#but today is a twofold exception >=3
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19th January >> Fr. Martin's Reflections / Homilies for Today's Mass Readings (Inc. Mark 3:13-19) on Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time (B): ‘He appointed twelve’.
Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time (B)
Gospel (Except USA) Mark 3:13-19 He appointed twelve to be his companions.
Jesus went up into the hills and summoned those he wanted. So they came to him and he appointed twelve; they were to be his companions and to be sent out to preach, with power to cast out devils. And so he appointed the Twelve: Simon to whom he gave the name Peter, James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James, to whom he gave the name Boanerges or ‘Sons of Thunder’; then Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, the man who was to betray him.
Gospel (USA) Mark 3:13-19 Jesus summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him.
Jesus went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him. He appointed Twelve, whom he also named Apostles, that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons: He appointed the Twelve: Simon, whom he named Peter; James, son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James, whom he named Boanerges, that is, sons of thunder; Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus; Thaddeus, Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
Reflections (9)
(i) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
According to today’s gospel reading, Jesus chose the twelve ‘to be his companions and to be sent out’. There are two movements there, a coming to Jesus and a staying with him in companionship, and a going out from him to proclaim the good news of God’s loving reign, in word and in deed. The second movement flows from the first movement. The twelve first need to be with Jesus, to spend time in his company, to see what he is doing and to hear what he is saying. They will then be able to go out as his witnesses, speaking and acting as he did. That twofold movement is also a good description of our baptismal calling. The Lord keeps calling us to himself to be his companions, to spend time in his company. One of the ways we do that is through prayer. In prayer we attend to the Lord who is always attending to us. As we prayerfully reflect on the gospels, we listen to his words and we observe his life. This is the prayer of presence. We consciously become present to the Lord who is present to us. In doing so, we grow in our relationship with him, and the Lord comes to live more fully within us. We become empowered to go from his presence and become his witnesses in the world, by all that we say and do. Witnessing to the Lord will mean loving others as he has loved us, including loving those who wish us ill. In today’s first reading, Saul looked upon David as his enemy and sought to kill him. Yet, when David had a chance to kill Saul, he refused to take it. David refused to return evil with evil, hatred with hatred. As Saul says to David in that reading, ‘You have repaid me with good, while I have repaid you with evil’. David’s way of relating to Saul is how Jesus relating to his enemies. In his letter to the Romans, Paul calls upon the members of the church, ‘Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good’. This is the way of life which flows from our companionship with the Lord in prayer.
(ii) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
The gospel reading says that Jesus summoned those he wanted and it lists the names of twelve of his disciples. The last disciple is named as Judas Iscariot, the man who was to betray him. Mark the evangelist was writing with hindsight, knowing that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus to his enemies. Yet Mark acknowledges at the beginning of that gospel reading that Judas Iscariot was among that group whom Jesus wanted. Jesus made a clear choice of these twelve from among the other disciples; these are the ones he wanted. There is no suggestion in the gospels that when Jesus chose Judas he knew at the time that Judas would betray him. It seems that although Jesus wanted Judas, Judas, in the end, did not want Jesus. The Lord calls each one of us to be his followers. His call is made anew to us every day of our lives. The Lord wants us to respond to his call. Yet, we also have to want to respond. The Lord cannot force our response, no more than he could have forced the response of Judas. The Lord needs our free response to his call. Otherwise it would not be a fully human response. What does the Lord call us to? The gospel reading says that he wanted the twelve to be his companions and to be sent out. The Lord calls us, wants us, to be his companions firstly. He calls us to be with him as he is with us; this is the call to prayer. He also calls us to be sent out. From our prayerful companionship with the Lord we are sent out by him as his ambassadors, as people who witness to his values, his attitudes and his whole way of life.
(iii) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus has been gathering a growing number of disciples since the beginning of his public ministry. According to Mark in this morning’s gospel reading, from this larger group Jesus called twelve to be his companions and then to be sent out as his representatives. The number twelve was significant; it is a reminder of the twelve tribes of Israel. This group of twelve were to symbolize the renewed Israel that Jesus was working to form. The gospel reading says that Jesus chose those whom he wanted; he chose these twelve very deliberately. They were to receive intensive training and instruction so as to share in his ministry in a special way. Yet, by the end of Mark’s gospel, everyone of this group had deserted him, the first mentioned of the group, Simon Peter, had denied him publicly, and the last mentioned, Judas Iscariot, had betrayed him to his enemies. In spite of the fact that these twelve had spent more time in his company than others, listening to him, seeing what he did, they failed him when the cross came into view. They were not faithful to their calling. Although Jesus calls people, calls each one of us, he cannot force us to respond to his call. Although he has a purpose for our lives, he is helpless before our refusal to co-operate with his purpose for us. Yet, in the gospel of Mark, the failure of the twelve was not the end of their relationship with Jesus. After he rose from the dead, he appeared to them in Galilee and renewed his relationship with them. The Lord may be helpless before our failure but he remains faithful to us in spite of our unfaithfulness to him and he is always at work to bring some good out of our failures.
(iv) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
In this morning’s gospel reading Jesus calls twelve from among the larger group of disciples. There were two elements to the Lord’s call. Firstly, he called these twelve to be his companions, to be with him, and, secondly, he called them to be sent out to preach and to heal, to share in his own work. They would first need to be with him before they could go out on his behalf. They needed to get to know the Lord of the work before they could take up the work of the Lord. The pattern that applies to the twelve in our gospel reading applies to all of us, to some degree or another. We too are called to share in the Lord’s work, to witness to him, to bring his gospel into the world by our lives. Yet, prior to that, we are called to become the Lord’s companions, to be with him. One of the primary ways we spend time with the Lord is prayer. In prayer we attune ourselves to the Lord’s presence to us, we become present to him as he is to us. That is true of all prayer, whether it is the public prayer of the church, like the Eucharist, or our own personal and private prayer. Our prayerful presence with the Lord creates space for the Lord to work in and through us. The gospel reading suggests that we need to grow in our relationship with the Lord by spending time with him, before we can go forth in his name, as his ambassadors.
(v) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
The first reading this morning continued the tragic story of Saul’s jealous animosity towards David. Saul saw David as his enemy and treated him as such. Yet, David was not in act Saul’s enemy, as is shown by the behaviour of David in that reading. David spared the life of Saul, even when Saul was at the mercy of David. In exasperation, David says to Saul, ‘you must acknowledge frankly that there is neither malice nor treason in my mind’. David did not relate to Saul as Saul related to him. In the gospel reading, Jesus calls the twelve disciples, including Judas Iscariot who went on to betray. Again Jesus did not relate to Judas as Judas related to him. Although Judas was planning to betray Jesus, according the gospel of John, Jesus washed the feet of all of his disciples, including the feet of Judas. He poured himself out in loving service all of his disciples, Judas included. Both David and Jesus teach us that, although we may have little control over have other people relate to us, we have some control over how we relate to them. Our way of relating to others need not be determined by their way of relating to us. Our calling is to allow the Lord to love others through us, regardless of how they relate to us.
(vi) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s gospel reading we are told that Jesus appointed twelve ‘to be his companions and to be sent out’. There seems a certain tension between both of those roles, companioning Jesus and being sent out from him. To companion Jesus is to be in his company; to be sent out is to be away from him. Yet, this was a creative tension. Spending time in Jesus’ company prepared the disciples to be sent out by Jesus. They could only be sent out after they had spent time with Jesus. They needed to receive from him before they could give to others. They needed to observe him, to listen to him, before they could speak and act in his name. This creative tension is at the heart of all our lives as disciples of Jesus. We spend time in his company in prayer, and we go out from our prayer as his representatives before others. This is the two-fold movement of the Christian life. Neither one can be dispensed with. The Christian life in its fullness has both a contemplative and an active dimension. The gospel reading hints that the contemplative dimension is the foundation of the active dimension. The twelve needed to allow themselves to be companioned by Jesus before they could be sent out. We need to spend time with the Lord in prayer if we are to share in his work today.
