#but wrt to stranger things i’d have a lot more tolerance for steddie is everyone admitted it was a crack pairing and y’all just want
theseventhveil1945 · 1 year
re: Eddie telling Steve he’s a good person and apparently guys don’t do that—what. have they met guys? they go to bat SO hard for other men. just one example: I’ve been watching love is blind and literally all their bros are telling them what great men they are and gassing them up even after they treat their fiancés abysmally. yet they see that and think “oh yes friendship between men? Impossible, must be gay” ick.
eddie is a plot device character. having him say “steve you’re actually a good guy” followed by a speech about getting nancy back is just the writers furthering the stancy agenda with their typical tell don’t show writing style but no one wants to see that
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