#but then I watched characters I liked a lot like Ferdinand be utterly ripped apart and reduced to simping
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
I just think it's wild how Three Hopes really did its best work on the Blue Lions and improved some major aspects of them tenfold (such as not making them single trait tropes like tsundere whine whine Felix and can't-say-anything-but-stupid-flirty-shit Sylvain). They fixed every relationship (such as Annette and Gilbert, the Gautier family, Felix and Rodrigue, Dedue and Ingrid, etc) and all of the characters feel like real people and not just lazy tropes with little to no development.
Meanwhile the Deer and and Eagles are mostly worse versions of themselves (Ferdinand is just a regular ol' Edelgard simp and every aspect of his Houses character was completely wiped regarding his views and her; Dorothea is ten times worse and is nothing but an Edelgard simp who would literally canonically rather die than not be by her waifu's side; Caspar will fight and for Thales bc uwu Fr The Empire except that the Empire he loved and fought for is dead and has been for half a year by that point; Claude forget it we all know that story; Raphael is utterly brainless and doesn't have a kind bone in his body when it comes to invading other lands and just wants to punch innocent people who did nothing to him bc it makes him feel stronkers, etc).
Some non-BL characters got improvements (Leonie isn't 100% Jeralt centric, Hilda has more to her character than being lazy and whiny, Hubert is shown not to be a 110% callous jerk outside of anyone except Edelgard and has an easier time forming relationships with other Eagles), but overall most of them were made much worse.
Even non direct BL, GD and BE characters are included in this. Nader is way worse and is a happy violent pillager, Judith is just kinda mean for ??? some reason, Sothis is a crazed bitch for ??? some reason (apparently waking up a year earlier makes you bitchier if you're a goddess??? man I thought it was 220 years earlier haha Tellius joke inserted), and meanwhile Miklan gets a redemption arc enough to the point where his father of all people wants to avenge him.
Highkey feels like they poured all their effort into the Lions and let everything else go up in flames like a dumpster fire while for some reason (but also We Know Why) marketing the game with as much Edelwaifu as they could and making sure she's happy pappy and nobody can dare harm her because that would be an outrage. She can, of course, as ever, harm as much as she wants and it's Okay and Just and The Right Thing To Do.
Hopes really is a wild ride.
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