#but they sure do invite the early season polinators and I need those for my strawberries that are already flowering
ghostlyfoliage · 2 years
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I'm going to have several larger specimens of miner's lettuce this year. It's starting to rival those in my sister's yard. I hope it continues to spread as I'd be happy to have these everywhere as they sprout in winter when it's still too cold for the invasive annuals.
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For an example, this is usually how big these are at this time of year. It's interesting how they display several colors from this rusty grey/red all the way to light green and everything between.
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The coyote tobacco is creating mats and giving the chickweed a fight that it seems to be winning. They seeded so much the last two years that my small patch has come to take up most of this section of the front yard along with some asters.
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Scorpion weed is one of the perennial natives on the property. Their leaves are quite fuzzy and they don't die back during winter unlike the violets (which are still quite small this time of year).
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And there's another new native this year. It's lucky I saw it so early because this coloring will fade as it grows, making identification difficult without a flower. It's an annual named Clarkia rhomboidea (aka Diamond Clarkia). Very nice indeed, though I have no idea where it came from. They can get to be a decent size (3ft), so we'll see how this goes...
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