stop freaking out Ema
Q: yaaaay edgy! I knew this was your office!
BF: hahaha yep
his office is as frilly as he is
Q: "this office looks like edgeworth"
why is there a dead body in your car that car looks too dirty to be yours it isn't even purple
BF: oh and to answer one of your comments from last night when I was asleep...Phoenix/Edgeworth is an overwhelmingly popular ship, to the point where it can become a bit annoying if you ship either of them with anyone else.
or if you like any of the rarer pairings, period hahah
Q: edgy we know you didn't do it I'm on your side and always will be
except when you're not on my side
With how his dialogue was set up in that chapter I am not surprised how much of the fandom ships it.
Q: Phoenix that was a very cruel joke, remember the case two months ago? Very cruel.
Q: gumshoe isn't dead lol must be mia's fualt he randomly appeared in my head, same with maya
Q: ya why do random flashes of random people keep appearing
how do i investigate this
BF: hah...if it's the bit I think it is, that's just Phoenix connecting him to the INCREDIBLY NEAT AND CLEAN OFFICE
BF: which Gumshoe totally takes times out of his day to keep tidy because that's just the kind of stuff he would do for Mr. Edgeworth, pal!
Q: Well I bet the lunchlady and edgeworth and I'm investigating while edge is in his office.
possibly but phoenix actually commented on "why did i just have ___ randomly appear in my head". whatever I'll keep looking
I guess!
BF: gumshoe just a big old loyal puppy who loves Edgey
lol no that's the reason hahah
Q: gumshoe!!
still needs a better name
Q: I need to copy paste my reaction in a place I'll be able to easily get to later because this will probably be very valuable to me later on.
(Edit: Fuck me for making me do this)
Q: edgy tell me what the trophy thing is
no mumbling
edgy you did good why are you being so defensive over the shield
Q: well the fact it's broken could be important so please tell us
Q: oh ya! I can examine the examined now :D
Q: well 5:12 and 5:15 are very close to each other so this is important that they are so precise
who's this cartoony cop!!! he doesn't look like he's drawn in the same style as everyone else in the game!
Q: noooo i want the report
Q: Edgeworth in the Wild: A Documentary
Ema why
Q: huh, so apparently phoenix doesn't just teleport? man that must be so annoying when I don't know where I'm going for them
Q: blue badger looks like a pokemon that is why he seems familiar
Q: yaaay i found gumshoe
ema knows too much poor edgeworth indeed, I hope soon he can get a break
dance till you die
Q: "they make a good pair" so I guess this game isn't against gays, cool.
Q: well i mean the letter probably will get us somewhere if this game is going to progress
Q: oh so is Angel dating Marshal? What a turn of events
yaaaay i can get in now
...I just realized I can use headphones on a DS... Interesting....
Q: the music hahaha. Marshal theme song
Q: don't think too hard on cannibalism and you'll be fine
Q: Marshal is fun
BF: hee hee yeah, I like him.
Q: "well if phoenix showing his badge to everyone is a running joke guess I better help with that by showing it to everyone".
This case is pretty fun so far, not even a single irritating thing yet
BF: LIke Ema and Lana, Jake Marshall is actually deliberately made to be sort of a nod to another pre-existing character haha.
BF: and yeah, Rise from the Ashes is a good case!  I remember finding some of the trial segments to be tricky, but overall, it's solid
tQ: "Noe to self: when finding evidence, think of Texas"
who is this pre-existing character?
BF: and it makes good use of the new mechanics that were introduced for the DS
Q: it does!
BF: you won't meet him until the third game haha
but yeah...Ema and Lana are clearly meant to be nods to Maya and Mia
BF: Jake, less obviously, is sort of a nod to Godot
Q: and thankfully this gets Phoenix motivated again
godot... who's that? I should probably know
BF: Godot plays a MAJOR part in the third game, you'll know him the second you see him.
He...stands out.
to put it mildly.
Q: can't wait to meet him
when will the Y guy (shack guy DL-6) appear again he's already pretty interesting that's probably spoilers
BF: Yanni Yogi?  He only appears in that case, sadly.
though there's a background reference to him in one of the spinoff games.
BF: He's one of Zarla's faves
Q: I assumed... he seems pretty interesting, sad he had to leave so soon. As you saw I was REALLY shocked when a character zarla drew appeared that I didn't even know would be in the game... sad to see him leave so soon.
Q: forgot to talk with Marshall, maybe I can progress through this
oh yay the autopsy report
Q: tell me about yourself marshall, how long has your cowboy career been going on?
why would you kick out gumshoe!!!
