#but once we move it'll be an hour of driving alone. plus the time I'll have to spend at her place.
running-in-the-dark · 2 months
it's actually evil that you need to have a (newer) smartphone and an app to confirm the transaction every time you want to transfer money
for many, many reasons, but mostly because it's one more thing I need to keep figuring out for my mother and I don't want to!
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lucisfavoritedemon · 5 years
Not Another Flower to be Picked
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Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: Language, feeling worthless, pent up anger, angst, slight fluff, a very fierce female main character (yes it's a warning), season 13/14 spoilers.
Word Count: 1881
A/N: Written for @atc74 Fierce Females of Fanfiction Challenge.
She had been living on her own for a long time. She knew how to take care of herself. She could survive days out in the that world and could never be seen. She thought that the camp would make a good temporary home for a while.
She was more in danger there, than she was anywhere. Angels always attacking, always moving, it was a life she couldn't lead. She would still visit though for a while.
A fierce woman who didn't want to stay put. Bobby always called her the flower that was hard to find. If you found it you have luck for all eternity.
The last time she went to the camp was the last time she ever saw that wretched place. For two brothers came and ripped her from its grip.
She didn't mind it though for she had seen the older one before in this world. She had seen him suddenly appear in a orangish warp. She was intrigued by him, so she did what she knew best. She followed wherever he went. She knew how to make herself go unnoticed.
Then the Angels spotted them and all hell broke lose. She was sure he was done for. She knew a recipe to help heal him of his wound.
She slipped the paper to the other man with him. And it worked. Deep down she knew she saved his life, but he would never know.
She knew how she felt towards the man, and she didn't try to hide it either. If you hid your feelings you were a coward. And she made that very clear to him which prompted him into asking her out.
Though the glory of the moment was soon shattered when Michael and Lucifer showed up.
The young Nephilim was able to hold his own with Michael, until Lucifer took his grace and vanished with him and Sam in tow.
Dean was so desperate to save them he did the unthinkable. He let Michael take over. And thus was lost to her for what she was forever.
"I'm going out I'll be back soon." She called from the entrance stairs.
"Where do you think you're going?" Sam said walking up behind her.
"I told you out."
"Not happening."
"But I..."
"No buts Y/n you know the rules."
"I can take care of myself you know?"
"I get that, but..."
"Do you Sam do you? I have spent my entire life running and fighting things that go bump in the night one tiny nest of vamps aren't gonna kill me. I've taken on dozens of nests at once by myself."
"I get that, but it's far too dangerous to be out on your own. Please just go back to your room or to the library. I need you doing what you do best."
"What I do best is hunting Sam. I know you say you get it but I really don't think you do."
"Please you are no good to us dead, so please just stay in the Bunker?"
"Fine, but only because I know you will never drop it until I do."
"Thank you. I actually have a favor to ask of you."
"What's that?"
"Do more research on the bodies found by that railroad in Ohio. We need more info on them."
"Let me guess, you Mary and Bobby are going to Duluth because it could be a possible lead on Dean?"
"Okay fine yes, but I need you here handling things while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?"
"Fine. On one condition."
"Name it."
"Next hunt no matter what you take me with. One hunt that's all I'm asking for."
"I can do that."
"'Kay I'll call you from the road if there are anymore leads, or anything suspicious."
"Thank you."
"No problem, oh and Sam?" Sam looked over his shoulder acknowledging her, "bring him home if you can."
"I will try my best Y/n."
Sam then gathered the remainder of his stuff and headed towards the garage. Y/n was left alone on for the tenth time since she had been living at the Bunker. She didn't care anymore if she was not following orders. Back in her world the only orders she followed was her own. She needed to take care of the nest ASAP or more people were going to die.
"Where do you think you're going?" Cas sneaked up behind her as she finished packing her duffle.
"Doesn't matter. Something that I need to take care of. Since our fearless leader won't do it."
"I know you don't mean that."
"I do Castiel. I do mean it. Innocent people are dying and I'm going to help them. If you dare call Sam and tell him I left I won't ever come back, and you won't be able to track me done either."
She then ran out of the room and up the stairs leaving the Bunker.
It took her 3 hours to drive, track, and kill the entire nest of vamps. She was proud of herself for she still had it in her. She never let herself get to cocky for that is letting your guard down.
She was back at the Bunker before anyone ever realized she was gone. Or so she hoped.
"Thank god you're alright." Cas said as she entered the Bunker.
