#but she'll recover
yuridovewing · 9 months
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cinematic-phosphenes · 2 months
My reaction to Episode 8:
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n7punk · 3 months
because no one else is fucking writing it up on tumblr and i want to remember this bonkers moment: for those who doesn't use tiktok or twitter/just haven't come across it, kate middleton has been "missing" for two months (last photographed on christmas) because she was supposedly at the hospital (later at home, somehow leaving the hospital without being seen) recovering in privacy from a "planned abdominal surgery" (that despite being "planned" she needed to suddenly cancel her engagements for), which is fine, but the total lack of photographs/video and history of coverups and mistreatment in the royal family made people suspicious and ask for proof of life (just a photo, the royal family is constantly being photographed), which didn't happen for 70 days, when a single photo of probably-Kate being driven by her mother popped up, but the photo was so grainy it didn't convince some people.
now today the internet is on fire because they finally posted a high-res photo of her with her kids (sans William, supposedly he took the photo), except it's so clearly-yet-subtly photoshopped around her head that it almost looks like AI generated it. people immediately started tearing it apart and then several media outlets (including AP) put out notices to their partners not to share the photo because even THEY believed it had been edited. so the royal family had to put out a statement, right? well the statement from kate's twitter (supposedly written by her, except we know from harry that they would put out press statements "signed by him" that he had never seen) says "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing", making the story that kate herself photoshopped a different head on the picture to idk, hide her wrinkles or something (hilarious notion that she would do this instead of someone on pr, especially when the photographer was supposed to be WILLIAM but now she's taking the fall), and then she signed it with the letter "C" (her full name is Catherine with a C), which as far as I can tell is something she does very occasionally (the last time she did it before this photo and the following photoshop statement that i could find is another family photo on christmas last year), but it's as if they're trying to affirm that trust us bro, kate is the one tweeting.
also now there's articles being posted about william's alleged mistress and out of nowhere there's a supposed paparazzi photo of kate driving around when days before the british media said they weren't going to post anything of her until she returned to royal duties, almost like they got the greenlight to do damage control. anyway people should get time to recover from surgery but this whole thing is either shady or ludicrous.
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ferronickel · 8 months
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Looking Glasses Page 60
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Ribbons. They feel nostalgic.
Next page wednesday, October 11th (a day early because I will be at NYCC on the regular post date)
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green-tea-lemonade · 4 months
Your solnep gives me life <3
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give power!!! give life!!!
a powerhouse of a duo!!!
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 5 months
anyone who found Saltburn shocking would lose their god damn mind at Poor Things
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drrav3nb · 2 years
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And who has you?
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binah-beloved · 6 months
if you die or come close to it, Binah cries
she doesn't even notice at first, her expression unchanging, only feeling something cold running down her face, nor is it very much- two or three tears, at most
but now she knows what it's like to cry over someone she loves, and she almost smiles when she realizes how much she's fallen for you
if you survive your injuries she cries more, this time in your presence and carefully holding your hand, wishing you a speedy recovery
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thebisexualteen · 5 months
I kept my promise
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There here's Marie and Camillo
I started imagine Camillo in Satellite's room with his brothers and all of a sudden his stomach starts hurting a few minutes in their room
Marie, despite being 4 yrs old, is generally fancy about certain things to her ugly parents(Glad Crescent is dealing with them)
As I am, the curious teen, now I wonder how Crescent reacts to Lily telling him about her bullies and her getting in trouble in school for defending herself from her bullies(Her School recommended Crescent that Lily has to behave from now on or she goes to boarding school cause in the past weeks, she has been behaving bad but mostly cause of her issues with alot of things)
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blinkpen · 9 months
i've determined that grimstone doing what amounts to assigning a completely established-aesthetics-ignoring fursona for demersa ends up being a boon, bc afterward, very few people aside those close to the situation ever realized that this particular big buff monster lady wreaking havoc (we do got a lot of them in this city) alongside grim was even demersa at all, so after all the hell she's been through in the arc, she gets to mercifully duck disproportionate backlash for a situation that was barely her fault but the general public would not possibly know the illuminating context, which would be humiliating for someone like her to have to discuss and deal with being forever public knowledge
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kakashihasibs · 4 months
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She had her once a year bath and she swears she nearly died. The poor angel 🥺
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unxpctedlygreat · 5 months
bad coughing fits again 😭 all this because she came for the holidays while sick and didn't bother trying to keep her sickness to herself
the past few days had seemed ok, i dont get why it's gotten back to this, it's so frustrating because i cant control it!!!!!
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kelpiemomma · 9 months
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The screaming had lasted for hours.
Not screaming like someone was dying; Ingo would have intervened if that were the case.
In some ways, the argument he could almost hear was worse.
The twins had come round with Cori and Razz, picking up Akari and Rei and taking them out for ice cream when it had started. Ingo had asked Davis about it who had, reasonably, looked uncomfortable.
"Dizzy loves our brother, she really, really does. But she... takes his lifestyle personally. They're very similar like that." Davis had responded quietly. "It's an old argument with no end. This happens- not normally in front of the kids, so Khan had us take them out of the house when she started winding up, and Cor asked if we could grab Akari for ice cream and..."
