#but then why allude to casab? to say that thats not an obstacle?
agp · 10 months
"a person coercively assigned female at birth having primary or secondary sexual characteristics associated with men will never negate their womanhood as it is continuously reassigned. it never negated mine, so why would it negate anyone else's? if those features are part of your biology, and thats how youre gendered (by yourself or others), you are "biologically" a woman. i will never believe in reinforcing that gender = assigned sex at birth, but if I can be assigned female at birth and have sexual characteristics associated with men, but somehow still find myself coercively gendered as a woman, anyone of any body type can be a woman or female or a girl whatever the hell gender for that matter" isnt the win for trans feminism you think it is. "if i can be all that i dont see why assigned gender should be an obstacle" is even more myopic
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