#but they /do/ have a lot of different dialects where Angelic doesn't have any
soulsxng · 3 months
Another random headcanon for the day! This time, it's about Angelic and Demonic! (the languages)
For Angelic, it's actually not spoken as frequently in Heaven as it used to be, these days. This is partly because it's not a language that a lot of other beings are actually able to speak, which made communication difficult when Heaven began to selectively open their gates for other species and such to visit.
Instead, on top of speaking Angelic, young angels are now also taught Common-tongue much more seriously as well. It's Common-tongue that is now used more frequently overall in the realm...though it's also not odd for angels to learn even more languages on top of those two-- for the most part, these extra languages are those from the Mortal Realm, one of the nearby fae realms, or Elvish. Even Demonic isn't too rare these days, though it tends to be the angels that travel commonly that choose to learn that.
As a language though, Angelic is extremely harsh-sounding, for the most part. For a lot of beings, it can physically hurt to listen to for very long, which is another reason why it isn't really "sustainable" for them to speak it as exclusively as they used to. I think of it as like...Angelic is supposed to sound kind of unsettling. A bit like a warning, or bordering on threatening in a way? Also just very authoritative, overall.
For Demonic, on the other hand, I always think of it as being a very entrancing and alluring sort of language, made specifically for tempting others into things (like contracts, but not always), essentially. One that-- again, opposing Angelic-- is supposed to be very easy overall for other species to speak, and to listen to.
Because of how easy it is to speak and learn, Demonic is still by far the most commonly spoken language in Hell and other places, (like the realm of the reapers, Tenimus, for example) with demons and those living in Hell speaking it far more typically as their only language. Common-tongue is still the second-most spoken, though it's really close between that and fae languages.
Demonic was also based pretty heavily on Brinnelan, or the Ancient tongue (because that's what Heaven and Hell grew up speaking in Pirodet, before coming into their realm bodies as they got older). At least in sound-- their alphabets are vastly different. Angelic, on the other hand, sounds vastly different, but their alphabet is based heavily on that of the Brinnelan language!
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Can't believe this never dawned on me before. Do any of the holders speak another language? Have new languages developed over the eons?
Very excited to talk about this one cause I've always wanted to discuss demon language specifically!
But!! I'm getting ahead of myself! I'll answer the first part quick!
John- Basically nothing outside of English. Knows some individual words, but often mixes up what languages they come from, and even what they mean.
Charles- A bit of Standard Chinese, but not enough to hold a conversation. Some Greed-Variety Demontongue, just enough to handle business contracts.
Ferris- A decent amount of Spanish, although he doesn't use it a whole lot due to lack of opportunities. Basic Demontongue, mostly dumb pickup lines.
Daniel- Literate with French, Egyptian, Standard Chinese, and a decent amount of Basic and Pride-Variety Demontongue, is unable to speak any of these.
Jeagar- Very knowledgeable regarding Hebrew, literate with several ancient dead languages, especially Latin, Sanskrit, Biblical Hebrew, and Akkadian. Also literate with all varieties of Demontongue and Angelchirp. Can speak most of these on an intermediate level.
Now!! Regarding languages in the ZoP universe! In general, at least on Earth, I don't imagine humans or undead have really created new languages. That being said, I do imagine the degradation of borders and interactions between undead/humans from other cultures has led to the development of multiple sub-languages all around the world. I won't get into every single one here, it's just something I'm laying out.
There are two languages exclusive to ZoP itself I'd like to discuss; Angelchirp and Demontongue, those being the native tongues of angels and demons of course.
NOTE: Just for context, the words from these languages take snippets from other words of whatever speech they're being translated into (ex; "fivfinlim", which takes bits from the words "five", "finger", and "limb", means "hand" in Basic Demontongue). The words in my writing will be based on the English language for my convenience. That being said, Angelchirp and Demontongue are very complicated in their original forms, so they need to be heavily localized for humans to even understand them as languages (and literally not explode while trying to speak them).
TLDR; The translated versions of these languages I use in ZoP are not the only versions that exist.
OK WITH THAT IN MIND, Angelchirp is pretty universally similar for all angels. There may be some dialect differences for the higher-ups, but that's about it. When translated, it often uses bits of words related to emotions and the spiritual. It also acts as the base for all languages in the universe, including Demontongue.
Speaking of, Demontongue is far more complex and insane than to Angelchirp. While most basic nouns/verbs are universally the same, a lot of words can be totally different depending on what species of demon is speaking. So uh...yeah...prepare for a beefy ass read lmao.
Gluttony/Wrath/Lust-Variety (also called Basic): The first and most common rendition of Demontongue. Quite similar to Angelchirp in its original script due to being a direct descendent from when Hell was first created. Where it differs is that when translated, it uses snippets of words related to the physical, usually regarding nature and flesh.
Greed-Variety: A more complicated version than Basic, originally invented by greed demons as a form of code to prevent outsiders (including other demons) from prying into their affairs. Not really spoken in casual conversation, mostly used to encode secret messages. Often rely on the words of numeric systems when translated.
Sloth/Envy-Variety (also called Simple): An odd version of the language that predominantly appears in magic-related material written during humanity's Dark Ages. Origins coincide with the era when Sloth and Envy Demons terrorized humanity. Most notably the easiest variety to translate due to being more similar to the Greek alphabet than demonic runes (the progenitor for Basic Demontongue). Because of this, magidemics believe Simple was actually created by early human sorcerers as a tool for what would become spell crafting.
Pride-Variety: The most difficult and complicated of all varieties of Demontongue created during the peak of the Pride Demon's culture. Infamous for having some of the most convoluted, long, and difficult to pronounce words, perhaps in all of the universe (ex: "crekmahogoakbireverbarkflorfon", which means board). Hell-based historians argue this is to increase the magic potential of Pride Demon spells, although adept sorcerers believe this was done so the noble class could gatekeep their brand of magic from the "common rabble". Regardless, due to the outbreak of the Affliction, there is the very real possibility that this dialect might become a dead language in the not too distant future, which brings worry to the magic world, but relief to those tasked with translating demonic scripture.
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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