(vii) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
The person of David is featuring in our first reading from the first book of Samuel in these days. David is portrayed in the Biblical literature as a somewhat complex character. He is capable of both great virtue and of great vice. He had Uriah, one of his commanders, killed because he wanted to marry Uriah’s wife, thereby breaking two of the ten commandments, those prohibiting adultery and murder. It is the virtuous side of David that is reflected in today’s first reading. Saul, the king of Israel, considered David his enemy, because he was jealous of David’s popularity. Saul sought to do David harm. However, when David had the opportunity to do Saul harm, he refused to take it. He preserved the life of his enemy. In the words of Saul to David in today’s first reading, ‘you have repaid me with good, while I have repaid you with evil’. David showed love towards his enemy, anticipating the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. The character of David teaches us that, even when we fail in some serious way, we can still be capable of great good. In the gospel reading, Jesus appoints twelve of his disciples to be his companions and to be sent out in his name. Many of them would fail him in a very serious way. All of them would desert him, Peter would deny him publicly and Judas would betray him. Yet, each of them was also capable of great good. Apart from Judas, they would all become proclaimers of the Easter gospel to others, founders of community of believers. The Lord can continue to work powerfully through us, even though we may fail him. We can never allow our weaknesses and failings to blind us to the good that is in us, or to inhibit us from allowing the Lord to do his good work through us.
(viii) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s gospel reading, Jesus appoints twelve of his disciples to be his companions and to be sent out to preach and to heal. Firstly, they are to be Jesus’ companions; they are to spend time with him; they are to enter into a personal relationship with him. Only then can they be sent out to share in his work of preaching and healing. We are all called to share in the Lord’s work today in some way or another. We are to proclaim his presence by our words and his deeds. However, this sharing in the Lord’s work can only flow from our personal relationship with him. Like the twelve in today’s gospel reading, we need to be with the Lord before he can send us out in his name. The Lord is always with us, but we need to be with him. The Lord befriends us, but we need to receive the gift of his friendship and befriend him. It is above all prayer which nurtures our personal relationship with the Lord. In prayer we attend to the Lord’s presence, we become present to his presence to us, we become his companions. In opening ourselves to the Lord’s presence, we are empowered to live as he lived, to love as he loved. That will often mean loving even those who do not love us, just as in the first reading David is portrayed as showing goodness and kindness to Saul who wanted to kill David. The Lord needs us to be the agents of his unconditional love in the world, but if that is to happen we need the Lord. We first need to be present to him and to open ourselves to his empowering presence.
(ix) Friday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
When I was in school we had to learn the names of the twelve apostles off by heart. I don’t think that is a feature of today’s teaching of religion. The twelve seemed to have been a significant group for Jesus. They symbolized the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Their presence suggested that Jesus had come to renew the people of Israel and through them to renew all nations. The disciples in the gospels are a much larger group than the twelve. They included men and women. Indeed, by the end of Mark’s gospel, the twelve are nowhere to be found and it is the women disciples who stand by the cross, who make the discovery of the empty tomb and to whom the risen Lord first appears. The twelve were a mixed bunch and they left a lot to be desired. James and John asked Jesus for the best seats in his kingdom, in a rather self-serving way, Peter denied Jesus publicly three times and Judas betrayed Jesus to his enemies. Given the way some of the twelve are portrayed in the gospels, we might be tempted to say that Jesus’ interviewing skills were not great. Yet, the gospel reading says that ‘he summoned those he wanted’ and ‘he appointed twelve’ from among them. These were the people he wanted to form this symbolically important group, even though they had great flaws and failings. The Lord wants each one of us to be his companions and to share in his work in some way, in spite of our failings and imperfections. Sometimes it is our weaknesses that creates a space for the Lord to enter our lives more fully and to enter our world more fully through us. The Lord is faithful to us, having called us. In the words of today’s psalm, in him ‘mercy and faithfulness have met’. All he asks is that we keep turning towards him and relying upon him in our weakness.
Fr. Martin Hogan.
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friendrat · 1 year
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I posted 2,995 times in 2022
That's 2,904 more posts than 2021!
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Old theory I never posted here:
So my kids were watching the Magic School Bus. It happened to be the Inside Ralphie episode, and I noticed something a bit odd. Anyone who's watched that show knows that Ms Frizzle always dressed to match her field trip. And at the beginning of the episode, she is dressed just how you would expect for a day that they would be studying how the human body fights infection... except she was dressed that way *before* she got the call that Ralphie was sick! Which means she had to have known in advance that he was sick.
It reminded me of one of the books I read where she goes on vacation to Egypt, and hijacks the tour after the tour guide mysteriously and suddenly contracts laryngitis. She then proceeds to take the entire plane of tourists back in time.
All this makes it look suspiciously like she can make people get sick. And that means that she most likely made Ralphie sick for the purpose of the field trip.
135 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My husband just pointed out that when referring to Adrian's different personas, we shouldn't call him "civilian Adrian", we should call him "House Chat", and I have never heard anything so brilliant before. Petition to call him House Chat.
198 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Ok Tumblr, I'm in a debate right now about The Sea Beast.
A bunch of people are saying that it doesn't make sense how the royalty of the kingdom is making money of of the hunting industry, but I thought it was kinda obvious how it worked? I think it's twofold.
First, they are clearing trade routes. That opens up the doors to more foreign trade. Some people are arguing"well that benefits other kingdoms too". Which is true, but doesn't prove that they aren't getting rich from it. 🙄 History people. Open trade routes leads to wealthier kingdoms and better lives for the common people.
Second, I think the next logical assumption is that they are making money off of the sea beast horns. Yes, they tell the hunters to bring them back as proof of their kills, but what really happens to them afterwards? You can't tell me all of them end up in their museum/private collection. Not given the number that the hunters brought back from a single voyage. Also, look at how many real world species have been hunted to extinction over horns, tusks, and pelts. Add that to the time period meaning that they had inferior medical knowledge as well as more superstition (which is also seen in the movie, so I'm not just guessing based on the time period), we have a recipe for those horns to be used for any number of things including medicine and magical totems.
So there we have it. An exclusive resource (we don't hear of any other kingdoms being built up by hunters, although I could be wrong there... but we do know that they have the *best* hunters, which means they still would have the best supply), and clear routes to trade that resource (among other things). That's how the kingdom got rich on the blood of sea beasts. Am I off my rocker? Maybe. I just took the unanswered question in the movie and applied what I know about the real world to it. It made sense to me.
Any other theories? Am I wrong?
216 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
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The pep talk I didn't know I needed today
348 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
All of the modern takes on Dracula really make me wish they would make a mostly true to book adaptation that is a horror comedy, with things like Dracula having sudden costume changes while pretending to be his own staff, trying to knock the crucifix off the wheel in order to steer the ship, and the people of Whitby chasing him around as a dog. Just all the collective hot takes on what's going on with this story that make us, the modern readers, laugh, presented in a glorious cinema quality film.
1,877 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
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crystalelemental · 2 years
“books-are-my-life-stuff: I still remembered a funny thing that happened when SS Morty got announced. People's responses to him were pretty lukewarm and my reaction was like: "Seriously? You guys worship SS Blue but talks bad about SS Morty?". Of course, things have changed and those people are now praising SS Morty but I still remember the lukewarm response, despite how SS Blue and SS Morty share quite a number of similarities (except obviously the weather setter part).“
I mean, I also didn’t take to SS Morty initially, but mostly because I didn’t have much need of a Sun-based support.  My only Sun team was doing just fine.  I didn’t crack until SS Lyra, when the combo hit me.  But I admit, that is really funny, and I think it’s funny in general because the trend is every defensive support getting a lukewarm response.  H!Caitlin, SC Jasmine, Summer Hilda; any unit that functions best for defensive utility and doesn’t offer clear offensive benefits is disparaged.  Which is baffling considering SS Blue.
“I think I still like SS Blue to this day is because I like defensive supports. Fall Caitlin, Evelyn, BP Morty and SS Morty, all that. And how he can unironically dual DPS if needed. My SS Blue was 2/5 back then but he was the one who helped me to clear Moltres for the first time. And DPSing with SS Blue is a lot of fun, even more with SS Kris now.