D: I don't know if I should break the news to him or not
Q: well that isn't even an option so
the detention center doesn't even update ever
Q: uuuhhhhgggg I hate being stuck like this where can I goooo
Q: still stuck >:( It's been almost an hour
just let me gooooo
03/24/2018 (Two days later)
Q: FINALLY I DID SOMETHING there was a note in the trunk but it seemed to have done nothing... don't even know if the two people I can talk to would react to it.
as i suspected it did nothing >:(
I think the phone is the key but the only thing it will let me examine is the trap!!!
Q: I asked my brother to help and he FINALLY HELPED
He found another scroll bar on the examination thing that I never noticed and found it :D
Q: no cowboy pls i really worked hard to get this far
Q: phoenix has a phone? how come we can never use it?
...what do i do with the phone?
how did my brother turn it
= and -... where are those buttons?
Q: going to my brother
Q: why not press the button again???
Q: where do i gooo
Q: i give up I need to draw
BF: hahaaha
BF: aaaah sorry I've been busy unpacking boxes
I wouldn't have even thought to tell you about those double screen investigation rooms!
there are like...at least two of those in this case.
the car park area and the evidence room
Oh, and because this took me FOREVER to figure out when I played it the first time: when you dust for finger prints, you blow the powder away by blowing into the mic on the DS
Q: I don't expect anybody to be on while I send messages. Do not worry, I do not expect responses immediately. Also packing boxes??? did you move :O
double screen investigation rooms? tell me more. If you mean ones where you have to move the screen I did do that a lot... and yet I still can't find much. I finally got the phone in my inventory and tried to check the last call but it still won't do anything THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME THAT IN ADVANCE I GARENTEE I WOULD'VE GOTTEN STUCK
Q: Where I am si that I think I have all of the items in my inventory. A full page and then the phone on the next... am I missing something? I heard that Ema is supposed to tell me that I have everything I need
BF: aaah if you are in the car park, one place you need to check is the muffler of the car
Q: muffler? I got the paper that was in the back, I'll examine the car more I guess
BF: and yeah, the game usually gives you some hint when you've found all the things
BF: I forget if you can get it now or not, but there's some cloth shoved into the tailpipe of the car
Q: dont' think i can thanks though
I'll tell you what I have in my inventory and you tell me what I'm missing for the first part
Q:badge, id card, knife, shield trophy thing, parking stub, blue badge pannel, goddman's autopsy report, note from the back of the car, and cell phone
BF: hmmm....and you've shown absolutely everything to everyone and poked at everything on every available screen?
Q: yeeeesssss
:( I'll try again
BF: (oh and to answer your earlier question, yes, I did move into my house today)
Q: yaaaaay
shouldn't there be a wiki or something for this that says what to do
BF: if you are absolutely stuck, I'd look up the Games FAQ walktrough
Q: :(
why does this game make me so stuck all of the time
BF: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ds/925589-phoenix-wright-ace-attorney/faqs/44304    here, this one is spoiler free, you just gotta get down to the right case
Q: :D thank youuuu
Q: Lana why are you not on edgy's side
Q: of course you don't know everything going on here phoenix, if you did we would win but right now we don't win
this game but we know everything beforehand
Don't believe your client, just believe in them. got it.
Q: oh ya angle exists i forgot about her
I had to trim the grass in the front yard. We got an actual letter saying that we needed to so that was odd. It's done now though
angel will never stop talking, and Edge doesn't seem as annoyed as some of the others. huh.
oh my god judge can't you be a little more professional ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO EAT RIGHT NOW
Q: you decline every offer phoenix until an impossible one pops up. Phoenix why
Q: If you hate prosecutors so much then maybe you could help me
please I'm begging
Q: wait you have more then one boyfriend
did i hear that wrong
ugh so she does
"care to join" If that is what I have to do to get information out of you!
BF: hahaha
yes, Angel and her many boyfriends
Q: Ema's notes are funny
BF: this boyfriend, that boyfriend, the other boyfriend
you know, as you do
Q: "the yet another boyfriend is still open"
I'd like to know who is who
Q: wait isn't B block for defense attorneys not visitors?
Q: how she names them reminds me of the chicken 'mine'
"That's mine, that one's also mine, that's another one of mine, that one is yours, and that one is not yours." we actually considered naming our chickens that haha
Q: Ema is learning my table-slamming technique.
Q: "my boyfriend worked in the photography division" WHICH boyfriend?
