#but they were advertised towards the same age group of impressionable young kids!!!
whim-prone-pirate · 1 year
early seasons bubblegum fucks me up with the way she allows finn to keep thinking be has a chance with her and then blames HIM when he makes a move???? to finn, it's not obvious that 13 and 18 is too big of an age gap because 18 likely isn't the legal adult age in ooo, especially considering the sheer number of kingdoms, which have their own governments, and the hundred thousand species which should all age differently (based on what we know about dogs, humans, rainicorns, demons, and vampires). to finn, there are no consequences if he can just win her heart with his charm!!! as the "adult" of this situation, by human standards, and the more mature mind, pb should have set a clear boundary with finn much sooner than when finn stopped pining for her. gravity falls used this exact scenario with dipper and wendy but handled it so much better, especially as an influence for children. wendy knew that dipper had a crush on her, and she was no one to stop him having feelings. but when he tried to confess love, she knew she had to have a conversation with him. they were never going to be together, but she still cared about him and handled his feelings gently. pb ..... told finn not to "be weird" and left the function when he laid his head on her lap like jake was doing (03x26). instead of saying "this makes me uncomfortable" she told him to stop being WEIRD. i am mad.
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