Though I understand that how people keep citing him as best supports has soured your opinion of him (which is why I tend to stay away from fandom and community stuff). If you look at YouTube, especially Zinfogel, he occasionally did off-region Extreme Battles clears, and I think that's where SS Blue also stood out, alongside Spring Burgh and Ingo back in the second anniversary and Kanto Villain Arc.
I personally don't think he's the greatest support ever, he has a lot of flaws, especially in today's standard. But I think he's still a great support and I still find him reliable despite the flaws. And I'm saying this as someone who has experienced having him from 1/5 no EX (from the lucky dailies at the SS Red+SS Blue+Alder banner) to 3/5 EX.”
I think that’s all fair too, I think my issue is twofold.  One is, as you said, fandom interpretation, and my general sense of like...the guy is A-rank.  Not even top of A-rank, just A-rank somewhere, he’s great but not that great.  The other is the way in which defensive play works.  I like healing, and I like guarantees.  SS Blue is pure probability with inconsistent healing, and almost no healing at lower move levels.  I don’t love that.  I’d take a support like BP Morty over SS Blue any day, because the defense buffing is consistent, and I have a pop heal for emergencies.  I have no problem admitting he’s good, I just find him inconsistent at times, and unable to facilitate low tier strikers, which is my mark of a good support.
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its-kk-me · 2 years
Regency Group presents Some Of The Best Flats For Sale In Dombivli
Throughout the years passed, Dombivli East in Kalyan has attained the status of being the most preferred location for affordable but extravagant homes. This has been conceivable because of the development of good quality residential properties by Kalyan’s renowned builders.
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Every project from Regency Group including Anantam provides you every facility which is value for money and that elevates your standard of living. Purchase your dream home today!
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Get Creative with Visual Effects To Your Ease
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All along of the innovative flow, creative mind is in play. Before a thing exists, it should be imagined in the brain. This occurs in filmmaking up and down the way. First the screenplay should be composed, a vital text practice which doesn't take into consideration introductory pictures. Then comes the storyboard.
Now, the primary flash of what lies inside the craftsman's psyche springs up. Arrangements are graphically plotted out, giving key casings to the film's advancement. It's a disclosure to enroll this with the eyes interestingly. After creation gets into swing, everything gets genuine. A chief should survey props and closet, try out and cast entertainers, scout and endorse areas, etc. When that hot second at long last shows up - shooting on set - you're seeing your scenes unequivocally, correct? Indeed, not exactly…
Visual effects.
Enter the exceptionally wide area of Special visual effects company. Profound into film's set of experiences, different methods have been utilized to embed symbolism which was not shot on set with things which were. The present and the not-yet-here will ultimately share the screen.
Nowadays, it's not unexpected information that there's a little CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) in pretty much every Hollywood film out there. Be that as it may, as far back as the 1890s, producers were utilizing cunning techniques to add components to films through in-camera deceives, shrewd altering, and twofold openings. Regardless of the way that the advanced age has made a large number of these customary methods substantially less normal, essentially every one of them are as yet being used today.
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Not with Standing the way in which exceptional special visual effects are achieved, one focal test has generally been reliably introduced to movie producers: how could a scene be recorded when quite a bit of it shouldn't be visible by any stretch of the imagination? Once more - computerized film has restricted this test generally.
At the end of the day, entertainers need to play against characters and occasions which are not occurring. The camera should record a negative space it doesn't yet have the foggiest idea. Also, as usual, the chief should generally be aware of what the last altered scene will resemble, this time with nothing on set to check out. There's a ton of ways of doing this, yet it shifts it being utilized to rely upon the methods. The following are a portion of the more normal special visual effects utilized in surprisingly realistic component movies, and how the producer can move toward becoming amazing at "see you later."
1. Activity
There's a lot of renowned instances of movies which have vivified characters cooperating with the "genuine" world in the film. Exemplary models incorporate Disney films like Mary Poppins and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Hand-drawn vivified individuals and creatures were added sometime later, while entertainers would need to play against props subbing for living partners.
2. Miniatures
Perhaps the most established stunt in the unique enhanced visualizations book is the utilization of miniatures. Customarily, this implied constructing scale models of conditions to address exceptionally enormous sets like whole urban areas, gigantic vehicles, colossal designs, etc. As far back as the Silent Era, films like Metropolis utilized miniatures to address a city of things to come, complete with moving parts.
3. Matte Paintings
Some other revered technique to add huge scope conditions is the Matte Painting. There's perhaps a couple ways of making it happen, yet basically, a craftsman paints an exceptionally itemized photograph sensible set piece, regularly for an enormous scope, to portray what a set proved unable. Entertainers are obstructed into the casing to not break the lines of the matte which will be added later.
Also Read :-Hierarchy of the potential Animation Companies
4. Stop Motion
There's a sure appeal to stop movement activity, regardless of whether the end result can't cover what it is. From old works of art like King Kong to 2015's Oscar-Nominated Anomalisa, there's a surface to uncovering completely posable models each casing in turn that CGI can never reproduce. Figures like dolls, toy vehicles, earth, or pretty much any unrefined substance a movie producer might wish to energize are carefully shot in many postures each second of film to reproduce the deception of movement.
5. Multiplying
Everyone appears to adore twins. Also, clones. Or on the other hand perhaps robots with a striking likeness to a hero. Regardless, every time you see a twofold of a person on screen, it is constantly the strategy of multiplying which you are looking (instead of utilizing genuine twins, trios, and so forth.).
6. CGI
The most discussed extraordinary enhanced visual effects is additionally the one that individuals don't appear to see the value in the profundities of enough. PC Generated Imagery can in a real sense set anything up on a screen - from huge scenes that don't for even a moment exist to immense armed forces loaded up with computerized individuals rather than additional items on set. Advanced tech permits scenes to be in a real sense painted and energized in any capacity the movie producer picks.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 13 August 1834
6 ¼
11 40
Twenty minutes quietly with A- before getting up. Fine morning F68° at 6 ¼ am  - Made tea for A-. Off in cabriolet to Firminy at 7 25 – good road  (only opened 5 years ago – the old road considerably to the right and [very] up and down) all the way except thro’ the village of Chamond or some such name – and there the street narrow and pavé terrible – the street to be widened and made good – a few houses already rebuilt and set back – left the town of Firminy (left) and drove down to the coal mine or rather coal quarry and there at 8 50 – the ingénieur not there –would not come till 11 – lives in the chateau – in ½ hour in the quarry – exactly like  a common stone quarry, only coal instead of stone – quarrying enormous masses - 100 workmen - the piqueurs earn 2/25 and the carries 1/75 per day - as much as a man carry of large pieces sells for 4 sols - 3 men killed 7 months ago by the falling down of a mass of rock - drove to the chateau - Mr Morillo (ingénieur or chef des mines de Firminy) at home – very civil – would return with me to the coal quarry – and had the horse put up at the chateau – above an hour shewing me all over the quarry and explained about the steam engine pump - 24 horse power - much power lost by being at such a distance from the works and communicating with the well by iron bars 100 yards length? but the ground so tender so full of old mines, and given to fall in, that they durst not sink the pit or well nearer - this pit 20 toises deep, but the pump only brought up the water to ½ way and then it runs off by an old gallery - the water I saw forming a little cascade from the top into the quarry and thence by an old gallery is turned there on purpose - the mine here often on fire - afraid of it now so has turned the water down - the numberless old galleries and wet and pyrites cause the fire - will be obliged to noyer the mine, fill it with water once every 3 years - of course, prefers doing it in winter - this mine worked as now (au jour) only 3 years - was worked before underground in the common way - the different proprietors of the soil worked the coal and made nothing of it - the mine was given up - coal immediately under the row of houses that bounds the quarry to the east, but the proprietors not willing to take a reasonable price, so the coal company prefers having the coal - but when they have got it 4 or 5 yards from the houses, they have only had 12 ft. of