Q: "Prosecutors are, by nature, well-versed in the location of a man's vital organs" I already had to prove with twice Edgy did NOT murder anybody!
yes phoenix kill the egg
Q: okay so i learnt as much as I could while pressing, and there seems nothing wrong... I need to find the objection item
Q: of course it was planned! We already established whoever the killer is planned to do it in edgeworth's car
Q: "mommy, are prosecutors bad people?" hahaha oh my god
yes lets tell the audience how to commit murder
edgy that pun was terrible and you know it
Q: Ema what is that note
you can't smell his breath from over here what
I do have an objection!
Q: I'd like to know how she got into the food business
Ema you're on MY side
Q: remember?
Q: it's so rare when the thing I immediately think of and object with actually works and the characters see what i see
Edgy you look like you're on my side
Q: Ema do you hate me
Q: The person that seems most on my side in this case is f***ing edgeworth and he is actually the one pitted against me so you're all failures.
Q: >:(
I got so stuck at this part and had to retry a few times and I finally gave up and went to the tutorial and that isn't helping
Q: :(
Q: Why can't I just gooooo none of the evidence I have works at all
Q: she'd lie because as I said she has a grudge
Q: five minuets???
wow that's a long time
Q: if you have evidence please tell me
how was this judge hired
what is this blood type it could also be common
Q: why does edgy continue to seem like he is on my side lol
Q: that brings in the question: how many lunches do you actually have in there
Q: if it does how come she was blee- oh ya the hand injury
Q: ohhh to wash away the bloood okaaaay
now to defeat you edgy
Q: Okay so more then one photo, I NEED MORE PHOTOS.
Q: Mia thank youuuuu
oooo the fun music started playing, im onto something
Q: "Yeah! (I'll think later" is the best line in the game
Q: Salmon swimming upstream in a river of quicksand
ya sounds like Phoenix
Q: the muffler in the muffler
Bad feeling about following advice given to you by Marshell??? What a silly thought!
Is something wrong edgy? why are you so upset?
what is bothing you Eedgy pls tell me
OH MY GOD ANOTHER SUPRISE CHARACTER HOW HOW IS HE IN ACE ATTOURNY WHAT ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
is he just gonna stand there or...?
Q: Udgey... that's a new one
afriad indeed, terrified I might say.
Wrighto... also new
Q: when i send my live reaction to the game should i have more context to what is going on
Q: rereading it i think i should
Q: I've been taking more pictures of art I wanna send you but it still isn't doing anything
Q: Alright so i opened the Ace Attorney save file and I have no idea where i am. I'm pretty sure this is right after the first trial
tiny village... where am i and why
i think this isn't my file??
BF: I was about to say...
Q: ruinion and turnabout?
what? something is wrong
BF: if you are in a tiny village, the only one I know of is Kurain. and you don't go there the first time until 2-2
yeah, you are in game 2 there
that's Maya's village.
Q: we fixed it!
My brother wanted to play and he mistook the game two save files as extra save files and he just decided "fuck it im not waiting for her to finish" and just started playing through
interesting :o
swimming? why that specifically?
little worthy? is that a name?
aww so if he's number one he probably won't be on my side :(
damon gant, I like this guy
OH YA I forgot about edgeworth! Worthy haha didn't think of that nickname yet. I'll add it to the list. He must be very scared of this man
BF: hahah yesss Gant is great.
Q: so a muffler is a scarf? is that just another name for a scarf or is it a type of scarf?
he just keeps standing there and blinking
edgy back on this feet, finally stopped just sitting there silently in what I'm assuming is anger and fear
BF: it's a type of scarf. I can't tell you what exactly makes a muffler a muffler though. they just wanted to use the pun, though, I think
aaah the Gant stare.
Q: they seem to love naming puns, not just the people's names now.
"That's not fair!" There are a lot of things that aren't fair in this world, edgy.
That kid from earlier in the audience: mommy is this how trials usually go? Mom: no. I am not even sure what is going on.
BF: hahah trust me, the pun names get more intense with each game.
Q: I feel bad for edgy haha
I can't wait
Q: ...the note may have something to do with this
but along with everything else i think of in this game it's probably wrong
nah okay
Q: time to look through my items another 20 minuets and hope the character see what I see
Q: when in doubt press on everything
Q: good job ema! I'll examine the knife!
Q: SL-2... something similar  that wasn't a tag. again was it the note
Me and gant both love 'objection'. I'm still mad at Edgy for that. I will hold it against him forever.
BF: you and your habit of updating the autopsy report
Q: "Do you have evidence?"
"yes! (I'll think later)" is still the best line in the entire game
a habit of mine? is that not something everybody does?
I feel so honored being told "I win, Wrighto!"
