#but oooh I just love the idea of wgm x kags
ellewords · 3 years
I’M BACK WITH ONE MORE SET OF WGM HEADCANONS....this time it’s kageyama with a partner who’s a popular fashion designer! this is lowkey inspired by @/w-yuren’s sunday umbrella series bc it’s a model au^^ anyways, his partner is unveiling a new collection at a future show and it was suggested that they go on wgm to help promote it—and of course it just so happens that they get paired with a famous volleyball player who honestly looks like he could be a model himself (but kags thinks the same thing about his partner too regardless of whether he catches feelings for them or not!)
i can see him initially being quite stiff...marriage is one thing, but a /fake/ marriage? please help him he’s not really sure what to do!! is it okay to be this close?? he’s not being creepy, right?? it’s not uncomfortable?? but his partner is really friendly and easygoing, and seems to know just what to say (unlike him sometimes) which puts him at ease a bit
very early on his partner asks him to teach them volleyball and he just. LIGHTS UP!!! their partner tries their best to support him by coming to his games and practices (ushijima’s always trending when those episodes air because the people love seeing this big beefy gentleman again after his well-received appearance on wgm) as well as familiarizing themself with the sport, and their efforts don’t go unnoticed! i think this would really help kageyama warm up to them and be more receiptive to when they talk to him about fashion, even if some of the more technical terms go over his head
both him and his partner are extremely talented at what they do; kags is constantly amazed at everything they make, from the roughest sketch to a completed outfit, but his partner also thinks the same about him when they see him playing volleyball!
sometimes when out on a date his partner’ll see something that could serve as a source of inspiration and the fans think it’s so cute because they’ll just be snapping pics on their phone or sketching something really quickly in that little notepad they always carry around and kags is just. following them too
eventually he becomes more comfortable around his spouse (he still gets flustered at times though) and one night he pays them a visit in their studio with their favorite snacks and two little cartons of milk in tow as they’re working on some outfits and he can’t help but gaze fondly at them as they zip around like a busy little bird (the fans go crazy)
he surprises himself when he finds that he’s reminding them to get some rest, to sit down and have a snack with him, because he’s been in their shoes before. perhaps their caring nature has been rubbing off on him, he thinks.
at some point hinata decides to pay him a visit, both to catch up and give him some encouraging words—after all, he was on this show as well and it was nothing short of a wonderful experience for him! he sees the way kageyama’s hand is always on the small of their back when walking somewhere and how his partner likes to reach up and ruffle his hair gently before smoothing it back to its original stage and hinata knows both kags and his partner are in good hands
kageyama and his partner’s season on wgm ends some time before their big fashion show, but his spouse promises to save him a special front-row seat. and true to their word, one day kageyama receives a fancy invitation in the mail, but that’s not all; also included is a custom-made suit (SUIT AND TURTLENECK COMBO PERHAPS??) that his partner made for him! so that’s why they were getting his measurements that one time while filming. he was never too familiar with what went on in the fashion world, but he can’t help but look at his spouse’s gift with pride and wonder—it’s made exactly to his tastes and feels comfortable, not to mention that /they/ made it, just for him
THIS WAS KINDA LONG AND IDK IF I GOT KAGEYAMA RIGHT I’M SORRY....regardless i do like the thought of all of these wgm headcanons and scenarios taking place in the same universe like wgm knows what the people want and that’s why they keep on inviting these handsome volleyball players to star on their show!! —🌸
— from elle ! aaa omg i love the idea of all the wgm hcs taking place in the same universe !! i imagine like a special episode wherein all of the volleyball players who have been on the show and their respective spouses coming on and having this big sit-down interview where they talk about their relationship after filming and watching + discussing their fave clips / moments aaah. anyways love all of what you sent in and a bunch of lil drabbles/scenes from that under the cut. tysm for sending this in !! <3 
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kageyama paces around the locker room, the adlers’ publicist had just sent him an email, confirming his appearance on the show. it’s not like he came up to them with this idea, he essentially had no choice in the matter. but after ushijima’s extremely well received episodes, it couldn’t possibly hurt to send in another one of if his teammates.
“why couldn’t it be romero or hoshiumi?” kageyama mumbles under his breath, too many questions flitting in and out of his mind: how does he act? will my partner even like me? what if we don’t get along? we may not even get past one episode…
he feels a steady hand on his shoulder, stopping his pacing. ushijima looks at him with brows furrowed, very clearly confused at his actions, “is something the matter, kageyama?”
he takes in a sharp breath as he shrugs off ushijima’s hand, “how did you manage to do it? you were filming for months…right? were you nervous? how did you get your partner to like you?”
ushijima immediately understood, word of his appearance on wgm had quickly spread around the team. “i was very nervous. but just try your best not to cause trouble for anybody. being kind will not hurt yourself or your partner.”
“but—” kageyama didn’t feel like that was enough, doing nothing to ease the tension the bubbled from the pits of his stomach. 