soil to remove they are now taking off about 20 ft. deep of stuff, soil and shale, and a vein of grit stone about 10 in. thick - they throw the stuff back, and make into ground again what they do not want to quarry - this company gets 500,000 quintaux métriques (1 quintal metre= 100kilos) per annum that is, one-fourteenth of all the coal got per annum in the basin houlier (coal basin of St. Etienne and Rive de Gier) and one-sixth of all the coal got into the St. Etienne district - only 3 years qu’on a travaille à découvert (in open quarry) as at present - La conche du Breuil (i.e. coal, 40, 50, 60,70, to 80 ft. thick - La benne  (corve) pèse en gros morceaux 150 kilos environ - 10 to 12 bennes  in cubic metre of coal - sells here for 1/30, 1/. and six sols le benne - sur 2040 bennes got last year on peut avoir gagné 60,000 fr., but this was an extraordinary gain, in consequence of regretting in old galleries having no stuff to move etc and cannot be expected to occur again - may reckon the average price at ./75 per benne, here, at the pit’s mouth - the taxe paid to government twofold - taxe fine, 20/. per kilometres carré, and, take according to the étude de la concession, and which is proportioned to the benefice that is gained which various every year - 58 kilometres got last year paid altogether 2000/. - besides this there is the proprietor of the land (surface) to pay, and the law gives him one-sixth of the coal got i.e. one benne out of every six, but this is too much and the company pays by agreement only one-tenth, 1 benne out of ten - of what is got already there are 15 surface proprietors - and the company has paid one proprietor as much as 20,000 fr. per annum - the members of the c° are concessionaires du government - all the mines in the kingdom belonging to government, and for which the concessioners pay the 2 above named taxes or charges - the land is here so divided - so many proprietors the mines could not be so well worked if government had not taken them into their own hands - this was done in 1814 under Louis 18 - the marquis d’Osmond had concession of all the mines in the basin de St- Etienne made to him before the 1st revolution - he emigrated and lost it - had it restored on the return of the Bourbons and sold it - it is Carillon Gaeury Q. des Augustins n°14 à Paris who is  libraire to the Ecole des mines at Paris - M. Morillo on our return from the quarry, very civilly introduced me to his mother (from about 25 lieues from Paris near Troyes)  and asked me to breakfast – breakfast à la fourchette at 11 ¼ - very good breakfast riz de veau à la chicorée (very good) large cold poulet or small dindon, épinards a sort of tart, and a gateau with almonds and green grapes and green gages, and vin du pays -  talked away – afterwards went with Monsieur to his bureau for a few minutes and wrote down from his dictation almost all the above renseignements –gave him my address at Shibden and in the Rue St Victor à Paris and said I should be glad to see and do him any service – told him I had coal of my own and should perhaps return to St Etienne to learn measure underground etc – wished good morning to Madame who seemed to have thought me bien amiable and off from the chateau de Firminy at 12 ¼ - They had pumped me about my politics said I was no politician but owned myself naturally a Tory – Lord Grey and Mr Stanley retired in consequence of O’ Connell’s Irish church bill and Lord Melbourne prime minister – odd I should 1st learn this at Firminy! Home at 1 50 in 1 35 hour 10 minutes longer than we were in going – tired of the slow going and great heat – paid all - our hostess would have profited prettily by us if she could - Off from l’hotel de l’Europe chez ‘Teinturier de Lyon’ at 2 50 – nice road and country – Guyonnière merely a single house poste and hotel de Provence – at 4 33 pass handsome double wood-floored suspension bridge over the  broad bedded Loire – had just before seen in the distance left the good-looking town of St Lambert - At 4 50 turn (right) to Montbrison and leave good road to....... dusty but not so much so as yesterday - All the women (except les grandes) ride califourchon new road opened 2 years ago from St Etienne to Marseille (missing Lyon) going direct to Tain - 3 days journey from Paris to M- saving said my cocher 8 years in the 16th chasseurs till the revolution in 1830, servant to his colonel M. de la Tour du Pin ‘le roi des hommes’ - would have ‘verse la dernière goutte de son sang pour lui’ - who saying he has juré to serve one king and would not serve 2, tore off his épaulettes and broke his sword (at Dieppe) and left the service - the men all in tears on his bidding them farewell -  At 5 ¼ we near the mountains – at 5 35 St Priest and chateau on conical mountain top – have seen 2 or 3 good chateaus since St Etienne this afternoon - Fine open country – good road – at 6 5 alight at l’hotel du Nord at Montbrison – this little demoiselle of the house wanted 3fr. per bed for our own 2 – would not give more than 2/. she herself asked 3/. a head for dinner and gave us a very meagre, bad one - no potage - dinner at 7 – sat talking – lastly riz au lait to make up for bad dinner - wrote all the above of today till 11 20 - A- in bed soon after 9 pm - very fine day F72° now at 11 20 pm.
Went to see the pit at some distance behind the chateau where the steam engine brought up both coal and water from 40?toises deep - primitive mountains here - 60,000 inhabitants in the parish of St. Etienne
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osleyakomwonkru · 4 years
10 Days of Favourites - Songs
7 days to season 7!
Today’s countdown topic: My seven favourite songs that have appeared in the show! 7. The Spiritual Machines - “Couldn’t Stop Caring” (2x13 Resurrection) “I could see the signs/She was fixed to fly/It's always better fought than won/For those not afraid to die/I couldn't stop, couldn't stop, stop stop it...” I just like the sound of this song, as everyone starts marching off to war. All of their expressions, hardened for war - except for Abby’s, who is instead distraught about what war has done to her daughter, and doesn’t want to accept that she’s been making the same decisions as they did back on the Ark, and the knowledge that it is because of the way she (that is, Clarke) was raised that she was able to make them so easily, as Abby and Kane discussed earlier in the episode while they were trapped. 6. Jim James - “State of the Art (AEIOU)” (4x07 Gimme Shelter) “...Are we better human beings?/We've got our wires all crossed/The tubes are all tied/And I'm straining to remember/Just what it means to be alive/A life worth living...” Another cool-sounding song, that pans over all of the different storylines of the episode - Octavia and Ilian, where Octavia decides to go home with him; Bellamy recognizing to Kane that he can’t save everyone; everyone in Becca’s lab preparing to run the radiation test on the Grounder thief. Many stories shift in this episode, an important step heading into the final act of the season. 5. RAIGN - Knocking on Heaven’s Door (2x16 Blood Must Have Blood Part 2) “Mama, take this badge from me/I can't use it anymore/It's gettin' dark, too dark to see/I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door...” This is a classic, the song that closes out the Mount Weather storyline of season 2, where everyone returns to Camp Jaha - except for Clarke. She chooses to go off on her own to (not) deal with what she’s done. Bellamy tries to dissuade her, but there’s no changing her mind. The RAIGN cover of Bob Dylan is quite suitable for this scene - they’ve all lost more pieces of their childhood innocence after the experience at Mount Weather, but for no one is that more profound than for Clarke - all the choices and sacrifices she made in season 2 to secure the alliance with the Grounders so they could defeat Mount Weather without an all-out massacre - only for it to end up that way anyway. 4. Aurora - “Through The Eyes of a Child” (4x12 The Chosen) “World is covered by our trails/Scars we cover up with paint/Watch them preach in sour lies/I would rather see this world through the eyes of a child/Through the eyes of a child...” This is a poignant song for a pivotal moment - the second Culling of Skaikru, this time in the Second Dawn Bunker. I can’t help but see a twofold meaning to this song, where it talks about wanting to see the world through the eyes of a child. First, it is referring to the quite literal emphasis on saving the Skaikru children - seen both how Kane tells the Grounders that all of the children stay and how Jaha picks up Ethan after Hardy is taken away, essentially adopting him as his own. Second, the more metaphorical death of the last of Octavia’s innocence. Earth has been chipping away at Octavia’s innocence ever since she stepped out of that dropship in 1x01, but here as she steps into a leadership role, what last bits of it remained are washed away. Just like the adults did on the Ark in 1x05 when the Culling took place, Octavia doesn’t shy away, she stands there and bears witness, even as all manner of accusing glances are thrown her way. 3. Koda - Radioactive (3x13 Join or Die) “...I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus/This is it, the apocalypse...” “Radioactive” is a classic for this show, ever since it was the soundtrack to the delinquents landing on Earth in 1x01, and this more muted cover of the Imagine Dragons original is so appropriate for a flashback to the hours before that, when they were boarding the dropship. It’s a bittersweet moment, thus the somber version, because we’re reminded that most of the characters we’re seeing board the dropship are dead. 2. RAIGN - Empire of our Own (2x11 Coup de Grace) “...Our minds are full of freedom/We're in a world where we all come alive/And oh oh oh, when love becomes the reason/We fly with kings tonight and come down/With an Empire of our own...” This is a moment that exudes Big Dick Energy as Clarke and Abby confront each other and come close to blows and an all-out fight between Skaikru and Grounders. But backed up by Octavia, Indra and the rest of the Grounders, Clarke gets her way. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that, but I do appreciate the song in this scene. 1. Tree Adams/Julia Dominczak - Osleya gon Rouz/A Champion in Red (5x04 Pandora’s Box) “...Soncha kik thru, noda raz/Osleya gon rouz/'So groun op kon'cho drein au/Folau gon folau, klaka gon uf” (A light survives, another dawn/A champion in red/We grow from what we've bled/Ash to ash and bone to brawn) Come on, you had to have seen this one coming. A song *about* Octavia was always going to take the top spot. I love this song in Trig much more than the Grounder anthem “Take A Life With Me”, because, well, Osleya is kind of my brand, to go ahead and state the obvious. To muse more on the title Osleya I feel is relevant. The only person who seriously uses it, as far as I can remember, is Indra. Brell uses it mockingly during the meeting of delegates, and Niylah uses it playfully (and it’s because of Niylah’s usage of “Osleya kom Wonkru” and my shipping goggles that I chose this title of Octavia’s as my username). Indra dresses Octavia in the Commander’s garb, but she doesn’t go so far as to use the title Heda. I wonder if that was her concession to Gaia and her faith, or if it is because Octavia insisted on not claiming such a title, or what, but Osleya is my favourite of Octavia’s titles, because it was the one that was uniquely hers and that represented hope. And hope is all I ever want for her. 