BF: heh
Q: :D He'll tell me about the knife now!!!
Q: I only get to hear bout one thing.... better choose wisely.
Where the victem was found could help, seems like it could work How the victim was killed could be a little more risky but all of these are pretty good When the victim died... it could also be 5:15, and I could find a way to show it was planned... but I'm not sure
there probably wont be any consequences though
I'll roll my di
Q: it's 1 so i guess we're going with that
Q: didn't we GO to the evidence room?
Gant: :long stare: Gant: You two make a great pair! I swear this is intentional. It's not even just that chapter.
Gant: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gant: :long stare: Gant: Sure why not! well alright then! I'm learning about it unofficially :D This is already very casual so why not
Q: why is the victims gender there
that is unimportant WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HE MURDER
Q: Gumshoe won't die Phoenix he was in the credits!
Q: alright now not only is edgeworth being called worthy he's being called little worthy
do these two know eachother???
Q: that id is the same as the one we have here >:O
Q: :D the fun music is playing
Q: hehehe FINALLY Edgy looks like the fool instead of me :D
Q: What i think happened is that they were killed, and their body was dragged through the back of their care, and brought here
oh boy angel's back
Q: What I think happened: somebody killed the detective, put the body in the back of edgy's car, Edgy drove back to where he should, left, later the girl opened the back. something about her stabbing him.
Q: no that doesn't fit
screw this case
Q: oh no I'm defending Meekens now too???
Meekens just looks a lot more cartoony then everything else
Q: why did they let him bring a megaphone
Q: oh so goodman's the villain.
BF: uhhhh...nooot exactly, no
Q: i learnt that quickly
I found gant again! he has his own theme song. Sounds like a king.
Q: Honestly I still feel bad for Edgeworth, hope he gets out of this.
Q: uhhhggggg I just got stuck i really wanna figure this out fast instead of wandering around forever. Not sure if it's just with me or if this game just needs better... instructions maybe?
Q: In court when your stuck press everything. In over world when stuck talk to everyone again, present every piece of evidence again, and examine everything again. Then still find yourself stuck.
BF: this case is one of the worst for that sort of thing, I'll admit. I've played it multiple times and there are still places where I forget how to proceed
Q: I don't like using the tutorial at all but I've had to use it twice to proceed, at least I have that. When this game came out people would just be stuck and never get to f***ing leave, and when they did they would be like "THAT WAS IT THE WHOLE TIME I MUST BE DUMB". Are the later games better at this?
Gant: If somebody just walked up to me and asked for 50$, i'd give them 50$! in that case can i have 50$
Q: You know I want to get to the evidence room but why not let's just sit here and talk with Marshell for another 6 hours
Q: I can finally go the the evidence room yaaaay
Q: See, Gumshoe's got the right idea on those 50$
BF: it varies by case, I'm not going to lie!
Game 2 has some added trickiness because it introduces a new mechanic during investigation mode.
said method is a touch more refined in the third game.
Q: in your opinion what is the best game (random question)
general stuff happens, i didn't comment on it
Q: I'm sorry, the game wants me to go to the secret room, do all these things, get no sign that I found then all, and then go to edgeworth's office???
Q: fine a little bit of a clue but this case really wants players to get stuck
Q: hahahaha I can see how you got stuck when the game told you the blow, It did NOT specify in the mic.
Q: non bloody prints???
I can't choose any of the fingers and all 5 are bloody! what do you want me to do im stuck on this sceen
Q: my brother helped :D
BF: heh
BF: Um...my favorite...well, tough to say.  Obviously, I'm particularly stuck on game 2, though on retrospect game 4 is pretty fascinating (both for what it is and what it could have been)
BF: Generally speaking, most people agree that game 3 is the best of the original trilogy, though (game 2 isn't hated, but it has this ONE CASE that is near universally hated)
BF: Of the spinoffs, I'm personally partial to the second Ace Investigations, though that one you can only play in English via  a fanpatch
I'm still playing game 6, so I don't know how I'd rank that one just yet
and there are two spin off titles that I have no way of playing in English at all right now, which is frustrating. No idea where I'd rank either of them. but the animation for those is PRETTY.
BF: Oh, but if you get a chance, one game I strongly recommend that was created by the original creator of Ace Attorney that isn't an Ace Attorney game (though it is allegedly set in the same universe) is a game called Ghost Trick.
Q: Interesting! I'll be sure to check out ghost trick. I wonder if I'll be able to tell what the hated case in 2 is when I get to it...
