#but yeah every time i see spock and uhura in tos it's like aw besties!! haha
pussyhoundspock · 2 years
sorry can i vent about aos!spuhura? bc here's the thing: they didn't even COME CLOSE to the chemistry of tos! spock & uhura in "charlie x" when she sings a silly little song & he plays his little harp like the gay little band geeks they are
hahaha yeah i was frustrated with aos!spock/uhura too! to paraphrase @thylaa, aos@spuhura is like two ice queens whereas tos!spuhura they had a connection built on them both being incredibly empathetic people, which is just a very different vibe && results in very different relationships! i also have other issues with it mostly like frustration with how they kind of relegated uhura to the 'spock's girlfriend' role for the first two movies like just sticking her with a bunch of sexist tropes and like idk it was just frustrating to see that take over so much of uhura's storyline and plotlines. also like did not love what it implied/said about spock like the whole thing in 2009 when he doesn't assign her to the enterprise to avoid the appearance of favoritism which was in my opinion meant as, like, a clever way of shocking us with their relationship but which implies that spock is not only dating one of his students and hiding it but withholding her from advanced opportunities/advancement/placements that she is qualified for to hide the fact that he's dating his student and like. spock??? spock's doing that?? so a lot of the stuff that the relationship implied just like made the characters seem out of character to me!
this makes it sound like i dislike aos!spock/uhura which i totally don't! as anyone who knows me well knows. i love critiquing things i enjoy haha. i think im incapable of recommending a 'favorite show/movie/book' without listing the fifteen or so things i didn't think quite worked/landed/etc, so! i really do enjoy the aos reboot movie franchise and i enjoy spock and uhura's dynamic there even if i think it's REALLY different from their dynamic and basis for their tos friendship/connection!
oh and since i referenced kira in this post i'd be remiss without plugging scotty/uhura which almost works BETTER with their reboot characters than tos characters! like unlike spock scotty would be able to draw aos!uhura out and help her find her playfulness and fun! they would balance each other really nicely! whereas spock and uhura in aos just come across as too similar to really work in a relationship -- at least to me!
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