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bobix61240-blog · 3 years
Gas grill regulator problems and Solution
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You will set up a gathering outside your home and become more acquainted with the fire isn't coming out through the gas flame broil controller, what else you can do to fix it? Before you think about the sorts of issues, we should present with the gas barbecue controller first.
The controller straightforwardly comes out from the chamber and permits gas to go to the burners of your gas barbecue. At the point when it functions admirably, you will get satisfactory gases and never miss the mark to cook your #1 dishes. Subsequently, to keep a controller that works impeccably is obligatory. The issues are self-evident, and you can figure it out. Not with standing, you may need to supplant with the new controller.
as barbecue controller issues and Solution
Today, we will show you how you may fall in a difficult situation with the controller and from this article you will become more acquainted with each and every gas barbecue controller issue, so continue perusing from beneath:
Life systems of gas barbecue controller
Controller brings gas from your LP tank and associates with your gas barbecue, this is a typical capacity of it. It would appear that a silver-shaded plate and it has two section, one section end interfaces up to the propane tank and the other part's end attaches to the propane flame broil.
Gas flame broil controller issues and Solution
So typically it stirs connecting to the LP chamber, where you can see popliteal fits and a run of the stomach inside there. That is to say, the spring pushes forward and there you will discover a changing screw what is situated underneath of it.
Kinds of controllers
Typically controllers accompany two sorts one is single-hosed, and the other is twofold hosed. The single hosed controller is the most widely recognized that we can find in the pre-owned parts on flame broils and it accompanies 60,000 BTUs of gas.
Then again, on the off chance that you have a side burner, you will require the double hosed controller. It structures like a Y shape like two hosen are coming legitimately out of the controller itself and consolidating. This both part can be cooperate and furthermore, exchangeable.
At whatever point you have multiple burners; at that point you will require a high stream controller to work. All things considered, the Y formed twofold controller proves to be useful to let out up to 90,000 BTUs of gas.
Normal issues you can figure out
There are some normal issues identify with the controller that each client can discover when they will go through utilizing it throughout some time. We should talk about it beneath here:
Gas flame broil controller issues and Solution
Above all else, you have to look at a couple of things and start with low warmth working. Do you have a low warmth that is originating from your burners? Furthermore, when you turn it on an elevated level, you don't discover the fire that much' correct? All things considered, above all else, have a visual beware of your burners first, and afterward there are no openings. So when you make certain about that the burners don't have any opening and the burners look great at that point, the opportunity has already come and gone to change your controller, not your burners.
Furthermore, in the event that you can analyze that the burners light up unevenly, for example, the burners remain on the distant from flashes or it scarcely illuminates and the center burner accompanies low fire, the left one has a normal looking fire then ample opportunity has already past to change the controller with the enhanced one.
Thirdly, over the period from the pre-warming circumstance, your gas barbecue doesn't get enough hit, and it goes up from this week to next-one week from now. Assume, this week it takes like 12 min to get legitimate hit, and afterward it increments up to 16 min to the following week then the time has come to carry with the new controller.
At long last, you may confront an issue with the detour valve. The detour valve is the inside portion of a controller may get stuck. At the point when it occurs, you can see that the gas neglects to arrive at the burners.
Mysterious cases
There are some extraordinary and uncommon gas flame broil controller issues you may discover, and in those conditions, you won't discover the controller work. They are:
Gas flame broil controller issues and Solution
At the point when the hosed complex in your barbecue or join to the valve and all things considered, you can not unscrew the hose from the flame broil. Consequently, you have to contact your maker and take help from them to supplant the whole valve framework.
The male fitting hose is another exceptional circumstance that interfaces the barbecue.
At the point when you are utilizing a characteristic barbecue, thus there is no controller accessible.
A controller that accompanies more bigger or the more modest line estimating 3/8″ flare. Plus, that deciphers 5/8″ inward distance across estimation. Nonetheless, the uplifting news is it is the simplest and least expensive passage to fix it, so don't stress by any stretch of the imagination.
Precautionary measures and arrangements of controller issues
Not all controllers are originating from a similar quality and some of them are bad quality and modest. So the likelihood goes up to break-in effectively and endures more limited than you have anticipated. There is some insurance you can take to reduce the issues and some arrangement there would settle them. What they are? How about we examine it beneath:
Gas Leaks
More often than not, client discover the gas spill in their hose. All things considered, shut down the valve on and eliminate the controller from the tank. The gas spills from it might happen for a few reasons. At whatever point you outside ensure that your pet doesn't bite it or accomplish something that causes it.
The answer for it is basic, and you don't have to bring a specialist. Plunge it on lathery water simultaneously guarantee that the burners are off and afterward if there is any break in the controller, the air pockets will ensure it. From that point forward, affirm the area of spillage.
Ensure the fixing
Gas controllers can utilize physically appendable and separable from the gas tank. Subsequently, you should be dependable to fix it appropriately utilizing a wrench. On the other side, at whatever point you see them, it is stuck and doesn't open up then shower a fluid oil over the strings. The ointment will assist with relaxing it, however it takes an hour to enter, so take as much time as necessary.
Controller substitution
At the point when the high quality occupation isn't attempting to fix the issue, at that point, go for the substitution. At whatever point you can see the means appeared above don't work, at that point you ought to supplant the controller. Consequently, you can buy the controller from the closest approved retailer for your specific kind of gas barbecue. Then again, you can get the general sort of controller as well.
At the point when you purchase a gas barbecue keep in your psyche once in a blue moon, you will confront an issue of gas flame broil controller. We have just talked about every one of them. Attempt to purchase a gas barbecue in which you will get quality parts, so the controller will in general stay great and keeps going longer. Likewise, ensure some safeguard, and follow our tips to stay away from gas barbecue controller issues. The general presentation of a controller is at your own danger, so always remember it. If you read more then Click here.
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depongkor · 4 years
Best Things You Should Know Before Travelling USA
Need a simple and bother free excursion to America? To help you on your way, we've accumulated a portion of our top tips for hitting the States, with the goal that you can zero in on making the most of your excursion.