BF: hahah I'm willing to bet you'll figure it out. I personally liked the case, but it has some issues for sure
Q: alright. I was gonna start playing again if you still want me to send you the endless messages that give you no context to where i am or what im reacting to
BF: AMONG said issues is that it does what no other case had ever done before it, and it has a couple of cross examinations where you can get frigging penalized for a bad PRESS
Q: oh no D:
BF: It warns you when you get to it, but it's still really annoying
taking away my ability to badger the witness without repercussion!
but yeah no, feel free to ramble, I'm just here working and rewatching episodes of the Maxx
Q: >:(
I saw a post and thought of the judge from this game. "The judge could sentence you guilty for murder wearing hello kitty pajamas under their robe and you would never know” yaaaay
Q: About to go to the court thing. FINALLY lana is back it's been a while >:(
Q: oh yay lana gets to be a witness
nvm im a moron the cartoon guy i forgot his name gets to be
Q: there seems to be a lot of talking down to kids in this game :(
Q: why do people let him bring his megaphone
same answer with the kid and his sword
Q: i mean i like the blue badger
Q: bet the tape won't help much
well hey it was a little helpful
Edge: :slams hand on desk: What the hell was that wriggling piece of plywood!?
my new second favorite line
Q: the problems was he was wearing gloves
probably not that's what first comes to mind though
Q: or the light was already on
Q: gloves were rubber? how did i not notice that
Q: why would he need the gloves in there if he was goodman
Q: he could've stolen the card
who is the 777... card at the top
Q: :D I think edge just complimented me, it's probably going to turn into an insult though so ill just enjoy it while i can
Q: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu
Q: the fake killed goodman not lana
no that wouldn't work dammit screw you
awww lana's finally being useful
Q: Ema don't run it's just a serial killer
Gummy why >:(
saaave pooiiinnt
oh my god Marshell i forgot his personality
Q: please provide me with a reasonable explanation why there were bloody handprints of yours in the evidence room (and no ID saying you signed in but i think i just missed something on that)
Q: somebody actually messes up in grammer in court and one of them yells objection but its about the grammer and they keep fighting about i
Q: edgy don't worry just let me get to my menu my lack of experience means nothing
wait is he giving me advice? is he being nice???
Q: noooo just let him beeee
or not his reasoning was okay though
Q: At first i was sad to find out it was his brother now im just thinking COWBOY PROSECUTOR THAT WOULD BE FUN
Q: what do you think happened to your brother jake
you know i could put that anywhere in almost any case and it could still work (with a pronoun swap but aside from that)
Q: edgy is being very nice to her yay
Edgy is used to me making claims with the idea "I'll think about it later" in mind of course hes going to scoff at everything i say
Q: hey hey jake's back i was wondering where he went
Q: "Just one moment! I will not let such far-fetched balderdash in my court room"
Q: why is everybody immediately blaming edgy again I already defended him from two murders WHEN A VERDICT WAS ALREADY GIVEN
Q: stop being so mean to edgy
Q: hi lana please help me
ocassionally what what i didn't understand what they said i need to know
awww how dare you now your going to get all three of us in trouble
Q: that kid in the audience actually as an adult took the weirdest trials hes been to and put his own characters in it and made it into a game
oh my god the noise of the crowed is so terrifying because it's on repeat i need to turn the sound off
Q: saaave
Q: good think ema isn't dead
Q: Ema it’s not yours its your sisters putting blame on yourself just leads to depression okay
Q: Deal with the devil as a minor so that when your older he doesn't have a legal claim to your soul.
that's unrelated and unhelpful but
Q: now to show you every single piece of f***ing evidence
Q: or not
Q: do do do
do do ddoo dodo doo dodo do doooo ddo do dooo dooo doDOdodoooo
(Edit: do do doooo
do doooo
do doooo
(now go reread it from the top with those last two as the start) )
Q: no marshel come baaaaaack 
Q: I just wanna get to 2-4
Things are going well!
Q: :D Thank you Jake!
Q: Well gant does make a good point
Also about you paying my rent Edgy
Q: I wonder if there are anymore choices or it it's just dialogue.
did I win??
Lana smiled at me :D
"stop it mah you're embaressing meeee" is how this dialogue feels like
Q: yaaaaay I win
Q: awww ema I she'll say she's proud of you too
Gummy you keep doing this
bring him back
Lana :D
Q: Maya will be very proud of me when she comes back
awww hugs!!!
wait edgy was hiding why is he angry
aww ty
Is Lana making you scared I'm pretty sure she was your boss at some point or something I forgot at this point
Q: oh nooo Gant make Edgy scared of who he might be in 10 years. Somebody teach him not to do that.