"Of course I'm okay why?"
"Because Sam called from the road. Marry, Bobby, and he were tracking down Michael and there were Werewolves waiting for them. The thing is silver didn't kill them."
"Oh great he super freaked these monsters too. That's the last thing I need."
"What do you mean?" Cas looked at me still as confused.
"Michael juices monsters up with the perfect amount of grace. Just enough for them to become more powerful. Back home it was a select few, here it seems like every monster is gonna become that way."
"That's not good."
"No because they become harder to kill. Some even harder to identify."
"Great that is the last thing we need."
"What's the last thing we need?" Sam asked as he walked into the bunker.
"Powered up monsters that are harder to kill, and harder to identify." Cas answered for her.
"Great that is the last thing we need, but I do have a surprise for you Y/n."
"Sam I swear if you got me another freaking Bluetooth headset I'm gonna personally kill you myself."
"No, it's..."
Just then a man in a tux vest, white button up, and black pants walks in the room. Y/n knew this man, and was so thankful to have him back.
"How did you get him back from Michael?"
"Michael let me go sweet heart."
"No, I don't trust it. I don't trust him."
"Don't worry it's me, I promise."
"Okay...whatever you say Deano." She was hesitant though around him. She knew how Michael worked and Michael would just let his vessel walk away.
Dean went to change out of what was left of his tuxedo, while Sam stayed out to question Y/n about her whereabouts.
"So how was research?"
"It was good I didn't find anything suspicious about the bodies, but looks like Michael was behind it."
"Yeah trying to create the perfect weapon for his army apparently."
"That doesn't sound good."
"Yeah it's not. Plus you have already known that had you been around here when I told Cas. So where did you go?"
"You know what I am tired of always sitting on the sidelines waiting to help but never getting to because you are worried about me. Well news flash Winchester. I was doing totally fine on my own with no one but me. I'm sure I could handle a tiny best of vamps, and I did. No back up no nothing."
"You promised me you would stay put."
"I know, but I couldn't just sit around while our fearless leader was chasing something that can't be reality. Dean was gone. I was willing to accept that why couldn't you?"
"Because he's my brother!"
She knew that once Michael had people they were gone. There was no saving them.
"I'm out here. Time to move on." She stated grabbing her duffle from under the table.
"You're going to break his heart."
"It's better than still seeing a monster I stand him to turn into. It will happen Sam. Trust me."
Just like that she was gone. On her own again. She ached from not having Dean by her side, but she couldn't stand to have him dangled in her face. She couldn't show Michael that he was her weakness. She had to stay strong to survive.
"I told you boys about that girl. She is feisty, but good to have around. She is lucky." Bobby informed them.
"You keep saying that, but where is the luck?" Sam asked not seeing where Bobby was going.
"She is rare. She had never allowed herself to love because of how she has learned to survive on her own. But she isn't to be toyed with either. She may not show it but she is sensitive. One wrong move and she's gone. Without a trace."
"We could track her down though..."
"Good luck with that." A voice rang through the ears of all three of the men.
"Y/n?" Dean looked astonished like he was seeing things.
"Hi ya Deano."
"I thought you were gone forever?"
"Not forever just temporary."
"Good. Are you here to stay?"
"On a few conditions."
"Name 'em."
"I go on hunts more often, I will not be another flower to be picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget."
"Got it. You have a deal."
"Sam I lost her once I'm not losing her again. If she wants to go on more hunts let her. I know why you kept her here, but I trust her."
"Fine, but if one thing goes wrong I put my foot down on her going anymore."
"Sam? I know you're scared of losing me, but they me I have been surviving in that world my whole life. Even before Michael took over. I have always been on my own. I know how to fend for myself. If something happens it'll be my fault. I have learned to keep my guard up. Never let it down. I will be careful."
"Another thing, if I had gone out and taken those vamps out. How many do you think there were?"
"Nests can vary, but since you took them on by yourself I'd say maybe five at the most."
Y/n was soon gonna wipe that smile of his face. For what she was about to tell him was gonna make him think twice about whether she can take care of herself.
"15 Sam. I took down 15 vamps by myself. No help. 3 hours total."
"I say we let her take care of herself aye Sammy. That's my girl." Dean said slapping his brother's shoulder then running to his girl and kissing her lips.
"I know I say I don't need a hero but even sometimes a girl needs saving."
"Oh really?"
"Not this one, but nice try Deano."
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