The United States of America is one of the most famous travel objections on the planet, even among Americans; most of the US populace doesn't claim a visa, and LAX Airport (California), JFK Airport (New York), and MCO Airport (Florida) much of the time head the rundown of the most mainstream air terminals for homegrown travel. In any case, regardless of whether you're a worldwide or homegrown explorer, there are a couple of decides Stateside that stump even the savviest of voyagers. Get up to date before you travel with our top tips.
Before you fly
1. Ensure your identification is legitimate
Most voyagers making a beeline for the USA will be needed to have at any rate a half year's legitimacy on their visa. Be that as it may, residents from specific nations just need an identification substantial for the length of their remain. Check the administration site for your nation of living arrangement to perceive what rules concern you.
2. Know your visa circumstance
It's significant for voyagers to the US to comprehend the necessities for entering the nation. The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) permits nationals from specific nations to enter the US for the travel industry or guest purposes for as long as 90 days without a visa. In the event that you can enter the nation under the VWP, at that point you should apply for authorisation before going through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA).
Necessities to go under the VWP incorporate having an e-identification, being a resident of a part nation, having the ESTA authorisation, visiting for business, delight or travel purposes, and remaining in the US for close to 90 days. You probably acquired endorsement to go in any event 72 hours before your flight (you won't have the option to load onto your flight in any case), and from that point forward, your ESTA is legitimate for a very long time.
To get some answers concerning part nations and for a full rundown of the ESTA necessities, see the US Customs and Border Protection ESTA site. ESTAs cost US$14 per application, which can be made and paid for on the web. It's significant that you should utilize a Mastercard to pay. In the event that you don't fit the bill for the VWP – for reasons, for example, your outing being longer than 90 days, considering, being a resident of a non-part nation, for instance – at that point you will be needed to apply for a visa to visit the US.
3. Purchase a TSA-endorsed lock
It's an extraordinary thought to bolt your baggage while voyaging – what better approach to have genuine feelings of serenity that your assets are protected once you wave them off at check in? However, when voyaging Stateside, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) upholds exacting things rules for wellbeing and security. All handled sacks are screened, and if the TSA auditors regard that a pack should be genuinely examined, they are allowed to tear a lock and open a pack. A note will be set inside your baggage to tell you this is the thing that has occurred. To abstain from losing a lock, it's ideal to utilize a TSA-affirmed one. These can be opened with an ace key, which means the TSA official doesn't have to break yours.
4. Know the guidelines about travel
On the off chance that you have a worldwide flight that travels through the US (especially normal with trips to Canada or South America), you should clear US Customs; actually, there's no 'travel' in America, as everything travelers are needed to land and continue through movement and customs. Keep in mind, this implies satisfying the visa necessities for the States, regardless of whether you're just remaining for a few hours in the middle of worldwide flights and your baggage is checked through to your last objective.
Regardless of whether you're interfacing with a homegrown US flight, it's imperative to recollect that your first port of section will be the place you clear traditions and migration. In light of that, you ought to permit in any event a few hours in delay between flights (regardless of whether traveling globally or locally) to consider migration, customs and reverifying of gear. Attempt to book trips with one carrier to ensure they're mindful you're traveling.
5. Book your air terminal exchange
Regardless of whether you're a homegrown or global voyager to the US, an exchange is an incredible method to get from the air terminal to your objective. While showing up in the US, it doesn't take long to see this is a vehicle dependent nation; 95 percent of American families own a vehicle. Public vehicle framework is regularly restricted, and the streets can be occupied, hard to explore, and genuinely overwhelming to a guest, implying that the simplest method to get to where you should be the point at which you land in the US is via air terminal exchange. Let us help you with that part – analyze and book your exchanges here.
6. Mood killer your versatile information
In case you're a global guest, don't commit the regular error of utilizing your cell phone information while in the US, except if you have a portable arrangement that takes into account it; similarly as with making a trip to any worldwide objective, cell phone meandering rates are eye-watering. Capitalize on free WiFi at every possible opportunity (check our US air terminal pages to check whether free WiFi is accessible in the air terminals you're making a trip to or from), or check your cell phone intend to check whether you can buy a heap of information for global travel.
7. Comprehend tipping behavior
Tipping is a famous minefield for explorers to the US, the old 'do I, don't I, is it previously included?' adventure. Albeit actually optional, it's an unwritten standard that 15-20% is normal in cafés. The explanation? The lowest pay permitted by law is low in the States, so tips are a significant piece of pay for some laborers. Tips are additionally normal in other assistance and friendliness ventures as well, for example, for barkeeps ($1-2 for every beverage), maids ($1-5 every night), attendant (subject to the trouble of your solicitation), valets ($1-5 each time the valet brings your vehicle), lodging watchmen ($1-2 for each pack), concierges (a couple of dollars if s/he causes you get a taxi) and cabbies (10-15%), so it's beneficial loading up on dollar greenbacks to have them convenient for tips. When in an eatery, do twofold check your bill before tipping however, as certain eateries consequently incorporate a tip. In case you're paying with a Mastercard, you'll have to compose the tip sum you're leaving on the Visa receipt and add it to the aggregate.
Tipping goes for your exchange or transport driver, as well. Tipping 10-15% is pretty norm for a private exchange, except if an assistance charge is now included, while shared transport drivers will expect between $2-3 for every individual.
8. Be set up to pay more than you might suspect
What you see isn't really what you get with regards to costs Stateside; most costs are recorded barring charge, so the sticker prices you see wo exclude deals charge. Hope to go to the work and be requested more cash than you were hoping to pay. Various urban communities and states have distinctive assessment rates, so costs depend where you're visiting. Accepting a 10 percent expansion would be a safe (if excessively careful) wager, and is anything but difficult to ascertain. In case you're remaining in a retreat, it pays to know that you'll for the most part be charged some type of resort expense to cover pools, tennis courts, web and other 'additional items', which are added expenses to the publicized rate.
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Fast tips:
911 is the crisis number in the US.
Ensure you have wellbeing and travel protection before your visit – medical care costs are probably the most noteworthy on the planet here.
The US is one of just a couple of nations to at present utilize the Imperial framework. Along these lines, consider tallness in feet, separation in miles, temperature in Fahrenheit, and weight in pounds.
Mastercards and bank cards are generally the favored method of installment. Ring your bank before voyaging – even locally – so they're informed you'll be utilizing your bank card.
The US traverses six time regions; ensure you realize which time region your objective is in for your flights and air terminal exchanges.
Hot tip: benefit as much as possible from the unimaginable National and State Parks in the US, they're the absolute best on the planet.
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21 Amazing Things You Should Know Before You Migrate to Canada
It's hard not to get eager about Canada migration. The place is delightful and the people are renowned for their good characters. You have a bowl of maple syrup for breakfast, ski to work and say 'sorry' to everybody en route. Simply be mindful so as not to chance upon any bears. We'd prefer to disclose to you all the most significant things about existence in the Great White North, from ice-hockey and twofold duplicates to packed away milk. So, read on!
1. Canada is huge
Canada's extraordinary for people who like it, in light of the fact that there's totally heaps of it. The nation is the second biggest on the world after Russia estimating almost ten million square kilometers. In the event that that doesn't mean anything to you, think about this: you could fit the United Kingdom into Canada more than 40 times. It would take you more than four years to walk its coastline, in the event that you ever wanted. The city of St John's in Newfoundland (east coast) is in reality nearer to London than it is to Vancouver (west coast). Wood Buffalo National Park is greater than the Netherlands. To make everything a touch more reasonable, Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Simply take the nation each piece in turn.
  2. The cities are world class
Metropolitan life in Canada is the honey bee's knees. In the Economist's 2017 ranking of the world's most liveable urban areas, no under three Canadian urban communities put in the best ten. They were Vancouver (third), Toronto (fourth) and Calgary (fifth). The five variables were medical services, education, infrastructure, environment, and stability. It's hard to believe, but it's true, these urban communities are basically asking to be lived in. With regards to the significant stuff, the Canucks just ca-thump the ball directly out of the park. One thing to be cleared , the capital of Canada is Ottawa, not Toronto.