Ingo had let them go, sitting at home and listening. He couldn't hear the words but he could hear the tone. How angry Dizzy was, how it would go quiet and then there would be another outburst. Only a handful of times did Khan raise his voice in return at his sister, but never for very long. Ingo couldn't remember having any arguments like that with Emmet. He didn't remember their childhood, but the memories he had recovered of their teenage years and before his accident... he didn't think he and his twin had ever been quite so volatile.
Then again, there had been no signs of this sort of conflict between the oldest siblings either. If he wasn't hearing it, he'd never have thought they'd fight like this. Given the lack of interference from the rest of the neighborhood he wagered Davis was right, and that the best way to deal with this storm was simply to ride it out.
When the argument finally ended he was standing by his window that looked into his neighbor's front yard, worried. Dizzy stormed out with Khan following quickly behind. Ingo had never seen him look so... small. It was hardly a word one would associate with the young man, given his height and stature, and yet it was the only word Ingo could think of to describe him.
He watched as Khan reached for his sister, only for her to turn and slap his hand away.
“Why can’t you even try, you self-sacrificing bastard? You never even try!”
She stomped down the sidewalk, slamming the door to her car shut before turning it on and pulling out at a decidedly unsafe speed. Ingo watched as Khan stared after her, shoulders still slumped, before he put a hand up to his face and turned to walk back into his home.
Maybe it would be better to leave well enough alone, to pretend he hadn’t overheard… _that,_ but Khan was… well. Khan was his friend. Things may have been shaky to start with between them, but they had smoothed out. Khan knew about Ingo’s amnesia and never once judged him for it. Now, Ingo knew about… this.
Still. He hesitated before walking out of his own home and down the sidewalk to his neighbor’s, glancing around at the rest of the homes on the street. Blinds were slowly opening, curious eyes peeking through to see what still stood in the wake of the hurricane argument. The door to Khan’s home was unlocked when he tried the handle and Ingo slowly opened the door.
“Khan?” He called out.
There was a sniffling sound, a familiar hitch of breath.
“Yeah?” Khan’s voice was thick and low when he replied. “What’s up, need something fixed?”
“No, I…” Ingo shut the door behind him. The house was in one piece. For all the screaming and noise it appeared that nothing had been broken. The argument may have sounded violent but nobody had gotten physical. “I heard what happened and I was wondering if you were… alright.”
“Oh, you… you heard that?” Khan hadn’t come out to find him and so Ingo continued towards his voice instead. “Well,  yeah. They could probably hear that on the moon.”
“Possibly. I was unaware that Dizzy’s volume could rival my own.”
Khan was sat in the kitchen, slouched down in one of the chairs he’d built by hand. A byproduct of one of the many jobs he’d taken to keep his siblings fed, homed, and safe. He still looked, to Ingo’s dismay, small. Defeated. Deflated of all life.
“Yeah, she’s got some pipes on her. Always has. About burst my eardrums when she was a toddler, the way she’d howl when she threw a fit.”
One hand was rubbing at his face and his shoulders were still shaking intermittently. Ingo paused, uncertain, before he rested a hand on Khan’s shoulder.
“I don’t know what happened, but if you’d like to talk about it… or if you’d prefer, I can leave?”
Khan was silent long enough that Ingo prepared to straighten up, head out the door, and pretend this had never happened.
Khan leaned forward, rubbed his eyes again, and shook his head.
“You can stay,” he said quietly, and Ingo pretended he didn’t see the tears falling onto the floor, “it’s fine. You can stay.”
#khan a.#neighbor au#dizzy loves her brother but even though it's been over a decade she takes the decisions he made as a teenager personally#she feels guilt for not being able to help him more nevermind that she was a couple years younger than him#with all of them older and better able to take care of themselves she wants him to start branching out and DOING things#and doesn't understand that khan doesn't feel like a failure (bc she does) and that he's actually quite... comfortable and happy.#and that it's taken him a while to feel this way because he always felt like he wasn't doing ENOUGH#she's the well meaning younger sibling who feels like she held him back and now she's trying to 'encourage' him into doing something MORE#when khan can finally do LESS#eventually there will be a compromise where ingo does not wander over afterwards and find khan pretending he's not crying (again)#(ingo will help be that catalyst bc he understands why dizzy feels as though she's failed because he's gone through it with emmet feeling#the same way about ingo's own injury that caused his amnesia. they'll sit her down and have a talk with her and then she'll go#talk to her brother and they'll cry into each other's arms because they're actually very melodramatic)#but for now. for a little while yet. they will argue and khan will send the littles away and ingo will help him recover.#dizzy will come back in a week and they won't speak about It until the feelings bottle up and build up enough pressure to explode again.#ingo#SKETCHY SKETCHY IT LOOKS BAD OH WELL
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I will always be here for fashion chat 👀
Ah I shall do some fashion-y recaps soon!
Today's looks, outta 5 stars, what you giving them?
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paradoxgavel · 1 month
!!!! my mom finally got prescribed physical therapy!! she's been in serious need of it for years, I've been so worried about her!! ;v;
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Im leaning towards voting amane forgiven right now, though i still fear what the consequences will be if she ends up forgiven
But the damage amane can cause can be managed (not all of it but better than nothing), while the mental (and possibly physical) damage that a second unforgiven vote will inflict on her will be too much
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