#but yeah tofu and munen being the other people i reblogged from the most... not a surprise
subdee · 1 year
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I posted 617 times in 2022
83 posts created (13%)
534 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 614 of my posts in 2022
#hxh - 230 posts
#general lefty stuff - 88 posts
#hunter x hunter - 50 posts
#ff7 - 49 posts
#the internet - 29 posts
#ff7ogzine - 28 posts
#hxhbb - 26 posts
#hxh manga spoilers - 24 posts
#art - 24 posts
#hxhladieszine - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and if you had a more free society you might choose to organize it around gathering hazelnuts instead of farming to have a less stratified..
My Top Posts in 2022:
Last Time on Hunter x Hunter
New HxH chapter is out but it’s been quiet at least among the fans I know... it seems because no one remembers what happened last time.  :P
Probably this would be a good time to go back to the HxH subreddit because I bet the redditors are loving this chapter dedicated to mafia flunkies fighting each other using absurd powers and are digging up their old reference charts and theories and putting them up on the wall like Pepe Silvia as we speak. 
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(It’s Zhang Lei, BTW.  Zhang Lei will win the succession war.  And Sakata is the Silent Majority nen user, working directly for Zhang Lei or possibly for Onior on his behalf.  Although if 8th prince Lazurus won the succession war with the help of the Spiders that would be a pretty good plot twist.  You heard it here first!  )
Ahem.  Anyway here’s your recap of what’s going on in the manga currently... spoilers ahead!!!!
(All images from this reference chart, thank you nerds of reddit!) 
There are three mafia groups based on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th tier of the boat:
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77 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
I’m trying to stay focused on the local battlefield as a way to stay semi-calm. Kansas voters are in a unique position in red states in that they get a direct say on whether or not to protect abortion. August 2nd will have a vote on an anti-abortion amendment to the KS constitution. If the amendment fails, abortion will remain legal here. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled abortion is protected under the KS Constitution. So it’s either the amendment or nothing for the forced birth assholes. They can’t simply pass a law like other states have. This vote isn’t just important for Kansas. It’ll have major ramifications for the region. Missouri will ban all abortions. But if choice stays legal in Kansas, then the Kansas City metro will still have clinics available. Plus, it’s not a bad drive from Oklahoma City to Wichita, or from Omaha to KC. Polls show a majority of Kansans want abortion to remain legal. There’s a good chance we’ll win this one. Enough of a chance that I’m allowing myself to hope. Kansans for Constitutional Freedom is the main group organizing the “Vote NO” fight in Kansas. They’re a coalition of Democrats and Republicans, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and other groups. If you have a few bucks to spare, please consider them.
Via metafilter
90 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Phantom Troupe thoughts
...Ahem.  I haven’t checked the main tag or been on tumblr much in the last few weeks so forgive me if this is old news but... catching up on Hunter x Hunter and can’t believe that in the year of our lord 2022, we finally have canon confirmation that the Sheila conspiracy theorists were right all along!!! 
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Sheila confirmed member of the OG phantom troupe!!  Also the book she gave little Kurapika and Pairo in the “Kurapika’s Memories” chapter, that inspired them to want to leave the tribe and attempt the Hunter exam, was probably “Dino Hunter” because it looks the same and Sheila only reads one book apparently.  
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129 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
For US people: government is giving out another round of free COVID tests... This time we all get eight.
277 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The 80,000 warnings about the ao3 spambots on here are making me realize... do people on tumblr not know what an SEO scam is??????
Everyone warning each other to not click on the links... I mean yes this is just good internet advice, don’t click random spammy links, but if the point was trick you into clicking they would be doing a better job of pretending not to be bots, don’t you think?
The purpose of these comments is SEO optimization... just trying to increase their pagerank in search results on Google or Bing by making a lot of different pages link to them.  
These aren’t a big deal if they hit the accounts of active writers, who have plenty of tools to get rid of them.  The game is to hit the accounts of writers who aren’t  checking their emails, and won’t bother to log in / mark as spam.  Then the comments stay up and help with getting their links on early pages of search results or making them look more legitimate. 
Anyway here’s something for the AO3 engineering team to do - figure out where these bots are coming from and block the domain.  Since ao3 is mostly volunteer labor we just wait until someone’s free to work on it or the board votes to pay for it, though. 
912 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
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