3. It’s very multicultural
People simply love moving to Canada, and Canada simply adores having them over. Over 20% of Canadians were conceived in another nation, and this is required to reach almost half by 2031. That is an insane pace of migration, however there's all that anyone could need space to go around. There are almost 200 nationalities the nation over (and more than 250 ethnic origins), including heaps of Aboriginal people. We surmise Canada is only a major, lovely rainbow.
  4. Two official languages
One authority language was insufficient for the Canadians, so English and French have equivalent status over yonder. In the event that you believe that sounds troublesome, envision being in Singapore (four official languages) or India (sixteen official languages). You don't generally see the Frenchness of the nation except if you're in the eastern territory of Quebec, where people are making a decent attempt to keep things as French as could reasonably be expected. There are laws upheld by the OQLF (essentially the language police) to ensure everybody utilizes enough French. In the event that a shop doesn't put French on its signs and welcome its clients in French, it's in difficulté.
  5. You’ve got good healthcare options
Canada's medical services are the jealousy of their American neighbors toward the south. It's an expense financed Medicare system where the government pays for people's fundamental health insurance, which is then conveyed by the private area. It resembles the NHS; in the event that you require any fundamental clinical services, you get them for free. It just includes a touch of waiting.
Indeed, Canada's hold up times aren't incredible; a 2017 Commonwealth Fund survey found that solitary 43% of Canadians see a medical professional around the same time as looking for help. Luckily there are heaps of ways around this, for example, being companions with a doctor, marrying a doctor,, or surely becoming a doctor. All joking aside, considering your private healthcare options is really reasonable, especially in the event that you need to evade those long holding up times.
  6. The landscapes are beautiful
Indeed, the urban areas are good, however the spaces between the cities are far and away superior. 90% of Canadians live inside 100 miles of the American borders, which implies there's a genuine measure of space for investigating in the north. In the event that you need to move away from different people for some time (or surely forever) at that point the open door's there. Beside bubbling deserts and tropical rainforests, Canada basically has each scene going. There's the tough coastline of Pacific Rim, the supernatural Meadows in the Sky, and the rock piles of Gros Morne, to give some examples. The Alberta Badlands are especially very nice in the event that you need to feel like a cowpoke in an old western film. Yee-haw!
  7. Lakes, lakes and more lakes
You know the familiar axiom: everybody's either a freshwater individual or a saltwater individual? Indeed, with the longest coastline on the planet and 20% of the Earth's lakes, Canada has the best of the two universes. New people and pungent people can live respectively in concordance. There are around 2,000,000 lakes in Canada, including the totally walloping Lake Superior, which is about the size of Maine. You can do all the fun watersports that the Australians do, however without stressing over the sharks. It's one major straightforward sprinkle party over yonder.
  8. It’s freezing cold
There's a bad situation for words like 'chilly and 'nippy' in Canada. At the point when we state it gets cold, we mean truly ridiculous cold. Aside from the nation's west coast in British Columbia, no place else in Canada does the normal temperature surpass zero in winter time. Tremendous pieces of the nation can plunge as low as - 30°C or - 40°C, which makes going outside genuinely unenjoyable. Toss in the serious breeze chill and nature are an off limits. The coldest temperature ever recorded in North America was in Yukon, Canada in 1947 at - 63°C, which is truly equivalent to the surface temperature of Mars. Out of nowhere those lakes don't appear to be engaging.
  9. They’re obsessed with ice-hockey
Hitting a weighty item around with sticks wasn't hazardous enough for the Canadians, so they chose to do it on ice. What else would you say you are intended to do with each one of those solidified lakes in the winter? Referred to just as "hockey" over yonder, the sports is fundamentally a religion. Just to give you a thought, the Canada versus USA men's hockey last at the Vancouver Olympics in 2010 was the most watched in front of the TV broadcast in Canadian history. There's even an image of children playing hockey on a solidified lake (known as shinny) on the Canadian $5 bill. It turns out the game was really developed in England, but don't tell any Canadians that.
10. Milk comes in bags
On the off chance that you think purchasing a major plastic sack of milk sounds odd, you are completely right. It's a peculiar practice that goes on all through Ontario and Quebec. Three individual bags of milk are set in one bigger sack, which the sharp Canadian milk-consumer at that point hauls home. The customary container of milk appears to work for every other person, yet in certain pieces of Canada it's the bag or nothing. When the nation changed to the metric system in 1970, milk makers needed to change every one of their machines so they could create diverse estimated bottles. Bagging it up just appeared to be much simpler. So here we are.
  11. Everyone loves poutine
Poutine is Canada's public dish. "Poutine" is slang in Quebec province for "a mess", which is essentially what you get. Chips shrouded in sauce and half-dissolved cheddar curds. It doesn't seem like an especially humble supper, yet the Canadians love it in no way different. It was invented in 1957 when a driver requested that somebody put cheddar on his chips and sauce. One person needed a touch of cheddar and out of nowhere a public dish was conceived. Gourmet specialists around the nation have attempted to make it a touch more extravagant, tossing in things like lobster and foie gras, however it's a losing fight. Simply keep an eye out for those calories; a side request of poutine in Burger King contains 740 of them. Heavy meal.
  12. And maple syrup
Truly, the generalization is valid; Canadians are distraught for maple syrup. That sweet, sweet goo can be found in virtually every kitchen the nation over. The stuff basically courses through their veins. Maple trees are all over Canada and they're wonderful, turning a brilliant red shading in the fall. Some time ago, locals in Quebec told the French the best way to gather the sap from maple trees, and afterward the French bubbled it to make the syrup. It was an upbeat coordinated effort that Canada is extremely glad for. The bubbling cycle expands the sugar content in the sap from around 2-8% to a monstrous 70%, which is completely unfortunate for your teeth. Today, Canada produces 71% of the world's maple syrup, and the US is their greatest client. In 2012, thieves attacked Canada's maple syrup holds and took US$30 million worth of maple syrup. That is one sweet heist.
  13. They had a flag design competition
How would you make a public banner that the entire nation is happy with? You request that they plan it. In 1965, Canada understood that they actually didn't have an official banner, so the people at the top concluded they ought to get one. Different nations had just taken all the straightforward plans, so the Canadians needed to get imaginative. Furthermore, kid did they convey! An aggregate of 3541 banner plans were put together by residents the nation over, with the vast majority of them including either a maple leaf, a beaver, a fleurs-de-lys or a Union Jack (and now and then each of the four on the double). The triumphant passage originated from Colonel George F. G. Stanley, with his basic red and white maple leaf plan. The one we as a whole know and love. Also, the one that all Canadian voyagers demand having on their knapsacks.
  14. The education is top notch
In Canada, school is cool. With regards to showing their children, the Canadians don't play. In the OECD's 2017 positioning of nations' grown-up training levels (in light of the level of long term olds with a degree), Canada started things out with 56.27%. It may be awful for your teeth, however maple syrup unmistakably accomplishes something for the mind. In the event that you end up in a bar test against a lot of Canadians, it's likely best to return home before it gets excessively humiliating.
  15. Learn the slang
'Canadian English' is an extraordinary sort of English. The Canucks talk their own language and it can confound the hellfire out of any ill-equipped outsider. There are just so often you can request that somebody rehash themselves before you simply gesture and grin. The most popular expression is 'eh', which Canadians like to slap on the finish of practically any sentence. Explanations, questions, affronts, orders; everything is reasonable game with regards to 'eh'. In the event that somebody goes to the "biffy" at that point they're set for the latrine. In the event that it's cool, at that point you'll require a "hat" (a beanie) on your head. A $1 coin is a "loonie" and a $2 coin is a "toonie". The lively word for a kilometer is a "klick". On the off chance that anybody converses with you about "the 6ix", they're discussing Toronto. At the point when they state "about", it seems like "aboat". It's all exceptionally overpowering.
  16. Sorry!
"Sorry" is Canada's most significant word. Each Canadian is only edgy to apologize to different Canadians at some random chance. They're a broadly obliging pack, and "sorry" is their meat and potatoes. Toss enough "sorry"s at a circumstance and there is no reason to worry. Stroll down a road or through a grocery store and you'll hear constantly it. Actually, Canadians utilize the word such a great amount of that in 2009 they needed to pass an 'Expression of remorse Act' in Ontario. It implies that if any Canadian says 'sorry' at the hour of a wrongdoing or episode, it won't consider an affirmation of blame – only a declaration of compassion. Without this, there'd presumably be a ton of regretful Canadians in jail.
