#but that’s not healthy for me tbh nostalgia is the mind killer
80hdean · 1 year
Cannot fucking believe I worked all day long to reblog as fast as i possibly could, way faster and more careless than I usually am, like I spent more than 6 hours doing this, and still never hit post limit. I don’t think it’s even possible for me.
Actually wait I did some math. If post limit is 250 and I spent 6 hours on this website I would have had to reblog faster than one post every 1.5 minutes which okay I’ll be honest there’s no way I managed that. So much of my dash is really text heavy or even if it’s technically a jpeg it’s got a buttload of text in funny fonts on it which takes even longer to decode or just like straight up videos that are longer than 90 seconds! 90 seconds per post is so fast! To read or watch a post, decide if it’s worth reblogging, add the requisite tag(s) and wait for the app to load shit.
Y’all who hit post limit regularly…is it mostly just still photos? One liner shitposts? How on earth do y’all do it. Coz at this point I’m realizing I’d have to spent probably 10-12 hours on tumblr realistically to get 250 posts reblogged. And even that idk some days I’m a lot slower or there are a lot more long form text posts to read.
Huh well destiel I guess y’all weren’t important enough for me today 😔
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