Q: Aww thanks Lana
the difference between you gant and vampire is that you have friends doesn't that makes you feel better
Q: bye edgyyyy
Edgeworth you keep saying that and it's wrong every time >:( please stop breaking promises
what a storybook ending
couldn't you make edgy do it instead i don't have money
BF: Did you notice you could do fingerprint powder on the bottom screen during the credits?
Q: ya! Can i blow it too?
BF: Make bonus images appear haha
Q: :D
After this i need to sleep this is fun though!
time for game two :D
Q: will blue badger get to stay though is my question
Q: Hey so Angel will be on my side, it will just be in the next game!
Q: I really do think the judge it wearing hello kitty pajamas under that robe
Q: credits done! That was very satisfying :D
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proudbookaddict · 7 years
Today is the day - the Titan World books are now available everywhere! Don't miss these incredible novels all set in Cristin Harber's Titan World.
Did you miss what Titan World is all about? Here's a recap from Cristin herself:
  I am excited to announce the Titan World stories! From military romance and romantic suspense to contemporary romance and paranormal, a few of my favorite authors have jumped head first into our heart-pounding world and penned their stories with Titan twists. You will see familiar characters from popular, bestselling series as they collide in fantastic collaborations! Plus I’m excited to introduce two debut authors who you may already know if you are familiar with all things Team Titan.
Please join me in welcoming the Titan World authors: Claudia Connor, Gennita Low, Jessie Lane, M.L. Buchman, Megan Mitcham, Sharon Kay, Karyn Lawrence, Amber Addison, Anna Bishop Barker, and Tarina Deaton.
Quick Q&A
Am I writing a story too? You betcha! Déjà vu will be Doc Tuska’s story. He’s not a Titan team member, but he is a familiar and constant face in the series—perfect for Titan World!
Which Titan characters will be in the other author’s stories? The authors had free rein. Some took on Titan like missions while others wrote backstories to characters and expanded on their families. They took scenes from current Titan books and expanded in a new direction.
What is the reading order of the Titan World? There is NO READING order (Even if one of the retailers has randomly assigned a series number. Ahem, I’m looking at you, Amazon.).
Okay, now on to the good stuff! You can order your books here:
Amazon ~ BN ~ Kobo ~ iBooks
I chose to review 3 of the 11 Titan World books mainly for time constraints, I did not want to rush these stories, I wanted to savor them over time.  Here are my reviews for the three I did choose....
 Deja Vu by Cristin Harber (the one, the only, the original) What a way to meet...Allie can't remember who she is and James is put in charge of her medical care. Dr James Tuska is not just a regular doctor, he is doctor to some of the most important CIA assets. When Allie is brought into the hospital with no memory and all banged up she is very suspicious about the story she is told, the only comfort she feels is in the presence of Dr. Tuska. After claiming to be his fiance, James goes along with the rouse because he is intrigued by Allie. Together they try and get to the bottom of the mystery of who Allie is and where she came from.... Another super sexy, action packed story set in the Titan world! This one will set your soul on fire for a certain handsome doctor!
Flightpath by Amber Addison (her first publication)
Flightpath is Seth & Madelyn's story, it's the story of young love trying to work through and coping with the ups & downs of marriage, family, & military life. They were sweethearts at an early age, they married young, and had to deal with Seth leaving for weeks, sometimes months at a time for his military career. Although she had numerous family & friends to support her, Madelyn always felt alone while Seth was away. Trying not to feel bitter towards Seth as he pursued his career was one of the hardest things she had to endure....until the attack.
Flightpath was such an emotionally charged read. The roller coaster of ups & downs these two had to deal with just drew me right in and took me along for the ride too. I laughed, I cried, I hurt...right along with them. What an absolutely wonderful story!
Flightpath is Amber Addison's first publication but not the first story she has written. 
Going Under by Anna Bishop Barker (her first publication)
Okay...first immediate impression...WOW!  As in...incredible, fabulous, loved it..WOW! As in...this is really her first book?...WOW! (and the answer to that is YES it is Anna's first book) Rebecca needs order in her life, she needs it like she needs air to breathe. When Max is brought in to work along side her, she has no clue how to handle his off the cuff, carefree ways. Max is intrigued by Rebecca's straight laced, buttoned up tight persona and does all he can to throw her off kilter. But Max isn't the only one throwing her life off kilter....a piece of her past, the one who made her seek the order she finds comfort in, is now back, and haunts her every move. Max inserts himself into Rebecca's life and heart while doing all he can to protect her from the past. Going Under was incredibly haunting and emotional, yet it still contained all the action, drama, and of course sexy times that I love in a great book!