“and have faith in your partner, they’ll come through as long as you don’t close yourself off.”
the first time kageyama met you, he was afraid that his palms would be too sweaty. what does he even do? does he bow, would that be too formal? should he shake your hand, when his palms are practically dripping wet? what should he even call you? by your first name? or should he already start thinking of terms of endearment?
his questions come to a screeching halt when he sees your figure bounding up towards him, with a large grin and open arms, sweeping him into a hug. kageyama loses his balance for a few seconds, the impact of your body against his just a little too sudden. kageyama’s frozen stiff, unable to wrap his arms around you in return. 
you pull back, playfully nudging his shoulder with yours, “let’s try and have some fun, okay?”
he remembers ushijima’s words, letting out a quiet “…okay.” 
kageyama felt terrible.  
It’s not like he was closing himself off, he just doesn’t know what to do. your first days of filming was filled with you essentially doing all the heavy lifting and fanservice. always the one who started conversations and kept it going, the one to initiate any sort of physical gesture or affection. always asking him if he’s okay, reminding him that he was doing great.
and he wanted to be like that for you too. it’s just that he doesn’t know where to begin, how close is too close? how much affection was considered inappropriate? but you were just trying so hard to make your “marriage” work, to make him comfortable while still trying to make the episode as enjoyable for the viewers as possible. kageyama couldn’t help but admire you for that. he comes to the conclusion that as long as you were trying, then he would have to as well.
the shift came a couple of days before a game. kageyama made his way to your studio so he could drop off his spare jersey and jacket — at the incessant suggesting of hinata who had been on the show before.
“trust me, bakayama!” hinata exclaimed over the phone, “your spouse and the viewers will love it!”
kageyama sees you hunched over your desk, the brightness of your screen lighting up your features, you looked just a little too focused and he worries that he interrupted your work.
“i brought you something.” he coughs out, presenting his jacket and jersey to you.
“thanks! i'm so excited to watch you play!” you take the clothes from his hands and make your way back to your desk, “i've been doing my research you know?”
you flip your laptop so that it could face him. kageyama sees videos of his previous games pulled up, as well as some websites explaining the rules and terminologies. “i could teach you all that stuff...”
“would you? i just thought you were busy and i didn’t want to bother you.”
“no!” kageyama exclaimed, and it might have been the loudest you’ve ever heard him speak, “i can...i can make time.”
“teach me then.”
kageyama taking you to the court and teaching you volleyball is one of the most rewatched clips in the show’s history.
the cameras weren’t around. he technically didn’t have to do this. so why exactly is he driving to your studio in the middle of the night with all your favorite snacks and a couple cartons of milk, he’s unsure.
but he’s grateful that he did when he sees you lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, very clearly exhausted. “yn?”
you immediately sat straight up at the sound of his voice, “come here for a second will you?”
kageyama nods, allowing you to grab him by the hand and lead him to the center of the room. you had a tape measure in your hand, hands grazing over his arms, shoulders, waist, back, and legs.
“you can breathe, you know?” you chuckle, looking at how stiff he was trying to be.
kageyama refuses to let out even an exhale of breath, “no, i'm fine.”
you shake your head at his stubbornness, “well, i'm done anyways.” 
“what was that for?” kageyama asked, watching as you took note of his measurements in your little notebook before putting away the tape measure.
“you’ll see.” you winked, a small smirk threatening to appear on your lips. kageyama doesn’t know why his words get caught in his throat, you were always so bold with him, why was tonight any different?
“eat these with me.” you spoke, holding up the white plastic bag filled with snacks that he had brought with him.
kageyama nods, making his way over to where you sat cross-legged on the floor, gaze scanning around every exposed area of your studio — at the half-dressed mannequins and the photos you have taped up on the walls, all of which are achingly familiar. “those are the pictures from our dates, right?”
conversation flows much easier now, next thing you know the sun was already rising, warm rays of orange streaming in from the windows. kageyama couldn’t help the way you basked in its glow, a small smile on his face. 
kageyama’s first sign was the way his chest ached on the last day of filming, when you hugged him goodbye after months of filming, “hey! you’ll still go to my show, right? even if we aren’t married anymore.”
he couldn’t help but smile at the almost demanding tone in your voice, he knew you meant well. he was going to miss you, wasn’t he? “of course, i'll be there.”
kageyama’s second sign was the way his heart beat picked up when a package is sent to him, one that contained your name as the sender. he smiled when he sees the invitation in your handwriting, ‘for my dashing ex-husband, i can’t wait to see you again.’ 
the third and final sign was the way his eyes lit up when you finally walked down the runway, smiling and waving as models, critiques, and audience alike applauded you for your collection. he knew cameras were pointed at him as well, watching his reaction. but he just couldn’t find it in himself to care. kageyama was proud of you, that much was evident in the way he cheered — just as loud and enthusiastic as you did when you came to watch his games. this was you in your element, and he melts when you wave directly at him. 
there was no denying it, he loved you. and he was no longer the same person he was when you had first met. no, this time he’s making the first move, he’s telling you how he feels. 
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a question: how would the hq boys (specifically timeskip) act on a variety show like we got married?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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join my hq taglist here. <3
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