#but when my friend died my mum went well he overdosed so ๐Ÿ™„ (he didnt and it wouldnt have mattered even if he did)
violentdevotion ยท 6 months
when i was 18 my friend died and no one in my family cared. literally everytime id express grief id be told that he wasn't muslim so i shouldn't care or that to die so young he must've been doing something and therefore he must've deserved it and i just accepted that my family isn't that good at handling someones grief. then when i was 19 my older brothers friend died and i was explicitly told by my mum to not say anything to him because he was grieving and i got angry and resentful that the same wasn't extended for me and then id get mad at myself for being so resentful. last week the guy that bullied me in highschool and kickstarted my eating disorder died and ive had to hear everyone talk about what a tragedy it is and i KNOW its awful to be mad at him for how everyone's reacting to his death but im more mad that they were all always capable of this empathy and no one extended it to me when i needed it. but they will now when someone who strangled me unprompted died.
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