Whether you are a long-time fan or a Titan first timer...these books will give you great insight into the wonderful place that is Cristin Harber's Titan world! 
About DEJA VU by Cristin Harber
“Amnesia Allie” should’ve been one of Dr. James Tuska’s normal patients: another CIA asset who they wanted well-cared for and then sent on her merry way. Everyday work at his niche medical practice was never that interesting… until she claimed the impossible. “He’s my fiancé.” James had never met Allie, yet he couldn’t say no even if he was part of the Agency cover up. Now the Agency wants her dead.
Between the lies and the hiding, the woman who turned the CIA upside down with three words brought him to his knees.
And then Allie disappeared… Nothing would ever be the same.
About WHERE I BELONG by Claudia Connor
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and New York Times best-selling author Claudia Connor comes an exciting collaboration…
An unexpected meeting at the beach and a young nephew who won't take no for an answer, has Mia Winters' brother, Owen, falling hard and fast.
Charlotte feels something too, but violently losing her mother at a young age has her afraid to take a chance.
With only five days, Owen will have to work fast if he has any hope of winning Charlotte's heart.
About EDGE OF TEMPTATION by Gennita Low
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and New York Times, USA Today best-selling author Gennita Low comes an exciting collaboration…
Walker, Titan's newest recruit, has been sent to rescue Nadine Kincaid, DARPA's scientist working on a special state-of-the-art exoskeleton for COS Command's Super Soldier Spy Project. Instead, the tied-up Nadine turned out to be Nadia, Nadine's twin sister, who has been protecting her sister all along. Now the two of them have to work together to keep the newest exoskeleton blueprints out of the enemy's hands.
About TARGET OF MINE by M.L. Buchman
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and Award winning author M.L. Buchman comes an exciting collaboration…
The Night Stalkers 5E (5th Battalion, E Company) flies again, going where no one else dares to venture.
NAME: Nikita Hayward
MISSION: To prove her worth
NAME: Drake Roman
TEAM: Night Stalkers 5E
MISSION: To enjoy the ride
Nikita Hayward earned her place on DEVGRU and she proves it every day. Being female? Not a factor. Fighting alongside the very best? Absolutely where she belongs.
Drake Roman flies with the most elite helicopter company, the 5E, because they fly out to the limit. And when the time comes to fly past it? His helo and his minigun lead the way.
When the two of them join on a mission into the unknown, then they discover who lies precisely at the center of that Target of Mine!
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and best-selling author Jessie Lane comes an exciting collaboration…
What happens when Titan and Ex Ops work together?
Terror has gripped the NYPD. A rogue snipper took out, not only the NYPD’s SWAT snippers and police chief, but several others. Now they must turn to the only person they can trust: Jared Weston and the Titan Group.
There’s only one problem. The Titan Operatives are currently tied up with their own missions. Unwilling to leave the NYPD hanging, Jared Weston cashes in a favor from Commander Jaxon Wall. Only, Jared doesn’t want to send Jaxon’s Ex Ops Team for the job; he wants to send in someone Jaxon has kept secret: his goddaughter, Billie Jean Beasely, one of the best snipers working for the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, if only her male counterparts would let her prove it. The NYC mission could finally give her that chance.
Thing is, Jaxon Wall isn’t willing to send his goddaughter in alone. He wants to send one of his own men to help her. Chase Anderson.
Will Chase turn out to be yet another man who thinks Billie is less of a shot just because she’s a woman? Or will Billie finally meet a man who realizes she loves her bullets as much as bluebonnets?
About TWISTED DESIRE by Sharon Kay
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and award winning author Sharon Kay comes an exciting collaboration...
Rhys MacLeod is a warrior first and a hacker second. Preserving the balance of power among supernatural beings is his prime directive, as well as keeping it far from human eyes. The discovery of a man killed by magical force on a Chicago street lands him on an op he didn't expect. He's good, but solving this crime requires a call to the best of the best.
Parker Black of Titan Group never met a network he couldn't infiltrate. Along with Titan team member Locke Oliver and Megan, a scientist who witnessed the murder, they uncover a maze of encrypted files and unethical DNA manipulation.
Rhys is duty bound to keep all supernatural details hidden from his human friends, so identifying the killer becomes more complicated when clues indicate the perp isn't human. And when the murderer shows up at their location, every second counts before its true nature is revealed.
