#but yeah i was thiking about this and ugh
zahraalgernon · 2 years
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  Often I remember that...Loki could have taken the throne of Alabasta. They could have taken it from their brother--they won the duel, they are the rightful heir. Through lineage, through any of it...It is their right.        So why didn’t they?
  Well.       One of the first things they saw coming back from their journey to their brother’s need, was his son. Their nephew. Though in the eyes of that boy, they saw their brother and his stupidity, his flippant inability to understand, his foolishness...they also saw them-self. They saw what made them want to live, they saw what their mother saw in them, what made her continue to fight for them. 
  Yes. Loki gave the reason that “Alabasta was not ready for a king like them.” A cursed king, immortal in many ways--youthful, yet seen as a bane...But deep down the reason why they did not take their rightful place was king was for that boy. For that boy’s eyes, and for what would become the entire Nefertari line.
  They would not be the one to take that hope away.
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greenpanda-djg · 2 years
Okay feel free to disagree but someone on twitter set me off.
I relate to Lars and love him as a character he is an asshole and is pretty verbally abusive BUT in the show he has never harmed a fly he is more a coward than anything. To me Lars was just a kid in a bad place who just couldn' socolise to save his life.
Now Ronaldo and Sadie.
These two are the mose VILE human beins in SU the most worst of all? Is how everyone ignores the shitty things they've did and blame Lars.
It is awful.
So Ronaldo, Sadie, Lars investigate a house- it has a gem in it and the house eats Sadie so what does Ronaldo do?
He picks up Lars and almost feeds him to the house where Lars could potentially die.
Again Ronaldos ex-best friend sacrificed for a stranger he just met.
Another, Lars had self-esteem issues and didn't have much confidence in his body, has footage/photos of him getting hurt and in his case embarrsing and told Ronaldo "No I don't want the whole world on the internet to see me like that."
Did Ronaldo care? He was going to do it anyway so Lars destroyed the pictures and ROnaldo got pissed?
Like dude he said no- take no for an answer.
ROnaldo ALSO knocked out steven [I thought it was a rock/some say potato] BUT the fact that Steven was knocked out WITH a black eye for Garnet and the others to save Steven only coz he dressed up as 'snepple' Snake people. Ronaldo was unhinged!
Then sadie, the gaslighting Gatekeep Girlboss hereself.
There was a movie called "Hole' with Kiera Knightly, a girl looked her best friend and some guys in a hole for days JUST so she could get with the guy she liked, Kiera died, so did the others until it was just her, the guy and HIS best friend, the guy killed his best friend because he opened up a fizzy drink and when she admitted to locking them in and that she could've opened the door the whole time he went berzerk and almost killed her.
She was the murderer who got away from it.
And SADIE trapped Steven a CHILD with Lars and UNWILLING PARTICPANT on an ISLAND just to get close with him and she DID she made him vunerable and emotionally dependent on him and when he was like "SAdie you knew where the portal was the whole time what the fuck?" The episode framed it as if it was LARS being unreasable.
But sadie was limping, beaten up hurt her arm she was Hurting herself and didn't see how that was unhealthy that she put herself through that for a guy?
That is some anne wilkes shit.
And the fact the Steven was pursuaded to think it was LARS who was the problem that HE was the one just not being open when really Lars probably picked up that Sadie was a fucking Physcho and it was great that he stopped being friends with Ronaldo from day one becayse that guy just [ugh I freakin hate him so much- except his kid brother and dad are cool]
So yeah hate Sadie, also she BITCHED that Lars wasn't there and that she was doing extra shifts because Lars was [I'm sorry?] in space? And yeah he freakin DIED AND TURNED PINK!
But No it's his fault coz it's always his fault!
Also SHe lied about the island, but Lars in DANGER so when Lars lied to hang out with friends? Because they're still in school and maybe he wanted to have fun?
So she has Steven give him those spicy rock things that had lars spitting fire he could've burned his throat to shit and Sadie was blaming Lars AGAIN for LYING????
What. The. Fuck???
And after that episode Lars stopped hanging out with the cool kids, coincidink? Maybe- I don't know what the SU crew were thiking.
Weird how this show is talking about relationships, and being HEALTHY and talking about your feelings.
But Ronaldo and Sadie are the most narcicisict characters [and from someone who had gaslighting 'friends' and ruined relationships because of it and even saw a youtubers in depth story of going through something similair] It seems obvious to me that ROnaldo/Sadie sucks.
So why is it that the fandom hates Lars and praises Sadio/Ronaldo to the high heavens I just don't get it and don't want to.
okay I'm done
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I can’t stand this city. I’ leaving i dont care what it takes. I can’t grow here. i’m tired of being awarded for beig mediocre. this city is so small anything i do that makes me stad out is rewarded when i know taken out of the context of this place i’d be looked over. If i stay any longer i’ll make this city a coffin. I can;’t do it.if i really want to step intoa new way of life i can’t stay stagnent here collecting accolaes for being basic!!!!! when i was putting up posters i met a porti rican  i was shook iw as like wtf are you doing here lmaoo like run dont stay here and we had a long chat about the city and he looked at me and said ‘whata re you doing here’ and i wanted to cry T_T ause what am i doing here but being comfortable. i was almost blinded and almost settled. noooooo like whyyyy did i let that almost happen. Its funny cause i was praying last week asking for help from god because something didnt feel right and like almost broke down asking for help and just as i was gonna settle i met thiserson (whose name is angel lmao) that reminds me about where i trying to go.im rdy to leave this palce has sevred me enough. I finally got my head on the right path, i feel mroe free and myself. my depression has dwindled so much and even when i get down like yesterday i pick myself upliterally in a heartbeat. I’ve learned how to take control of my life here, express myself, and though ive made so many mistakes i’m learning. not as fast as i like but every month i can feel myself getting back to the core of who i am. honestly, reflecting back i really do owe so much to jesus. he’s been the like uhh beacon? sure yeah like the ebacon for where i neeed to b ehading. I staretd being motivated out of spite (lmao) but now im motivated so i can meet who i am in the future. i know me at my best is a goal i can reach. but i can’t stay here if i want to be that person. i’ve been feeling so disconnected with everyyone its like this city has been pushing me away and i’m ready to go. i won’t let it consume my time and energy anymore. my uncle has laready agreed to let me stay at his palce while i get used to syracuse and i know even though it will be hard (!!!) and diffcult (!!!!) and i’ll probably be a mess once i get there nand have to adjust but i need it. i need change and i need to push myself even more. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lmao a year can change you so much. i really really really want to thank the universe for letting me meet jesus and spending so much time with him. i hate how this ast week and the rest of the month is keeping me so busy and in  a weird mental place.  but now i know that the way ive been feeling is not permenant and i can shake it off at any time. i miss him so much and im getting really emotional this week which prob means i’m close to my period again T_T orrrrr ive been thiking its actually me finally expressing how im feeling and not supressing it. though i get emotional i can still take a step back and realize its okay to express how im feeling as long as im not taking it out on oters. but now i really gotta work on my patience. if i had have been more patient yesterday i would have had more time to spend with daddy instead of passig out AGAIN T_T T_T T_T i was so and when i woke up at 3am like wtfffff whyyy ugh once i save up, buy these computer parts and finish the last weeks of this job its time to really get tf out of here. I miss him :c life really has been dull without him and i keep being such a mess everytime we talk cause i’m trying to contain my emtoions and its not working ugh lmao anyway im gonna be sappy and apologize for how ive been and hopefully he understands cx 
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