  17. Timmies is everywhere
In a rundown of exceptionally Canadian things, Tim Hortons is likely third – soon after maple syrup and expressions of remorse. Referred to warmly as 'Timmies', it's a chain of espresso and doughnut shops and there are branches all over the place. They're in shopping centers, train stations, films, public stops, the rundown goes on. Practically every town across Canada has a Timmies. On the off chance that a space opens up on the high road, it will get loaded up with a Timmies. Leave your nursery sufficiently long and it will in the end grow a Timmies. Evidently eight out of each ten cups of espresso bought in Canada are from Timmies (source: Timmies). A public most loved is the Timmies "twofold", which is an espresso with two sugars and two creams. An additional huge one of those has 340 calories. Have too some twofold pairs and you'll be in a tough situation inconvenience.
  18. Canada’s furry friends
The moose and the beaver are Canada's public mascots. They're both on the cash, and the pair of them were lining up directly behind the maple leaf to go on the banner. Nonetheless, likewise with most public creatures, they've gotten somewhat of a bug. A moose regularly weighs between 350-450kg (contingent upon sexual orientation), which is fine. Be that as it may, they simply love to go across streets, and they're not awesome at it. Moose-vehicle impacts can be intense, so you'll see heaps of caution signs on Canadian streets. The beavers are planning something sinister either. They're assaulting canines, gnawing hands, flooding streets and just for the most part causing devastation. Certain people have attempted to separate them however it's exceptionally disputable. Simply take a gander at how adorable a child beaver is (called a unit). Envision separating that.
  19. Beware of the bears
Canadian bears. They're somewhat less "fun and fleecy" than the beavers and a smidgen more "large and perilous". In the event that a bear needs to murder you, it can and it will. There are three sorts of bears to stress over, from least to generally terrifying: wild bears, mountain bears and polar bears. Wild bears don't will in general go close to people except if they're really starving. They're incredible tree-climbers and there are around 500,000 of them the nation over. Wild bears are a lot greater (around seven feet tall when standing), so they can't climb trees however they can run more than 30 mph. Numbering around 20,000, grizzlies are considerably more liable to assault people than their little dark siblings. At last, there are the polar bears. There are around 17,000 polar bears in Canada, which is about 70% of the whole worldwide populace. Super cold, these ones need no encouragement to assault you. Inhabitants of Churchill, Manitoba really leave their vehicle entryways opened on the off chance that somebody needs cover. Fortunately polar bears actually haven't turned out to be the means by which to open a vehicle entryway.
20. There are bridges for animals
One answer for all the creature vehicle crashes in Canada is to assemble spans for them. Also, it really works. The extensions are lush, verdant and only a stunning method to go across the street. They're a raving success with the creatures in Banff National Park; somewhere in the range of 1996 and 2012, eleven types of enormous vertebrate were recorded utilizing these scaffolds more than 150,000 times. This incorporates moose and bears – creatures that would positively have caused a genuine mishap in the event that they took the standard street course. Certain moose were so quick to utilize the extensions that they were traverse them before they'd even completed the process of being assembled. Banff has started the precedent and now puts across Canada have connect fever, for example, British Columbia and Alberta. It's a success win for all.
  21. Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik
It may seem as though a feline has quite recently strolled over the console, yet this is really a spot in Canada. It's a lake and its name (in the local Cree language) signifies "where the wild trout are gotten by fishing with snares". Magnificently, there is no deficiency of crazy spot names in Canada. A few people simply haven't accepted the position genuinely enough. Look at these towns and towns: Goobies, Dildo (Newfoundland), Balls Creek, Lower Economy, Mushaboom (Nova Scotia), Punkeydoodles Corners, Crotch Lake, Ball's Falls (Ontario), Finger, Flin Flon (Manitoba), Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head Lean Man, Eyebrow and Big Beaver (Saskatchewan). The best part is that there's Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! In Quebec. Indeed, there are really two 'Ha!'s.
Final Thoughts
Ideally you're feeling beautiful Canada-insane in the wake of understanding that. It's a tremendous, lovely and multicultural nation with all that anyone could need enjoyable to go around. Get yourself a hockey stick and a bag of milk and you'll be an out and out Canadian before you know it. What's more, you shouldn't let the bears put you off – they simply make going external a smidgen all the more energizing. Now are you excited to move in Canada?
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gearupairsoftguns · 4 years
3 Gas Pistols for Under $100
Today we'll investigate a few guns from Umarex that are gas and are under $100. These are on the whole going to be fueled by CO2 and these will be incomplete blowback. Fractional blowback is a kind of gun I feel doesn't get enough love and I will reveal to you why.
To begin with, we need to clear up any disarray and clarify the kinds of gas guns out there. Gas guns will be controlled by either CO2 or something many refer to as Green Gas. The normal 12 gram CO2 comes in those minuscule metallic cartridges that you can go anyplace in America.
Green Gas then again arrives in a genuinely enormous canister and is harder to discover outside of a committed airsoft store. CO2 is a higher weight gas and guns worked to utilize this fuel must be manufactured diversely to last more. Airsoft guns are not compatible by they way they are fueled except for a couple of models.
The three models of guns we're seeing today are the Umarex Walther PPS M2, Umarex Beretta APX, and Umarex HK VP9. These will be CO2 controlled and will have a metal slide and polymer outline. They will be of changing costs yet all will be under $100. These will be incomplete blowback so the slide will move back mostly as the name suggests.
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Contrasted with a "full" gas blowback, those will have a full travel slide and have the option to be brought down like a genuine gun. Also, that is the fundamental distinction in what you pay for in the gun is how much authenticity you need.
The two sorts of gas blowbacks will shoot BBs as great and be compelling to use in a game. Be that as it may, coming in at under $100, these guns are extraordinary for financial plan disapproved of players who need draw back and by and large more fun experience than a non-blowback gun can give.
This is additionally useful for the individuals who aren't prepared to submit their thoughtfulness regarding bringing down their guns and performing more serious support yet.
Presently we should discuss every gun.
Umarex Walther PPS M2
This gun is a thin smaller gun dependent on the genuine Walther PPS M2 intended for hid convey. Despite the fact that hid convey isn't generally a factor in airsoft terms (except if you are preparing for a particular situation), this current gun's modest size is extraordinary for players of littler height or players with littler hands. The CO2 is put away in the grasp and the magazine is a stick type that holds 15-adjusts. This weapon, despite the fact that its little, feels truly good close by and the kick is quick yet significant.
Umarex Beretta APX
This gun is a going to be somewhat bigger than the PPS M2, more along the lines of most guns like Glocks, etc. This is an extraordinary gun in that it has a dim slide and dark edge shading plan. It is really agreeable close by and is certainly not a substantial firearm even with its metal slide. It holds 15-adjusts in its stick-type magazine and the CO2 is put away in the grasp too.
Umarex HK VP9
This is the most costly of this gathering of guns. Demonstrated after the genuine VP9, this gun was initially intended to battle with Glock-style guns. Ordinarily HK likes to make twofold activity guns and are known for the USP and HK45 arrangement guns. This gun is extraordinary and a smidgen more functional than the rest. This uses a full-sized magazine with the CO2 put away inside the magazine.
What this accomplishes for you is that in the event that you need to trade magazines truly snappy, in different guns with the CO2 put away in the grasp on the off chance that you trade magazines, you're actually restricted to the amount CO2 you have in the hold. In the event that you are running entirely low with no guarantees, it will be a considerable amount of work you trade out that chamber in the game.
As such, it's not something you'd ordinarily do. The VP9 and others with a full-sized magazine have its capacity source put away inside the mag. On the off chance that you trade magazines you're additionally finished off for CO2, so you're prepared to shake regardless. This is a major strategic preferred position. The magazine, incidentally, holds 14 rounds. I think this gun feels great close by.
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