About NEVER MINE by Megan Mitcham
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and USA Today best-selling author Megan Mitcham comes an exciting collaboration…
Jillian Cooper never wanted Callum, until a dream morphs him from her best friend's husband to a singular nocturnal fantasy. Revolted by her own mind and loyal to a fault, she refuses to give the dream life. Still, it manages to make her awkward around her only family; Amery, Callum, and their two stunning daughters. As an orphan and an Explosive Ordinance Tech with the Navy, things have a way of crashing down around her. The world crumbling call came in the form of a single car, single fatality accident. Amery died.
While she spins in dizzying circles, the girls she's loved since they were in their momma's belly cling to her. When Callum's strong arms fortify them and keep them all from falling apart, Jillian's inner struggle reaches a breaking point. She does the only thing she can to honor her friend's memory...run to the other side of the world to contract for Titan Group, an elite private securities force in need of an EOD.
Callum Bradfield adapts and overcomes. Even after the tragic death of his wife, his core values as a Navy SEAL march him forward...to safer waters. His gig as mission transport for Base Branch—the special operations force for the UN—isn’t as adrenaline laden, but he refuses to make his girls orphans.
Things are beginning to regroup when Jillian bales on his girls—and him—without a word. To ensure she's safe, he hacks her personal information and follows the crumbs into Titan's database. Crossing that line gets them both under a microscope in the middle of a desert, searching for the proof they need to show their innocence, while he tries to convince Jillian he's more than just her dream.
About FLIGHTPATH by Amber Addison
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and Amber Addison comes an exciting collaboration…
Being married young isn't a thing of the past in Louisiana. And for Madelyn and Seth, it's a way of life. Except, no one prepared them for the road ahead.
Moving to new places more times than either of them could count with new battles to fight at every stop, their road to happiness is bumpy.
Between Air Force Pararescue school, deployments, a baby, and the strain that military life can put on a family, they’ve discovered life has to fall apart in order to fall back together again.
When a terrorist attack puts Maddie's life in grave danger, their lives definitely fall apart, and Seth knows saving her might be the only thing that saves them.
About DOWNTIME by Karyn Lawrence
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and USA Today best-selling author Nikki Sloane writing as Karyn Lawrence comes an exciting collaboration…
It’s a romantic getaway for the newlyweds. Or is it?
Parker Black’s brilliant computer skills keep Titan Group running, but now he’s getting some much needed downtime. He’s taking a break from the war room to spend it in the bedroom with his brand-new wife Lexi, and whisks her off to a historic resort nestled in the hills of West Virginia.
Only, there’s a secret buried beneath the hotel. What’s hiding in the converted bunker threatens a lot more than just his romantic weekend, and he’s going to need Lexi’s help to crack inside. Cut off from his own security team and facing a ticking clock, Parker’s about to realize there’s no such thing as downtime when you work for Titan.
About GOING UNDER by Anna Bishop Barker
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and Anna Bishop Barker comes an exciting collaboration…
Clinical researcher Rebecca Shaughnessy’s life has always been planned, ordered, controlled, logical. She isn’t a damsel and she doesn’t need a hero.
Ex- Army Ranger Max Lawrence’s life is a study in balancing. War and compassion, aggression and tenderness. He isn’t looking to be anyone’s hero, even if he does appreciate the trusty steed and the mighty sword stories.
But there is a monster from the past. A monster who simply takes. And this time it intends to take everything.
In every good fairy tale there are dragons and monsters. The dragon in this tale may be their fiery attraction but the monster won’t remain in the past where it belongs. When the monster resurfaces, this damsel and her knight must brave the currents and fight to keep from going under.
About RESCUED HEART by Tarina Deaton
From New York Times best-selling author Cristin Harber and Tarina Deaton comes an exciting collaboration…
“Please, Jordan. It’s Emme.”
The last thing Major Jordan Grant expected was to be pulled off his unit’s deployment for a civilian mission. But when Titan calls, you answer — especially when the mission is to rescue the younger sister of your childhood best friend.
Moments away from death, NGO nurse Emme France could only pray for a miracle. The last person she expected to see in the smoke and dust was Jordan Grant, her teenage crush and litmus test of all the men she’d dated ever since.
Lying low at Titan’s exotic Abu Dhabi headquarters while the media furor around her rescue settles, Emme and Jordan explore a mutual attraction that is no longer young and innocent. Days in the desert paradise ignite desire and blur reality…until they return home, where Jordan rejoins his deployed unit and Emme is left alone to reevaluate her life and priorities.
Their passion was forged in the fires of combat. Will the home fires be enough to keep the burn alive?
Get your hands on all of the Titan World books now!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2hGq18H BN: http://bit.ly/2hpQy9m Kobo: http://bit.ly/2gQkJG5 iBooks: http://apple.co/2hDmwzN
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